posed in this paper, demonstrating the potential for
improved accuracy through the use of diverse sam-
pling strategies.
Limitations. As the algorithm rely on past informa-
tion to drive a non-uniform sampling of data, it re-
quires seeing the same data multiple times. This cre-
ates a bottleneck for architectures that rely on pro-
gressive data streaming. More research is needed
to design importance sampling algorithms for data
streaming architectures, which is a promising future
direction. Non-uniform data sampling can also cre-
ate slower runtime execution. The samples selected
in a mini-batch are not laid out contiguously in mem-
ory leading to a slower loading. We believe a careful
implementation can mitigate this issue.
In conclusion, our work introduces an efficient sam-
pling strategy for machine learning optimization, that
can be use for importance sampling and data prun-
ing. This strategy, which relies on the gradient of the
loss and has minimal computational overhead, was
tested across various classification as well as regres-
sion tasks with promising results. Our work demon-
strates that by paying more attention to samples with
critical training information, we can speed up conver-
gence without adding complexity. We hope our find-
ings will encourage further research into simpler and
more effective sampling strategies for machine learn-
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