Investigating Answer Validation Using Noise Identification and
Classification in Goal-Oriented Dialogues
Sara Mirabi
1 a
, Bahadorreza Ofoghi
, John Yearwood
, Diego Molla-Aliod
and Vicky Mak-Hau
School of Information Technology, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
School of Computing, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
{s.mirabi, b.ofoghi, john.yearwood, vicky.mak},
Dialogue Systems, Multi-Agent Conversational Systems, Noisy Answers, Answer Validation, Error Detection,
Linear Programming, Optimization.
Goal-oriented conversational systems based on large language models (LLMs) provide the potential capability
to gather the necessary requirements for solving tasks or developing solutions. However, in real-world scenarios,
non-expert users may respond incorrectly to dialogue questions, which can impede the system’s effectiveness
in eliciting accurate information. This paper presents a novel approach to detecting and categorizing noisy
answers in goal-oriented conversations, with a focus on modeling linear programming problems. Using a
current LLM, Gemini, we develop multi-agent synthetic conversations based on problem statements from the
benchmark optimization modeling dataset NL4Opt to generate dialogues in the presence of noisy answers too.
Our experiments show the LLM is not sufficiently equipped with the capabilities to detect noisy answers and
hence, in almost 59% of the cases where there is a noisy answer, the LLM continues with the conversation
without any attempts at resolving the noise. Thus, we also propose a two-step answer validation method for
the identification and classification of noisy answers. Our findings demonstrate that while some LLM and
non-LLM-based models perform well in detecting answer inaccuracies, there is a need for further improvements
in classifying noisy answers into fine-grained stress types.
Nowadays, large language models (LLMs) enable non-
expert users to seek and retrieve information efficiently.
However, interaction with LLMs is not without chal-
lenges; non-expert users may provide incorrect infor-
mation or noise in conversations due to the lack of
knowledge or misunderstanding, which can mislead
information seeking and decrease the overall perfor-
mance of LLMs.
Noise in conversations can arise from various
sources, such as ambiguities, misunderstandings, or
intentional misdirection, leading to irrelevant or in-
accurate information. While LLMs have enhanced
information accessibility and interactions, assuring the
quality of user input, detecting and identifying vari-
ous error types, and rectifying them is an area that
demands more exploration.
In this work, we focus on noise in a goal-oriented
conversational system based on linear programming
(LP) problems. LP is a technique for solving optimiza-
tion problems (OPs). However, the intricate nature of
OPs and the lack of mathematical expertise can make
it challenging for manufacturers and business owners
to provide accurate input for modeling such problems
independently. In OPs, the necessary components typ-
ically include decision variables, which represent the
choices available for making decisions; objective func-
tions, which define the goal or the objective to be
optimized, e.g., maximization or minimization; and
constraints which are the requirements and limitations
that the solution must satisfy (Savic, 2002).
To analyze the behavior of the questioning agent in
the presence of noise and its ability to detect incorrect
responses, we generated goal-oriented conversations
considering noisy answers by simulating interactions
between a mathematically-aware agent and a business
client with an optimization need. The optimization
problems from the NL4Opt dataset (Ramamonjison
et al., 2023) provide the basis for the client’s responses.
To generate these conversations, our methodology em-
ploys prompt engineering with three primary agents.
The first agent is tasked with generating queries to
elicit all necessary components, the second agent gen-
Mirabi, S., Ofoghi, B., Yearwood, J., Molla-Aliod, D. and Mak-Hau, V.
Investigating Answer Validation Using Noise Identification and Classification in Goal-Oriented Dialogues.
DOI: 10.5220/0013304000003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 2, pages 658-669
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Problem Statement (PS): A nut farmer has 80 acres of land on
which he grows almonds and pecans. The net revenue per acre
of almonds is $500 and the net revenue per acre of pecans is
$600. Each acre of almonds requires 1.5 days worth of labor
and $200 in maintenance costs. Each acre of pecans requires 3
days worth of labor and $250 in maintenance costs...
Hello! I have a nut farm and I want to optimize my net
That's great! So, you want to maximize your net revenue from your nut
farm. To do that, we'll need to figure out exactly what factors influence
that revenue. Can you tell me, what are the different types of nuts you
Well, my farm grows 40 percent almonds and 76 percent
pecans, which is less than 70 percent in total.
Correctness Checker
Result: Incorrect
Reason: If 40% are
almonds and 76% are
pecans, this adds up to
Noise Classifier
Result: Inconsistent
Reason: The
percentages provided in
the answer do not add
up correctly.
Hi there! I'm Optigem, your friendly optimization assistant. I can help
you formulate optimization problems to help you make better decisions.
What kind of business are you in? I'd love to hear about what you're
working on.
If incorrect
Figure 1: A snippet of the generated conversation for an
NL4Opt problem statement that includes a generated ques-
tion by question generator (QG), a correct answer generated
by answer generator (AG), and a noisy answer generated by
noise generator (NG). The noisy answer is detected using
a correctness checker and classified with a noise classifier
erates accurate answers derived directly from the text
descriptions in NL4Opt, and the third agent injects
deliberate noise into the conversations randomly from
within six categories including incomplete, too much
information, non-sequitur, confusion, inconsistent, and
exaggerated answers, mimicking potential inaccura-
cies in real-world user responses. We also introduce a
novel automated answer validation system that shifts
the focus from solely validating LLM-generated re-
sponses to evaluating the accuracy of user-side inputs
within a conversation, while classifying noisy user in-
puts into the six predefined error categories. Figure 1
shows the process of generating conversations and val-
idating answers using the answer validation system.
The main contributions of this work therefore include:
We generate a dataset consisting of 1,101 dialogues
that include noisy answers mimicking real-world
user behavior with Gemini (Reid et al., 2024), and
manually annotate these noisy answers by three
annotators to ensure the correctness of the noise
generation process, where correctness refers to
the accuracy and relevancy of the intended noise
within its respective category.
We assess the LLM’s capabilities in detecting noisy
responses to questions and taking rectification
steps to elicit correct information.
We propose an automated answer validation sys-
tem and assess their strengths and weaknesses in
conversational noise detection and classification us-
ing Gemini (Reid et al., 2024), Mixtral (Jiang et al.,
2024a), Llama (Touvron et al., 2023) and non-
LLM models, i.e., BERT (Kenton and Toutanova,
2019), RoBERTa (Liu, 2019), and LSTM (Staude-
meyer and Morris, 2019).
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we present the related work. Section 3
outlines the proposed methodology, including dataset
generation, human annotation, LLM awareness analy-
sis, and answer validation. The results of our proposed
methods are discussed in Section 4. Section 5 provides
concluding insights, and future work is discussed in
Section 6.
Answer validation has been highlighted across systems,
from traditional question answering (QA) to modern
LLM-based conversational systems. In one of the early
works, Zhang and Zhang (2003) introduced a logic-
based approach for validating answers in a Chinese QA
system by utilizing lexical knowledge and logic form
transformation (LFT). Harabagiu and Hickl (2006)
focused on filtering out noisy candidates that failed
to meet minimal entailment conditions and improving
the ranking of potential answers.
The answer validation exercise (AVE) conference
in 2006 introduced the answer validator (AV) task to
validate the correctness of the answers based on text-
hypothesis pairs (Pe
nas et al., 2006). Ofoghi et al.
(2009) utilized frame semantics in combination with
named entity-based analysis for answer identification
and selection. Pakray et al. (2011) presented a step-
by-step hybrid approach that combines information
retrieval with machine reading techniques to validate
and rank answers.
Durmus et al. (2020) fine-tuned a BERT model
to extract answers from context and compare them
to gold answers, detecting hallucinations. Dziri et al.
(2021) proposed a generate-then-refine approach using
knowledge graphs to reduce and detect LLM hallu-
cinations with token-level critic and k-hop subgraph
queries. Konigari et al. (2021) fine-tuned an XLNet-
base model to classify utterances and identify off-topic
deviations and contradictions. Pan et al. (2021) de-
veloped a model to detect real, misleading, or contra-
dictory information. Yu and Sagae (2021) used two
specialized classifiers based on RoBERTa to detect
Investigating Answer Validation Using Noise Identification and Classification in Goal-Oriented Dialogues
safety and consistency. Jiang et al. (2024b) proposed
PedCoT, a zero-shot method using pedagogical prin-
ciples and CoT prompts to identify reasoning errors
in LLMs. Chen et al. (2024) introduced a framework
to evaluate four under-explored biases (gender, misin-
formation, beauty, authority) using LLMs and human
Despite significant advancements in conversational
answer validation, especially with the emergence of
LLMs for detecting answer-related issues such as hal-
lucinations, off-topic content, bias, misleading and
contradictory contexts, the LLMs’ awareness of in-
correct responses and their capabilities in performing
multiple classifications of noisy answers remains un-
explored. Therefore, we have developed a new frame-
work that studies LLMs’ abilities to detect noise in
conversations and provides an approach to answer val-
idation, addressing the complexities of detecting noisy
answers and their categories.
Generating Conversations in a Noisy
In 2022, the first NL4Opt dataset for LP problem for-
mulation was released that consisted of 1,101 problem
statements (Ramamonjison et al., 2023). The NL4Opt
dataset provides a collection of textual problem de-
scriptions specifically designed to test the development
of techniques in business, manufacturing, transporta-
tion, and other industries for mapping natural language
descriptions into mathematical models. With reference
to this dataset, we have automated the generation of
1,101 conversations using Gemini as shown in Figure 2.
We utilized three primary agents based on Gemini-1.5
Flash to generate these conversations:
i. Question Generator Agent (QG): This agent asks
precise goal-oriented questions through prompt engi-
neering and zero-shot learning to elicit essential details
for modeling LP problems. It focuses on the objective
function, decision variables, and constraints, similar to
the work by Abdullin et al. (2023). The QG agent does
not access the problem statement directly but relies on
the designed prompt and iterative user interactions.
ii. Answer Generator Agent (AG): This agent im-
personates a real non-mathematician user to simulate
realistic interactions with the QG agent using prompt
engineering and zero-shot learning, generating accu-
rate responses. These answers are directly derived
from the NL4Opt problem statements, which serve
as the primary knowledge source for the simulated
Is there any
missing information?
Problem Statement (PS): A restaurant employs
waiters earning $147 per week and cooks earning
$290 per week. It is required to keep the weekly
wage bill below $17,600. The restaurant requires a
minimum of 50 staff, of whom at least 12 must be
cooks. Union regulations require that the number
of cooks should be at least one third the number
of waiters...
(Up to 10 rounds)
CH Summarization
Figure 2: Generating up to 10 rounds of initial conversation
per problem sampled from NL4Opt using multiple agents
consisting of the Question Generator (QG), Answer Genera-
tor (AG), and Noise Generator (NG). Conversation history
(CH) is compared with the original problem statements (PS)
to determine whether any information remains missing, re-
sulting in the continuation or termination of the conversa-
user to provide a reliable and domain-specific basis for
generating meaningful and precise answers, similar to
the work in (Abdullin et al., 2023). If the requested
information is not in the problem statement, the agent
states it does not know.
iii. Noise Generator Agent (NG): This agent gen-
erates noisy answers in dialogue turns at random in-
tervals using prompt engineering and few-shot learn-
ing. The generation of noisy answers in the specific
category proceeds randomly, constituting 10% of all
answers in a conversation. This diversity in answer
types aids in further evaluating the system’s ability to
identify and classify erroneous inputs. Based on a pilot
study, we categorize noise answers into six types of
noise that could result in infeasible or inaccurate LP
1. Incomplete (INCM): The answer does not form
a complete sentence and is unfinished or abrupt.
Too Much Information (TMI): The answer in-
cludes both correct and excessive details not di-
rectly relevant to the question.
Non-Sequitur (NS): The answer presents unre-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
lated facts in a nonsensical or humorous manner.
Confusion (CNF): The answer contradicts itself
or provides information that conflicts with the pre-
vious answers in the current conversation history.
Inconsistent (INCN): The answer contains a
mathematical error, such as an illogical proportion
calculation or a misinterpretation of units.
Exaggerated (EXG): The answer uses unrealistic
or implausible numerical values.
The conversations proceed for up to 10 rounds until
the natural ending of the conversation. Once all nec-
essary components for the OP appear to be collected,
a Summarization Agent summarizes the information
from the AG and NG agents and compares it with the
original problem statement using prompt engineering
and zero-shot learning. If any components are found
missing, the QG and AG agents proceed with the di-
alogue to retrieve the missing details, with no further
noisy answers generated, as the goal is to finalize the
Appendix A provides the prompts for generating
questions, answers, and noisy answers. Appendix B in-
cludes an example of multi-agent dialogue generation,
considering noisy answers.
3.2 Human Annotation
When analyzing the generated conversations, we found
that some generated noisy answers were not accurately
categorized in the intended noise category. Thus, we
decided to manually annotate the noisy answers in the
dataset. Annotating these noisy answers is particularly
challenging due to the complexity of task-oriented dia-
logue systems, where it is often difficult to differentiate
between multiple types of noisy responses. Therefore,
the annotation process demands detailed definitions of
noise types and a high level of expertise.
In our annotation process, one annotator labeled
the entire dataset, comprising 1,076 noisy answers.
The discrepancies in noise classes between the annota-
tor’s labels and those generated by NG were identified
and corrected. To verify the consistency of the first an-
notator’s annotations, two additional annotators each
labeled 142 randomly drawn noisy answers selected
from the 1,076 noisy answers with no overlaps, en-
suring balanced noise categories. The total sample
count of
n = 142 × 2 = 284
was reached based on
Equation 1 (Daniel, 1978), a statistical formula for
calculating the minimum number of essential samples
to ensure the correct assessment of the reliability of
annotation on a finite population, where the population
N = 1, 076
, confidence level
Z = 1.96
, population
proportion p = 0.5, and margin of error E = 0.05.
n =
N × Z
× p × (1 p)
((N 1) ×E
) + (Z
× p × (1 p))
Table 1 shows Cohen’s Kappa (Cohen, 1960) val-
ues when comparing the annotations of Annotator 1
with those of Annotator 2 and Annotator 3, sepa-
rately. The results show a high level of “Almost Per-
fect” (McHugh, 2012) agreement between the pairs of
annotators. Based on these strong agreement measures,
the labels provided by Annotator 1 (who corrected the
labels of the entire Gemini-generated conversation set)
were considered the ground truth for this study, ensur-
ing the reliability and consistency of the annotation
Table 1: Cohen’s Kappa analysis of inter-annotator agree-
ment between pairs of annotators where two separate sets of
142 conversations were annotated by each annotator pair.
Comparison Cohen’s Kappa
Annotator 1 vs. Annotator 2 0.83
Annotator 1 vs. Annotator 3 0.90
Comparing the distribution of noisy answers anno-
tated by Annotator 1 and those generated by Gemini
revealed two key findings: i) some noisy answers from
Gemini, mostly in the confusion and inconsistent cate-
gories, were accurate and relabeled as correct, and ii)
some generated noisy answers were misclassified and
reassigned correct labels during annotation. Figure 3
demonstrates the discrepancy measures between these
classifications, where 62 noisy answers were labeled
as correct answers after the annotation process.
0 100 200
Noise Type
Annotated Gemini-generated
Figure 3: Comparison of Gemini-generated and annotated
noise categories. The ”Correct” label was added after manual
annotation which resulted in some non-noisy answers.
Investigating Answer Validation Using Noise Identification and Classification in Goal-Oriented Dialogues
3.3 QG LLM Awareness Analysis
In a natural conversation, the injection of noise forces
the questioner to either seek confirmation or provide
a concise clarification regarding the question to make
it answerable. In this study, we first focused on ana-
lyzing the first question posed by the QG agent after
detecting a noisy answer to determine its immediate
action. However, as the analysis progressed, we broad-
ened our scope and examined all subsequent questions
following the injection of noise. We closely monitored
the behavior of the QG agent to assess its ability to
detect when a prior response contained a noisy an-
swer. Our primary objective was to determine whether
the QG agent chose to rephrase and repeat the origi-
nal question, seek additional clarification to address
any ambiguity or request confirmation of the previ-
ously provided response. We manually examined and
counted every question generated after each instance
of noisy answer in the generated conversations to find
the proportion of the times that the QG agent was able
to take correction steps.
3.4 Answer Validation
For each round of dialogue, the current question, cor-
responding answer, and the entire conversation history
were considered for answer validation. By incorporat-
ing the conversation history, which consists of all prior
responses, the validity and accuracy of the current an-
swers are assessed against the context provided by the
previous responses.
We aim to ensure that the answers are not only
relevant to the questions posed but also free from am-
biguities or inconsistencies and align with the overall
coherence of the dialogue. Figure 4 shows the over-
all functioning of the answer validator, focusing on
the detection and classification of noisy answers and
assessing the quality of the conversation.
-Too Much
Current Answer
Figure 4: The conversation history, current answer, and
current question are fed into a correctness checker to assess
accuracy. If incorrect, a noise classifier identifies the type of
3.4.1 Correctness Checker
This stage functions as a binary classifier, assessing
answer accuracy by determining if they address the
questions and align with the conversation history. In
LLM-based models, the agent relies on predefined
instructions and rules, established through prompt en-
gineering with few-shot learning, to label answers as
correct or incorrect. To understand the reasoning be-
hind each label, we refine prompts so the agent ex-
plains its decisions. These explanations are crucial for
modifying prompts and ensuring alignment with our
strategy. In the case of non-LLM-based models BERT,
RoBERTa, and LSTM, correctness checking involves
data preprocessing, including stopword removal and
lemmatization. After preprocessing, binary classifica-
tion determines whether an answer is correct or noisy
based on conversation history.
3.4.2 Noise Classifier
If the correctness checker agent determines an answer
is incorrect in LLM-based models, the noise classifier
agent performs multi-way classification to categorize
the noise into one of the most probable predefined cat-
egories of noise, incomplete, too much information,
non-sequitur, confusion, inconsistent, and exaggerated,
using few-shot learning. This process involves identi-
fying patterns and rules through prompt engineering.
Additionally, the agent provides detailed explanations
for each noisy answer identified, improving clarity and
reasoning in the decision-making process.
In non-LLM-based models, once an answer is clas-
sified as incorrect, fine-tuned models predict the noisy
answer category based on learned labels.
Below is an example of answer validation and clas-
sification for inconsistent noisy answers:
Agent: Now, are there any limits or restrictions on
how many of each dog you can train?
Client: Yes, I can only train 1.5 dogs at a time.
Correctness Checker: Incorrect
Reason: The answer includes a mathematical issue.
Classifier: Inconsistent
Reason: The answer contains a mathematical error.
The statement “I can only train 1.5 dogs at a time”
is inconsistent as it is not possible to train a fraction
of a dog.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
4.1 Conversation Characteristics
Table 2 presents the statistics regarding the generated
dataset consisting of a total of 1,101 dialogues. The
number of rounds initiated by the agent exceeds those
by the client because the QG initiates two additional
rounds in each dialogue: one to request waiting during
the summarization process and another to deliver a
farewell message. It can be seen that approximately
10% of the answers have been labeled as noisy and a
small proportion of conversations, which is about 8%,
were identified as non-noisy conversations.
Table 2: The statistics of the Gemini-generated and annotated
dialogue sets. Note: * indicates gold standard after manual
Answers without noise 9252, 9314*
Number of conversations with noise 1076, 1014*
Number of conversations without noise 25, 87*
Total conversations 1101
Total QG agent rounds 12530
Total AG/NG agent rounds 10328
We analyzed the impact of noisy answers on the
dialogues from different angles, and the key findings
are outlined as follows.
The large number of conversations with noisy
answers 1,014 out of a total of 1,101 dialogues
compared to 87 conversations without noisy an-
swers, indicates a significant prevalence of noise in
the dataset. From the results in Table 3 regarding the
lengths of conversations, it is evident that conversa-
tions without noisy answers are more straightforward.
As the answers in these conversations are accurate,
there is no need for additional clarification or follow-
ups, making the conversations shorter and more direct.
Table 3: Average number of dialogue rounds within the
Gemini-generated conversations.
Conversation type Average round
No noise included 16.1
Noisy answers included 21.4
Through the process of comparing the original
noise labels with the annotated labels (Figure 3), we
found that Gemini encounters difficulties in accurately
generating noisy answers in certain categories. The in-
consistent category, which is expected to include math-
ematical inconsistencies, and the confusion category,
which involves answers that contradict the current re-
sponse or prior statements, have been misclassified.
During the annotation process, we observed that some
of the answers generated in these two categories were
indeed correct and contained no noise. Additionally,
the annotation process revealed that some answers ini-
tially classified as too much information, exaggerated,
and incomplete should instead be categorized as non-
4.2 LLM Awareness of Noise
To evaluate the QG agent’s ability to detect noisy an-
swers, we considered that while the agent was not
explicitly aware of the types of noisy answers, it was
expected to detect whether the answer failed to ade-
quately fulfill the requirements related to the compo-
nents of the OP in dialogue. As shown in Table 4, the
QG agent successfully detected noise and requested
clarification or confirmation in only 40.8% of the cases,
and struggled in 59.1% of the cases to detect noise and
be responsive. Particularly with noise types like incon-
sistent information (119 cases), the QG agent mostly
failed to detect mathematical errors.
4.3 Answer Validation
Our evaluation of noisy answer identification is con-
ducted in two phases: the detection of noisy answers
and the classification of their specific types. As de-
tailed in Table 5, the initial phase, acting as a bi-
nary classification method, reveals that predictions
for non-noisy instances achieved higher performance
compared to noisy cases, highlighting the complexity
of detecting noise. Pretrained models like RoBERTa
(roberta-base) and BERT (bert-base-uncased) outper-
form LSTM, Mixtral8x7B, Llama-2-7B, and Gemini-
The NL4Opt dataset has been pre-split into the
disjoint sets of training (713 instances), development
(99 instances), and test set (289 instances). While the
conversations generated on the basis of the test set
were used for testing all of the models, the conversa-
tions based on the training set were utilized for training
non-LLM models, LSTM, BERT, and RoBERTa. The
models trained with the training conversations labeled
the test data based on the patterns they learned during
the training/fine-tuning phase, which resulted in their
performances being expectedly superior by approxi-
mately 8%.
Regarding noise classification, Table 6 provides a
detailed comparison of the performance of six differ-
ent models including Gemini-1.5-flash, Mixtral8x7B,
Llama-2-7B, BERT (bert-base-uncased), RoBERTa
(roberta-base), and LSTM across the previously-
mentioned six noise categories. RoBERTa demon-
strates high precision across multiple noise categories,
particularly excelling in non-sequitur and confusion.
Its recall values indicate detecting noisy instances, es-
Investigating Answer Validation Using Noise Identification and Classification in Goal-Oriented Dialogues
Table 4: Overview of the noise detection status within the Gemini-generated noisy dataset based on the behavior of the QG
agent, broken down by noise category.
Detection Status INCM TMI NS CNF INCN EXG Total
Detected by QG 100 63 136 49 12 54 414 (40.8%)
Not Detected by QG 56 123 86 94 119 122 600 (59.1%)
Table 5: Performance metrics of the different models for the
accuracy classification of answers into noisy and non-noisy
Metric Model Noisy
0.745 0.963 0.854
Mixtral 0.607 0.956 0.782
Llama2 0.608 0.980 0.794
BERT 0.871 0.983 0.927
0.945 0.984 0.964
LSTM 0.814 0.968 0.891
0.639 0.977 0.808
Mixtral 0.582 0.960 0.771
Llama2 0.823 0.944 0.884
BERT 0.842 0.987 0.915
0.850 0.994 0.922
LSTM 0.691 0.983 0.837
0.688 0.970 0.830
Mixtral 0.594 0.958 0.776
Llama2 0.699 0.962 0.831
BERT 0.856 0.985 0.921
0.895 0.989 0.942
LSTM 0.747 0.975 0.861
pecially within the exaggerated and inconsistent cat-
egories. We observed RoBERTa’s low performance
in Recall for detecting confusing categories. While
it accurately classified responses when the confusion
was expressed negatively in a message, it struggled
to identify cases where the prior response was denied
in negative language, indicating that its classification
strongly depends on the impact of negative expres-
BERT achieves the highest precision in the incom-
plete and inconsistent categories. It also shows a high
recall value in the incomplete and confusion categories.
LSTM struggles with detecting confusion and inconsis-
tent noise, with 0 measures in both categories. Gemini
tends to have the highest performance in precision for
detecting too much information and exaggerated cat-
egories. While Gemini excels in specific categories,
Mixtral and Llama show unsatisfactory results, mak-
ing them less reliable. The LLMs have the lowest
performances when it comes to detecting incomplete
We analyzed the reasoning and explanations pro-
vided by the LLMs in identifying each type of noisy
answer and found that they frequently fail to deliver
accurate justifications for specific noise types. Clas-
sifying a single noise category among multiple noise
types introduces complexity. The overlapping char-
acteristics of different noise categories, with subtle
distinctions between them, make it difficult for these
models to distinguish between noise types. As a result,
the models often misclassify noisy answers, highlight-
ing a limitation in their current ability to handle noise
classification using their acquired world knowledge
and in the absence of fine-tuning for LLMs.
A total of 224 responses with correct ground truth
labels, misclassified as noisy by the answer validation
system, were reviewed. Of these, 22 were correctly
validated as noisy and the ground truth labels were
incorrect. Most correctly classified samples involved
questions about quantities, where responses were irrel-
evant and addressed cost or profit instead.
Figure 5 summarizes the classification confusion
matrices of the six models for six different types of
noise in the test dataset, demonstrating the deficiencies
of LLMs and non-LLM-based models in distinguish-
ing overlapping noisy answers. Table 7 presents the
number of actual noise instances in the test dataset as
a reference for the values in the confusion matrices.
For LLMs, Gemini frequently misclassified the
confusion noise category as incomplete. Mixtral mis-
classified the confusion and exaggerated noise cat-
egories as inconsistent. Llama misclassified non-
sequiturs as inconsistent and the confusion noise cate-
gory as non-sequitur and incomplete while showing a
tendency to misclassify exaggerated, incomplete, and
inconsistent noisy answers as non-sequiturs too. From
the cumulative results for LLMs, it is evident that
the majority of misclassification dispersion occurred
among the incomplete, non-sequitur, and inconsistent
For non-LLM-based models, BERT misclassified
actual non-sequitur noise as incomplete. A similar
misclassification pattern was observed in RoBERTa,
where non-sequitur noise was predicted as incomplete.
LSTM exhibited significant challenges in detecting
non-sequitur noise, misclassifying it across various
categories, such as incomplete, too much information,
and exaggerated. The cumulative results of non-LLM-
based models show that misclassification occurred on
incomplete, non-sequitur, and exaggerated answers.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 6: Precision, recall, f1-score, and macro averages across noise categories for different models.
Metric Model INCM TMI NS CNF INCN EXG Macro avg.
Precision Gemini1.5 0.239 0.944 0.753 0.307 0.642 0.971 0.643
Mixtral 0.225 0.750 0.745 0.434 0.208 0.652 0.502
Llama2 0.254 0.783 0.227 0.619 0.223 0.829 0.489
BERT 0.767 0.724 0.777 0.600 0.840 0.936 0.774
RoBERTa 0.756 0.891 0.894 0.867 0.735 0.923 0.844
LSTM 0.267 0.787 0.426 0.000 0.000 0.542 0.337
Recall Gemini1.5 0.306 0.302 0.860 0.353 0.500 0.680 0.500
Mixtral 0.250 0.396 0.667 0.294 0.389 0.600 0.433
Llama2 0.444 0.340 0.509 0.382 0.583 0.580 0.473
BERT 0.917 0.792 0.737 0.529 0.583 0.880 0.740
RoBERTa 0.889 0.774 0.737 0.417 0.694 0.960 0.745
LSTM 0.417 0.906 0.456 0.000 0.000 0.640 0.403
F1-Score Gemini1.5 0.268 0.457 0.803 0.328 0.562 0.800 0.536
Mixtral 0.237 0.519 0.704 0.351 0.271 0.625 0.451
Llama2 0.323 0.474 0.314 0.473 0.323 0.682 0.431
BERT 0.835 0.757 0.756 0.563 0.689 0.907 0.751
RoBERTa 0.817 0.828 0.808 0.563 0.714 0.941 0.779
LSTM 0.325 0.842 0.441 0.000 0.000 0.587 0.366
Table 7: Ground-truth distribution of noisy answers per category in the test conversation set.
Number of instances 36 53 57 34 36 50 266
This work focused on assessing LLMs’ abilities in
detecting imposed stress in the form of erroneous re-
sponses to questions and maintaining a correct path
in goal-oriented dialogues. For this, we developed a
framework for generating synthetic dialogues includ-
ing incorrect answers in six categories: incomplete,
too much information, non-sequitur, confusion, incon-
sistent, and exaggerated by the Gemini large language
model, which simulates natural error-prone conversa-
tional interactions. Our initial findings revealed that
the LLM-based questioning agent struggled to detect
these noisy responses in a large portion of the gener-
ated noisy conversations. This limitation highlighted
the necessity for an improved dialogue system, leading
us to the investigation and development of an answer
validation strategy as a separate agent/model. This
validator agent is designed to detect noisy responses
and further identify specific types of noise based on
our predefined set of rules. While the validator demon-
strated acceptable performance in distinguishing noise
and non-noise, even when using some of the state-of-
the-art LLMs and deep learning models its effective-
ness in classifying the specific noise types remains
limited. Further improvement of the answer validator
thus represents a crucial step towards enhancing the
effectiveness of dialogue systems and the robustness
of the goal-oriented dialogue agent to imposed stress.
We plan to further this work in several directions. First,
in this work, the answer validator operates offline,
functioning independently rather than as an interme-
diary agent between the question and answer agents.
While this offline approach allows for comprehensive
analysis and refinement, an online answer validator
could offer dynamic, real-time validation in the dia-
logue process.
Second, we introduced six noise categories in this
paper. Our other future work will focus on refining
and expanding these categories to better align with
the specific challenges associated with optimization
problems. Additionally, we will examine whether and
how expanding these categories will impact the noise
detection process.
Third, improvements are necessary, especially in
the context of 6-way noise classification. Applying
methods like Chain-of-Thought reasoning (Wei et al.,
2022), which breaks down complex problems into
further manageable steps may lead to more accurate
classification. Additionally, fine-tuning LLMs on the
specific noise types may improve the model’s ability
to distinguish between several noise categories.
Investigating Answer Validation Using Noise Identification and Classification in Goal-Oriented Dialogues
Figure 5: Confusion matrices summarizing the actual noise categories compared against the predicted categories. The
SUM LLM and SUM NonLLM matrices represent the sum matrices of the relevant groups of LLM-based and non-LLM-based
models, respectively.
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This section provides prompts for generating questions,
correct answers, and noisy answers.
Question Generator Prompt
You are a chatbot called OptiGem, designed to help
users elicit information and formulate a complete opti-
mization problem statement.
The client is not a math expert and has no experience
with optimization problems.
Your goal is to gather the necessary details and map
them to a linear programming model.
Engage users by asking clear, concise, and sequential
questions to obtain the components of the problem.
The components are:1- Objective function 2- Decision
variables 3- Limitations and constraints 4- Additional
Be creative in formulating your questions. Only one
component is allowed to be discussed per message.
Strictly avoid summarizing the gathered information
at any point during the conversation.
Think carefully to ensure, you gather all the necessary
details for the complete problem.
Pose a question based on the previous information that
will lead to identify a new constraint or a new key
parameter for the model.
Start the conversation with a friendly greeting, intro-
duce yourself, and ask about the user’s business.
If the user indicates that they have no additional in-
formation and all components are covered, end the
conversation with a polite farewell, such as: “It was
great working with you! Let me know if you have any
other optimization questions in the future.
Answer Generator Prompt
You are an agent impersonating the business owner
described in the problem statement.
Act as if the details in the problem statement are your
personal knowledge.
Be polite and ensure that all information you provide is
Investigating Answer Validation Using Noise Identification and Classification in Goal-Oriented Dialogues
accurate, concise, and derived solely from the problem
You are not a math expert and have no experience with
optimization problems.
If the problem statement lacks the requested informa-
tion, simply state that you do not know.
The ideal initial response should be as follows:
“Hello! I have a [business name], and I want to opti-
mize [objective function briefly].
Noisy Answer Generator Prompt
Incomplete: You are a noisy agent whose purpose is
to generate noisy or distracting answers.
Incomplete: Ensure each response ends as an unfin-
ished thought or statement, cutting off abruptly to in-
dicate interruption or incompletion.
Example of incomplete answer (1):
Agent: What is your favorite color?
Client: My favorite color is...
Example of incomplete answer (2):
Agent: What type of music do you like?
Client: I really enjoy listening to...
Non-sequitur: You are a noisy agent with the pur-
pose of generating noisy or distracting answers.
Non-sequitur: Provide answers that have absolutely
no connection to the question. The more complex, the
Non-sequitur only: Focus solely on generating an-
swers that have absolutely no connection to the topic
or question at hand.
Humor and absurdity: Make the responses as funny
and nonsensical as possible.
Complexity is key: Add irrelevant details.
Example of non-sequitur answer (1):
Agent: How do I solve this math equation?
Client: Speaking of equations, I hear the fish soup is
to die for.
Example of non-sequitur answer (2):
Agent: What are the steps to improve efficiency in my
work process?
Client: Did you know penguins propose with pebbles?
Romantic, isn’t it?
Confusion: You are a noisy agent with the
purpose of generating noisy or distracting answers.
Generate intentionally confusing, contradictory
answers based on the conversation history or the
current answer, creating a sense of uncertainty.
Example of confusion answer (1):
Agent: Do you want to improve efficiency in your
Client: Yes, I want to make my operations as
inefficient as possible.
Example of confusion answer (2):
Agent: Are there any constraints on your resources?
Client: I want to minimize resource usage while using
the maximum possible resources.
Exaggerated: You are a noisy agent with the pur-
pose of generating noisy or distracting answers. Pro-
vide exaggerated, outrageous, and unreasonable nu-
merical values.
The exaggerated values can be positive or negative.
Example of exaggerated answer (1):
Agent: How many cups of coffee do you drink in a
Client: Well, on a typical day, I consume approxi-
mately enough coffee to fill a swimming pool, then
add 1 billion gallons for good measure!
Example of exaggerated answer (2):
Agent: How many miles do you walk in a week?
Client: I walk about the distance from here to the moon
and back.
Too much information: You are a noisy agent
with the purpose of generating noisy or distracting an-
Provide detailed, excessive, and unnecessary informa-
tion in the answer.
Focus on giving an abundance of background knowl-
Example of too much information answer (1):
Agent: What is the maximum number of workers in
the company?
Client: Workers have been the backbone of compa-
nies since the industrial revolution, where they toiled
in factories under harsh conditions. Over time, labor
movements fought for better rights, leading to the es-
tablishment of labor unions and regulations. The 20th
century saw the rise of the modern workforce, with em-
ployees gaining rights such as minimum wage, safety
standards, and the 40-hour workweek. In recent years,
there’s been a shift towards remote work and the gig
economy, reshaping traditional employment structures.
Despite these changes, workers remain essential for
driving economic growth and innovation, shaping the
evolving landscape of employment.
Example of too much information answer (2):
Agent: How much does the company produce daily?
Client: The company produces approximately 10,000
units daily. Production levels depend on various fac-
tors such as demand, machinery efficiency, and work-
force capacity. Our advanced manufacturing process,
combined with strict quality controls, ensures consis-
tent output. This volume helps us meet market needs
while maintaining operational efficiency.
Inconsistent: You are a noisy agent with the pur-
pose of generating noisy or distracting answers.
Provide answers with incorrect basic mathematical
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
calculations, such as illogical proportion calculations,
misinterpretation of units, or applying fractional units
to physical objects.
Misinterpretation of units: Incorrect conversion of
measurement units, such as stating weight in liters or
hours in kilometers.
Illogical proportion calculations: Use proportions that
don’t add up logically, such as percentages exceeding
Applying fractional units to physical objects: Use frac-
tional or decimal units with objects that should be
whole, like “3.7 cars” or “250.5 employees.
Illogical proportion calculation example (1):
Agent: Could you tell me which industries you’re cur-
rently investing in?
Client: I am investing in 35% airline industry and 85%
railway industry.
Illogical proportion calculation example (2):
Agent: How many workers are employed in the hospi-
Client: There are 210 nurses and 12 doctors, so the
total number of workers is 130.
Fractional units to physical objects example (1):
Agent: How many people attended the event?
Client: The event had 250.4 attendees.
Fractional units to physical objects example (2):
Agent: How many cows are on your farm?
Client: There are 35.6 cows grazing in the field.
Misinterpretation of units example (1):
Agent: How many books did your company publish
each day?
Client: My company published 30.5 square light-years
of books.
Misinterpretation of units example (2):
Agent: How many chairs did your company produce
this month?
Client: My company produced 42 megabytes of chairs.
This section includes a sample of dialogue gener-
ated using Gemini, including inconsistent noise cat-
egory and the problem statements originated from
NL4Opt (Ramamonjison et al., 2023).
Problem Statement: A dog school trains
labradors and golden retrievers to deliver newspaper.
A labrador can deliver 7 newspapers at a time and
requires 5 small bone treats for service. A golden re-
triever can deliver 10 newspapers at a time and requires
6 small bone treats per service. The school only has
1500 small bone treats available. In addition, at least
50 golden retrievers must be used and at most 60%
of the dogs can be labradors. How many of each dog
should be used to maximize the number of newspapers
that can be delivered?
Agent: Hello! I’m Optigem, your friendly opti-
mization assistant. What kind of business are you in?
Client: Hello! I have a dog school and I want to
optimize the number of newspapers delivered.
Agent: That’s great! So, you want to maximize the
number of newspapers delivered. To help me under-
stand, what are the things you can control to reach that
Client: Yes, I use labradors and golden retrievers.
Agent: Great! So, you use labradors and golden
retrievers. We’re trying to maximize the number of
newspapers delivered. To make this a math problem,
we need to figure out what decisions you make that
affect the number of newspapers delivered. What are
the things you can change or decide on that relate to
the dogs?
Client: I can decide how many labradors and how
many golden retrievers I use.
Agent: Now, are there any limits or restrictions on
how many of each dog you can train?
Client: Yes, I can only train 1.5 dogs at a time.
Agent: That’s interesting! Let’s try to rephrase that.
Perhaps there are limits on the number of dogs you can
use, even if you could train more. What kind of limits
or restrictions do you have on the number of dogs you
can use?
Client: I only have 1500 small bone treats available.
Also, at least 50 golden retrievers must be used. And
at most 60% of the dogs can be labradors.
Agent: That’s great information! How much does
it cost to feed each type of dog for a single newspaper
delivery run?
Client: A labrador requires 5 small bone treats for
service, and a golden retriever requires 6.
Agent: That makes sense! Now, let’s talk about the
actual delivery process. How many newspapers can
each dog deliver per run?
Client: A labrador can deliver 7 newspapers at a
time and a golden retriever can deliver 10.
Agent: Okay, so we know how many newspapers
each dog can deliver. Is there any other information
about the dogs or the delivery process that is important
to know?
Client: I don’t know.
Agent: It was great working with you! I will come
back to you shortly.
Missing Information: No missing information was
Agent: Thanks for your time, I’ll go ahead and
start working on your linear programming problems.
Investigating Answer Validation Using Noise Identification and Classification in Goal-Oriented Dialogues