A Study on mHealth Adherence for Bipolar Disorder: A Case Study with
the BraPolar2 Application
Abel Gonz
alez Mond
1 a
, Luiza Oliveira R
1 b
, Greis Francy M. Silva-Calpa
1 c
and Daniel C. Mograbi
2,3 d
Department of Informatics, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Rua Marqu
es de S
ao Vicente, 225, G
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Department of Psychology, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Rua Marqu
es de S
ao Vicente, 225, G
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, 16 De Crespigny Park, Camberwell, SE5 8AF,
London, U.K.
mHealth, Bipolar Disorder, Active Data, Passive Data, Patient Adherence.
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mental illness that affects 40 million people worldwide. Fluctuations in mood,
activity, and self-awareness mark this condition. Studies using mHealth applications to monitor people with
BD have shown promising results in the early detection of these fluctuations; however, they usually require
participants to complete daily tasks in the app, which causes them to abandon the study and compromises the
quality of the research. This paper explores the adherence to BraPolar2 mHealth through a set of development
strategies. To identify the aspects that lead patients with BD not to complete daily data in an mHealth appli-
cation and the factors that motivate them to use the application as a habit, we conducted qualitative research
with BraPolar2 mHealth. Nine people with BD participated in the study and used BraPolar2 for more than
3 months, answering a semi-structured interview. The results show that users can fill in all the data quickly
and begin to pay more attention to their mental health daily. The paper contributes by demonstrating how a
simplified interface in mHealths, coupled with qualitative research, can lead to the participation of mHealth
applications for mental health follow-up, allowing an improved follow-up in next studies.
Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a mental condition charac-
terized by extreme mood swings between emotional
highs, called manic episodes, and lows, known as de-
pressive episodes (Sajatovic et al., 2010). The term
bipolar reflects these two extremes: during a manic
episode, a patient experiences intense feelings of eu-
phoria, sleeplessness, racing thoughts, impulsive ac-
tions, and risky behaviours (Sajatovic et al., 2010). In
contrast, depressive episodes involve loss of interest
and pleasure in activities, feelings of hopelessness,
and low energy, making even the simplest mundane
tasks difficult (de Figueiredo et al., 2022). Without
treatment, these mood swings become more frequent
and intense, complicating the patient’s ability to man-
age their routines. Although there are different types
of BD, all are defined by mood swings; the differ-
ence lies in the frequency and intensity of these mood
changes (Tondo et al., 2022). This condition makes
managing daily social activities and functions such as
work, relationships, and self-care extremely difficult
as patients struggle to maintain emotional balance.
The most common way to monitor and treat pa-
tients with BD is through medication and scheduled
appointments with healthcare providers. However,
the time gap between appointments allows for un-
monitored mood swings that may not be accurately
reported during the next visit (de Figueiredo et al.,
2022). Daily appointments are impractical, so a con-
venient solution is using mHealth applications to keep
track of patients with BD (Chan et al., 2021).
Although these m-health apps ensure consistency
and frequency in collecting data to support tracking
mood swings, these applications would be limited if
the user showed low adherence to the app. Adherence
Mondéjar, A. G., Régnier, L. O., Silva-Calpa, G. F. M. and Mograbi, D. C.
A Study on mHealth Adherence for Bipolar Disorder: A Case Study with the BraPolar2 Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0013308600003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 813-820
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
to mHealth is defined by how well the user follows
the app’s protocols, considering their frequency of use
and duration of time of use. In addition, mHealth apps
also offer benefits such as lower costs due to more
spaced appointments and more reliable daily data col-
lection (Chan et al., 2021).
This article presents the BraPolar2 development
process (Mond
ejar et al., 2024), an application to
monitor people with BD. We discuss and evaluate
BraPolar2 adherence in nine people with bipolar dis-
order as the reasons why these BD patients show
higher or lower levels of adherence to the app, aban-
doning or discontinuing the use of the app in some
cases, despite knowing that it helps them collect
daily data about their mental state. This study an-
alyzes patient interaction with BraPolar2 and semi-
structured interviews with patients who used the ap-
plication for at least 3 months. Using the adapta-
tion of the mHealth Usability Questionnaire (MAUQ)
(Muro-Culebras et al., 2021), we focused on the pa-
tient’s motivations, reasons for daily use and factors
contributing to inconsistent use of the app.
This article is structured as follows. Section 2
presents related works, and Section 3 details the ad-
herence strategies, development and MAUQ presenta-
tion. Later, in Section 4, we present the methodology
and evaluation procedure with bipolar patients in an
ambulatory clinic. Finally, Section 5 describes the re-
sults and presents the discussion, limitations, future
work and conclusions in Section 6.
Developing mHealth apps for patients with mental
illness can be challenging depending on the type of
illness being treated and the illness-related factors
ohringer et al., 2013) and therefore requires spe-
cific design choices. mHealth applications are in-
tended to provide support for the outcome of men-
tal ill patients in many different ways, such as symp-
tom monitoring apps where the patient can report
their symptoms during the day, remote consultations,
medication management reminding the patient to take
their medication, and cognitive behavioral therapy
(CBT) tools that allow the patient to use some alter-
natives to help manage conditions such as anxiety and
depression (Batra et al., 2017). Recent research shows
that the main factors that influence users to first adopt
mHealth apps are social influences, such as internet
findings, comments, and reviews on apps (Woldey-
ohannes and Ngwenyama, 2017). However, adher-
ence level would depend on the type of mHealth app
being used, the friendly interface, and the develop-
ment of a habit during the time period of use (Wold-
eyohannes and Ngwenyama, 2017).
Knowing that BD is characterized by unstable
moods that vary from depressive states to euphoric
states, it is interesting both for the patient and their
doctor that these mood swings remain trackable and
under constant observation (de Figueiredo et al.,
2022), mHealth applications (Mond
ejar et al., 2019)
ejar et al., 2020) turn daily mood reports into
reality, requiring the patient to fill in only a simple
questionnaire on his phone.
Furthermore, despite the heterogeneous mHealth
apps available for download nowadays (Batra et al.,
2017), these applications remain rarely implemented
in treatments (Patoz et al., 2021). After download-
ing, the user quickly abandons them (Baumel et al.,
2019), further strengthening the need for more studies
on lack of adherence when it comes to adherence of
patients with bipolar disorder to mHealth apps. These
studies are relevant because the mood swings make
BD a unique case among mental illnesses, as these
swings can specifically affect adherence levels when
it comes to treatment (Sajatovic et al., 2010) and will
be dicussed in the next section our proposal.
Despite the findings in current literature regarding ad-
herence to mHealth, in this section we present four
adherence strategies developed to reduce the lack of
adherence to mHealth. Later, we develop a new ver-
sion of BraPolar2 and present the evaluation test to be
3.1 Adherence Strategies
Non-adherence to mHealth applications to monitor
people with bipolar disorder can lead to incorrect di-
agnoses by specialists (Jakob et al., 2022) (Siegel-
Ramsay et al., 2023). With this new version, we
aim that BraPolar2 (Mond
ejar et al., 2024) were to
be less intrusive in the day-to-day collection of ac-
tive user data, following this background approach of
collecting subjective information, we could get valu-
able information that users could forget about on a
specific day when asked in consults or feel uncom-
fortable (Siegel-Ramsay et al., 2023). In this line, as
adherence to mHealth is a challenge mentioned in the
literature (Patoz et al., 2021) (Averous et al., 2018),
we propose that the new version of BraPolar (BraPo-
lar2) should address the following points:
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
1. Simplified user interface (UI).
2. Regular feedback loops and progress tracking.
3. Lower power consumption for extended battery.
4. Offline functionality for no-internet areas.
With those four considerations, we developed a
new version of mHealth supported by psychiatrists
and psychologists from the Institute of Psychiatry
of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IPUB).
This psychiatric institution maintains clinical research
in psychoanalysis. The next subsection details the
BraPolar2 development process and how we adapt
the four-adherence proposal to this new version of
3.2 BraPolar2 mHealth Development
BraPolar2 is a mHealth that captures active and
passive data from bipolar patients. Although ac-
tive data requires conscientious data into patients’
mHealth, passive data is collected using smartphone
sensors. The detailed development process of this
mHealth was described by Mond
ejar et al. (Mond
et al., 2024), considering previous work experience
ejar et al., 2019) (Mond
ejar et al., 2020) and
adherence strategies described above.
Summarizing the BraPolar2 development process,
we could highlight that psychiatrists and psycholo-
gists participated in all stages of the Software De-
velopment Life Cycle (SDLC) (Agarwal et al., 2023)
defining the main features or requirements to be col-
lected with BraPolar2 such as mood, mood intensity,
energy level, sleep and sleep quality, medication and
menstrual cycle and the sequence of interfaces with
which patients interacted during the investigation re-
garding the request of medical personnel.
Once the application was developed, we collected
the digital phenotype in BD patients. Meanwhile, as
adherence in mHealth is of considerable relevance for
collecting digital phenotype, we investigated how to
evaluate the adhesion and acceptance to the applica-
tion. In this way, we proceed with an mHealth app us-
ability questionnaire (MAUQ) adaptation into a semi-
structured interview, as detailed above.
3.3 MAUQ
When exploring adherence to apps, one way to gather
material for evaluating the factors that influence the
degree of adherence is by applying a usability ques-
tionnaire. This tool is used to evaluate the user experi-
ence when using an application. These questionnaires
measure aspects of the application’s usability, such as
ease of use, utility, and user satisfaction, so that the re-
sponses obtained help developers identify the applica-
tion’s strengths and weaknesses that can be improved
(Zhou et al., 2019).
To identify the aspects that cause patients with
bipolar disorder not to fill in the data in a mHealth
application and the factors that motivate them to use
the application as a habit, we conducted qualitative re-
search on the use of mHealth BraPolar2 supported by
an adaptation of the mHealth Usability Questionnaire
(MAUQ) (Muro-Culebras et al., 2021). These ques-
tionnaires aim to measure different aspects of the us-
ability, satisfaction, and acceptance of mHealth apps
among users and healthcare professionals. In addi-
tion, it is widely used in the field of study by other au-
thors (Manzano-Monfort et al., 2023) (Mustafa et al.,
2021) (Hajesmaeel-Gohari et al., 2022) who adapt to
their native language, then we proceed to adapt it to
our context, described below.
In the next section, we present the methodology,
highlighting the steps taken to evaluate adherence in
this study.
In this section, we present and adapt the MAUQ ques-
tionnaire into a semi-structured interview and ethical
considerations. Finally, we comment on the data col-
lection procedure when the interview was conducted
with nine bipolar patients.
4.1 MAUQ Adaptation Interview
Although MAUQ is designed primarily as a self-
administered questionnaire, it can also be adapted for
interviews to gather more in-depth qualitative insights
into user interactions with mHealth applications, con-
sidering that long questionnaires can potentially lead
to respondent fatigue, impacting the quality of the col-
lected data (Glise et al., 2020). Consequently, we
adapt MAUQ for BraPolar2 to determine whether pa-
tients adhere to the app through an interview script.
This adaptation study matches the MAUQ model,
as it is split into four subscales focused on ease of
use, interface satisfaction and utility, resulting in more
reliable responses from the interviewed users (Zhou
et al., 2019). To adapt the script to make it fully under-
standable for the participants (Brazilian patients with
BD), we follow the following steps:
1. Translation to Portuguese MAUQ questionnaire.
2. Adapt him to conduct a semi-structured interview.
3. Validate it with psychiatrists and psychologists.
A Study on mHealth Adherence for Bipolar Disorder: A Case Study with the BraPolar2 Application
As conducting an interview can be challenging,
we obtain a questionnaire to assess adherence in a
semi-structured interview, avoiding closed questions
and intending to be an open-ended question that pro-
motes discussion and leads to a conversational part-
nership (Lazar et al., 2017) (Grande et al., 2019)
(Grau-Corral et al., 2020). As part of the preparation,
we applied a pilot interview test with six specialists
(two psychologists and four psychiatrists) to refine the
questions for the patients.
Once we have concluded that this phase is over,
we intend to know the easy and frequency of use, mo-
tivation, satisfaction with interface, utility, feelings
towards collected passive data and general opinion.
Then, with the translated MAUQ model, an adapta-
tion was made so that the questionnaire could be ap-
plied to assess the usability of the BraPolar2 app.
4.2 Ethical Considerations
Ethical considerations are highly relevant in mHealth
when collecting people’s information. As mHealth
technologies raise unique risks to user privacy and
confidentiality, often embedded in lengthy and com-
plex user agreements (Gelinas et al., 2023). In this
line, we care about the Brazilian legal base, data pro-
tection laws, rights over users’ data, anonymity, and
the security process of collected information. For
all interviews conducted, patients signed an informed
consent form (ICF) stating that they agreed to record
their voices and would be analyzed to publish scien-
tific research.
4.3 Participants
We met with psychologists and psychiatrists to de-
fine inclusion and exclusion criteria to recruit patients
with BD. As a result, we included people diagnosed
with BD between 18 and 60 years old. We excluded
patients who were pregnant, had a lack of knowl-
edge of the Portuguese language, who could not learn
the technical details of using a smartphone, and who
were seriously ill or also diagnosed with schizophre-
nia, schizoaffective disorder or delusional. Regarding
the quantity and demographic characteristics of the
participants, nine (seven women and two men) aged
21 to 48 years were enrolled. They used BraPolar2 for
at least 3 months from the beginning of the research.
The participants were labeled from P1 to P22.
We intend to reach those participants who decided to
abandon the research (P1, P6, P7, P9, P10, P14, P17,
P19, P20, P22) too; however, it was not possible due
to their free decision to stop the research. Further-
more, we focus on nine people with bipolar disorder
who participated in the study and used BraPolar2 for
at least three months from the beginning of our re-
search. To be as less intrusive as possible, the inter-
view occurred during one of their regular consulta-
tions while waiting for their medical appointment in
IPUB Institute. First, we invited patients to partici-
pate in the research and proceeded to sign the ICF;
neither one refused to participate or record their voice
and was invited to a consultation room where the
questionnaires were applied, recorded and analyzed
by the researchers later.
The following section presents the main user ad-
herence results using the MAUQ interview collection
4.4 Data Collection Procedure
The interviews were conducted at IPUB, where the
participants were already waiting to be seen by their
psychiatrists. The interviewers sat beside the partici-
pants, reading out loud the MAUQ adapted script and
listened to the participants’ answers. Due to the place
being usually crowded and limited in space, the inter-
view had to be interrupted because the patients were
called during it, resulting in the data being split into
two different audio files. The interviews lasted an av-
erage of 15 minutes in total, with the longest lasting
21 minutes; a total of 9 interviews were conducted, all
of which were first recorded using the interviewer’s
phone voice recorder app and later transcribed, facili-
tating the analysis of the collected data.
Once the interviews were complete and properly
transcribed, many sentences were disregarded for the
final analysis as they were irrelevant to the study.
Such parts included sentences spoken by third parties
not participating in the interview or segments where
the participant or interviewer strayed from the inter-
view topic. Once this filtering was performed, the
transcription was organized by the topics of each set
of questions asked.
In the next section, we present the results with
BraPolar2 on active data and qualitative research from
In this section, we describe the main results of the
research on the adherence of the user to BraPolar2 and
the main findings. First, we describe the main results
of the investigation regarding the user’s adhesion to
the proposed solution and the main findings.
The interviews with the modified version of
MAUQ were conducted at different times for each
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
participant. In addition, we include their current state
on the day of the interview (manic, hypomanic, eu-
thymic, or depressed) defined by their therapists, con-
sidering that patients with bipolar disorder can ex-
hibit varying levels of understanding and insight into
research participation based on their current mental
state (Misra et al., 2008) and the total interview time
in mm:ss (TT), summarized in Table 1 and is com-
mented on in detail in the discussion subsection (5.1).
Table 1: Patient state in interview day.
ID Date Mental
P2 04/06 Manic 10:38
P3 04/06 Hypomania 16:36
P5 21/05 Depressed 14:15
P8 21/05 Euthimia 21:49
P11 07/05 Depression 18:24
P15 28/05 Depression 14:53
P16 14/05 Euthimia 11:58
P18 04/06 Euthimia 08:58
P21 21/05 Euthimia 21:44
- - 15:28
Although we have continuous follow-up and pa-
tient recruitment, some participants decided not to
continue (P1, P6, P7, P9, P10, P13, P14, P17, P19,
P20 and P22); we observed that they were not in-
terested and left to complete the daily questionnaire
or did not return to IPUB on the scheduled date and
summarized the reason for the abandonment of the
study. P1, P6, P17 and P22 withdrew immediately af-
ter their first consultation. P7 and P10 faced technical
or compatibility issues with the app, and P9-10 cited
personal or workload constraints to continue, and P13
P14 presented more complex mental health. Finally,
P19 and P20 transitioned to private consultation.
In the next section, we discuss the feedback from
those participants who completed the minimal assess-
ment time of three months.
5.1 Discussion
Interview analysis may be challenging (Lazar et al.,
2017) (Barbosa et al., 2021). Taking into account
the notes and prescription of the audios mentioned in
the interview, we analyze each prescription, split into
categories (Lazar et al., 2017): ease and frequency
of use, motivation, satisfaction, utility, and an open
question called general user opinion.
Ease of Use. The participants considered the ap-
plication practical and easy to use, with some ini-
tial challenges overcome with practice. First, P2 de-
scribed the application as practical and easy to use,
quickly overcoming the initial difficulties. P5 found
the application very easy to use, highlighting the
smooth navigation between screens and the ability to
enter the necessary information without problems. P8
found it difficult to view the history of his entries,
which negatively impacted his motivation for contin-
ued use and the lack of reminders. P11 mentioned
that the restricted time to enter the data was a signif-
icant problem, resulting in the loss of records. Fur-
thermore, navigation, although generally consistent,
presented some glitches. P15 found using the ap-
plication intuitive, with clear questions and objective
markings and did not face significant difficulties in
navigation. P16 considered the application easy to
use, mentioning that alarms and reminders were not
uncomfortable, although he occasionally forgot to re-
spond due to routine. P18 also found the application
easy and intuitive but noticed that the answers were
reset when returning to a previous page, which was
an issue solved later.
Frequency of Use. Regarding the frequency of use,
participants showed variations in the frequency of us-
ing the application, influenced by different factors. P2
used the application daily, feeling satisfied and with
a sense of mission accomplished after filling in the
daily data. P5 highlighted that the lack of availabil-
ity at certain times affected their frequency of use,
emphasizing the importance of having more flexible
schedules to facilitate continuous use. P8 mentioned
that the absence of reminders negatively affected her
frequency of use, indicating that she would have used
the application more regularly if she had been notified
at specific times. P11 used the application daily, ex-
cept when he forgot or missed the time allowed for
data entry, considering this restriction a significant
impediment to continued use. P15 used the app al-
most daily but occasionally forgot, especially when
he was away from home or feeling ill. He felt frus-
trated when he could not fill in the data after midnight
due to the impossibility of retroactive entry. P16 used
the application daily but sometimes forgot to fill in the
data, especially at night, feeling bad when he could
not complete the entries for several days. P18 used
the application daily, except on some days when she
forgot, usually due to her menstrual routine, feeling
frustrated when she failed to fill in the data.
Motivation. The participants presented different
motivations for using the application, often related
A Study on mHealth Adherence for Bipolar Disorder: A Case Study with the BraPolar2 Application
to their daily routines and personal needs. P2 pre-
ferred to fill out the information at night, as this co-
incided with when she took her medication, helping
her to remember this important task. P5 felt that the
app helped record her mental state, providing self-
awareness of her mood and sleep. The absence of a
visual history impacted P8’s motivation as she would
like to see her progress over time, especially concern-
ing personal aspects such as menstruation. P11 did
not directly discuss her motivation, but her regular
use suggests that she was committed to the process
despite the app’s limitations. P15 preferred to use the
application at night, after completing his daily activ-
ities and taking medication, considering filling in the
data as a diary that provided a positive feeling of con-
trol over his data. P16 also preferred to fill in the data
at night, but suggested that answering in the morning
could be more accurate, especially for questions about
sleep and medication. P18 preferred to complete the
data in the evening, to ensure that all changes in mood
throughout the day were captured.
Satisfaction of Use. The participants presented dif-
ferent opinions on the application interface, highlight-
ing positive aspects and suggesting improvements. P2
liked the interface of the application, thought the in-
formation was well organized, and felt comfortable
using it in social environments, considering the time
spent using it as appropriate and expressing general
satisfaction with the application, stating that he would
use it again. P5 described the interface as organized
and easy to use, as well as comfortable in social set-
tings. Considering that the usage time is adequate, it
generally takes around ve minutes to complete the
entries. P8 found the interface neutral and mentioned
that the information was well organized, but felt a lack
of adequate notifications and feedback on information
entered, feeling comfortable using the application in
social environments, but not satisfied with the current
version, highlighting the need for improvements to in-
crease usefulness. P11 described the interface as ba-
sic and normal, with well-organized and intuitive in-
formation, feeling comfortable using the application
in social environments, but preferring to use it before
bed. P15 considered the application interface simple
but suggested improvements to align with more mod-
ern designs, including accessible graphics and results
for users. P16 considered the application interface
simple and well organized, comfortable using the ap-
plication in social settings, and found the time spent
adequate. P18 liked the app’s interface, found the in-
formation well organized, felt comfortable using the
app in social settings, and found the time spent appro-
Utility. Participants expressed different perceptions
about the app’s usefulness for their health and well-
being. P2 found the app useful for remembering to
take her medication and managing her bipolar disor-
der, believing that the app had all the necessary fea-
tures. P5 considered the application useful for under-
standing and managing his mental state, but suggested
improvements such as greater schedule flexibility (in-
sert the information at any moment of day). How-
ever, P8, did not find the application useful due to the
lack of access to recorded information and the lack of
feedback on his daily entries, which diminished his
perception of usefulness. P11 also did not find the app
particularly useful for monitoring her mood, citing the
lack of transparency about where her data go and the
lack of practical use in everyday life, highlighting the
need for more transparency and features in future ver-
sions. P15 believed in the app’s usefulness for mental
health, especially if used in conjunction with a psychi-
atrist or psychologist, suggesting the presentation of
graphical results to help users better understand their
mood fluctuations. P16 found the application use-
ful, especially for remembering medications, suggest-
ing the inclusion of a field for personal observations
to better contextualize the data collected. P18 also
found the app useful for keeping track of her mental
state, but would like access to visual feedback, such
as graphs, to better understand her mood trends.
General User Opinion. The participants presented
valuable suggestions to improve the usability and
effectiveness of the application, with an emphasis on
flexibility and data presentation. P2 highlighted the
importance of the application in improving your day
and positively incorporating it into your daily life.
P5 suggested greater flexibility in the times to fill in
the information to facilitate the continuous use of
the application. P8 recommended leaving the field
of emotions open without limiting it to predefined
options and eliminating the time limit to fill out the
information, which would increase the flexibility and
usefulness of the application. P11 did not directly
mention feelings about passive data collection. Still,
it highlighted the need for greater transparency,
suggesting clearer communication about collecting
and using these data could improve their satisfaction.
P15 emphasized the need for improvements to the
interface and presentation of the results, suggesting
that these changes would increase the satisfaction and
effectiveness of the application. Both P16 and P18
suggested the inclusion of graphs and analyses of the
collected data, which would help better understand
trends and variations in mood over time. P18 also
mentioned that allowing the correction of the answers
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
without losing previous data would improve usability
and overall satisfaction with the application.
In summary, we point out two main reasons peo-
ple abandon ongoing research: personal (un)interest
and lack of commitment. As research participation
is voluntary and personal interest can vary, we were
interested in gaining information about those partic-
ipants who decided to continue with research and
their experience with the BraPolar2 application. Con-
sequently, we apply a qualitative evaluation through
an adaptation interview of MAUQ. At this point, we
could consider the diverse circumstances of a lack of
acceptance of the research described next.
5.2 Limitations of the Study and Areas
for Future Research
The first methodology option considered for collect-
ing data for this study was a Google Forms ques-
tionnaire style. However, the number of participants
turned out to be too low for such a form to guarantee
both comprehensive and accurate results. The solu-
tion was to conduct oral interviews, allowing partic-
ipants to elaborate further while answering interview
Several challenges found during the interviews
were related to the patient’s state during the inter-
views, which was the ability of each patient to re-
spond to the questionnaire in a coherent way. When it
comes to BD, some patients could be found either on a
extreme manic state or depressive state, affecting their
capacity to maintain focus or interest on some of the
questions asked. One interesting case to report was
P3, who had returned after months without coming to
the IPUB institute and talked a lot about personal mat-
ters and less about the questions made during the in-
terview itself. She got dispersed a lot of times and we,
as the interviewers, struggled to keep the interview on
track. Although there were some other patients like
P3, there were also some who were less communica-
tive, giving short kinds of answers and not elaborating
much during the conversation, In contrast to P8 who
talked for 21 minutes while the average interview time
was around 15 minutes.
This study presents the relevance of BraPolar2
mHealth for an enhanced management of bipolar dis-
order, applying a set of strategies to improve the ad-
herence and tested with nine bipolar disorder patients.
As a result, the app was well-received for its rela-
tive ease of use and utility. However, improvements
in user feedback to enable more flexible data en-
try functionality, visual progress tracking, and inter-
face design can help increase satisfaction and engage-
ment with the app. One significant advantage also is
awareness of emotions and help in the management
of bipolar disorder, which makes this application use-
ful. As mHealth continues to evolve, more studies
with a longer collection time and gamification tech-
niques can be developed to improve adherence in pa-
tients with bipolar disorder and mHealth, improving
patient outcomes and quality of life.
This study was financed in part by the Coordenac¸
de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior -
Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.
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