We confirmed that the agent developed strategies sim-
ilar to an outside pass in soccer. For the leg model (a),
episode 1826 showed stopping the thigh’s accelera-
tion while did not show pulling the thigh backward di-
agonally. 3000 episode included both. In contrast, leg
model (b) demonstrated bending the knee and stop-
ping the thigh’s acceleration at episodes 2127 and
3000, while we did not observe the pulling the thigh
backward diagonally and stretching the knee sud-
denly. Additionally, we observed that the leg model
(a), which utilizes the collateral ligaments’ stiffness,
resulted in a faster ball compared to leg model (b),
which is capable of moving in directions that do
not engage the collateral ligaments’ stiffness. We
achieved better understanding of the joint strategies
in an outside pass where ligaments involve, which is
beneficial for developing strategies to kick faster ball
with small motion. For future work, we aim to inves-
tigate whether oscillation around the roll axis of the
knee joint occurs in human. Additionally, we plan to
further explore strategies involving muscle strength-
ening and knee joint oscillation in other sports, such
as tennis and volleyball.
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BIOINFORMATICS 2025 - 16th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms