Table 6: Theoretical distance per inference for Forklift with
speed of 11km/h.
Model mAP50 Inference (ms) Distance (cm)
0.661 147.7 45.14
(ours) 0.6485 102.5 31.32
(ours) 0.613 64.7 19.77
(ours) 0.684 37.8 11.55
This research findings confirmed that training the
YOLOv8 model with a class-specific dataset split
from the LOCO dataset greatly improved inference
efficiency, resulting in a 30.6% decrease in overall in-
ference time. Significantly, there were even more im-
provements in targeted detection tasks, with inference
times decreasing by 74.4% for transporting tools and
56.2% for carrying tools. When applied to a forklift
moving at a top speed of 11 km/h, this method re-
duced the distance covered per inference round from
45.14 cm to 31.32 cm, resulting in a minimum travel
distance of 11.55 cm when identifying transporting
equipment. Hence, these improvements were made
with only a 1.25% decrease in mAP, ensuring ade-
quate accuracy for real-world use.
In addition, the research discovered that decreas-
ing the image size setting in YOLOv8 resulted in a
notable decrease in inference times, which enhanced
its efficiency in real-time object detection. Yet, the
decrease in resolution led to failures in detection, es-
pecially for smaller objects. The results show that de-
creasing image size is most advantageous for datasets
with bigger object annotations, while the accuracy of
detection remains mostly unchanged. Hence, it is ad-
vised to utilize this technique in situations with high-
resolution photos and bigger objects to strike a perfect
equilibrium between speed of inference and perfor-
mance of detection.
We acknowledge the use of ChatGPT4o to enhance
the readability of our paper.
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Class-Specific Dataset Splitting for YOLOv8: Improving Real-Time Performance in NVIDIA Jetson Nano for Faster Autonomous Forklifts