Systematisation of Security Risk Knowledge Across Different Domains:
A Case Study of Security Implications of Medical Devices
Laura Carmichael
1 a
, Steve Taylor
1 b
, Samuel M. Senior
1 c
, Mike Surridge
1 d
Gencer Erdogan
2 e
and Simeon Tverdal
2 f
IT Innovation Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.
Sustainable Communication Technologies, SINTEF Digital, Oslo, Norway
{l.e.carmichael, s.j.taylor, s.senior, ms8}, {gencer.erdogan, simeon.tverdal}
Systematisation of Knowledge, Risk Management, Cybersecurity, Connected Medical Devices, In Vitro
Diagnostic Devices.
Shared terminology and understanding are vital for effective cybersecurity risk management for connected
medical and in vitro diagnostic device systems, given that such processes are collaborative and require cross-
domain expertise particularly, e.g., in the areas of patient safety, cyber-physical security, and privacy. However,
fostering effective, interdisciplinary risk communication can be challenging especially where, e.g., different
terms are used with the same meaning, or the same risk management terms are interpreted differently across
domains. In this paper, we focus on the systematisation of security risk knowledge across different domains
related to the cybersecurity of connected medical and in vitro diagnostic device systems. This work relates
to knowledge base extensions for a specified cybersecurity risk assessment tool—Spyderisk—as part of the
NEMECYS project.
A growing number of people depend on connected
medical and in vitro diagnostic devices (Quigley and
Ayihongbe, 2018) as part of wider “digital health
practices” (Busnatu et al., 2022)—e.g., to “deliver
medication, monitor body functions, or provide sup-
port to organs and tissues” (Food & Drug Ad-
ministration (FDA), 2019). Medical devices need
“connectivity” for various reasons—such as, to con-
nect “multiple sensors and actuators in body”, to
“[r]ecord data and transmit to practitioner”, to
“[m]onitor health status and treat (e.g., artificial pan-
creas, pacemaker)”, and to store “[p]ersonal data
for device operation (e.g., patient’s goal blood sugar
level)” (Badrouchi et al., 2020). For instance, some
connected medical devices contain sensors to “mea-
sure vital signals”, which are used to inform de-
cisions made by patients and clinicians that “result
in an action on the body” (Sliwa, 2018). Whereas
other connected medical devices contain “actuators”
that “act directly on the human body”—such as,
“pacemakers” and “insulin pumps” (Sliwa, 2018),
and a subset of these are implanted in the human
body (Tabasum et al., 2018).
While greater use of connected medical and in
vitro diagnostic devices can enhance individual care
and supported self-care practices, the increasing con-
nectivity of such devices also comes with greater
exposure to cyber threats that “can potentially lead
to increased risk of harm to patients” (Therapeu-
tic Goods Administration (TGA), 2022a). For in-
stance, cyber security threats could lead to “denial
of intended service or therapy”, “alteration of de-
vice function so that it can cause patient harm”
and “loss of privacy or alteration of personal health
data” (Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA),
2022b). In extreme cases, “the consequences of in-
adequate cybersecurity for connected medical devices
are perhaps some of the most dire, with the potential
for serious harm or even death” (Strunk, 2017).
Due to the ubiquity of ICT hardware, soft-
ware, and devices, cybersecurity concerns affect a
widespread and varied set of related domains. These
domains can be disciplines in their own right (e.g.,
Carmichael, L., Taylor, S., Senior, S. M., Surridge, M., Erdogan, G. and Tverdal, S.
Systematisation of Security Risk Knowledge Across Different Domains: A Case Study of Security Implications of Medical Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0013306100003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Infor mation Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 337-348
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
privacy or safety), but they can also be sector-specific
(e.g., the medical sector, which is the focus of this pa-
per). Each domain has its own specialists and nomen-
clature, and there can be challenges in communica-
tion between the domains due to different naming
schemes. Further, it is often the case that cyberse-
curity is related to risk management, as this offers an
approach to assessing the likelihood and impact of the
consequences of threats, such as cyber-attacks or sys-
tem failures. Here, the threats may be in the cyberse-
curity domain, but their consequences and risks may
affect entities and actors who understand the termi-
nology of a related domain. There is thus a need to
organise (systematise) knowledge concerning cyber-
security and risk management and across multiple ar-
Shared terminology and understanding are there-
fore vital for effective cybersecurity risk management
for connected medical and in vitro diagnostic devices,
especially given that a risk governance framework
will involve multiple tools and approaches (Yaqoob
et al., 2019; Wu and Kusinitz, 2015). Yet, establishing
effective risk communication and fostering collabo-
ration between individuals and organisations can be
challenging in practice, as people from different or-
ganisations may use different cybersecurity risk man-
agement approaches and standards (Schmidt, 2023).
Even where the same standards are used there may be
different interpretations within an organisation (Wu
and Kusinitz, 2015). Further, in some cases the same
words can be used but with different meanings—for
instance, consider how the term “loss of availabil-
ity” can be interpreted differently in safety and secu-
rity contexts for connected medical devices (Piggin,
2017). It should also be emphasised that cybersecu-
rity risk management for connected medical devices
requires collaboration between people from multiple
domains with different levels of cybersecurity knowl-
edge. However, “[c]urrent definitions of cybersecu-
rity are not standardized and are often targeted to-
wards cybersecurity experts and academics” (Neil
et al., 2023).
In this paper, we focus on the systematisation of
security risk knowledge across different domains re-
lated to the cybersecurity of connected medical de-
vices as part of our work for the NEMECYS project
where we are contributing to the development of
“tools and procedures to help device manufacturers,
integrators and health care providers to ensure cyber
security by design for connected medical and diag-
nostic devices”
. As part of our research, we have
been developing an initial framework that aims to in-
tegrate the terminologies, risk processes, and eval-
uation methods from both cybersecurity and medi-
cal device domains (from specified sources as out-
lined in section 3 of this paper) into a unified ap-
proach. The objective being to facilitate collabora-
tion between e.g., cybersecurity professionals, device
manufacturers, integrators and health-care providers,
by fostering a shared understanding of risk concepts
and their implications for patient care related to spec-
ified cybersecurity risk assessment tools being devel-
oped as part of the NEMECYS project. Our work is
driven by four project use cases
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
describes the key steps taken to develop the initial
framework as part of the research method. Sec-
tion 3 identifies the specific standards, regulations,
and guidance that have been used to develop the
framework. Section 4, outlines an initial frame-
work to support the systematization of cross-domain
knowledge. Section 5 provides a brief summary of
related work. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper.
Our research approach consists of the following four
steps to develop an initial framework supporting the
systematization of cross-domain knowledge in the
context of cybersecurity for connected medical and in
vitro diagnostic devices.
In Step 1, we integrated insights from litera-
ture and standards to support the validity of the
proposed framework (Section 3). This included
reviewing some existing frameworks for risk assess-
ment and management in both cybersecurity and med-
ical device domains. The review of standards served
as a backbone for the framework, ensuring that it
aligns with established protocols and can be readily
adopted by practitioners across fields.
In Step 2, which was carried out in parallel
with Step 1, we identified relevant definitions and
terminologies across the two domains: cybersecu-
rity risk management and medical device risk man-
agement (Section 3). This involved collecting con-
cepts and terminology from two international risk
management standards ISO 27005 (ISO/IEC, 2022)
and ISO 14971 (ISO, 2019), as well as aspects of the
EU regulatory framework concerning connected med-
ical and in vitro diagnostic devices. These sources
were carefully examined to capture terms that address
risk, harm, threats, and vulnerabilities. The goal was
to identify overlaps, discrepancies, and unique termi-
nologies within each domain, particularly where dif-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
ferent terms are used for the same concept or the same
term is used with varying meanings [e.g., (Schmidt,
2023)]. This collection laid the foundation for a com-
prehensive comparative analysis between cybersecu-
rity and medical device contexts.
In Step 3, we systematically mapped risk con-
cepts to create a cross-domain understanding (Sec-
tion 4). By comparing frameworks like ISO 27005
(cybersecurity) (ISO/IEC, 2022) and ISO 14971
(medical devices) (ISO, 2019), key concepts such as
risk assessment, evaluation, and control were anal-
ysed in detail to understand their structure, process
flow, and any implicit assumptions in each domain.
This mapping aimed to bridge conceptual gaps and
provide a common basis for risk management in both
In Step 4, we developed an initial framework
to support the systematization of cross-domain
knowledge based on the mapping results (Sec-
tion 4). The initial framework integrates the ter-
minologies, risk processes, and evaluation methods
from both cybersecurity and medical device domains
into a unified approach. It aims to enable consis-
tent risk assessment by aligning the significant prop-
erties of assets (such as confidentiality, integrity, and
availability) with the unique requirements of con-
nected medical and in vitro diagnostic devices, like
patient safety and clinical efficacy. This cross-domain
framework is designed with the intention of facilitat-
ing collaboration between cybersecurity profession-
als, device manufacturers, integrators and health-care
providers—through fostering a shared understanding
of risk concepts and their implications for patient
For the purposes of the NEMECYS project, we are
specifically focusing on two widely adopted interna-
tional risk management standards in the domains of
cybersecurity and medical device safety, which are:
ISO 14971:2019 Medical Devices Appli-
cation of Risk Management to Medical De-
vices (ISO, 2019). The ISO 14971 risk manage-
ment process applies “to all phases of the lifecy-
cle of a medical device” and the risk associated
with e.g., “biocompatibility, data and systems se-
curity, electricity, moving parts, radiation, and us-
ISO/IEC 27005:2022 Information Security,
Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection
Guidance on Managing Information Security
Risks (ISO/IEC, 2022); part of the ISO/IEC
27000 family (ISO/IEC, 2018) concerning infor-
mation security management. For instance, ISO
27001 certification is commonly required in busi-
ness transactions.
The two processes for ISO 27005 and ISO 14971
are comparable, and follow similar structures—where
risk management comprises risk assessment, risk
evaluation and risk control (or treatment). For
further illustration, see e.g., guidance on cyberse-
curity provided by the Medical Device Coordina-
tion Group (MDCG, 2019), the MITRE Playbook
for Threat Modeling Medical Devices (MITRE and
MDIC, 2021) and British Standards Institution (BSI)
White Paper on Cybersecurity of Medical Devices
(Piggin, 2017) which all map a security process with
the ISO 14971 medical device safety risk process.
It is important to highlight that ISO 14971 ex-
plicitly mentions residual risk, which is the risk re-
maining after control measures have been employed
to treat the risks identified, but residual risk is also
highlighted in ISO 27005 as a determining factor to-
wards risk acceptance or iteration of the process in or-
der to identify more control measures to reduce resid-
ual risk.
It should be emphasised that “[r]isks related to
data and security are specifically mentioned in the
scope, to avoid any misunderstanding that a separate
process would be needed to manage security risks re-
lated to medical devices” (ISO, 2019, p. 18), thus
motivating the need to map cybersecurity risk assess-
ment and medical device risk assessment. A starting
point for this mapping is provided within ISO 14971,
which provides examples of where “[b]reaches of
data and system security can lead to harm, e.g.,
through loss of data, uncontrolled access to data, cor-
ruption or loss of diagnostic information, or corrup-
tion of software leading to malfunction of the medi-
cal device” (ISO, 2019, p. 19). Further, ISO 14971
is supported by guidance notes in the form of ISO
24971:2020 Medical devices Guidance on the
application of ISO 14971 (ISO/TR, 2020). Annex
F of ISO 24971 guidance (ISO/TR, 2020, pp. 55-59)
specifically focuses on “risks related to security”. In
addition to providing a general overview, Annex F fo-
cuses on four key aspects: “terminology”, “relation
between ISO 14971 and security”, “characteristics of
security risk management”, and “prioritising confi-
dentiality, integrity, and availability”. While a brief
overview of security risk management terminology
is given by this informative guidance, more detailed
mapping between these domains is required. The next
section provides some examples of this mapping, in-
cluding concepts and definitions from both domains.
It is important to emphasise that the principal fo-
Systematisation of Security Risk Knowledge Across Different Domains: A Case Study of Security Implications of Medical Devices
cus of the NEMECYS project is on the EU regula-
tory framework related to cybersecurity of connected
medical and in vitro diagnostic devices. In particular,
Annexes 1 of the Medical Device Regulation (EU,
2017a) and the In Vitro Diagnostic Devices Regula-
tion (EU, 2017b) contain cybersecurity requirements
for connected medical and in vitro diagnostic devices.
Further, the Medical Device Co-ordination Group
(MDCG) 2019-16 provides guidance on the cyber-
security for medical devices (MDCG, 2019). We
have therefore also used the MDR, IVDR and rele-
vant guidance issued by the MDCG as key sources
for identifying risk management concepts and defini-
In this section, we identify and describe some key
risk management concepts from various sources in
both cybersecurity and medical device domains—i.e.,
assets (section 4.1.1), significant properties (section
4.1.2), threats, hazards, events, incidents and haz-
ardous situations (section 4.1.3), consequences and
harm (section 4.1.4), and controls and corrective ac-
tions (section 4.1.5). Figure 1 provides a high-level
view of the relationships between these cross-domain
risk management concepts.
For purposes of illustration, we also discuss how
this cross-domain risk concepts mapping has been in-
terpreted for Spyderisk knowledge extensions in NE-
MECYS, providing examples of the different entity
types that need to be modelled. Spyderisk (Phillips
et al., 2024) is an existing knowledge-based ex-
pert system and automated risk simulator of cyber-
physical systems. Spyderisk follows ISO 27001 and
ISO 27005 (ISO/IEC, 2022), and is being extended
in NEMECYS in terms of automated risk assessment
related to the cybersecurity of connected medical and
in vitro diagnostic devices. Such knowledge exten-
sions require the systematisation of knowledge across
different domains.
4.1 Key Concepts
4.1.1 Assets
Brief Description. ISO 27005 takes an asset-based
approach to risk assessment. An asset refers to “any-
thing that has value to the organization and there-
fore requires protection” (ISO 27005). Connected
medical and in vitro diagnostic device systems con-
tain assets and the relationships between them. Asset
types for ICT derived from ISO 27005 include e.g.,
data, software processes, computer hardware, com-
puter networks. For modelling socio-technical sys-
tems involving the context in which these ICT com-
ponents operate, asset types also include e.g., people,
physical spaces and institutions, as these represent
actors who may cause threats, be affected by conse-
quences or describe the physical attributes of the en-
Definitions. For asset see e.g., ISO 27005
(ISO/IEC, 2022), RFC 4949 (Shirey, 2007); and for
system see e.g., ISO 27000 [Information System]
(ISO/IEC, 2018), RFC 4949 (Shirey, 2007).
Spyderisk Knowledge Extensions. For con-
nected medical and in vitro diagnostic device sys-
tems, three main Asset types need extension, which
are: Human (people), Medical Device (which can be
either subclasses of Computer Hardware or Software)
and Data. Clearly, these map to Asset types described
in the cybersecurity domain, but specific subtypes are
required. Table 1 describes typical subtypes in each
of these Asset type categories. It should be noted that
there are interrelationships and dependencies between
these Asset types—e.g., different clinical workflows
may determine process chains where different medi-
cal devices, data and people interact to achieve a spec-
ified clinical objective.
4.1.2 Significant Properties
Brief Description. A significant property is viewed
as an attribute of an asset that is regarded as important
and needs to be upheld or preserved. In connected
medical and in vitro diagnostic device systems, ex-
amples of significant properties include: ensuring the
health, safety and wellbeing of patients and individ-
uals, realising expected clinical benefits
with the use of such devices, and protecting the in-
tegrity, availability and confidentiality of data [e.g.,
(Ray, 2022b)].
Spyderisk Knowledge Extensions. As part of
NEMECYS, we have been exploring different types
of significant properties that are related to peo-
ple—e.g., clinical benefits related to effectiveness,
safety and timeliness of treatment, a person’s qual-
ity of life, and accuracy and timeliness of diagno-
sis with reference to e.g., MEDDEV 2.7/1 revision 4
(European Commission, 2016); MEDTECH 20 Ques-
The term “clinical benefit” is defined by Art 2(53) of
the MDR as “The positive impact of a device on the health
of an individual, expressed in terms of a meaningful, mea-
surable, patient-relevant clinical outcome(s), including out-
come(s) related to diagnosis, or a positive impact on patient
management or public health. Of course, it should be noted
that “not all clinical benefits can be predicted” (Wilkinson
and van Boxtel, 2020).
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Examples of Asset Types.
Asset Type Asset Subtype Description
Human Patient Recipient of medical care.
Human User User of a medical device. May be Patient or other interested party
such as carer.
Human Clinician Provider of and decision maker about medical care.
Human Analytical Staff Analysts of Measurement Data and produce Test Results.
Human Medical Governance Responsible for policy and governance of hospitals.
Medical Device Sensor Device that observes Patient. Generates Measurements / Sensed
Data resulting from the observation.
Medical Device Actuator Device that administers energy (e.g., electricity for a pacemaker) or
substances (e.g., medication) to the Patient.
Medical Device Software (SaMD) Software as a Medical Device (SaMD). Software tools used in mon-
itoring / diagnosis / treatment of Patients.
Data Sensed Data / Measurements Observations resulting from Sensor monitoring / measuring specific
attributes of Patient.
Data Test Results Analysis results of Measurements. Often used as input to diagnostic
processes or to determine / adapt Treatment Plan.
Data Diagnosis Result Decision result of diagnostic process. Typically represents the iden-
tification of a disease.
Data Care Plan Documentation of process and resources for treatment of a Patient.
Typically uses diagnosis as input.
Data Actuator Configuration Control data for actuator containing parameters specifying e.g.,
dosage, timing, duration etc.
Data SaMD Configuration Any control data required for operation of SaMD
tionnaire (Les
en et al., 2017). Refer to Table 2 for
more information. Further, we have been examin-
ing significant properties related to data—e.g., “in-
tegrity”, “availability” and “confidentiality”, “au-
thenticity”, “possession or control” and “utility” as
presented by the “Parkerian Hexad” [see: (Andress,
2014); (Parker, 1998); (Piggin, 2017)], and “timeli-
ness”. Refer to Table 3 for more information.
We have also been looking at existing signifi-
cant properties related to connected medical and in
vitro diagnostic devices that pre-exist in the Spyderisk
Knowledge Base, known as the Spyderisk Network
Domain Model. As shown in Table 4, the signfi-
cant properties are grouped by the type of medical
device—i.e., Sensor, Software and Actuator. Sensors
are physical devices that measure quantities and gen-
erate data—and therefore incorporate the same sig-
nificant properties as data (e.g., confidentiality, in-
tegrity, availability, authenticity, timeliness). Sensors
may have software processes running within them, so
have significant properties associated with software
(e.g., availability, exploit trustworthiness, reliability
and timeliness). Sensors are also physical devices,
so have significant properties associated with devices
(e.g., control). Similarly, Software as a Medical De-
vice (SaMD) have the same set of significant proper-
ties associated with software processes. Actuators are
physical devices that are controlled by software pro-
cesses, so have the subsets of significant properties
associated with these subclasses.
4.1.3 Threats, Hazards, Events, Incidents and
Hazardous Situations
Brief Description. The term threat is used by ISO
27000 (ISO/IEC, 2018), which is defined as “poten-
tial cause of an unwanted incident, which can result
in harm to a system or organization”. Whereas, the
term hazard is utilised by ISO 14971 (ISO, 2019),
which means a “potential source of harm”. Threats
and hazards represent potential causes of unwanted
incidents, adverse events or hazardous situations that
lead to consequences. The risk management concepts
of events, incidents and hazardous situations there-
fore can be grouped together, as they denote the actual
manifestation of threats and hazards in the system un-
der evaluation.
Definitions. See e.g., ISO 14971 [Hazardous Sit-
uation]; ISO 27000 [Information Security Incident];
MDR Article 2(57) [Adverse Event]; MDR Article
2(58); [Serious Adverse Event]; MDR Article 2(64);
[Incident]; MDR Article 2(65) [Serious Incident].
Related Spyderisk knowledge extensions.
Threats and Hazards are modelled inside the Spy-
derisk Knowledge Base as specifications describing
the conditions under which the Incident or Event is
possible (determined by a configuration of Assets
Systematisation of Security Risk Knowledge Across Different Domains: A Case Study of Security Implications of Medical Devices
Table 2: Examples of significant properties related to individuals in terms of clinical benefit.
Category of clini-
cal benefit
Sub-categories of clinical benefit and source Derived signifi-
cant properties
“positive impact on
clinical outcome”
(European Com-
mission, 2016)
“reduced probability of adverse outcomes, e.g. mortality, morbid-
ity”, “improvement of impaired body function” (European Commis-
sion, 2016)
Treatment Effec-
tiveness, Treatment
Safety, Treatment
“patient’s quality
of life” (European
Commission, 2016)
“simplifying care or improving the clinical management of patients”,
“improving body functions”, “providing relief from symptoms” (Eu-
ropean Commission, 2016). [Also see: MEDTECH 20 Question-
naire (Les
en et al., 2017).]
Patient Life Quality
”outcomes related
to diagnosis”
(European Com-
mission, 2016)
“allowing a correct diagnosis to be made”, “provide earlier diagnosis
of diseases or specifics of diseases”, “identify patients more likely to
respond to a given therapy” (European Commission, 2016)
Diagnosis Accu-
racy, Diagnosis
and relations that need to be present in the System
Model, known as a “matching pattern”) and the
resulting Consequence. When the user of the tool
builds a System Model, the Knowledge Base is
consulted to determine the Threats / Hazards that are
possible within the System Model, and those that are
determined possible become Incidents (or Events).
To illustrate the relationship between threats and haz-
ards, incidents, events and hazardous situations, and
consequences and harm, we consider the components
of a serious incident as defined in Article 2(65) of the
MDR. See Table 5 for a breakdown of this definition
to show these relationships.
4.1.4 Consequences and Harm
Brief Description—Consequences. The term con-
sequence is defined in ISO 27000 as “outcome of
an event affecting objectives”(ISO/IEC, 2018). Each
consequence has a risk level, which is determined by
two contributory factors. First, the likelihood of the
consequence is the chance of the consequence occur-
ring and is determined by the Spyderisk automated
risk assessment tool via examination of the likeli-
hoods of all incidents leading to a consequence. Sec-
ond, the impact (or severity) of the consequence is
how severe or intolerable a consequence is to the ob-
jectives of the key stakeholders in the system under
test. (Note: for Spyderisk, impact is usually set by
the analyst using the tool, as it is a reflection of the
preferences and tolerance of system stakeholders.)
Brief Description—Harm. When consequences
affect the preservation or maintenance of one or more
significant properties related to people—e.g. patients
and other users of medical devices—this can lead to
harm. The term harm is defined in ISO 14971 as “in-
jury or damage to the health of people, or damage to
property or the environment”. For the purposes of this
discussion, we will specifically consider harms to pa-
tients and other users, such harm may either be direct
or indirect.
Direct harm is actual injury to a person or dam-
age to a person’s health caused by the device (e.g.,
an actuator device administers an incorrect dosage
of medicine to a patient). However, in many cases
harm to people will be considered as indirect
described by the MDCG (MDCG, 2024): “In most
cases, harm or a deterioration of health will be in-
direct if arising from an incident linked to a medi-
cal decision, actions taken, or lack thereof, which are
based on incorrect information, or results provided
by a device. For example, MDCG Guidance classi-
fies different types of indirect harm resulting from in
vitro diagnostic device usage and information—i.e.
“a misdiagnosis”, “a delayed diagnosis”, “delayed
treatment”, “inappropriate treatment”, “absence of
treatment” and “transfusion of inappropriate materi-
als” (MDCG, 2024).
Definitions. See e.g., ISO 27000 (ISO/IEC,
2018) and ISO 27005 (ISO/IEC, 2022) [Conse-
quence, Likelihood, Risk]; ISO 14971 (ISO, 2019)
[Harm, Risk and Severity]; MDCG (MDCG, 2024)
[Indirect Harm].
Related Spyderisk Knowledge Extensions. As
part of NEMECYS, we have been focusing on mod-
As a further example, the UK MHRA states: “For
software as a medical device (SaMD), indirect harm is
the most probable outcome of adverse incidents and may
occur as a consequence of the medical decision, action
taken/not taken by healthcare professionals and/ or patients
and the public based on information or result(s) provided by
the SaMD” (Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory
Agency (MHRA), 2023). The MDCG 2022-2 also states:
“Due to their nature, in the majority of cases, deficiencies
of [in vitro diagnostic devices] IVDs do not directly lead to
physical injury or damage to the health of people. If any,
these devices may lead to indirect harm, rather than direct
harm” (MDCG, 2022).
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 3: Examples of significant properties related to data.
Significant property Source
Availability means the data is accessible to authorised
parties when they need it.
See definition of Availability in: ISO/IEC 27000. Also
cited in: IEC Guide 120 (IEC, 2023) and Annex F to
ISO 24971 (ISO/TR, 2020).
Authenticity is a special subclass of integrity—the dif-
ference being that integrity is concerned with correct-
ness (freedom from errors and fit for purpose) whereas
authenticity is also concerned with freedom from delib-
erate alteration or forgery. The Parkerian Hexad defini-
tion also highlights attribution as an important aspect of
authenticity—i.e., whether the data’s author or creator
can be accurately identified.
From Parkerian Hexad: Andress (Andress, 2014);
Parker (Parker, 1998) (Also see (Piggin, 2017))
Confidentiality means the data is accessible only to au-
thorised parties (and no others).
See definition of confidentiality in ISO/IEC 24767-
1:2008, which is also cited in IEC Guide 120 (IEC,
2023) and Annex F to ISO 24971 (ISO/TR, 2020).
Also see definition of data confidentiality in RFC
4949 (Shirey, 2007)
Integrity determines if the data is free from corruption. ISO/IEC 27000:2018; and Annex F to ISO
24971 (ISO/TR, 2020)
Possession (or control) concerns access to copies of
data on physical media. This relates to the significant
property of availability—i.e., whether the only copy of
the data is lost. Possession also refers to multiple copies
of data that are present in different contexts. Each copy
must be guarded to ensure that control over its manage-
ment, which can affect its confidentiality (e.g., if one
copy is leaked) and integrity (e.g., if one copy or more
is corrupted).
From Parkerian Hexad: Andress (Andress, 2014);
Parker (Parker, 1998) (Also see (Piggin, 2017))
Timeliness means that the data is up to date, and is re-
lated to the significant property of availability.
Spyderisk Network Domain Model
Utility refers to whether the data is useful for its given
purposes. Data may be altered, which may impact its
usefulness. Typical examples of alteration that may af-
fect utility are encryption (e.g., the data is rendered use-
less if the recipient does not have the decryption key)
or redaction (e.g., removing certain parts of the data for
anonymisation purposes).
From Parkerian Hexad: Andress (Andress, 2014);
Parker (Parker, 1998) (Also see (Piggin, 2017))
elling types of indirect harms in Spyderisk concerning
use of connected medical and in vitro diagnostic de-
vices for diagnosis and treatment. For purposes of il-
lustration, Table 5 describes these indirect harms and
links them to the significant properties related to peo-
ple introduced above in Table 2.
4.1.5 Controls and Corrective Actions
Brief Description. The terms control and corrective
action are both used to describe measures or actions
taken that aim to modify risk by reducing the likeli-
hood of incidents resulting from a threat.
Definitions. See e.g., ISO 27000 [Con-
trol] (ISO/IEC, 2018); ISO 27005 [Vulnerability]
(ISO/IEC, 2022); MDR, Article 2(67), [Corrective
Action] (EU, 2017a); ISO 14971 [Risk Control] (ISO,
Examples. For instance, a “master set” of
twenty “technical cybersecurity controls” are out-
lined in (Ray, 2022a), which include: “Role-based
authorization and access control”, “Emergency ac-
cess”, “Restrict access” etc. For other examples, also
see: (Badrouchi et al., 2020) and (Sametinger et al.,
Related Spyderisk Knowledge Extensions. In
Spyderisk, Controls are applied at Assets and a Con-
trol Strategy is a collection of Controls applied to
Assets that are intended to work together. A Con-
trol Strategy also has an Effectiveness, which is the
strength of the combined Controls working on the As-
sets they are applied on to lower the likelihood of In-
cidents. The greater the effectiveness of the Control
Systematisation of Security Risk Knowledge Across Different Domains: A Case Study of Security Implications of Medical Devices
Table 4: Examples of significant properties related to medical and in vitro diagnostic devices.
Asset Significant property Description
Sensor Authenticity The data (which may be embedded in an IoT device) is what it claims to be, i.e.
it is neither forged nor altered in a way designed to induce false behaviour in
other assets consuming the data.
Sensor Availability The asset is able to carry out its function within the system, including being
accessible by other assets that need to interact with it.
Sensor Confidentiality Signifies that data (which may be embedded in an IoT device) is only accessible
to authorised users.
Sensor Control Trustworthiness of the actor or process managing a host (including control over
access to the host) while it is connected to the system and fulfilling its system
role (i.e. in some context).
Sensor Exploit Trustworthiness Free of software vulnerabilities that are accessible to attackers.
Sensor Integrity The data (which may be embedded in an IoT device) is correct and fit for pur-
Sensor Reliability Means the asset will perform tasks correctly, with no functional errors, assum-
ing the asset is not supplied with corrupt or inaccurate information as input (in
the case of Human or Process assets).
Sensor Timeliness Represents a state in which a data asset is up to date, or a process or human has
up to date inputs.
Software Availability The asset is able to carry out its function within the system, including being
accessible by other assets that need to interact with it.
Software Exploit Trustworthiness Free of software vulnerabilities that are accessible to attackers.
Software Reliability Means the asset will perform tasks correctly, with no functional errors, assum-
ing the asset is not supplied with corrupt or inaccurate information as input (in
the case of Human or Process assets).
Software Timeliness Represents a state in which a data asset is up to date, or a process or human has
up to date inputs.
Actuator Availability The asset is able to carry out its function within the system, including being
accessible by other assets that need to interact with it.
Actuator Control Trustworthiness of the actor or process managing a host (including control over
access to the host) while it is connected to the system and fulfilling its system
role (i.e. in some context).
Actuator Exploit Trustworthiness Free of software vulnerabilities that are accessible to attackers.
Actuator Reliability Means the asset will perform tasks correctly, with no functional errors, assum-
ing the asset is not supplied with corrupt or inaccurate information as input (in
the case of Human or Process assets).
Strategy, the lower the Likelihood of the Incidents,
and the Control Strategy Effectiveness specifies an
upper limit on the Likelihood of the Incident it tar-
The Spyderisk Knowledge Base already has ex-
tensive controls and control strategies implemented
from the cybersecurity domain. These controls cover
the following areas: “Organisational Measures”,
“Physical Security”, “Service Security”, “Software
Security”, “Data Security”, “Network Security”,
“Client Security”, “Device Security”, “Resource
Management”, and “User Intervention” (Phillips
et al., 2024). For more information about these con-
trols refer to Phillips (2024). Many of these con-
trols are expected to address medical devices, as they
contain many of the components (hardware, soft-
ware, networks, spaces, etc.) already in the Spyderisk
Knowledge Base.
From the type of controls illustrated in the exam-
ples section above, it is clear that there is (unsurpris-
ingly) a strong crossover between the controls needed
for the cybersecurity of medical devices and those
needed for the cybersecurity of other application do-
mains. However, additional controls will be added as
necessary to accommodate specifics of medical and
in vitro diagnostic systems, which can work along-
side the existing cybersecurity controls. The controls
may be identified from multiple sources, such as the
above, other literature, consultation with experts or
in experiments following the use cases as part of the
NEMECYS project.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 5: Components of ‘serious incident’ as defined by Article 2(65) of the MDR.
Legal definition for the term ‘serious incident’ is given by
Article 2(65) of the MDR as follows:
Spyderisk modelling approach
“Any incident” An instance of a Threat / Hazard occurring in the Sys-
tem under evaluation.
“That directly [. . . ] led, might have led or might lead to any of
the following”
Link from Incident to Direct Harm Consequences
“That [. . . ] indirectly led, might have led or might lead to any
of the following”
Link from Incident to Indirect Harm Consequences
“(a) the death of a patient, user or other person”, [/] (b) the
temporary or permanent serious deterioration of a patient’s,
user’s or other person’s state of health, [/] (c) a serious pub-
lic health threat”
Consequence / Harm
“(b) the temporary or permanent serious deterioration of a pa-
tient’s, user’s or other person’s state of health”
Consequence / Harm
“(c) a serious public health threat” [Not Yet Modelled]
Table 6: Indirect harm consequence types resulting from IVD usage (from MDCG 2023-3 (MDCG, 2024)).
Types of consequences that
may indirectly lead to harms
(MDCG 2023-3)
Modelling approach in Spyderisk Affected significant prop-
“Misdiagnosis” Modelled as a Consequence for Humans to represent
incorrect diagnosis.
Diagnosis Accuracy
“Delayed Diagnosis” Modelled as a Consequence for Humans to represent a
diagnosis that is late.
Diagnosis Timeliness
“Delayed Treatment” Modelled as a Consequence for Humans to represent
late treatment.
Treatment Timeliness
“Inappropriate Treatment” Modelled as a Consequence for Humans to represent
incorrect treatment.
Treatment Effectiveness,
Treatment Safety
“Absence of Treatment” Modelled as a Consequence for Humans to represent
the lack of treatment.
Treatment Effectiveness,
Treatment Safety
“Transfusion of Inappropriate
Not modelled explicitly ‘transfusion of inappropriate
materials’ to be considered as a sub-case of ‘inappropri-
ate treatment’.
Treatment Effectiveness,
Treatment Safety
In terms of semantic interoperability for medical de-
vices, Sch
utz et al. (Sch
utz et al., 2021) have sought
to define a “core ontology for medical devices in Ger-
many”. More broadly, in terms of the “risk analysis
field”, the Society for Risk Analysis provide a Glos-
sary of terms which incorporates “different perspec-
tives and its systematic separation between overall
qualitative concepts and their measurements” (SRA,
2018). It should also be highlighted that in terms of
cybersecurity for medical devices, Ray (Ray, 2022b)
provides an introduction to “basic cybersecurity con-
cepts”. Further, the International Medical Device
Regulators Forum (IMDRF) has a working group fo-
cused on “adverse event terminology”—with one of
the aims being to “improve, harmonize and where
necessary expand the terminology and systems being
used to code information relating to medical device
adverse events” (International Medical Device Regu-
lators Forum (IMDRF), 2024).
As previously mentioned, guidance on cyberse-
curity provided by the Medical Device Coordina-
tion Group (MDCG, 2019), the MITRE Playbook
for Threat Modeling Medical Devices (MITRE and
MDIC, 2021) and British Standards Institution (BSI)
White Paper on Cybersecurity of Medical Devices
(Piggin, 2017) all map a security process with the
ISO 14971 medical device safety risk process. In re-
lation to comparing risk management concepts and
terms for information security, Schmidt (2023) re-
views well-known standards and frameworks, includ-
ing the ISO/IEC 27000 series, and examines some re-
lated work. A key concept diagram is also presented
mapping the relationships between them (Schmidt,
Systematisation of Security Risk Knowledge Across Different Domains: A Case Study of Security Implications of Medical Devices
Figure 1: Overview of Some Key Risk Management Concepts.
2023). This comparison is centred on information se-
curity more generally, whereas our focus is on cross-
domain concept mapping for cybersecurity of con-
nected medical and in vitro diagnostic devices.
This paper presents an approach to systematizing
knowledge related to risk management across the do-
mains of cybersecurity and connected medical and in
vitro diagnostic devices. This work relates to knowl-
edge base extensions for a specified cybersecurity risk
assessment tool, Spyderisk, as part of the NEMECYS
project. Through a structured alignment of terminol-
ogy and risk concepts, based on the standards ISO
27005 (ISO/IEC, 2022) and ISO 14971 (ISO, 2019),
our approach aims to support a shared understanding
across diverse professional backgrounds.
The initial cross-domain framework proposed fur-
ther highlights the importance of integrated cyberse-
curity measures within connected medical and in vitro
diagnostic device systems, which are uniquely sus-
ceptible to threats that could compromise not only
device functionality but also patient safety, health,
and privacy. As future work, we intend to extend
the reported systematisation to encompass additional
healthcare-specific risks related to cybersecurity for
such systems.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
This work has been conducted as part of the NEME-
CYS project, which is co-funded by the European
Union (101094323), by UK Research and Innova-
tion (10065802, 10050933 and 10061304), and by the
Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and
Please note that this conference paper adapts and
extends part of a NEMECYS project deliverable re-
port: D2.1 Risk Benefit Schemes (initial).
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