Morphological Disambiguation of Texts
Based on Analogical Proportions
Bilel Elayeb
1,2 a
, Myriam Bounhas
and Mohamed Firas Ettih
RIADI Research Laboratory, ENSI, Manouba University, Tunisia
LARODEC Research Laboratory, ISG Tunis, Tunis University, Tunisia
Université Paris-Est Créteil, Paris 12 Val de Marne, France
Keywords: Morphological Disambiguation, Analogical Proportions, Machine Learning Algorithms,
Deep Learning Algorithms, Feature Selection, Classification.
Abstract: The Arabic language is known for its complexity, which encompasses extensive morphological and
orthographic variations, as well as significant syntactic and semantic diversity. These unique characteristics
often result in morphological ambiguity in Arabic. In this paper, we tackle the challenge of morphological
disambiguation in Arabic texts. We frame this task as a classification problem, where the possible values of
morphological features represent the classes, and a classification algorithm is used to assign the appropriate
class to each word based on its context. Specifically, we investigate the effectiveness of an analogy-based
classifier for morphological disambiguation in Arabic texts. Analogical Proportions (AP) are statements that
express the relationship between four elements A, B, C, and D such that "A differs from B as C differs from
D". Leveraging Analogical Proportions-based inference, the AP classifier predicts the fourth, unknown
element (D), given that the first three (A, B, and C) are known. We evaluate this analogical classifier using a
corpus of Classical Arabic texts. The average disambiguation rate (74.80%) of the AP classifier outperforms
that of a set of well-established machine-learning and deep learning-based classifiers.
Morphological disambiguation in the Arabic
language involves analyzing and clarifying
ambiguities in the structure and meaning of words by
determining their accurate morphological attributes,
such as root, stem, part of speech, and grammatical
features (e.g., gender, number, and tense). Given
Arabic's complex morphology, this process is
essential for natural language processing (NLP) tasks
(Elayeb et al., 2009; Elayeb and Ben Khiroun, 2023),
including machine translation, text-to-speech
systems, and information retrieval.
Arabic Morphological Disambiguation (AMD)
still faces several challenges, such as: (i) rich
morphology: Arabic words often include prefixes,
suffixes, and infixes that convey various grammatical
details, (ii) Complex word structures: words can
exhibit intricate combinations of affixes, clitics, and
roots, which result in more difficult analysis, (iii)
absence of vowels: written Arabic, particularly
Modern Standard Arabic, frequently omits diacritical
marks, which complicate the identification of a
word's correct form, and (iv) ambiguity: the context-
sensitive nature of Arabic leads to multiple possible
morphological interpretations for many words.
Morphological disambiguation poses a significant
challenge for languages rich in morphology and
ambiguity, such as Arabic. A non-vocalized Arabic
word can have more than 12 possible interpretations
(Elayeb and Bounhas, 2016; Elayeb, 2019). For
example, the non-vocalized Arabic word “ﺏﺮﺿ” can
be interpreted as a verb meaning “to strike” (
ﺿ) or
as a noun meaning “a strike” (
Some Arabic words are homographs, meaning
they are written identically but have different
Elayeb, B., Bounhas, M. and Ettih, M. F.
Morphological Disambiguation of Texts Based on Analogical Proportions.
DOI: 10.5220/0013308300003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 1207-1214
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
meanings. Processing these words depends on
recognizing morphemes, which form the basic units
of meaning.
The purpose of morphological analysis is to
determine the various criteria or functions of each
lexical unit or word. Examples of these criteria
include Part-Of-Speech (POS), which identifies
whether a word is a noun, verb, or particle, as well as
features such as number, gender, and information
about clitics. Ambiguity arises during the analysis,
especially when contextual clues do not align with a
word's intended interpretation.
This paper explores a method for addressing
morphological ambiguity in Arabic texts. We
approach this task as a classification problem, where
the possible morphological feature values represent
the classes, and a classification algorithm determines
the correct class for each word based on its context.
Specifically, we investigate the efficiency of an
analogy-based classifier for AMD. This type of
classifier has recently demonstrated its effectiveness
in classifying Arabic texts (Bounhas et al., 2024).
We begin by introducing Analogical Proportions
(AP), which establish a relationship between four
elements, A, B, C, and D, such that "A is to B as C is
to D". Then, based on the analogical inference, the AP
classifier proposed by Bounhas et al. (2017), that we
use, can predict the fourth, unknown element D when
the first three elements (A, B, and C) are provided.
This algorithm has not yet been tested before in the
context of Arabic text morphological disambiguation.
We evaluate the performance of this analogical
classifier on a corpus of Classical Arabic texts and
compare it to both ML and DL classifiers.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 provides a summary and
discussion of existing works on morphological
disambiguation in Arabic texts. Section 3 summarizes
a background on analogical proportions. In Section 4,
we describe the proposed analogy-based classifier for
AMD. Section 5 presents the experimental results and
includes a comparative analysis of the AP classifier
with both ML-based and DL-based classifiers.
Finally, Section 6 concludes the study and suggests
directions for future research.
Many studies have reduced ambiguity by identifying
the POS feature of Arabic text. POS attribute
disambiguation is the process of determining the
grammatical class of a word in a particular context.
Morphological disambiguation is known as a
classification problem in which a set of POS values
represents a class, and a single classification method
is used to assign each word occurrence to a class
based on sentence context.
One of the most important steps in disambiguation
is choosing an appropriate classification method.
Several automatic classification methods have been
used, leveraging ML techniques to train classifiers
from sentences annotated with POS values. In
literature, disambiguation methods are commonly
organized into three categories: (i) rule-based
methods, (ii) statistical methods, and (iii) hybrid
methods that combine these two approaches, and (iv)
ML and DL-based approaches.
Rule-based or linguistic methods use a set of rules
created by linguists to assign labels to different
morphological attributes. Several WSD systems have
been described by Daoud (2009), mainly involving
heuristic, textual, and non-textual rules. Besides,
these rules typically fall into grammatical, structural,
and logical classes. Daoud and Daoud (2009)
proposed a specialized parser called "EnConverters,"
developed in UNL and a rule-based programming
language. The Daouds defined several types of
disambiguation rules that merge syntactic and
morphological context associations.
Statistical methods build one or more learning
models from annotated corpora. These methods often
utilize statistical models such as the Hidden Markov
Model, which assumes a Markov process with
unknown parameters. Classification methods such as
SVM calculate the probabilities for each grammatical
class of a word. Moreover, MADA is a tool designed
by Habash and Rambow (2007) and is widely used to
resolve morphological ambiguities in Arabic texts.
Then, MADAMIRA (Pasha et al., 2014) combines
MADA and the Arabic tokenizer AMIRA (Diab,
A hybrid method combines statistical information
with linguistic rules to address morphological
ambiguity. Khoja (2001) is among the researchers
who adopted this approach, implementing it with the
Viterbi algorithm. She calculated two probabilities
from an annotated corpus of 50,000 words: (i)
contextual probability, the likelihood that one label
precedes or follows another, and (ii) lexical
probability, the likelihood that a word has a certain
morphological attribute. Based on these statistics, a
set of grammatical rules was developed, achieving an
accuracy of over 90% (Khoja, 2001).
Belguith and Chaâben (2006) also proposed a
method for morphological analysis and
disambiguation, categorized as a statistical approach
that incorporates rule-based elements. This method
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
involves five steps (Ayed et al., 2018b): (i) text
segmentation into words, (ii) morphological
preprocessing by removing clitics based on a
predefined list, (iii) affixal analysis, distinguishing
the root and affixes of each word, (iv) morphological
analysis using MORPH2, and (v) post-processing to
group words using lexicons and a rule set. This
method calculates the morphological attributes of
each word using a term dictionary.
Bousmaha et al. (2016) proposed a hybrid
disambiguation approach focusing on the selection of
diacritical marks across different analysis levels. This
method combines multi-criteria decision-making
with a linguistic approach and offers an alternative
solution for morphological ambiguity. For
evaluation, the authors used an online shape analyzer,
achieving promising results with F-measures above
0.8. Bounhas et al. (2015a) proposed three
possibilistic classifiers for AMD: (i) the first classifier
relies on the possibility measure, (ii) the second on
the necessity measure, and (iii) the third combines
these two measures. They enhanced these classifiers
with information gain scores, serving as weights for
classification attributes, to optimize space
requirements for resolving contextual ambiguity and
thereby simplify the disambiguation process.
Later, Bounhas et al. (2015b) introduced a hybrid
possibilistic approach that integrates the possibilistic
classifier with linguistic rules to assign labels to
various morphological attributes, which improved
Arabic text disambiguation rates. They also addressed
“out-of-vocabulary words lacking known
morphological analysis. These possibilistic and
hybrid classifiers were evaluated on the Arabic
dataset and compared with three machine-
learning (ML) classifiers: SVM, Naïve Bayes, and
Decision Tree.
Besides, Ayed et al. (2018b) explored possibilistic
morphological disambiguation for structured Hadith
texts in Arabic, incorporating semantic knowledge.
Using AlKhalil analyzer, they conducted training and
testing of morphological attributes, leveraging the
XML format of "Kunuz" Hadith texts to integrate
available semantic information. By including
semantic attributes in their possibilistic classifiers,
they achieved improved disambiguation rates in their
More recently, Elayeb et al. (2022) experimented
with a range of ML algorithms to address the challenge
of morphological disambiguation in Arabic texts using
various morphological features. The authors evaluated
these algorithms on the Kunuz test collection (Ben
Khiroun et al., 2012a; 2014; Ayed et al., 2018ab),
which comprises classical, vocalized Arabic texts,
specifically Hadith attributed to the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH). This corpus has attracted
considerable research interest due to its linguistic,
semantic, and social depth, as well as its structured
organization. By contrast, the TREC collections (2001
and 2002), which include Arabic newspaper articles,
lack vowel markers in their texts, contributing to
potential word sense ambiguities and difficulties in
determining POS tags and syntactic roles.
Moreover, Analogical Proportions, first
developed by Prade et al. (2010), have demonstrated
their efficiency when applied in several domains,
such as information retrieval (IR) (Bounhas and
Elayeb, 2019), Arabic text summarization (Elayeb et
al., 2020), Arabic text classification (Elayeb et al.,
2023; Bounhas et al., 2024), as well as the
classification of structured data (Bounhas et al., 2017;
Bounhas and Prade, 2023; 2024). This paper aims to
investigate the performance of such proportions in
disambiguating Arabic text data collections.
An analogical proportion (AP) is a relationship
between 4 items A, B, C, D X. This relationship
states that A differs from B as C differs from D
which enables us to compare the pair (A, B) to the pair
(C, D) (in terms of similarities and differences). An
Analogical proportion is usually denoted A : B :: C :
D. This proportion also holds when A : C :: B : D
(by central permutation), A : B :: A : B (by
reflexivity) and “C : D :: A : B” (by symmetry) (Prade
and Richard, 2010).
Boolean Setting: In the Boolean context, there
are only six valid valuations where A : B :: C : D
holds true or A : B :: C : D = 1. These six valid
valuations, or six possible assignments, are the only
configurations among the 16 possible configurations
that make an analogical proportion true. In particular,
a 4-tuple (A, B, C, D) is in analogical proportion if it’s
in one of those particulars’ assignments: (0,0,0,0)
(1,1,1,1) (0,0,1,1) (1,1,0,0) (0,1,0,1) (1,0,1,0). As can
be seen, the proportion remains valid for these six
patterns even when items are negatively coded.
Nominal Extension: In the nominal case, the
analogical proportion can only be true in only three
possible assignments out of the six. Otherwise, it is
Morphological Disambiguation of Texts Based on Analogical Proportions
no longer true. A : B :: C : D is valid if it is of the form:
(r, r, r, r) or (r, s, r, s) or (r, r, s, s) such that: r s.
Multiple-Valued Extension: To handle numerical
attributes the domain has to be in the interval [0,1],
which means that the analogical proportion A : B :: C
: D linking the 4 items A, B, C and D takes values in
the interval [0,1] (Dubois et al., 2016). It is then a
matter of obtaining a high or low AP value depending
on whether the values are closer to 1 or 0. For
(0, 0.2, 0, 1)
we expect that A : B :: C : D has a
low value close to 0 since 0.2 is closer to 0.
(0, 0.9, 0, 1)
we expect that A : B :: C : D has a
high value close to 1 since 0.9 is closer to 1.
Normalization: Numerical attributes need to be
normalized when dealing with AP classifiers since it
helps reduce the time required to classify, enhances
the classifier’s performance and standardizes the data,
which improves the overall process.
Inference: As introduced above, analogical
proportions have been recently formalized within
Boolean, nominal, and numerical frameworks.
In these latter, given a valid analogical proportion
A : B :: C : D, the inference principle helps to derive
one component of the four-part proportion from the
other three. More formally, if the four objects A, B, C,
D build a valid AP and if the first three objects A, B,
C are known then it is possible to compute the fourth
object D by solving the analogical equation: finding
a value X such that A : B :: C : X = 1.
Since the AP can be valid only for six possible
assignments of the 4-tuples, there are cases where the
equation, in the Boolean case, A : B :: C : X = 1 has
no solution. Indeed, the equations 1 : 0 :: 0 : X = 1
and 0 : 1 :: 1 : X = 1 have no solution.
It has been proven that the above analogical
equation is solvable if and only if (A B)
(A C)
holds. In that case, the unique solution X is X = A
(B C); thus X is either equal to B (if A = C) or X is
equal to C (if A = B). In this paper, we mainly focus
on the Boolean setting since, as seen later in the
experimental study, the datasets we tested contain
only Boolean features.
Analogical inference coincides with AP classification
in which the class for an object D can be predicted
based on the known classes of the three others: A, B
and C. The classification of D (unknown variable) is
only possible if the equation on the class, Class(A) :
Class(B) :: Class(C) : X, is solvable. (Bounhas et al.,
2017). In classification problems, we assume that
items are no longer defined as simple variables but
rather as vectors of n attribute values, i.e.
) where
is the value of attribute
item 𝐴
, similarly 𝐵
), 𝐶
) and
). We also assume implicitly that the four
items 𝐴
and 𝐷
are represented in terms of the
same set of attributes. Then an AP: 𝐴
valid if and only if ∀ 𝑖
1, 𝑛
Analogical classifiers, which are essentially based
on the above analogical inference, operate by
identifying triplets of examples (𝐴
) in the
training set that form an AP with the item to be
classified (𝐷
), on all or a maximum number of
features. These classifiers also ensure that the
corresponding analogical proportion equation for the
class has a valid solution.
In its basic formulation, the analogical classifier
(Bounhas et al., 2017) applies this principle to
determine a solution for the class of 𝐷
that we denote
. When the analogical equation for the
attributes holds, it increments the corresponding score
by 1 and assigns the class label with the highest score
to 𝐷
. This classifier systematically explores all
possible triplets in the training set.
In contrast, the AP classifier, also introduced by
Bounhas et al. (2017), does not consider all possible
triplets from the training set when classifying a new
item 𝐷
. Instead, it restricts the search scope to a
smaller subset of candidate triplets. The AP classifier
first identifies examples most similar to the item to be
classified and narrows its search to pairs of examples
exhibiting the same degree of dissimilarity (measured
using Manhattan distance) as that between the new
item 𝐷
and one of its nearest neighbors. This
approach implicitly constructs triplets that are
analogically proportional to the new item across all
Classification with the AP classifier involves an
additive aggregation of the truth values associated
with the pairs that can be analogically related to those
formed by the target item 𝐷
and its nearest neighbor.
Only pairs that yield a solvable analogical equation
for the classes are considered. The algorithm
proposed by Bounhas et al. (2017) achieves
comparable performance to earlier analogical
classifiers while demonstrating reduced average
computational complexity in both nominal and
numerical contexts. However, its evaluation has been
limited to UCI benchmark datasets for nominal and
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
numerical data. This study aims to extend its
application by evaluating the AP classifier's
effectiveness on real datasets for Arabic text
morphological disambiguation. Additionally, we
conduct a comparative analysis with several
competitive ML and DL algorithms.
The basic procedure of the AP classifier can be
summarized by the following steps:
- Search for triplets of examples (𝐴
) in the
training set s.t: 𝐶
is the nearest neighbor of 𝐷
- Solve the equation: Class(𝐴
- If the previous analogical equation on classes has a
solution ℓ and if the analogical proportion 𝐴
is valid in a componentwise manner for each
attribute, then increment the score of as score(ℓ) =
score(ℓ)+ 1.
- Assign to 𝐷
the class label having the highest score
score(ℓ) as Class(𝐷
) = argmax
Algorithm : AP classifier (Bounhas et al., 2017).
Input: k >1, S a training set, 𝐷
S a new instance to be classified
For each label
) = 0
For each 𝐶
in N
) Do
For each pair (𝐴
, 𝐵
) in |S|
If (Class (𝐴
) : Class(𝐵
) :: Class(𝐶
) : X has solution ℓ)
and (𝐴
) then Score() = Score()+1
Score* = max (Score(
if(Score* 0) then
if(unique(Score* , Score(
))) then
) = argmax
Majority vote
return Class(𝐷
The AP classifier's success depends on the presence of
class-solvable triplets in the training set that form an
analogical proportion with the new item to be
classified. If such triplets are absent, the classifier fails.
This limitation is more likely to occur with small
training sets. However, in our analysis of the Arabic
text morphological disambiguation datasets, this issue
did not arise. In cases where multiple candidate labels
are found i.e., the predicted label is not unique (see the
algorithm below), the ambiguity is resolved through a
majority vote among all possible candidate labels.
The disambiguation process for a given
ambiguous word is based on the context of the Arabic
text. For instance, we assume that the POS is the
morphological feature (MF) to be disambiguated. The
classification process relies on two preceding
attributes (POS-1 and POS-2) and two succeeding
attributes (POS+1 and POS+2) of this word.
In this section, we provide a brief overview of the test
collection in Section 5.1. The experimental scenario
is detailed in Section 5.2, followed by a comparative
study in Section 5.3, which highlights the efficiency
of the AP classifier in comparison to various ML and
DL classifiers.
5.1 Test Collection
We primarily aim to train the AP, ML and DL
classifiers by capturing morphological dependencies
using vocalized texts, and then we test these models
on non-vocalized texts. During training, we use the
morphological analyzer ARAMORPH
on vocalized
Arabic texts from Hadith to extract values for 14
morphological features. During the data pre-
processing step, a data transformation technique is
applied to convert imperfect data into perfect data
suitable for classical ML and DL classifiers (Elayeb
et al., 2022). The selected classifiers are subsequently
trained on vocalized Arabic texts and tested on non-
vocalized ones.
Table 1: Overview of the Arabic dataset.
Morphological Feature
Size (Ko) Attributes Instances
POS 8.806 1961 1516
ADJECTIVE 470 105 1502
ASPECT 937 209 1501
CASE 931 209 1501
CONJUNCTION 472 105 1501
DETERMINER 1.186 266 1503
GENDER 696 157 1501
MODE 703 157 1501
NUMBER 926 209 1500
PARTICLE 938 209 1507
PERSON 932 209 1502
PREPOSITION 472 105 1502
VOICE 704 157 1501
PRONOUN 14.551 3329 1477
Table 1 presents an overview of the Arabic dataset
("Kunuz" corpus of Hadith texts (Bounhas et al.,
2010; 2011ab)) in terms of data size for the 14
Morphological Disambiguation of Texts Based on Analogical Proportions
morphological features, including their total number
of attributes (having Boolean values) and instances.
5.2 Experimental Scenario
We apply a 10-fold cross-validation technique across
three application domains derived from six Hadith
books to assess the performance of the AP classifier,
three ML (SVM, Naïve Bayes, and Decision Tree)
and three DL classifiers (GRU, CNN and LSTM). For
each morphological feature, we compute the average
disambiguation rate over the (9+1) iterations.
To get the disambiguation rates, we follow these
steps: (i) we first analyze the vocalized texts and
record the correct morphological solutions; (ii)
second, we remove short vowels from the same texts;
(iii) third, we disambiguate the resulting texts using a
given classifier and we store the results; and (iv)
finally, we compare the two sets of results to compute
the disambiguation rate.
We experiment with the three ML classifiers
(SVM, NB and DT) using their optimized parameters
detailed in (Elayeb et al., 2022). Besides, the structure
of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model
includes a dropout layer, followed by three CNN
layers with a kernel size of 5 and 128 filters. These
are followed by global max-pooling with default
parameters and another dropout layer. We also used
both LSTM and GRU algorithms. The LSTM
algorithm contains a single LSTM layer, while the
GRU algorithm consists of two GRU layers. This
configuration was determined through
experimentation to achieve optimal accuracy.
To ensure a fair comparison across all tested
classifiers, we also optimize the parameter k for the
AP classifier (k representing the number of nearest
neighbors 𝐶
considered for classifying an item).
Specifically, within each fold of the outer 10-fold
cross-validation, we first extract the training set.
Then, an inner 5-fold cross-validation is performed
on this training set to determine the optimal value of
k. The selected value of k from this initial step is
subsequently used to classify the test examples in the
corresponding outer fold. This procedure is repeated
for all folds in the outer cross-validation.
The classification results for the various
classifiers, presented in Table 2, correspond to the
optimal value of each tuned parameter.
5.3 Experimental Results and
Table 2 summarizes the disambiguation rates of the 14
morphological features using AP, ML, and DL
classifiers. The results confirm that AP and ML
classifiers outperform DL classifiers in disambiguating
the following morphological features with similar
efficiency: ADJECTIVE (96.54%), ASPECT
(71.29%), CASE (56.16%), GENDER (57.16%),
MODE (99.40%), NUMBER (85.27%), and VOICE
(71.29%). Moreover, the AP classifier achieved an
almost identical rate (96.48%) if compared to SVM
and NB (96.75%) when disambiguating the
morphological feature PARTICLE. However, DL
classifiers achieved the best classification results for
(68.40%), and PREPOSITION (84%). Furthermore,
CNN and LSTM emerged as the best classifiers for
disambiguating POS (78.00%) and PERSON
(61.70%), respectively. Conversely, the AP classifier
achieved the highest rate for disambiguating
PRONOUN (67.21%). Overall, the average
disambiguation rate of the AP classifier across the 14
morphological features is 74.80%, outperforming all
ML and DL classifiers. Notably, the data size of certain
morphological features poses challenges for some
classifiers (e.g., POS for ML classifiers and
PRONOUN for DL classifiers). For example, POS
includes 1,961 attributes, while PRONOUN includes
3,329 attributes. ML classifiers, in particular, struggle
to process this data, even with WEKA's maximum
memory allocation of 2,020 MB. To address this
limitation, randomly selected subsets of the data are
used instead of the entire dataset. However, this
method leads to a reduction in disambiguation
accuracy for these extensive morphological features if
compared to smaller ones.
Furthermore, we observe that certain classifiers
produced similar or identical outcomes for specific
morphological features. This can be explained by the
limited number of possible values for these features
(fewer than six) (see for example the results for the
Adjective feature with only two possible classes). In
contrast, other features yield diverse results across
different classifiers. For example, the feature
PRONOUN includes 64 possible class values. These
observations highlight that effectively optimizing
classifier parameters plays a crucial role in improving
their performance when disambiguating Classical
Arabic texts. Moreover, managing small corpora and
text collections with a large number of attributes
remains one of the primary challenges of existing DL
classifiers. For instance, the GRU algorithm
demonstrates a low disambiguation rate (20.20%) for
the morphological feature PRONOUN, which
comprises 3,329 attributes. These findings align with
the conclusions of Elnagar et al. (2020), who also
tested DL algorithms for Arabic text classification.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Disambiguation rates of 14 morphological features using AP, ML and DL classifiers.
Morphological Feature
ML classifiers DL classifiers
POS 29.67% 36.21% 48.94% 73.00% 78.00% 31.20% 56.01%
ADJECTIVE 96.54% 96.54% 96.54% 96.00% 96.10% 96.00% 96.54%
ASPECT 71.29% 71.29% 71.29% 69.70% 70.10% 73.00% 71.29%
CASE 56.16% 56.16% 56.16% 21.50% 51.50% 58.80% 56.16%
CONJUNCTION 83.08% 83.08% 83.08% 84.70% 84.70% 84.70% 83.08%
DETERMINER 64.20% 64.20% 64.20% 68.40% 68.40% 68.40% 64.13%
GENDER 57.16% 57.16% 57.16% 55.10% 55.10% 55.10% 57.16%
MODE 99.40% 99.40% 99.40% 99.30% 99.30% 99.30% 99.40%
NUMBER 85.27% 85.27% 85.27% 45.20% 45.20% 85.60% 85.27%
PARTICLE 96.75% 96.75% 96.68% 43.00% 93.00% 94.30% 96.48%
PERSON 60.25% 60.25% 60.25% 60.80% 60.80% 61.70% 60.25%
PREPOSITION 82.89% 82.89% 82.89% 84.00% 84.00% 84.00% 82.89%
VOICE 71.29% 71.29% 71.29% 13.00% 70.90% 73.00% 71.29%
PRONOUN 63.04% 60.19% 62.56% 20.20% 58.10% 58.10% 67.21%
e 72.64% 72.90% 73.97% 59.60% 72.10% 73.10% 74.80%
The AP classifier appears to be less sensitive to
dataset size, even when managing a large number of
attributes or classes. Notably, it achieves the highest
disambiguation rate for the PRONOUN dataset
compared to all other classifiers. This highlights, once
again, the AP classifier's efficiency in handling multi-
class classification tasks involving numerous
attributes, even under conditions of data scarcity
(Bounhas et Prade, 2023). This efficiency is achieved
through the use of triplets of examples from the
training set, which form an analogical proportion with
the item being classified. Consequently, the triplet-
based approach serves as a method for augmenting
sparse data, allowing the classifier to draw reliable
conclusions about the item by aggregating scores
across various triplets.
Arabic morphological disambiguation remains one of
the major challenges in several domains, including
machine translation, information retrieval, speech
recognition and synthesis, educational tools, and text-
to-speech systems. Solving the problem of ambiguity
in Arabic texts with high accuracy can be highly
beneficial for these application areas. For this purpose
and given the success of analogical proportions in
summarizing Arabic texts and in classifying both
structured nominal or numerical data and unstructured
data (such as Arabic text classification), we aim to
investigate the efficiency of an AP classifier in
disambiguating Classical Arabic texts. We compare
the performance of the analogy-based algorithm to a
set of well-established ML and DL classifiers. The
results demonstrate the competitive performance of the
AP classifier in terms of the average disambiguation
rate across the 14 morphological features.
Furthermore, the AP classifier exhibits reduced
complexity compared to analogical classifiers that take
into account all triplets, while maintaining accuracy
that is either better than or, in many cases, equivalent
to some ML and DL classifiers (Bounhas et al, 2024.a).
Despite its efficiency, the AP classifier requires
further investigation and enhancement. First, it is
important to test it using modern Arabic text
collections, such as TreeBank. Second, we aim to
expand the AP classifier to accommodate regional
dialects with unique morphological structures.
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morphological disambiguation can be improved by
incorporating advanced linguistic context, including
integration with syntax and semantics. Additionally,
we propose leveraging unsupervised learning
techniques to reduce reliance on annotated datasets,
focusing on the development of unsupervised or
semi-supervised methods.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence