Gaussian Splatting has demonstrated its ability
to surpass state-of-the-art reconstruction methods
in quality; however, challenges such as under-
reconstruction, artifacts, and the omission of impor-
tant details, particularly in background regions high-
light areas for improvement. These limitations often
arise from imprecise densification. To address these
limitations, we build on recent advances in Adaptive
Density Control for 3DGS and propose several novel
improvements: a correction mechanism for scene ex-
tent, an exponentially ascending gradient threshold,
and significance-aware pruning.
Our comprehensive evaluation demonstrates that
combining these techniques effectively addresses
these challenges, resulting in improved reconstruc-
tion quality while maintaining a manageable number
of Gaussian primitives. Although some of the mod-
ifications only bring minor improvements, all of the
components are straightforward to implement into ex-
isting 3DGS frameworks, providing a practical and
efficient enhancement to previous methods.
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man Research Foundation (project 3DIL, grant
no. 502864329), the German Federal Ministry of
Education and Research (project VoluProf, grant
no. 16SV8705), and the European Commission (Hori-
zon Europe project Luminous, grant no. 101135724).
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Improving Adaptive Density Control for 3D Gaussian Splatting