In this paper, we proposed CSAI, a new cluster
evaluation index for dealing with the validity and
robustness of clustering solutions. This approach is
used to assess the quality of clustering solutions and the
reproducibility of data clustering through the concept
of model stability. Building up on some of the
limitations in the literature, CSAI distinguishes itself
by fully leveraging aggregated feature structures
pertaining to clusters rather than focusing on cluster
centroids. For evaluation, we conducted extensive
experiments on four different publicly available
datasets to validate the generality and effectiveness of
the proposed algorithm. In our experiments, we
selected the widely used clustering algorithms,
including k-means, k-medoid, agglomerative
hierarchical clustering and Gaussian mixture model.
Our experimental results demonstrate that CSAI is a
promising unified solution that can effectively evaluate
the quality of clustering solutions and their stability.
More importantly, the CSAI index exhibited the
highest efficacy in agglomerative hierarchical
clustering, surpassing other indices, highlighting its
suitability for hierarchical clustering while also
highlighting its effectiveness on other clustering
As limitation of the study, CSAI’s efficacy has
been evaluated using only textual datasets, despite the
potential for the proposed method to work on other
domains and data modalities such as images and other
datasets. Thus, further research will be towards using
these diverse data types to validate the algorithm's
versatility and robustness across different domains.
This research work is funded by SFIMediaFutures
Partners and the Research Council of Norway (Grant
number 309339).
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