An EEG-Based Study Investigating Cognitive and Behavioral
Reactions to Indian Knowledge System Narratives in Virtual Reality
Sakshi Chauhan
, Gitanshu Choudhary
, Arnav Bhavsar
and Varun Dutt
Applied Cognitive Science Lab, IIT Mandi, India
Keywords: Virtual Reality, EEG, Story-Telling, Moral Learning, Engagement, Reading.
Abstract: Virtual reality (VR) storytelling has been demonstrated to impact emotional and cognitive capacities. Still,
less is known about the precise impacts of VR on moral learning and engagement, especially when it comes
to Indian Knowledge System (IKS) stories. In order to close this gap, this study examines the moral learning
and engagement potential of VR-based storytelling in comparison to traditional reading. Three groups of 75
individuals each were assigned to VR, reading, and control. The VR and reading groups outperformed the
control group in terms of moral learning and retention, according to behavioral data, which did not reveal any
significant differences between them. However, according to the EEG data, the VR group was more engaged
than the reading group, as evidenced by a lower alpha band power. Participants using VR showed higher
engagement, as evidenced by 88% of responses indicating agreement or strong agreement on a five-point
Likert scale. These results imply that while reading and VR are equally helpful for moral learning, VR is more
engaging due to its immersive features.
Storytelling makes it easier to understand moral
lessons and remember information by turning
complicated subjects into interesting and memorable
stories (Tappan and Brown, 1989). Narrative styles
help us understand and clarify information, especially
in news reporting and brand storytelling (Tappan and
Brown, 1989), (Machill et al., 2007). Instance-based
Learning Theory (IBLT) indicates that using vivid
examples in stories can improve recall and decision-
making (Gupta et al., 2021).
Vedas based Indian Philosophy, emphasizes how
important stories are in teaching morals (Whittemore,
1966). The Indian Knowledge System (IKS) serves
up some serious wisdom through tales like the
Panchatantra and Ramayana, teaches moral lessons
that stay with you (Whittemore, 1966), (Mahadevan
and Bhat, 2022). These stories teach important
lessons and help build our understanding of right and
wrong. These tales typically make their rounds in text
form, and diving into them is key to grasping the
moral values they offer.
However, the Immersive technologies like VR
offer new opportunities for moral education. VR
enhances moral education by improving engagement
and retention through lifelike experiences (Sen,
2007). VR allows users to engage with IKS tales in
meaningful, personalized ways (Akbar et al., 2013).
Previous research has explored VR and storytelling's
educational roles (Rueda and Lara, 2020). While VR
enhances classroom engagement, its role in moral
learning with IKS remains underexplored (Akbar et
al., 2013), (Rueda and Lara, 2020).
These stories are usually shared through text, and
you need to read them to learn the moral lessons they
offer (Pan and Hamilton, 2018). Figuring out how VR
impacts our thinking and feelings is still tough.
Traditional evaluations usually don't capture how
engaged someone is cognitively when they're
experiencing immersive storytelling. EEG helps to
fill this gap by providing an objective measurement
of cognitive engagement.
EEG offers a clear view into brain activity and may
Chauhan, S., Choudhary, G., Bhavsar, A. and Dutt, V.
An EEG-Based Study Investigating Cognitive and Behavioral Reactions to Indian Knowledge System Narratives in Virtual Reality.
DOI: 10.5220/0013305300003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 1, pages 1012-1019
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
provide light on the cognitive processes linked to
various learning modalities. Neurological oscillations
in different frequency bands (beta, gamma, and alpha)
are measured by EEG, which reveals patterns of
cognitive engagement, attention, and memory
retention (Singh et al., 2021), (Chauhan et al., 2024).
More specifically, higher beta and gamma activity
suggests more cognitive load and attention, whereas
lower alpha band power has been associated with
greater involvement (Engel and Fries, 2010),
(Klimesch, 1999). Therefore, EEG-based research
offers an unbiased way to measure the cognitive
impacts of immersive storytelling, enabling a deeper
comprehension of how VR affects moral learning.
This work intends to close the knowledge gap
about the neurological processes behind VR-based
storytelling, especially in the context of IKS, since
there has been a dearth of research in this area.
Comparing VR to conventional reading-based
narrative, we may assess how VR affects moral
retention and cognitive engagement using EEG data.
Determining the educational effectiveness of VR
depends on comprehending these brain patterns
because they give quantifiable, tangible proof of
cognitive engagement that goes beyond what can be
obtained from conventional behavioral tests.
The following research issues are intended to be
addressed by this study: 1) How do conventional
reading-based storytelling techniques and VR
compare in terms of event recollection from IKS
stories? 2) How do these techniques affect neuronal
engagement during learning as determined by EEG?
We hypothesize that, in comparison to traditional
reading-based storytelling, VR storytelling will elicit
greater cognitive engagement, improve retention of
story events (H1), and increase neural activity in the
gamma and beta frequency bands (H2). This is based
on the Instance-based Learning Theory (IBLT)
(Gupta et al., 2021) and previous research on VR's
cognitive benefits (Whittemore, 1966).
The EEG-based study contributes to the growing
understanding of VR's educational potential,
especially in moral instruction through IKS stories.
We aim to gather quantitative data on the
neurological aspects of immersive moral teaching by
using VR storytelling and modern EEG techniques.
This will provide teachers, tech experts, and
curriculum creators with new insights.
This will provide teachers, tech experts, and
curriculum creators with new insights.Storytelling is
a popular method for improving moral lessons and
helping with memory retention. Telling stories makes
complicated ideas easier to understand and helps us
remember things better through interesting narratives.
Narratives help us understand and remember
information in different forms of media (Tappan and
Brown, 1989), (Machill et al., 2007). Instance-based
Learning Theory (IBLT) highlights how storytelling
can improve memory when making decisions (Gupta
et al., 2021). IBLT indicates that narratives can shape
choices by triggering clear memories (Gupta et al.,
IKS is known for emphasizing the importance of
values in its teaching. IKS have their foundations in
the Vedas, which share philosophical and ethical
lessons through narratives such as the Panchatantra
and Ramayana (Whittemore, 1966), (Mahadevan and
Bhat, 2022). The stories put impact on us by telling
how things are right and wrong. Similar ways
Panchatantra works by using fables to share important
moral and social lessons. Moral lessons are not
limited to just educational purposes; they also provide
entertainment, making them ideal for conveying
messages that really ring.
In education, storytelling has usually relied on
text. Text-based storytelling is really important for
teaching morals. Studies indicate that reading
improves retention, whereas digital storytelling
engages learners in unique ways (Sen, 2007). The
immersive nature of VR really boosts engagement
and understanding, which is why it's become such a
popular narrative medium. The interactive settings in
VR really help with recall and make learning feel
more personal (Akbar et al., 2013), (Rueda and Lara,
VR's immersive features foster deeper
engagement, aiding learning (Akbar et al., 2013). VR
also enhances the learner’s connection with the
material, and making things easier to understand. VR
offers a more engaging alternative to traditional
reading methods (Rueda and Lara, 2020). (Rueda and
Lara, 2020) argued that VR could foster ethical
empathy by allowing learners to experience
narratives in a more emotionally resonant way,
particularly when teaching sensitive moral topics
(Sen, 2007). However, there still lacks research
specifically examining VR's potential to enhance
moral education through IKS narratives.
While a great deal of research has been done on
education, not much has been done to examine the
potential effects of VR storytelling on moral retention
and cognitive engagement—especially in comparison
to more conventional reading-based approaches. This
study uses electroencephalography (EEG) to quantify
An EEG-Based Study Investigating Cognitive and Behavioral Reactions to Indian Knowledge System Narratives in Virtual Reality
cognitive involvement during storytelling objectively
in order to close this gap. Neural oscillations
associated with varying degrees of cognitive load,
attention, and memory processes are captured by
EEG, which is a useful technique for monitoring brain
activity in real time (Engel and Fries, 2010). While
increases in beta and gamma band activity are linked
to greater cognitive load and attention during
immersive experiences, decreased alpha band power
has been linked to higher levels of cognitive
engagement (Klimesch, 1999). Through the use of
EEG, researchers can learn more about the cognitive
processes involved in engagement with VR or reading
based storytelling.
The purpose of this study is to investigate how well
VR storytelling compares to traditional reading-based
storytelling when it comes to imparting moral lessons
using IKS storylines. It aims to measure how various
storytelling media impact engagement, memory
retention, and the cognitive processes involved in
learning through behavioral tests and EEG data. We
predict that participants exposed to VR storytelling will
exhibit higher levels of cognitive engagement and
moral retention than those participating in traditional
reading-based learning because of the immersive
character of VR. The results of this study will add to
the expanding corpus of research on VR's educational
uses, especially in moral education. They will also
provide useful advice on how to use technology to
teach culturally relevant stories.
3.1 Experimental Design
G*Power (Faul, 2007) was used to calculate the
necessary sample size. The results showed that 25
individuals were needed for each group, for a total of
75 participants across the three treatments. The target
effect size for this sample size was 0.36, with a 0.05
alpha threshold and 0.80 statistical power.
Participants were selected randomly. Figure 1
illustrates the experimental layout. There were 25
individuals in each of the three groups—reading, VR,
and control—who were assigned at random.
The reading group read the tale on paper, while
the VR group used VR headsets. Whereas, the control
group was only given moral as a keyword. The study
comprised pre-, during-, and post-study stages. Pre-
study data included consent, demographics, and
educational background to assess eligibility. During
the intervention the reading and VR group were
engaged with the respective intervention.
EEG recordings measured cognitive involvement
during the story engagement. Pre- and during-study
EEG data were collected for the VR and reading
groups. EEG analysis focused on alpha, beta, and
gamma oscillations to assess cognitive load and
engagement. Decrease in alpha power and increase in
beta/gamma activity indicated cognitive engagement
(Engel and Fries, 2010). These measures objectively
compared cognitive involvement across groups.
Post-study questionnaires assessed moral lesson
retention across groups. Participants summarized the
story’s main points in their own words. Semantic
similarity of responses was evaluated using a
sentence transformer (Reimers and Gurevych, 2020).
Cosine similarity quantified retention across narrative
modes (Reimers and Gurevych, 2020).
Figure 1: The experimental design of the study outlines the
three between-subject conditions and the corresponding
interventions provided to each group.
3.2 Participants
The research was authorized by the Institutional
Ethical Committee and carried out strictly in
accordance with the Helsinki Declaration (World
Medical Association, 2024). In this study, 75 healthy
individuals were randomly and evenly assigned to
groups using a double-blind, placebo-controlled
protocol. The participants were chosen from a
collegiate setting and ranged in age from 18 to 30
years old (M = 21, SD = 1.71). The sample consisted
of 65% male and 35% female individuals. Ninety-
nine percent were pursuing undergraduate degrees,
and one percent had a PhD. As payment for their
participation, individuals who completed the study
received academic prizes (2 bonus marks in a
computer science course).
BIOSIGNALS 2025 - 18th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
3.3 Materials
The story "The Woodcutter and Her Axe" was
selected for this study based on a careful examination
of several Panchatantra stories, with a focus on the
moral virtue of "honesty." The main characters in this
tale are the woodcutter and an angel. The tale was
presented to the VR and reading groups in the same
manner to maintain uniformity in storytelling and
avoid discrepancies between the two treatments. The
following sections provide a detailed description of
the particular stimuli that were used for each group.
3.4 VR Group
Participants in the VR intervention saw the tale using
a 3D VR 2.0 headset and a Bnext VR headset
(Marquez, 2023). A picture of the VR environment
may be seen in Figure 2. CoSpaces software
(CoSpaces Edu, 2019) was used to build the story's
scenes, and it also helped elicit emotions consistent
with the actions of the characters. In the VR group,
participants saw the tale in VR and engaged in
discourse. With the help of CoSpaces software, which
offers a large selection of 3D models, textures, and
other materials to improve the narrative process, an
immersive 3D experience of the scenes was created.
At this link, you may see the narrative that was made
in the VR environment.
Figure 2: Scene shown in VR group depicting the dialogue
exchange between the woodcutter and the angel.
3.5 Reading Group
The participants in the reading group read the story
on paper. To avoid any differences, the scenes shown
in CoSpaces were matched with the written story.
This made sure that both the VR group and the text
group experienced the same story.
3.6 Control Group
The participants in the control group have received
only the keyword as a moral “Honesty is the best
3.7 EEG Data Processing
First, a 50 Hz notch filter was applied to Muse S
headband EEG data at 256 Hz. Brain waveband
discrepancies were accurate with visual feedback. We
normalized eye blinks and jaw clenches with a
Butterworth filter. Multiple brainwave bands and
channels were evaluated by converting power to
linear scale (Linear Power = 10^ (Power in Bels)),
calculating average power, and calculating ratios such
as Frontal Alpha to Temporal Theta and Alpha/Beta
across all channels. Calculations were consistent
across time and participants.
3.8 Statistical Analysis
Data analysis utilized IBM SPSS 21.0 Statistics (IBM
Corp., 2017), incorporating descriptive statistics to
evaluate sample size and variable interpretation. An
ANOVA compared the three groups (reading, VR,
and control) across baseline and intervention times,
requiring homogeneity, sphericity (confirmed by
Mauchly's test), and normalcy. Levene's test verified
homogenous variances. With a power of 0.8 and an
alpha level of 0.05, significant effects led to post-hoc
analyses like Tukey's HSD for detailed group
comparisons and effect sizes (partial eta squared) to
assess the results' practical significance.
4.1 Behavioral Measure
4.1.1 Moral Retention
We analysed participants' responses to the prompt,
"In your own words, describe the main events of the
story?" across the VR, reading, and control groups.
Figure 4 presents the cosine similarity between the
VR and reading group (V-R), VR and control group
(V-C), and reading and control group (R-C). There
was a significant difference in the cosine similarity
index between the groups [F(2, 1872) = 4867.5, p <
.01, η² = .84]. Post-hoc Tukey tests showed
significant differences between the V-R and V-C
groups and between the V-R and R-C groups, with V-
R showing higher similarity (V-R: μ = 0.67 > V-C: μ
= 0.14, p < .01; V-R: μ = 0.67 > R-C: μ = 0.16, p <
.01). However, there was no significant difference
between the V-C and R-C groups (V-C: μ = 0.14 ~ R-
An EEG-Based Study Investigating Cognitive and Behavioral Reactions to Indian Knowledge System Narratives in Virtual Reality
C: μ = 0.16, p = .06). As expected, the VR and reading
groups exhibited greater retention similarity
compared to the control group.
Figure 3: For retention, the similarity value was obtained
through a sentence transformer. The error bar shows the
95% CI around point estimates.
4.1.2 Engagement Score
Participants' responses to the question, "I felt engaged
with the story. (Here, 1 is Strongly Disagree, 2 is
Disagree, 3 is Neutral, 4 is Agree and 5 Strongly
Agree.) was analysed across the VR group. Figure 5
presents the responses obtained against five-point
Likert scale values. Here, the mean engagement score
obtained was 4, resembling participants agreement
toward engagement with the VR setup.
Figure 4: For engagement, the value was obtained over five-
point Likert scale which ranges from strongly disagree to
strongly agree.
5.1.1 Gamma/Beta (TP9, TP10 Channels)
Figure 5 illustrates the Gamma/Beta ratio across the
VR, reading, and control groups. A significant main
effect of the intervention on the Gamma/Beta ratio
was observed [F(2, 72) = 3.32, p < .05, η² = .08]. Post-
hoc analysis revealed a significant difference between
the VR and reading groups, with higher values in the
VR group (VR: μ = 1.41 > Reading: μ = 0.66, p <
.05). No significant differences were found between
the reading and control groups (Reading: μ = 0.66 ~
Control: μ = 0.79, p = .85), or between the VR and
control groups (VR: μ = 1.41 ~ Control: μ = 0.79, p =
.15). The effect of time (baseline vs. during
intervention) was not significant [F(2, 72) = 1.71, p =
.20, η² = .03], and no significant interaction between
group and time was found [F(2, 74) = 2.70, p = .08,
η² = .07]. While baseline measures were comparable
across groups, the VR group demonstrated an
increased Gamma/Beta ratio during the intervention
(VR: 1.41; Reading: 0.66; Control: 0.79).
Figure 5: Gamma/Beta ratio of TP9 and TP10 channels
across the groups (VR, reading and control).
5.1.2 Alpha/Theta (TP9, TP10)
As shown in Figure 6, the Alpha/Theta ratio differed
significantly between groups [F(2, 72) = 5.79, p < .01,
η² = .84]. Post-hoc testing revealed that the reading
group had a significantly higher Alpha/Theta ratio
than the control group (Reading: μ = 2.15 > Control:
μ = 1.13, p < .01), though there was no significant
difference between the reading and VR groups
(Reading: μ = 2.15 > VR: μ = 1.47, p = .07) or the VR
and control groups (VR: μ = 1.47 ~ Control: μ = 1.13,
p = .52). The main effect of time was significant [F(2,
72) = 11.03, p < .01, η² = .14], as was the interaction
between group and time [F(2, 74) = 4.55, p < .05, η²
Figure 6: Alpha/Theta ratio of TP9 and TP10 channels
across the groups (VR, reading and control).
Similarity value
Intervention group
Moral retention
11 11
Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Engagement value
BIOSIGNALS 2025 - 18th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
= .12]. While baseline measures were comparable
(VR: 1.15; Reading: 1.21; Control: 1.12), post-
intervention results showed an increase in the
Alpha/Theta ratio in the reading group (2.15)
compared to VR (1.47) and control (1.13).
5.1.3 Alpha/Theta (AF7, AF8)
Figure 7 highlights the significant main effect of
intervention on the Alpha/Theta ratio for AF7 and
AF8 channels [F(2, 72) = 11.74, p < .01, η² = .25].
Post-hoc analysis showed significant differences
between both VR and control (VR: μ = 1.49 >
Control: μ = 0.79, p < .01) and reading and control
groups (Reading: μ = 1.73 > Control: μ = 0.79, p <
.01). However, no significant difference was
observed between the VR and reading groups
(Reading: μ = 1.73 ~ VR: μ = 1.49, p = .40).
Significant effects of time [F(2, 72) = 128.47, p < .01,
η² = .65] and time-by-group interaction [F(2, 74) =
32.27, p < .01, η² = .48] were also found. Increases in
the Alpha/Theta ratio were observed in both the
reading (1.74) and VR (1.50) groups compared to the
control group (0.79).
Figure 7: Alpha/Theta ratio of AF7 and AF8 channels
across the groups (VR, reading and control).
5.1.4 Alpha/Beta (TP9, TP10)
Figure 8 shows that the main effect of intervention on
the Alpha/Beta ratio was not significant [F(2, 72) =
1.24, p = .30, η² = .03], nor were the main effect of
time [F(2, 72) = .77, p = .38, η² = .01] or the
interaction between group and time [F(2, 74) = 1.01,
p = .36, η² = .02].
5.1.5 Alpha/Beta (AF7, AF8)
The main effect of intervention on the Alpha/Beta
ratio for AF7 and AF8 channels was significant [see
Figure 9; [F(2, 72) = 4.38, p < .05, η² = .11]. Post-hoc
tests indicated a significant difference between the
reading and control groups (Reading: μ = 1.38 >
Control: μ = 0.86, p < .05), though no significant
Figure 8: Alpha/Beta ratio of TP9 and TP10 channels across
the groups (VR, reading and control).
differences were found between the VR and reading
groups (VR: μ = 1.22 ~ Reading: μ = 1.38, p = .49) or
the VR and control groups (VR: μ = 1.22 ~ Control:
μ = 0.86, p = .19). There was a significant main effect
of time [F(2, 72) = 12.18, p = .01, η² = .15] and a
significant time-by-group interaction [F(2, 74) =
3.16, p < .05, η² = .08].
Figure 9: Alpha/Beta ratio of AF7 and AF8 channels across
the groups (VR, reading and control).
5.1.6 Beta/Theta (TP9, TP10)
Figure 10 displays the Beta/Theta ratio across the VR,
reading, and control groups. A significant main effect
of the intervention was observed [F(2, 72) = 1.10, p <
.05, η² = .03], as well as a significant main effect of
time (baseline vs. during intervention) [F(2, 72) =
49.19, p < .01, η² = .40]. Additionally, the interaction
between group and time was significant [F(2, 74) =
14.88, p < .01, η² = .30]. While no baseline
differences were detected between the groups (VR:
0.84; Reading: 0.84; Control: 0.85), the VR group
showed an increase in Beta/Theta ratio (1.45), and the
reading group exhibited an even larger increase
(1.89), compared to the control group (0.85).
An EEG-Based Study Investigating Cognitive and Behavioral Reactions to Indian Knowledge System Narratives in Virtual Reality
Figure 10: Beta/Theta ratio of TP9 and TP10 channels
across the groups (VR, reading and control).
5.1.7 Beta/Theta (AF7, AF8)
Figure 11 illustrates the Beta/Theta ratio for the VR,
reading, and control groups. The main effect of the
intervention on the Beta/Theta ratio was significant
[F(2, 72) = 1.06, p < .05, η² = .03], as was the main
effect of time (baseline vs. during intervention) [F(2,
72) = 14.50, p < .01, η² = .17]. There was also a
significant interaction between group and time [F(2,
74) = 4.16, p < .05, η² = .11]. No differences were
observed at baseline between the groups (VR: 0.99;
Reading: 1.05; Control: 1.01), but post-intervention
increases were seen in both the VR (2.01) and reading
groups (2.57) compared to the control group (0.79).
Figure 11: Beta/Theta ratio of AF7 and AF8 channels
across the groups (VR, reading and control).
Findings confirm that VR storytelling enhances
cognitive engagement due to its immersive quality.
Both VR and reading improved moral recall
compared to the control group. EEG results highlight
VR's unique role in enhancing cognitive arousal
through lower alpha power and higher gamma/beta
ratios. This aligns with prior research on VR's
immersive nature boosting mental participation (Pan
and Hamilton, 2018).
It seems that VR storytelling probably requires
more cognitive processing, which is suggested by the
higher gamma/beta ratios. This suggests that
immersive environments need a greater amount of
cognitive effort (Tappan and Brown, 1989), (Rueda
and Lara, 2020). Even though VR and reading had
different levels of engagement, they were both
equally effective in helping with moral retention.
Even though VR boosts engagement, it doesn't
necessarily lead to better learning results.
Education is a best area where we can use the
technology like VR, however its important to see
VR's capability in engagement than retention. VR
advantage with engagement is quite worth, it doesn't
stand apart with reading for moral retention. This
matches what the literature says about VR's potential
in teaching moral and ethical concepts (Rueda and
Lara, 2020). This also raise a question whether
technology always leads to improved learning. VR
might improve motivation and emotional
engagement, which are important for learning, but it
doesn't guarantee retention.
EEG helps in measuring the cognitive
engagement. EEG provides new perspectives on how
different teaching methods impact cognitive load and
engagement. EEG helps in investigating the minute
details of cognitive engagement that behavioral data
may skip. This helps to give a better understanding of
how immersive technologies, like VR, influence
learning processes (Sen, 2007), (Rueda and Lara,
2020), (Chauhan et al., 2024). VR storytelling
alongside traditional reading method can increase
engagement (Rueda and Lara, 2020). Incorporating
VR storytelling with traditional teaching methods can
significantly boost engagement. Using VR is way
more effective when it's combined with traditional
methods rather than just relying on it alone.
The VR can be used effectively in teaching moral
where students need to be engaged. VR is most
effective when it's used alongside traditional
methods, instead of just being a standalone tool.
VR mustn't be misinterpreted for using as a better
learning tool, despite it can lead to increase cognitive
load and engagement.
This highlights the importance of looking into the
connections between engagement, motivation, and
BIOSIGNALS 2025 - 18th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
learning results. Both VR and reading help with moral
teaching, but VR has some unique advantages in
terms of engagement. VR's immersive nature should
be enhanced in the future work while using traditional
methods alongside
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An EEG-Based Study Investigating Cognitive and Behavioral Reactions to Indian Knowledge System Narratives in Virtual Reality