Data Collection in Cyber Exercises Through Monitoring Points:
Observing, Steering, and Scoring
Tobias Pfaller
, Florian Skopik
, Lenhard Reuter
and Maria Leitner
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria
University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
Cyber Exercise, Cyber Exercise Scenario, Participant Observation, Activity Monitoring, Cyber Exercise
Evaluation, Cyber Scenario Steering.
Cyber security exercises are an essential means to train people and increase their skill levels in IT operations,
cyber incident response, and forensic investigations. Unfortunately, carrying out high-quality exercises re-
quires tremendous human effort in planning, deploying, executing and evaluating well-planned cyber exercise
scenarios. While planning a scenario is often only a one time effort, and deployment can be highly automatized
today, their repeated execution and evaluation is a resource-intensive task. Usually human experts manually
observe the participants to recognize any difficulties in carrying out the exercise and to keep track of the partic-
ipants’ progress. This is an essential prerequisite to not only support participants during the exercise, but also
to drive the scenario further through timely injects, and provide feedback after the exercise. All this manual
effort makes exercises a costly activity, reduces scalability and hinders their wide adoption. We argue that
with automating observations, recognizing participant progress with only little to no human effort, and even
steering the delivery of customized injects, cyber exercises could be carried out much more cost-effective. In
this paper, we therefore introduce the concept of monitoring points which enable the scenario-dependent col-
lection of technical data and the calculation of behavior and progress metrics to rate participants in exercises.
This is the foundational basis for steering an exercise on the one side, and evaluation on the other side. We
showcase our concept and implementation in course of a demonstrator consisting of a cyber exercise compris-
ing 14 participants and discuss its applicability.
Cyber ranges and cyber exercises are important means
to prepare against cyber threats by providing realis-
tic and controlled environments for cybersecurity pro-
fessionals to practice and improve their skills (Kar-
jalainen et al., 2019). These platforms simulate real-
world cyber attacks, allowing participants to respond
to various scenarios, test their incident response plans,
and enhance their ability to detect, mitigate, and re-
cover from threats. Through hands-on experience in
these simulated environments, individuals and teams
can identify weaknesses in their cybersecurity pos-
ture, develop effective strategies for defense, and col-
laborate with others to strengthen their overall re-
silience against cyber threats.
The observation of participants is an important
corner stone of every cyber exercise delivery. It al-
lows to control injects to adapt exercises to the partic-
ipants’ progress and draw conclusions with respect to
exercise objectives. However, current approaches for
participant observation are mostly implemented as ei-
ther resource-intensive manual activities, i.e., human
observers are employed, or only superficially deter-
mine the status of exercises, i.e., participants need to
submit reports or flags, or are interrogated with ques-
tionnaires. Furthermore, both reports and question-
naires are subjective assessments that do not allow for
a detailed review of participants’ activities. Manual
observations allow for detailed insights, but they are a
huge burden, can barely be automated, and thus scale
poorly. As a consequence, the delivery of cyber exer-
cises requires a huge amount of resources, which may
be overwhelming for the organizers, but definitely in-
creases costs of exercises tremendously.
We argue that with automating observations, rec-
ognizing participant progress with only little to no
human effort, and even steering the delivery of cus-
tomized injects, cyber exercises could be carried out
much more cost-effective.
Meticulously observing participants in cyber exer-
cises provides benefits in multiple dimensions:
Providing Feedback. An after-action report usu-
ally summarizes how single participants or a team
Pfaller, T., Skopik, F., Reuter, L. and Leitner, M.
Data Collection in Cyber Exercises Through Monitoring Points: Observing, Steering, and Scor ing.
DOI: 10.5220/0013309900003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 355-366
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
did in general solving a cyber scenario.
Steering. The timed delivery of injects to drive
a scenario further is usually based on the partici-
pants’ progress to keep them busy on the one side
but not to overburden them on the other side.
Scoring. Evaluating single participants and vali-
dating their learning goals, as well as identifying
opportunities for skill improvement is also based
on observations during an exercise.
In this paper, we therefore introduce the con-
cept of monitoring points which enable the scenario-
dependent collection of technical data and the calcu-
lation of behavior and progress metrics to rate partic-
ipants in exercises. This is the foundational basis for
steering an exercise on the one side, and evaluating
participants and exercise runs on the other side. In
contrast to existing methods, our approach goes be-
yond analyzing individual sources of the infrastruc-
ture (e.g., the bash history) and allows holistic, tar-
geted monitoring of a cyber exercise infrastructure.
In particular, the contributions of this paper are:
Concept of Monitoring Points. We describe the
concept of monitoring points within a cyber ex-
ercise infrastructure, including their various types
and inter-relations.
Proof-of-Concept Implementation. We show-
case an example of a proof-of-concept (PoC) im-
plementation for specific exercise tasks and high-
light technical issues.
Evaluation and Demonstration. We showcase
the application of the PoC in course of a real-
world pilot and critically discuss the use and ap-
plicability of monitoring points.
We consider our work important for everyone who
realizes and delivers cyber exercises and faces scala-
bility issues regarding the observation of potentially
large groups of participants.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 outlines important background and
related work. Section 3 introduces the concept of
monitoring points, while Sect. 4 describes the imple-
mentation of a proof-of-concept. Section 5 discusses
the evaluation results of a real-world pilot and the ap-
plicability of monitoring points. Finally, Sect.6 con-
cludes the paper.
Since evaluating the performance of participants in
cyber exercises is very cumbersome, many cyber ex-
ercise organisers limit their observation to superficial
technical metrics, as for example whether a specific
service is available or has been successfully compro-
mised by attackers. In an e-commerce exercise (Sny-
der, 2006), the authors simulated customers that re-
quested a service each minute and the exercise teams
earned points at each request if the service was avail-
able. In Platoon (Li and Xie, 2016), the design of a
virtual platform for cyber trainings and exercises is
presented. The authors integrated a scoring engine,
that calculates real-time service scores based on ser-
vice availability. In a cyber exercise implemented by
Vykopal et al. (Vykopal et al., 2017), penalty points
where computed if services where inaccessible.
In Capture the Flag (CTF) (Kucek and Leitner,
2020) exercises, participants uncover flags usually
represented as strings by solving predetermined
tasks. These flags must then be submitted on a des-
ignated platform to earn points. Consequently, the
submission of flags serves as an indicator of partic-
ipants’ progress and performance. Submitting flags
allows for a superficial determination of when cer-
tain tasks were solved. Similarly, monitoring service
availability also enables the identification of when
certain tasks were completed, as for example, when a
service becomes available again after an attack. Such
simple evaluation methods are effective, comparable,
and meaningful, making them well-suited for measur-
ing success and scoring of participants.
However, in that context, Weiss et al. (Weiss
et al., 2016) argue, that simple technical metrics like
just measuring if a task was solved or not solved in
cyber exercises does not give a clear indication of
whether the task was fully understood nor whether
the learning objectives were achieved. In order to
accordingly turn cyber exercises into valuable train-
ing events, participants need more detailed feedback
on their actions (Eagle, 2013). Therefore, Vykopal
et al. (Vykopal et al., 2018) created a scoring time-
line, to make participants aware of when and why they
lost or gained points. Participants should give feed-
back on lost points by choosing predefined answers
(e.g., ”We answered this immediately. or ”We had
no idea what to answer.”). Mirkovic et al. (Mirkovic
et al., 2020) present ACSLE, a system monitoring par-
ticipants progress in cyber exercises that focuses on
terminal-based interactions. The authors predefined
milestones and baseline commands that are necessary
in order to complete certain tasks and compare par-
ticipants commands to these baselines. Additionally,
ACSLE is used to create metrics and predict with
80 % accuracy whether students will struggle while
completing the cyber exercise or not (Vinlove et al.,
2020). Similar to ACSLE, Svabensky et al. recorded
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
command line logs of students during a cyber exer-
cise in order to model their progress through the cy-
ber exercise. Based on a questionnaire for instructors,
they evaluated and assessed both a trainee graph and
a milestone graph in order to make implications for
teaching practice. Macak et al. (Macak et al., 2022)
contributed an approach utilizing a process discovery
algorithm in order to discover participants processes
in cyber trainings. They used the bash history of par-
ticipants and extended it with ”hints taken”-activities,
where the participants requested predefined hints.
In this regard, the cited works primarily offer
deeper insights into participants’ behavior rather than
merely identifying task completion. However, their
logs are predominantly limited to Bash commands.
While the exclusive analysis of Bash history provides
a comprehensive and clear view of participants’ be-
havior in exercises conducted solely within the Bash
environment, it is often insufficient for more com-
plex infrastructures. Cyber exercises take place on
complex platforms (i.e., Cyber Ranges (Leitner et al.,
2020), (
Celeda et al., 2015)), which simulate vir-
tual infrastructures often compromising multiple net-
works and servers (potentially even augmented by
physical components (Yamin et al., 2018)). Attacks
occur somewhere within the infrastructure, and par-
ticipants must possibly connect to remote servers to
mitigate these incidents. In such environments, solely
analyzing the Bash history proves to be a limiting fac-
tor, as crucial actions also occur outside of a partici-
pants’ Bash history. Therefore, the improvement of
data collection during cyber exercises is a decisive
factor to allow more accurate evaluation of participant
performance (Henshel et al., 2016).
Andreolini et al. (Andreolini et al., 2020) present
an approach to discover and assess the performance
/ behavior of participants on cyber ranges. They col-
lect data such as command history, web browsing his-
tory, GUI interactions, and network events to define
events, add them to a graph and thereafter calculate
metrics like speed or precision. However, the authors
focus on graph development and evaluating the par-
ticipants performance instead of demonstrating how
to collect and process data from the exercise environ-
ment. Braghin et al. (Braghin et al., 2020) created a
hierarchy of categories and sub-categories of actions
participants can perform in a cyber exercise and took
advantage of the approach described in (Andreolini
et al., 2020) by adapting it to their purposes. They
used the resulting graph to algorithmically score par-
In addition to determining whether tasks have
been completed or not and developing graphs of par-
ticipants’ activities, there are a plenty of technical
metrics that can be calculated and utilized for eval-
uation and scoring purposes. Possible metrics are, for
instance, the time until a certain command is executed
(Labuschagne and Grobler, 2017), the mean time per
action / task (Abbott et al., 2015), the number of ac-
tions per task (Abbott et al., 2015), the number of cor-
rectly identified attacks (Patriciu and Furtuna, 2009),
and many more. Maennel et al. (Maennel, 2020)
performed an extensive literature review and deter-
mined potentially relevant metrics and argued how
they could be measured in order to reflect the learning
success of participants.
While there is a substantial body of literature on
participant behavior in cyber exercises, existing ap-
proaches often have significant limitations. Many ap-
proaches either focus narrowly on technical monitor-
ing, such as analyzing exclusively the terminal history
(e.g., (Mirkovic et al., 2020), (Macak et al., 2022)).
Other approaches emphasize behavioral representa-
tion and comparison using graph-based methods (e.g.,
(Andreolini et al., 2020), (Braghin et al., 2020)), with-
out going into detail about how the used data is col-
lected from systems. Our approach addresses this gap
by providing a comprehensive method for the targeted
monitoring of complex infrastructures, enabling the
collection of meaningful data and generating valuable
insights from it.
In the complex delivery of cyber exercises, the chal-
lenges do not only lie in monitoring participant activ-
ities but also in deriving meaningful insights from the
abundance of generated data. Our approach aims to
address these challenges by leveraging the scenario-
based nature of cyber exercises (Wen et al., 2021) to
our advantage.
3.1 Concept of a Monitoring Point
In essence, we introduce the concept of monitor-
ing points, which are strategically positioned within
the exercise environment to gain enhanced insights.
These points serve as focal nodes, each designed to
examine specific predefined facets of a participant’s
system. Instead of casting a wide net across the entire
cyber exercise infrastructure or limit our monitoring
to single components (e.g., bash history), we advo-
cate for targeted monitoring that focuses on compo-
nents and applications relevant to the cyber exercise
scenario and its learning objectives.
A monitoring point is a passive observer within
the exercise environment, comprising two fundamen-
Data Collection in Cyber Exercises Through Monitoring Points: Observing, Steering, and Scoring
tal components: (1) the monitoring mechanism and
(2) the resulting logs a tangible artifact stemming
from the monitoring mechanism. The monitoring
mechanism serves as a sensory organ that perceives
activities or states within a participant’s system.
These mechanisms are, for instance, running custom-
built observer services, leveraging existing monitor-
ing mechanisms such as Auditd (Red Hat, 2022), or
observing application logs (e.g., from Apache, Nginx,
MySql, Command Line, or other services). In case of
using existing monitoring mechanisms, they may re-
quire custom configurations such as configuring Au-
ditd rules or extending the default Bash history (e.g.,
with timestamps).
In order to give coherence to resulting logs of mul-
tiple different monitoring points, they can be related
to each other by the relationships aggregation or in-
fluence. An aggregation allows for combining the
results of multiple monitoring points into one aggre-
gated, more expressive result. An influence reflects
that activities observed by one monitoring point (or
multiple aggregated monitoring points) influence the
state of another monitoring point. These relation-
ships enable (1) to aggregate the results of multiple
monitoring points to one central point, and (2) to re-
late activities of monitoring points to state changes.
For instance, an aggregation of monitoring points that
monitors a directory containing configuration files of
a certain service is in an influencing relationship to a
monitoring point that observes the status of this cer-
tain service. Therefore, our approach enables to deter-
mine not only whether the service status has changed
but also what actions were undertaken by participants
to cause it.
3.2 Formal Model of Monitoring Points
and Their Relationships
The following subsections comprise the formal model
of a monitoring point and of relationships between
monitoring points.
3.2.1 Monitoring Point
Let MP
denote a monitoring point, defined by the tu-
ple (T
, S
, L
), where
denotes the type of the monitoring point’s re-
sults, which can be either ”Activities” or a ”State”.
If T
= ”Activities”, it signifies that the monitor-
ing point captures activities of participants (e.g.,
actions on the file system). If T
= ”State”, it sig-
nifies that the monitoring point’s results represent
the state of a specific aspect of the infrastructure
(e.g., the availability status of a service).
denotes the surveillance mechanism represent-
ing the monitoring method employed (e.g., Auditd
rule, individual polling service)
denotes the set of logs (i.e. a textual, abstract
entry in a file, resulting from an event or action)
generated as a result of the surveillance mecha-
nism S
The relationship between the surveillance mecha-
nism S
and set of logs L
can be formally expressed
as L
= f (S
), where f (S
) represents the utilization of
the surveillance mechanism S
resulting in the gener-
ated logs L
3.2.2 Relationships Between Monitoring Points
Monitoring points can be related to each other in two
Aggregation means that activities from different
monitoring points (of type ”Activities”) need to
be consolidated to provide a unified view of par-
ticipant actions. This aggregation process can be
represented by a function called Agg.
Influence means that a monitoring point (or an
aggregation of monitoring points) collectively af-
fects the status change of another monitoring
point (of type ”State”). This influence can be cap-
tured by a function called In f that describes how
the aggregated activities influence the status of an-
other point.
Let MP
denote monitoring points, where i {1, 2, ..., n}.
The aggregation of activities from multiple mon-
itoring points of type ”Activities” can be represented
as follows:
, MP
, ..., MP
In this example, activities from n different
monitoring points of type ”Activities”, denoted
by MP
, MP
, ..., MP
, are aggregated to form
. Single monitoring points, or the aggre-
gation of monitoring points may then influence the
status of another monitoring point, which is expressed
as follows:
In f
Here, MP
represents the aggregated activ-
ities of multiple monitoring points, which then influ-
ence the status of monitoring point MP
The specific form of functions Agg and In f , as
well as the mechanisms for aggregation and influence,
may vary depending on the specific requirements and
characteristics of the system.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
3.3 Realising Monitoring Points
The approach to implementing monitoring points
consists of four steps, which are illustrated in Fig. 1
and described in more details in the following subsec-
Choose appropriate monitoring points
Deploy monitoring points
Collect and process the data of monitoring points
Utilizing results from monitoring points
choose appropriate monitoring points
based on scenario, infrastructure, and learning objectives
deyploy monitoring points
by installing agents, additional services or harnessing log sources
Collect &
collect and process the data of monitoring points
by extracting events from logs and calculating behavioral metrics
utilize results from monitoring points
by using calculated metrics to score participants and steer exercises
Figure 1: Approach to implementing monitoring points.
3.3.1 Choose Appropriate Monitoring Points
A prerequisite for selecting appropriate monitoring
points is that the cyber exercise scenario, the tasks and
learning objectives therein, and the associated infras-
tructure are already defined. This information pro-
vides a basis that allows for determining what data
should be obtained from the infrastructure and how it
should be processed (e.g., determining whether a spe-
cific task has been solved for scenario control, deter-
mining how specific tasks were solved for feedback
provisioning). Additionally, it should be determined
how the desired data will be obtained (e.g., through
audit logs, through application logs, through indi-
vidual observer services). It is not always possible
to yield the desired results with a single monitoring
point. Therefore, at this stage, considerations should
be made about how monitoring points can be related
to each other. Specifically, which monitoring points
should be aggregated or which ones represent influ-
encing factors for other monitoring points.
3.3.2 Deploy Monitoring Points
When deploying monitoring points, the characteris-
tics defined in the stage before are implemented on
the cyber exercise infrastructure. This involves either
installing and configuring existing services or devel-
oping and deploying new ones. Additionally, it is im-
portant to carefully consider the risks associated with
monitoring points and, if necessary, align them with
the scenario. On one hand, monitoring points may
provide clues to solution approaches (if participants
discover the running services), prompting the need to
restrict permissions. On the other hand, monitoring
points could generate conflicts that disrupt the exer-
cise scenario. For example, if the exercise task in-
volves forensic examination of a host, caution should
be exercised to avoid creating misleading distractions
through the monitoring points.
3.3.3 Collect and Process the Data of
Monitoring Points
During the exercise, monitoring points collect data
and store it in the form of logs. To extract desired
information from the generated logs, they need to be
filtered and analyzed. This process allows for the cal-
culation of metrics, providing insights into participant
activities and performance. Additionally, data anal-
ysis techniques can be applied to identify patterns,
trends, and anomalies, further enhancing the under-
standing of exercise dynamics and participant behav-
3.3.4 Utilizing Results from Monitoring Points
After the data has been collected and processed, it
serves as a basis for the calculation of metrics and
their utilization. We propose to categorize the result-
ing metrics into the following three categories:
Speed / Duration. Metrics in this category mea-
sure the elapsed time until a certain state is
reached in the system (for example, the speed with
which a specific task has been solved) or the time
spans certain states have lasted (for example, the
duration of the availability of a certain service).
Efficiency. Efficiency metrics measure how effi-
ciently participants have reached a certain state in
the system. This includes calculating the number
of commands and their complexity used to solve
a specific task or the number of attempts required
for a particular task.
Compliance. Compliance metrics capture, simi-
lar to efficiency metrics, the path participants have
taken to reach a certain state. However, the focus
here is not on efficiency but on compliance with
procedures. Often numerous ways exist to reach
a certain state, however only some are compliant
to given guidelines or specifications. For exam-
ple, these metrics may be applied to determine
whether participants used option X, compliant to
company standards, or alternative option Y in or-
der to reach a certain result.
The data collected through monitoring points, as
well as the calculated metrics, can serve multiple pur-
poses, enabling a deeper understanding and optimiza-
tion of cyber exercises: These purposes include:
Data Collection in Cyber Exercises Through Monitoring Points: Observing, Steering, and Scoring
Scoring. Assessing participant performance by
evaluating their actions and decisions during the
exercise (e.g. participants gain points for speed,
efficiency or compliance to a certain baseline).
Providing Feedback to Participants. Provid-
ing participants with insights into the paths they
chose, highlighting areas for improvement and of-
fering suggestions for other approaches.
Scenario Control. Using real-time metrics during
the exercise to dynamically adjust the scenario.
For instance, participants who quickly solve chal-
lenging tasks can be presented with additional or
more difficult challenges, while those struggling
may receive adapted tasks to maintain engage-
ment and learning.
Optimization of the Exercise Environment. Draw-
ing insights for future exercises by identifying
what worked well, what needs improvement, and
how the overall infrastructure can be enhanced for
better outcomes.
To demonstrate the practical applicability of the mon-
itoring points introduced in Sect. 3, we developed a
proof-of-concept implementation and evaluated it in
the context of a case study. As part of this evalua-
tion, a cyber exercise was conducted in which par-
ticipants were tasked with solving ve specific chal-
lenges. These challenges provided the basis for show-
casing and evaluating the applicability and effective-
ness of the proposed monitoring points.
4.1 Technical Preparations
The cyber exercise was implemented on the AIT Cy-
ber Range (Leitner et al., 2020), where each partici-
pant had access to a virtual machine pre-installed and
pre-configured with all necessary technical compo-
nents for both conducting the exercise and utilizing
the monitoring points. The virtual machines were
running on the Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS operating
system with a Mate desktop environment. Addition-
ally, we set up a noVNC server and installed VNC
on the participant machines to enable remote desktop
connections to the machine through any web browser.
To conduct the exercises, only the standard installa-
tion of an Apache2 web server and the configuration
of certificates (for the use of HTTPS without warn-
ings) were required, which was performed using An-
In addition to configuring the participant ma-
chines, we used the Web Platform Learners (Reuter
et al., 2023), to provide participants with a possibil-
ity to authenticate themselves and gain access to the
client machine via noVNC (see the upper part of Fig-
ure 2), as well as to distribute information, documen-
tation and tasks. During the exercise, we transmit-
ted the cyber exercise tasks to participants utilizing
the Learners Web Platform and created a submission
page that allowed participants to send a confirmation
once they have successfully completed a task.
4.2 Cyber Exercise Scenario
As the participants were interested in IT topics, but
merely had only basic knowledge in computer sci-
ence and cybersecurity, a straightforward and well-
explained scenario including five challenges was cho-
sen. The task descriptions additionally included pos-
sible solution paths to provide participants with guid-
ance, if necessary. Prior to conducting the monitored
cyber exercise scenario, a training session on basic
Linux Bash skills was conducted to equip participants
with fundamental knowledge. Additionally, a cheat-
sheet for basic Linux commands was provided, partic-
ularly for those participants with no prior experience.
The cyber exercise scenario comprised five tasks
related to the configuration of an Apache2 web server.
Following, the specific tasks are explained:
1. Replace Index Page. Originally, the default
Apache2 web page was the index page (in-
dex.html). Additionally, another HTML page
named example.html was provided in the same di-
rectory. The task was to rename or remove the de-
fault Apache2 index page and rename the exam-
ple.html page to index.html. The task is consid-
ered successfully completed when the new page
is displayed instead of the default Apache2 web-
page upon accessing localhost in the browser.
2. Forward HTTP to HTTPS. In the exercise in-
frastructure, valid certificates were already pre-
pared, and the localhost page was accessible both
under HTTP and HTTPS (with a valid certificate).
The task was to configure the web server, that
network traffic arriving on port 80 (HTTP) is au-
tomatically redirected to port 443 (HTTPS). The
task was considered completed when accessing
http://localhost in the browser automatically redi-
rects to https://localhost.
3. Deactivate Directory Listing. On the web
server, there was a directory named ”secret” that,
upon accessing (localhost/secret) via browser, dis-
played the files it contained (directory listing).
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 2: Infrastructure overview.
The task was to configure the web server in a way,
that the contents of the folder are no longer listed.
The task was considered completed when access-
ing localhost/secret in the browser no longer listed
any files from the directory.
4. Deactivate File Access. In this task, access to a
specific file needed to be restricted. Within the
”secret” directory a file named ”secret.txt” was
accessible. The objective was to configure the
web server to prohibit access to this file. The task
was considered completed, when accessing local-
host/secret/secret.txt returns a permission denied
5. Change Folder Permissions. The directory
/var/www/html, which served as the document
root for the web server, was owned by the root
user. The task was to change the owner of the di-
rectory to the www-data user. The task was con-
sidered completed when the owner of the direc-
tory was changed accordingly and the website re-
mained accessible in the browser.
The tasks were triggered sequentially in the spec-
ified order during the exercise. Each task was only
unlocked after the previous one was completed by
all participants to ensure clear start and end times
for evaluation purposes. Each task took approxi-
mately 5-10 minutes to complete. Participants were
instructed to solve the task and, once they believed
they had completed it, to confirm their completion on
the Learners Web Platform. This allowed us to com-
pare the time at which participants actually completed
a certain task with the time at which the monitoring
points detected the completion of that specific task.
4.3 Monitoring Points
To detect the activities of the participants in the cyber
exercise utilizing this proof-of-concept implementa-
tion, the following monitoring points were configured
or identified:
1. Bash History Client. Since participants mostly
worked from the terminal, the default Bash history
represents a good means to gather information. To
enhance its detail, the existing standard history
was augmented with a timestamp to enable tem-
poral inference. To achieve this, the line export
HISTTIMEFORMAT="%F %T" was added to the file
˜/.bashrc of the client users.
2. Bash History Root. To also capture the Bash
history including timestamps when the participant
executes commands as the root user, the same
configuration was applied to the root user as well.
3. Audit Rule /etc/apache2. Since /etc/apache2 is
the configuration folder for the Apache2 instal-
lation, some of the tasks involve actions within
this directory. Therefore, the following Au-
ditd rule was defined to monitor the /etc/apache2
folder: auditctl -w /etc/apache2/ -p rwxa
-k key apache2 where -w specifies the direc-
tory to be monitored, -p defines the access opera-
tions (i.e. read, write, execute, attributes), and -k
defines a key to associate logs with this rule. This
rule will generate audit logs whenever there is any
change or access (read, write, execute, attributes)
to files within the Apache configuration directory
/etc/apache2/, enabling tracking and investigation
of such activities.
4. Audit Rule /var/www/html. The same Au-
ditd rule as for the configuration folder
was also applied to the Document Root
folder /var/www/html: auditctl -w
/var/www/html/ -p rwxa -k key html.
5. Apache2 Default Logs. Since all tasks involve
configurations on an Apache2 web server or its
directories, the Application Logs of the Apache2
web server are relevant for tracking correspond-
ing activities. No configurations were made for
Data Collection in Cyber Exercises Through Monitoring Points: Observing, Steering, and Scoring
this; instead, the default log settings were used as
a monitoring point.
6. Individual Request Service. All the aforemen-
tioned monitoring points observe the behavior of
participants on the system, resulting in application
logs (e.g., Apache2), Bash histories, or logs of
changes to the filesystem. However, to determine
whether changes actually work and the pages on
the web server are accessible accordingly, an ad-
ditional individual request service was developed.
This is a simple Python3 service that regularly
(in our case, every 20 seconds) requests the web
pages relevant to the tasks and logs the results (al-
ready pre-filtered) in a log file.
Figure 2 gives an overview of the entire cyber
exercise infrastructure and puts special emphasis on
the monitoring points deployed on client machines.
Within the client machine, the green boxes represent
the resulting logs of monitoring points (MP), while
the red boxes represent the services generating the
logs. In case of the Auditd service, the blue boxes
represent the directories observed by the Auditd rules.
4.4 Interpretation of Monitoring Points
While monitoring points (1) to (5) observe changes
in the filesystem or in applications, monitoring point
(6) simply continuously checks and logs the http sta-
tus code returned by the web server for a specific
webpage. These status codes allow for conclusions
whether tasks were solved or not - it merely deter-
mines the status of the web server through continu-
ous requests and is thus of type ”State”. However,
monitoring points (1) to (5) determine activities (e.g.,
changes to files, configurations, etc.) that participants
perform on the system. They are therefore of type
Hence, Monitoring Points (1) - (5) are in an ag-
gregating relationship, as each represents activities
that complement each other through their aggrega-
tion. The aggregation of Monitoring Points (1) to
(5) stands in an influencing relationship with Monitor-
ing Point (6). In other words, the activities observed
in Monitoring Points (1) - (5) influence the state ob-
served in Monitoring Point (6).
The type and relationships of monitoring points is
important for their interpretation. Monitoring Points
(1) - (5), classified as ”Activities, observe activities.
As mentioned in the relationship, their logs need to be
aggregated to obtain a complete picture of the activi-
ties. The observed activities from a single monitoring
point may be incomplete. Furthermore, relying solely
on observing activities makes it difficult to draw reli-
able conclusions about whether tasks have been com-
This example illustrates the implementation of
Monitoring Point 6 and its application for eval-
uation using speed metrics in relation to Task 3
”Deactivate Directory Listing”. Monitoring Point
6 was implemented through a simple, individual
Request Service that periodically checks whether
the directory listing on the local web server is acti-
vated, as shown in the following example:
w h i l e T rue :
r e s p = r e q u e s t s . g e t ( ” h t t p s : / / l o c a l h o s t / s e c r e t ” )
l o g . w r i t e ( f ”{ d a t e t i m e . now ( ) } : { r e s p . s t a t u s c o d e }\n ” )
t i m e . s l e e p ( 2 0 ) # c o n f i g u r e i n t e r v a l
During the exercise, this service runs, and logs are
generated. Following, there is an excerpt of logs
from one participant in the exercise. As seen, the
status code changes from 200 OK to 403 Forbidden
at 09:30:21. Thus, this is the point in time when
the task is considered ”solved. Now, a script can
search the log file for the first occurrence of the
status code 403, calculate the difference from the
start of the exercise, and thus obtain a speed met-
ric determining how long a participant took for an
2024 03 01 0 9 : 2 9 : 4 1 : 200
2024 03 01 0 9 : 3 0 : 0 1 : 200
2024 03 01 0 9 : 3 0 : 2 1 : 403
2024 03 01 0 9 : 3 0 : 4 1 : 403
The exercise started at 09:27:00. Therefore, this
participant took 03:21 minutes to solve the task.
Notice, that the accuracy of the calculation depends
on the configured polling interval of the Request
Service (here 20 seconds).
Figure 3: Example of utilizing a monitoring point to calcu-
lating a speed metric.
pleted or not (i.e., a certain expected state has been
reached). For this purpose, the state-observing Moni-
toring Point (6) is required (influencing relationship).
The selected monitoring points enable metrics to
be generated for all categories mentioned in Sect.
3.3.4. Monitoring Point (6) allows for the determina-
tion of when tasks were solved by regularly querying
the status (Speed/Duration). Monitoring Points (1)-
(5) enable the detection of activities on the systems
that lead to status changes. This allows for the cre-
ation of both efficiency metrics and compliance met-
Figure 3 illustrates a complete example of utiliz-
ing a monitoring point to calculating a speed metric.
The proof-of-concept implementation (Sect. 4) was
applied in a cyber exercise case study comprising 14
participants. The following subsections describe the
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
main results and the related discussion of the case
5.1 Participant Profile
The 14 participants have all recently completed a
higher education and are generally interested in IT
topics. To assess the participants’ knowledge level
concerning the exercise, ve relevant questions were
posed, querying their experiences with the following
topics: (1) the Linux operating system, (2) the Linux
Bash, (3) service configuration, (4) the web proto-
cols HTTP and HTTPS, and (5) setting up a website.
Participants were asked to self-assess their knowledge
in these areas on a scale ranging from None, Begin-
ner, Intermediate, to Advanced. Overall, it was ob-
served that there were varying levels of knowledge
among the participants, with the average indicating
either none or little experience in the specified areas.
Table 1 shows the details of this self assessment per
5.2 Exercise Durations
As depicted in Sect. 4.2, five tasks were addressed in
the exercise. The precise duration of each task was
slightly varied based on the number of participants
who had reported completing the task. Table 2 illus-
trates the exact duration for each of the ve exercises
along with their start and end times. On average, each
task lasted 7 minutes and 24 seconds.
5.3 Exercise Results
Using Task 2 ’Forward HTTP to HTTPS’, as an exam-
ple, we demonstrate how a metric can be calculated
and utilized for the categories Speed/Duration, Effi-
ciency, and Compliance, as outlined in Sect. 3.3.4.
Table 3 displays the 14 participants (unranked, in ran-
dom order), the timestamp when the task was recog-
nized as being solved, and the results of the calculated
metrics for each category. Subsequently, we explain
the meaning of each metric and how it was calculated.
1. Speed / Duration. The metric of type Speed/Du-
ration represents the elapsed time from the start
of the exercise at 09:16 (see Table 2, Task 2) until
the task was solved. The moment when the task
was solved was determined by Monitoring Point
(6) - the individual Request Service (explanations
provided in the breakout box in Figure 3). In gen-
eral, the result can be interpreted as follows: the
faster a participant solves the task, the better their
2. Efficiency. The Efficiency metric in this example
is measured by the number of Bash commands
used from the start of the exercise until the point
when the Request Service reported the comple-
tion of the exercise. For this purpose, the Bash
history of the client user was aggregated with the
Bash history of the root user, as participants could
also switch to the root user using sudo -i and
execute commands as root. This aggregation af-
fected the result measured by Monitoring Point
(6), so only the number of commands executed
until the observed status change by Monitoring
Point (6) was measured. Formally, the relation-
ship between these points can be represented as
follows: MP
= Agg(MP
, MP
). Some par-
ticipants solved the task after the exercise had al-
ready ended (as other tasks had been solved in the
meantime). Therefore, rendering the number of
commands for these participants does not give any
indication on how many commands were needed
for the specific task and thus were removed from
further considerations.
3. Compliance. The task could be solved in sev-
eral different ways, with two of them explained to
the participants beforehand. The first method in-
volved creating a Virtual Host for port 80 (HTTP)
in the configuration file ’000-default.conf to au-
tomatically redirect traffic on this port to port 443
(HTTPS). The other option was to deactivate the
web server listening on port 80 in the ’ports.conf
configuration file, thereby automatically redirect-
ing traffic from port 80 to port 443. To deter-
mine how participants solved the task, Monitor-
ing Point 4 was utilized, which generates audit
logs for actions in the /etc/apache2 directory. The
audit logs were filtered and specifically searched
to see whether the ’000-default.conf file or the
’ports.conf file was edited. Consequently, it was
defined which of these two methods the partici-
pant actions were compliant with. As shown in
Table 3, 12 participants solved the task using the
’000-default.conf file, one participant solved it
using the ’ports.conf’ file, and one participant was
unable to solve the task.
5.4 Discussion of Results
The results of our case study demonstrate that the
metrics generated from the monitoring points opti-
mize the observability of cyber exercises, providing
exercise management with more targeted information
on how participants behave in the exercise environ-
ment. This opens up extensive possibilities for fun-
damentally improving cyber exercises. In the follow-
Data Collection in Cyber Exercises Through Monitoring Points: Observing, Steering, and Scoring
Table 1: Participants’ Experience.
Skill None Beg Int Adv Median
Linux OS 7 4 2 1 None / Beg
Linux Bash 7 4 2 1 None / Beg
Service Configuration 7 4 2 1 None / Beg
HTTP / HTTPS 4 5 3 2 Beg
Set up Website 4 7 1 2 Beg
Table 2: Duration of the tasks.
Nr Task Time interval
1 Replace Index Page 09:07 - 09:15
2 Forward HTTP to HTTPS 09:16 - 09:25
3 Deactivate Directory Listing 09:27 - 09:33
4 Deactivate File Access 09:35 - 09:44
5 Change Folder Permissions 09:44 - 09:49
ing subsections, therefore, several points will be dis-
cussed (based on the metrics calculated in Table 3).
5.4.1 Scoring
The calculated metrics enable the design of efficient
scoring mechanisms for cyber exercises, allowing for
the evaluation of participants. Points can be auto-
matically awarded based on the calculated metrics.
In our context, this could mean, for example, that a
faster solution of the task results in more points; more
points for a more efficient use of commands (lower
efficiency count); or more points for using a specific
path (for example, solving the task by editing the
’ports.conf’ file) because fewer participants used this
path, or because it is defined beforehand how many
points participants get for certain paths.
5.4.2 Providing Feedback for Participants
The results of the proof-of-concept implementation
presented in this paper allow conclusions to be drawn
about how participants performed in an exercise. This
is very helpful for providing goal-oriented and high-
quality feedback to the participants. Especially the
compliance metrics are suitable for addressing in the
feedback which solution path participants used, and
what other, potentially more efficient solutions could
have been possible.
5.4.3 Scenario Control
In the current implementation, all evaluations were
conducted after the exercise. However, it is con-
ceivable to analyze the logs in real time, enabling
the scenario to dynamically adapt in more complex
exercises. This approach could facilitate the cre-
ation of adaptive exercises that adjust to participants’
progress. For instance, a participant who quickly
completes a task could be presented with subsequent
tasks sooner, while those taking longer might receive
additional hints. Similarly, participants who solve
tasks efficiently could face more challenging tasks or
fewer hints in subsequent stages. The progression
of the scenario could also vary based on the solu-
tion path chosen; for example, participants following
the 000-default.conf path might experience a differ-
ent sequence of events compared to those using the
ports.conf path.
5.4.4 Optimization of the Exercise Environment
More detailed insights into participant behavior en-
able exercise organizers to assess their exercise en-
vironment and implement optimization measures for
future sessions. If the metrics reveal that participants
face significant difficulties with certain tasks or follow
unexpected solution paths, this may suggest a need for
organizers to offer additional hints or clearer explana-
This paper introduced the concept of monitoring
points and demonstrated their application through a
proof-of-concept implementation. Monitoring points
are strategically positioned observation mechanisms
within a cyber exercise infrastructure, designed to
provide targeted insights into participant activities
and the status of system components, even in complex
environments. By aggregating and correlating data
from multiple points across various servers or compo-
nents, monitoring points enable the creation of a com-
prehensive view of participants’ actions, allowing for
a deeper understanding of how tasks were approached
and solutions achieved.
Metrics such as Speed/Duration, Efficiency, and
Compliance serve as illustrative examples of how
the collected data can be utilized. They allow for
the assessment of how quickly participants completed
tasks, how efficient their solutions were, and whether
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 3: Calculated Metrics.
Nr End time Speed/Duration Efficiency Compliance
1 09:21:59 05:59 16 000-default.conf
2 not finished - 11 -
3 09:23:50 07:50 17 000-default.conf
4 09:25:06 09:06 (5) 000-default.conf
5 09:28:45 12:45 - 000-default.conf
6 09:17:31 01:31 3 000-default.conf
7 09:18:37 02:37 9 ports.conf
8 09:20:18 04:18 9 000-default.conf
9 09:19:28 03:28 7 000-default.conf
10 09:21:20 05:20 18 000-default.conf
11 09:43:14 17:14 - 000-default.conf
12 09:26:35 10:35 - 000-default.conf
13 09:25:17 09:17 (14) 000-default.conf
14 09:22:32 06:32 10 000-default.conf
their chosen solution paths adhered to predefined
baselines. The calculated metrics form the foundation
for efficiently evaluating participants, delivering high-
quality feedback, dynamically adjusting scenario con-
trol, and optimizing the exercise infrastructure. These
capabilities lay the groundwork for a more advanced
understanding of participant behavior and support the
development of adaptable and robust cyber exercises.
Future work will focus on applying the introduced
concept of monitoring points in a live exercise en-
vironment to evaluate their practicality for calculat-
ing metrics, guiding inject delivery, and facilitating
adaptive exercise design. This will involve a compre-
hensive examination of how these metrics can be ef-
fectively utilized to assess participants’ progress dur-
ing exercises, enabling dynamic adjustments based on
real-time data insights. By integrating these metrics
into the exercise framework, the goal is to enhance
the exercise’s responsiveness to evolving threats and
challenges, ultimately creating a more adaptive and
effective cybersecurity training environment.
This work was partly funded by the Austrian Research
Promotion Agency (FFG) project STATURE (grant
no. FO999888556) and by the Digital Europe Pro-
gramme (DIGITAL) project CYBERUNITY (grant
no. 101128024).
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy