Analysis of Gaze Behavior for Constructing Learning Support Systems of
Pass Behavior in First Person Perspective
Norifumi Watanabe
and Kota Itoda
Graduate School of Data Science, Research Center for Liberal Education, Asia AI Institute, Musashino University,
3-3-3 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Faculty of Data Science, Research Center for Liberal Education, Asia AI Institute, Musashino University,
3-3-3 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan
First Person Perspective, Gaze Behaviors, Cooperative Pattern, Learning Support System.
This study explores dynamic and adaptable human cooperative behavior in team sports such as soccer or
handball, emphasizing the sharing of intentions and actions among players. A key factor in this context is the
gaze direction of players, which is crucial for assessing situations and inferring teammates’ and opponents’
intentions, ultimately guiding practical actions. Recent advances in virtual reality (VR) technology have en-
abled detailed analysis of such behaviors and decision-making processes, facilitating experimental learning
scenarios in cooperative settings. In this research, we investigate human gaze behavior in soccer from a first-
person perspective, using head-mounted displays (HMDs) and virtual environments to develop supportive
learning systems. Through experiments in which subjects experience offensive scenarios from a real player’s
viewpoint within a VR environment, we analyze how their gaze behavior changes during different phases of
passing and attacking in the game.
In our daily lives, we often deduce others’ intentions
from their actions and develop behavioral strategies
based on these interpretations. However, in collective
behaviors where multiple individuals must be evalu-
ated—such as in goal-oriented ball games like soccer
or handball—the complexity of the decision-making
process increases. One must discern which individu-
als to focus on and engage in a cascading estimation
of intentions, where understanding one person’s in-
tention leads to estimating another’s.
In games like soccer or handball, players choose
multiple potential teammates to whom they can pass
the ball, estimating each teammate’s intention to se-
lect the optimal passing option. By also evaluating the
positions and actions of opponents around potential
passing targets, players attempt to infer the most suc-
cessful passing choice. The ability to perform real-
time intention estimation and decision-making, under
strong temporal and spatial constraints, underscores
the necessity of inferring intentions within the group.
In addition to the importance of real-time inten-
tion estimation, the transfer of expert-level skills and
decision-making processes to novices is a critical as-
pect of sports training. Virtual reality (VR) offers a
promising platform for this expert–novice paradigm,
allowing less experienced players to observe and em-
ulate the gaze behavior and situational awareness of
professional athletes. By providing novices with im-
mersive, first-person perspectives of expert perfor-
mance, VR-based training can help bridge the gap
between theory and practice, enabling them to inter-
nalize the visual search patterns, tactical understand-
ing, and rapid decision-making that characterize ex-
pert players.
This study focuses on pass behavior, arguably the
most fundamental and important cooperative action in
ball games. We analyzed the gaze behavior of players
and conducted experiments in a virtual environment.
We developed specialized software to capture and an-
alyze the gaze of individual players using both track-
ing data and professional soccer video data. In the
experiment, we provided a first-person perspective of
professional soccer players as training data and recon-
structed their cooperative passing behavior in a virtual
environment. By repeatedly presenting specific sce-
narios through an HMD, we captured the ball holder’s
and receiver’s selection behavior during passes. We
then analyzed and evaluated changes in gaze behav-
Watanabe, N. and Itoda, K.
Analysis of Gaze Behavior for Constructing Learning Support Systems of Pass Behavior in First Person Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0013306600003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 1192-1198
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ior before and after these passing actions. Based on
these findings, we discuss whether providing subjects
with a first-person perspective helps them shift gaze
behavior by inferring the intentions of the passer and
the receiver. We also consider the construction of a
learning support system.
With recent advances in information technology, it
has become possible to obtain tracking data that
record positional trajectories, gaze data, and biomet-
ric data such as heart rate or blood glucose levels from
various players, thus broadening the scope of data
analysis. Studies on recognizing group behavior us-
ing trajectory data have been conducted. These stud-
ies include coupling models of the Hidden Markov
Model (HMM) and hierarchical methods to model dy-
namic structures, thereby mining group behavior from
trajectory patterns (Blunsden et al., 2006)(Hervieu
et al., 2009)(Swears et al., 2014). While these stud-
ies share similarities with our research, our motiva-
tion differs. We aim not to predict group behavior but
rather to extract relationships among players and use
that information to interpret individual-level decision-
In research on cooperative behavior in natural en-
vironments, analyzing the decision-making process
between trials is essential. This often requires repli-
cating the actions of both trained and untrained play-
ers. However, obtaining consistent behavioral sce-
narios in a real game environment can be challeng-
ing due to changing participants and varying weather
conditions. Large-scale equipment such as near-
360-degree curved displays or stadium environments
would be needed to faithfully recreate such scenarios
(Lee et al., 2010) and capture gaze behavior, but these
approaches have issues of low reproducibility or in-
sufficient realism.
To address these challenges regarding repro-
ducibility and human intent estimation, head-
mounted displays (HMDs) capable of presenting
field-of-view virtual environments from a first-person
perspective have recently become more accessible
and are widely used in cognitive training (Bideau
et al., 2010)(Miles et al., 2012). These devices have
been employed for athlete training, demonstrating
their effectiveness. Consequently, using virtual envi-
ronments in group behavior experiments and analyses
has become increasingly common.
In this study, we also employ a virtual environ-
ment to present group behavior from a first-person
perspective, facilitating repeated trials under consis-
tent conditions. This setup enables us to analyze
changes in behavior in an environment close to real
situations by providing a setting in which repeated ex-
periments are possible.
This study analyzes videos presented in the virtual
environment to examine gaze behavior on a two-
dimensional plane. To analyze gaze behavior, we use
both video data and player tracking data. The data
set is from the Spain vs. Italy match in the 2013
FIFA Confederations Cup (de Football Association,
2015). The match video was recorded at 30 fps, and
the tracking data at 10 fps. The match video was cap-
tured from a fixed overhead camera at high resolution
(3840×2160), providing a comprehensive view of the
entire field. The tracking data include the coordinates
of all players on both teams and the position of the
ball on the field.
In this study, we map the gaze direction obtained
from the video data onto the tracking data to per-
form a thorough analysis. To achieve this, we devel-
oped a tool that synchronizes video data and track-
ing data. This tool enables us to view the game on
a two-dimensional plane generated from the track-
ing data, integrating gaze behavior data, manual in-
put, and video data in spite of differing frame rates.
Figure1 shows an overview of this analysis tool.
Figure 1: Overview of the Analysis Tool. An overview of
the analysis tool: [A][B] Video, [C] Plots of tracking data
and gaze data, [D] Folders and project files, [E] Debug con-
sole, [F] Main time management, and [G][H] Raw data re-
tention, with each module serving its respective role.
Analysis of Gaze Behavior for Constructing Learning Support Systems of Pass Behavior in First Person Perspective
The figure indicates that after selecting a player
and then selecting another location, the tool calcu-
lates the angle relative to the initial player’s position.
This function allows us to acquire gaze direction on
the tracking data while reviewing the video, provid-
ing a seamless integration of gaze behavior analysis
with the video and tracking data.
We used head-mounted displays capable of presenting
a virtual environment—specifically, the Oculus Rift
DK2 from Oculus and the FOVE0 (Fov, ) from FOVE.
These HMDs have a field of view of approximately
100–110 degrees and are equipped with head track-
ing to seamlessly display the virtual environment ac-
cording to the user’s head movements. Additionally,
the FOVE0 is equipped with an eye-tracking system,
allowing us to analyze the subject’s gaze movement
while presenting the virtual environment.
In this study, we analyzed changes in gaze behav-
ior in two ways. First, we used the Oculus Rift’s
head tracking to analyze how changes in head direc-
tion shift the subject’s field of view. Second, we used
the FOVE0’s eye tracking to study how shifts in the
focus point affect behavior. The virtual environment
used in the experiment was built with Unity3D (Unity
Technologies). The virtual players were color-coded
in red and white according to their teams, and the pa-
rameters (e.g., field dimensions) were created based
on actual players and match regulations (Figure 2).
For simplicity, the players in the virtual environment
were represented by basic shapes (spheres and cylin-
Figure 2: Virtual Environment Used in the Experiment.
During the experiment, the position of players’
heads in the tracking data was aligned with the HMD,
allowing subjects to observe the gaze of one of the
real players. This method enables behavioral analy-
sis from a first-person perspective, making decisions
resemble real-life situations rather than an overhead
field view. The subject’s body in the virtual environ-
ment was rendered transparent so as not to obscure
surrounding objects. Figure 3 shows the virtual envi-
ronment and the experimental setup, and Table 1 lists
the primary parameters of the virtual environment.
Figure 3: Experimental Environment. Experimental envi-
ronment (the same screen displayed on the monitor in front
of a subject is presented on the HMD).
Table 1: Main Parameter Aetting of Virtual Environ-
Ball Diameter 0.2 Field Width 105.0
Player Height 1.7 Field Vertical 68.0
Player Width 0.4 Goal Width 7.3
Player Head Diameter 0.3 Goal Height 2.2
5.1 Scenes Used in the Experiment
Subjects were presented with a scene from the Spain
vs. Italy match in the 2013 FIFA Confederations
Cup (as described in Chapter 3), focusing on approx-
imately one minute of gaze behavior analysis dur-
ing the first half. This scene takes place mainly in
the midfield and involves passes among teammates,
culminating in a shot. The player whose viewpoint
was shared with the subjects was a midfielder (MF),
responsible for assessing the intentions of surround-
ing players and adjusting their actions accordingly.
The analysis focused on the subject’s gaze behavior
at each stage, from the beginning to the end of the
The Spanish team selected for this analysis is
renowned for its ball possession strategy and excep-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
tional passing skills. The players’ actions, believed
to be executed simultaneously based on shared inten-
tions, achieve precise passing (Ladyman, 2010).
5.2 Experimental Procedure
In the experiment, subjects repeatedly experienced
scenes created in the virtual environment to simulate
the pass-selection behavior of a midfielder. The vir-
tual players moved automatically based on tracking
data, and subjects observed this midfielder’s gaze be-
havior corresponding to the designated player in the
real match. Wearing the HMD, they could freely look
around and watch the surrounding situation in the vir-
tual environment. For safety, the experiment was per-
formed with subjects seated in a stable position.
The experiment was divided into three phases: the
“Pre-Phase, the “Learning Phase, and the “Post-
Phase. In the Pre-Phase, subjects were allowed to
move their heads freely to observe the situations in
the corresponding scenes. In the Learning Phase, the
subject’s field of view was fixed, and the actual gaze
behavior of the player was shown. In the final Post-
Phase, subjects moved their heads based on the be-
havior they had observed during the Learning Phase.
Subjects were given instructions on what to focus on
during the scenes, guiding them on what to pay atten-
tion to.
Because multiple trials are needed to understand
gaze behavior while preventing VR sickness, each
phase was repeated three times. Afterward, a sim-
ple questionnaire was administered to gather informa-
tion about how the subjects experienced the ball game
and where they focused their gaze during the trials.
The subjects were university and graduate students
in their twenties, with no specialized or competitive-
level soccer experience. However, all had played
soccer to some extent in physical education classes,
providing them with basic familiarity with the sport.
Head direction was measured using the Oculus Rift
for four subjects, and eye tracking was performed us-
ing the FOVE0 for three subjects. To prevent VR sick-
ness, breaks of up to one minute were taken between
6.1 Changes in Variance Across the
Overall and Different Stages of
In this scene, subjects performed four ball-passing in-
stances. To determine the extent of changes in sub-
jects’ gaze after the Learning Phase, we analyzed the
variance in gaze direction before and after this phase
across the entire scene. Since angular data, such as
gaze direction, have the unique property that an an-
gle of 360° is equivalent to 0°, the usual method of
mean and variance using sums of observations is not
directly applicable. Thus, we employ trigonometric
functions, as shown below:
θ, Rsin
θ) =
sinθ) (1)
V = 1 R (2)
θ represents the mean angle, V the vari-
ance, and N the number of data points. As the an-
gles become more aligned, the radial component R
approaches a unit vector, whereas lower alignment
causes R to approach 0. Therefore, as shown above,
the magnitude of the variance can range from 0 to 1.
Figure 4 shows overall angular variance for each
of the three trials. Although some minor reversals are
visible, the overall variance generally decreases for
most subjects after undergoing the Learning Phase.
Figure 4: Changes in Variance of Subjects’ Gaze Behavior
in Pre- and Post-Phases.
Additionally, to confirm how easily subjects learn
within a single scene, we segmented the scene by the
four instances of ball passing. We calculated the aver-
age gaze variance for all subjects (Figure 5). The up-
per part of Figure 5 shows the variance changes in the
Pre- and Post-Phases, and the lower part displays the
horizontal field positions of the ball and the players
Analysis of Gaze Behavior for Constructing Learning Support Systems of Pass Behavior in First Person Perspective
corresponding to the subjects. The x-axis indicates
the field points toward the goal the subjects are attack-
ing. We categorized the stages of the attack into the
beginning, build-up, execution, and shot stages based
on the four ball-passing instances leading to the final
pass to the player who takes the shot.
Figure 5: Changes in Variance Reduction During the At-
tacking Stages (solid line represents players, dashed line
represents the ball’s position on the x-axis).
In scene 2, 3, and 5 of the Fig. 5, the variance val-
ues in the Pre-Phase were almost identical. Scene 3
and 5 showed a similar decrease in variance from the
pre- to the Post-Phase. However, in scene 4, which
represents the execution stage leading to the shot, the
decrease in variance in the Post-Phase was only com-
parable to the Pre-Phase variance of other scenes.
6.2 Changes Just Before Receiving the
To analyze gaze changes during pass behavior, Figure
6 shows the trial-averaged variance in the one second
just before receiving the ball. For subjects 1, 3, and
4, there are scenes between the third and fourth ball
touches, and for subjects 1 and 3, around 300 frames
after the second pass, where the variance values are
similarly high in both the Pre- and Post-Phases. How-
ever, in many cases, a decrease in variance is observed
in the Post-Phase.
Figure 6: Changes in Gaze Behavior Variance During the
One Second Before Receiving the Ball.
6.3 Analysis of the Players Actually
Furthermore, to investigate where the subjects were
focusing during coordination, we used the eye-
tracking function of the FOVE0 to determine which
players they were observing based on the variance
of angular data. Figure 7 shows the values extracted
from frames 319 to 379, during which the subject, af-
ter receiving the ball, passes it to another player. At
this moment, the subject is passing to a teammate for-
ward (FW).
Figure 7: Relative Angles (rad) of Other FW Players (1,2)
from Subject 1’s Gaze. Values are shown for frames 319-
379, where passes are exchanged with a teammate in the
presented video.
In the experiment, the positions of the players’
heads in the data set were aligned with the HMD,
allowing subjects to perceive the gaze of one of the
players. This setup enables behavioral analysis from
a first-person perspective, making decision-making
closer to real-life circumstances rather than a conven-
tional overhead view. By examining the relative an-
gles of the subject’s gaze towards two FW players,
it is observed that until around frame 340, FW1 and
FW2 are viewed at nearly the same angle. However,
from frame 340 onwards, the gaze shifts between the
two, and after frame 350, the relative angle towards
FW1 approaches zero, indicating a central gaze focus
on this player. This suggests that through the Learn-
ing Phase, subjects learn gaze behavior and actively
engage in exploratory actions during passing behav-
The reduction in time-series variance across the three
trials after the Learning Phase suggests that in the Pre-
Phase, subjects were mainly unaware of the surround-
ing situation and focused primarily on the ball. In
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
contrast, the Learning Phase allowed them to grasp
the actual players’ gaze behavior, leading to a better
understanding of where to focus. Changes in gaze be-
havior just before receiving the ball, as seen in Figure
6, indicate that subjects learned the gaze pattern asso-
ciated with the player to whom they would pass the
In the attacking stage from midfield to the final
shot, as shown in Figure 5, the variance in gaze behav-
ior increased as the situation changed more rapidly
while challenging the opponent. Subjects lost track
of where to focus. After the fourth and final pass,
the variance decreased for all subjects, as they only
needed to watch their teammate take the shot. The in-
crease in variance immediately after the pass is likely
because the passes in this experiment were executed
automatically according to the actual players’ time-
series data, causing subjects to lose sight of the ball
The post-experiment questionnaire revealed that
in the Pre-Phase, all four subjects mostly focused on
the ball or the player in possession. They occasion-
ally looked down to confirm the ball at their feet when
they had possession. This confirms that their search
for the ball, once an intended pass was executed, was
consistent with their level of awareness at that phase.
While no differences in variance due to angular
changes between trials were observed in the Pre- and
Post-Phases, the timing of gaze alignment increased,
indicating a narrower focal area. In the Pre-Phase,
subjects moved their heads significantly, leading to
large shifts in the focal area and increased variance.
In the Post-Phase, the focal area became more consis-
tent with the midfielder’s field of view, resulting in re-
duced variance. This suggests that information from
specific focus points increased, enabling better analy-
sis of other players’ actions and intent estimation.
When a teammate passed the ball to a subject, or
when the subject passed it to another player, the vari-
ance in each trial increased in the Post-Phase. In the
Pre-Phase, subjects did not focus visually and primar-
ily used peripheral vision to observe the entire spa-
tial situation. In the Post-Phase, they searched for the
teammate to whom they were passing and made de-
tailed gaze shifts to confirm the player’s actions, as
shown in Figure 7.
In this study, we primarily focused on central vi-
sion for our gaze analysis, which minimizes the im-
mediate impact of the relatively narrow field of view
(FOV) provided by current VR headsets. However,
peripheral vision is critical in real ball games, as it
allows players to perceive and respond to their sur-
roundings more comprehensively. Although center-
ing our analysis on central vision reduces the signifi-
cance of the FOV constraint in this particular context,
it remains true that standard VR devices cannot fully
replicate a player’s natural range of vision. For more
realistic simulations, especially when peripheral cues
play a larger role, employing wider-FOV headsets or
CAVE systems would be highly beneficial.
Regarding the gaze behavior analyzed in this
study, the number of subjects and the variety of scenes
were limited, primarily because each trial required a
considerable amount of time, making it difficult to re-
cruit a larger participant pool. Consequently, further
research is needed for a more comprehensive analy-
sis. In particular, to verify the learning effects on gaze
behavior, it will be important not only to present sub-
jects with new scenes similar to those analyzed in this
study but also to diversify the soccer scenarios, so as
to capture a broader range of offensive and defensive
contexts. By doing so, we can examine whether sub-
jects respond to novel situations in the same way as
they do to the learned ones. Moreover, because this
study only used visual information about the subject’s
gaze and certain players’ positions, it did not incor-
porate the gaze information of other players or addi-
tional cues commonly found in ball games. Future
work will address these limitations by increasing the
number of participants and expanding the variety of
experimental conditions, thereby enhancing the gen-
eralizability of our findings.
Nevertheless, the results of this analysis strongly
suggest differences in the ease of learning during vari-
ous stages of the attack. Future studies could compare
methods that offer more guidance to facilitate learn-
ing, for instance by providing additional information
or using cues to expedite the learning process.
In this study, we analyzed the gaze behavior of sub-
jects presented with a first-person perspective in a
virtual environment to build a learning support sys-
tem for cooperative pass behavior in soccer. By fo-
cusing on professional players’ gaze and decision-
making processes, we sought to establish a broader
framework in which expert skills can be transferred
to novices through immersive VR. Our experimen-
tal results showed that by sharing the gaze behavior
of professional soccer players, subjects were able to
limit their field of view to more relevant areas and
focus their gaze on specific players whose intentions
needed to be inferred. Within their constrained field
of view, subjects then attempted to infer the intentions
of multiple forwards (FWs).
These actions were effectively executed because
Analysis of Gaze Behavior for Constructing Learning Support Systems of Pass Behavior in First Person Perspective
the subjects learned the gaze behavior associated with
pass actions presented during the Learning Phase.
Based on this learning, the subjects were able to per-
form exploratory gaze behaviors more actively. Al-
though this research used soccer as its primary case
study, the approach of presenting expert gaze and
decision-making in a virtual environment has the po-
tential to facilitate skill acquisition in a wide range of
Given the limited number of subjects and exper-
imental scenes, further research is needed to investi-
gate broader effects and to verify the consistency of
these findings in new, unfamiliar situations. In addi-
tion, incorporating other players’ gaze data or other
cues common in ball games may enrich the analy-
sis. As a next step, developing an agent-based VR
environment that integrates expert gaze and decision-
making models could broaden the applicability of our
framework and further facilitate skill transfer from ex-
perts to novices. By expanding both the variety of par-
ticipants and scenarios, as well as exploring applica-
tions beyond soccer, this framework can further illu-
minate how VR-based training supports skill transfer
from experts to novices.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence