Profiling Cancer Patients in Telemedicine: A Case Study in
Chilean Private Healthcare
Matías Cornejo
, Esteban Chiu
, Sebastián Valderrama
3,5 b
Sebastián Mondaca
4,5 c
and Eric Rojas
6,7 c
Center for Medical Informatics and Telemedicine, School of Medicine, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
School of Dentistry, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Department of Hematology and Oncology, School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Red de Salud UC CHRISTUS, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and CHRISTUS Health, Santiago, Chile
Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Department of Clinical Laboratories, School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Keywords: Telemedicine, Oncology, Cancer, Patient Characterization.
Abstract: Cancer is a devastating disease that affects patients and places a growing burden on healthcare systems
globally. In recent years, cancer diagnoses have increased, exacerbating the challenges faced by both patients
and healthcare providers. With the advancement of innovative technologies and rising demands for care,
telemedicine has become a viable option for ensuring continued treatment, including for cancer patients.
However, little is known about the characteristics and behaviors of these patients. This study aims to
characterize cancer patients accessing telemedicine services at a private healthcare institution in Chile from
2020 to 2023, providing deeper insights into their profiles. Preliminary findings indicate a decline in adult
patients and telemedicine appointments between 2020 and 2023. Similarly, pediatric patients experienced a
decrease in telemedicine use from 2020 to 2022, followed by a slight increase in 2023. Understanding the
profiles and behaviors of cancer patients utilizing telemedicine is crucial for improving their healthcare
journeys. By analyzing their experiences, healthcare providers can enhance the allocation and management
of resources, ensuring more effective and personalized care. This characterization also supports the
development of strategies to optimize telemedicine services, improving outcomes for cancer patients in a
rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.
Cancer is a disease that impacts a large segment of the
global population, with a total of 20 million new cases
recorded in 2022. The number of new annual cases is
expected to increase to 29.3 million by 2040 (Chilean
National Cancer Institute, 2024). Consequently,
investigations into cancer, the characterization of the
disease and improvements in clinical processes
involving patients represent a fundamental pillar of
biomedical research.
Furthermore, telemedicine has recently gained
considerable popularity in the treatment of a range of
diseases and illnesses, hence its current widespread
use, and cancer pathologies are no exception to this
growing trend (Shafer et al, 2023). Nevertheless, as
this digital phenomenon expands, it is important to
continuously improve research into and analysis of
telemedicine among cancer patients in order to
enhance understanding regarding the patient
experience during the telemedicine care process. In
this sense, the present paper aims to characterize
cancer patients treated by telemedicine in order to
improve knowledge relating to the context in which
they operate.
This research forms part of the “Improving the
patient journey in telemedicine using process mining”
project. It introduces the preliminary results of the
Cornejo, M., Chiu, E., Valderrama, S., Mondaca, S. and Rojas, E.
Profiling Cancer Patients in Telemedicine: A Case Study in Chilean Private Healthcare.
DOI: 10.5220/0013312400003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 821-827
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
characterization of the first cohort of patients that
form the subject of the study.
The present paper is constructed as follows.
Section 2 presents background in relation to the
current state of cancer patients in Chile and the use of
telemedicine generally. Section 3 describes the
research objectives herein. Section 4 details the
methodology used. Section 5 provides information
about the study setting. Section 6 discusses the
results. Finally, Section 7 outlines the conclusions
and the future direction to be taken by this line of
2.1 Cancer in Chile
Cancer is a multifaceted disease that incorporates a
large number of pathologies. The most prevalent
forms of cancer are as follows: breast cancer, prostate
cancer, lung and bronchial cancer, colorectal cancer,
melanoma of skin, bladder cancer, kidney and renal
pelvis cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, endometrial
cancer, pancreatic cancer, leukemia, thyroid cancer
and liver cancer (Moini et al., 2022).
In Chile, the cancer mortality rate increased by
109% between 1986 and 2016, positioning the
disease as the first most common cause of death in the
country since 2019 according to the Department of
Health Information Statistics (Departamento de
Estadísticas de Información de Salud [DEIS],
Ministerio de Salud, 2022). This growth rate has
sounded the alarm at the State level with regards to
public health (Parra-Soto et al., 2020). Moreover, the
challenge it represents is compounded by the estimate
of the International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC, 2018) which predicts that the number of
annual deaths from cancer will rise to 55,698
nationwide by 2040, up from 33,625 in 2020 (an
increase of 65,64%) (Navarro and Bralic, 2024) while
new annual cases will reach 94,807 by the same year,
an increase of 77.6% from the 2020 rate (Parra-Soto
et al., 2020).
To this end, the characterization of cancer patients
is essential in order to better understand their
experience of the care provided by health services. A
more detailed knowledge of patients and their
behavior allows for an improved management of both
human and economic resources, as well as those of
the medical facilities in question (Hassan et al., 2022).
The overall aim behind this line of research is not only
to enhance implementation at the clinical level, but
also to improve national cancer-related programs
more generally.
2.2 Telemedicine
Telemedicine refers to the use of information and
communication technologies to provide healthcare in
a remote, non-face-to-face manner. Such
technologies are used to interchange all valid
information to ensure the diagnosis, treatment and
prevention of diseases in a more effective way and at
a reduced cost (World Health Organization [WHO],
2019). Examples of certain types of telemedicine
include telehealth appointments, telediagnosis and
remote monitoring, among others.
Despite the multiple benefits of telemedicine, it
continues to face challenges regarding how to
strengthen its implementation (Mendoza-Alonso et
al., 2021). Due to the increasing demand in this new
healthcare modality among all types of patients
following the COVID-19 pandemic (Zheng Wong et
al., 2021), exploring opportunities to improve the way
in which it provides efficient patient care has now
become a necessity.
Similarly, the use of telemedicine among cancer
patients still requires further research if practitioners
wish to be able to fully optimize the care experience
received by end users.
The objective of the present study is threefold. First,
to characterize a cohort of cancer patients who
undertook telemedicine appointments in a specific
study setting. Second, to use this characterization to
enhance knowledge pertaining to patient behavior
over time. Third, and during subsequent stages of the
research, to ensure this characterization results in an
improved understanding and a more detailed
description of each patient journey taken in
An exploratory analysis of the statistical database
belonging to the Red de Salud UC CHRISTUS (UC
CHRISTUS Healthcare Network) was undertaken.
This database contains sociodemographic
information on patients, in addition to data on medical
specialties available for telemedicine care and patient
financing. Patient data from 1 June 2020 to 1 June
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
2023 was used. The use of this data was approved by
the Scientific Ethics Committee of Health Sciences of
the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
First, the data was filtered according to the
categories of telemedicine care related to cancer.
Second, the characteristics that formed part of the
analysis were determined, which include: sex, age,
residence, health insurance type, number of patients
and number of appointments for each of the
categories related to oncology. Third, the
aforementioned characteristics were assessed in more
granular detail. Initially, a global count of the number
of patients and appointments was conducted for both
sexes. A similar analysis was subsequently performed
over three separate 12-month periods to observe the
variation in patient numbers over time. Statistical
comparisons were then calculated to evaluate the
proportion of users as a ratio of patients, in order to
track changes between sexes, consecutive years and
types of patients in the same year.
In this way, a more accurate insight into the type
of cancer patient being treated via Red de Salud UC
CHRISTUS through telemedicine was obtained. In
turn, this approach will help to guide the next phases
of the project in a more effective manner.
In conjunction with a group of clinical experts, the
type of patient to be used was then determined in
order to discover patient trajectories. For this, clinical
and administrative criteria related to patient care flow
were considered.
In subsequent stages of the research, a quality
control of the extracted data will be performed in
order to verify whether it meets all necessary criteria
to build the event log, as outlined in van der Aalst
(2016). Patient trajectories will then be modeled by
means of process mining. Finally, patient trajectories
will be compared with the expected care flow, in
collaboration with clinical experts and based on
clinical and administrative criteria.
The study took place in Chile, where healthcare
coverage is varied. Accordingly, 75% of Chileans are
beneficiaries of FONASA (the public health fund),
while 19% are enrolled in the ISAPRE (private
insurance) scheme, and the remaining 6% belong to
the State-funded Armed Forces social security system
(a State agency). This reality generates significant
asymmetries with regards to access to healthcare
(Crespo, 2018).
In 2005, the Chilean State implemented the
Sistema de Garantías Explícitas en Salud (Explicit
Guarantees System in Health), known by its Spanish
acronym as 'GES'. The GES system acts as a universal
health plan and, as of 2024, provides explicit
healthcare guarantees and coverage for 87 health
problems which have been established by law. This
includes 17 cancers.
GES allows users of the different healthcare
systems guaranteed access to and financing of the
diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and medicines for the
illnesses and diseases included on the list.
Additionally, it establishes prudent deadlines to
enable the patient to cope with their disease while
simultaneously ensuring that the system itself
remains robust enough to meet the growing demand.
Cancer patients were chosen for this study
because they generate a great impact for the
healthcare system in different aspects: they imply a
great effort for healthcare professionals and a
considerable financial burden for
patients and insurers. On the other hand, every year
the number of patients increases and a 96.5% rise in
mortality is predicted for the year 2045 (IARC, 2018).
In addition, this disease significantly affects
patients in psychosocial and family aspects such as
deterioration of mental health (Peters, et al., 2020),
inability to perform daily activities such as work, etc.
For this reason, the study and the implementation
of new care alternatives will allow improving the
provided care, in the ways in which this disease is
approached by health systems.
Also providing novel opportunities for a better
adoption and reception of treatment by patients
and their families.
6.1 Characterization
The institutional database of Red de Salud UC
CHRISTUS was analyzed for patients receiving
telemedicine appointments between 1 June 2020 and
1 June 2023. The database underwent a primary
filtering for all categories of telemedicine care
available in the system related to cancer-based
pathologies, with six categories identified in total:
Oncologic Surgery, Adult Oncology, Pediatric
Oncology, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and
Radiotherapy in Treatment. A total of 7,115 patients
and 21,322 appointments were identified over the
aforementioned period of study.
Profiling Cancer Patients in Telemedicine: A Case Study in Chilean Private Healthcare
The data were then subjected to a secondary
filtering with regards to the specialties of Adult
Oncology and Pediatric Oncology, since it was
determined that the patients of the remaining four
specialties had already been accounted for in these
two areas, since they constitute part of the regular
clinical pathway for any such patient. As such, the
total number of patients identified, and that constitute
part of the present study, is 4,502 persons in
conjunction with 17,209 appointments. Of these
patients, 49.51% are women (n=2,229) and 32.9% are
men (n=1,438). The remainder of the sample did not
provide information on their sex.
In addition, data were analyzed in one-year
periods in order to assess patient behavior during the
pandemic. The periods for both adult and pediatric
patients were defined as follows: from 1 June 2020 to
31 May 2021 (20-21); from 1 June 2021 to 31 May
2022 (21-22); and from 1 June 2022 to 1 June 2023
(22-23). Figure 1 shows the variation among adult
patients and appointments over the three periods. The
number of adult patients decreased by 6% between
the 20-21 and 21-22 periods, and by 12.6% between
the 21-22 and 22-23 periods. Total telemedicine
appointments decreased by 18.9% and 20.9%,
respectively, over the same periods.
Figure 1: Number of adult patients and appointments for
periods 20-21, 21-22, 22-23. A slight decrease in patients
over time is observed; the decrease in appointments is more
Similarly, the variation among pediatric patients
and their appointments over the course of the three
periods of study was analyzed. During the period 21-
22, the number of patients decreased by 25.4%
compared to the previous period, while appointments
decreased by 23.8% over the same timeframe.
However, for the 22-23 period, patients increased by
32% and appointments rose by 15% with respect to the
previous period. The results are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Number of pediatric patients and appointments for
periods 20-21, 21-22, 22-23. A decrease in patients and
appointments is observed between the first and second
periods, but an increase in patients can be seen between the
second and third periods.
6.2 Ratio of Appointments by
User Type
In order to standardize the characterization used in the
present study, a breakdown of the ratios of
appointments according to the diverse types of
patients was carried out to determine the use of the
telemedicine service by user type.
First, Table 1 summarizes the ratios of
appointments versus patients by sex for pediatric
patients. It can be seen that during the periods 20-21
and 21-22, male patients experienced slightly more
appointments than female patients with a delta of
appointments of 0.04 and 0.03 respectively, i.e.,
showing a minimal difference. However, during the
22-23 period, female appointments became more
prominent with a delta in their favor of 0.17, close to
6 times the previous delta. No ratio of pediatric
patients divided by sex exceeds the ratio of total
pediatric patients in the same time period. It should
be noted that this is due to the fact that there are a
number of patients for whom no information is
available regarding their sex.
Second, and with respect to adult patients, higher
deltas can be seen in the 20-21 and 21-22 periods with
regards to pediatric patients. In this period, the
pediatric trend is maintained in that the patients with
the highest appointment rates are male, but the delta
compared to female patients is 0.57 and 0.2,
respectively, for these years. The trend is opposite to
that observed among pediatric patients in 22-23,
whereby male patients remain the users with the most
appointments, with a delta rate of 0.33. In addition, it
can be observed that the male rate exceeded the
overall rate during the 20-21 period, with a difference
of 0.3.
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Finally, with regards to the overall tendencies
between pediatric and adult patients, it can be seen
that there is a constant trend related to a higher
frequency of appointments among adult patients and
a similar decrease over the time studied.
Table 1: Ratio of pediatric appointments versus pediatric
appointments by sex.
20-21 1.61 1.55 1.59
21-22 1.65 1.6 1.63
22-23 1.44 1.29 1.12
Table 2: Ratio of adults appointments versus adults
appointments by sex.
s men
20-21 3.49 3.22 3.79
21-22 3.01 2.81 3.01
22-23 2.72 1.79 2.11
Analysis of Red de Salud UC CHRISTUS data shows
a gradual decrease in the number of telemedicine
patients and appointments between 2020 and 2023,
particularly among the adult population. This
decrease was more abrupt at different points in time,
with a reduction of almost 20% observed during the
last two periods. Such behavior may be related to
several factors, such as the reduced availability of
patients seeking telemedicine appointments, whether
due to the additional time required to undertake in-
office work compared to remote work, the preference
for face-to-face appointments, or a reduction in the
demand for care due to health-related conditions
caused during pandemic confinement (Straßburger et
al., 2023). Indeed, mobility restrictions during the
strictest phases of the pandemic no doubt influenced
the increased accessibility and willingness of patients
to use telemedicine in the first place, especially in the
case of adults.
On the other hand, the trend observed among the
pediatric population shows a different pattern, with a
noticeable decrease in telemedicine appointments in
the period 21-22, followed by a significant increase in
the number of patients and appointments in 22-23.
This increase, of 32% in patients and 15% in
appointments, may reflect a change in parental
attitudes towards telemedicine, given the advantages
it affords in terms of them being able to coordinate
medical appointments in line with their work
obligations and according to the schooling
requirements of their children (Troncoso, 2022). It is
also possible that pediatricians, who were faced with
a greater demand due to the increased rate of post-
pandemic illnesses, such as the common cold in
schools, chose to pursue telemedicine more
frequently in order to optimize their care of
immunosuppressed patients.
In terms of distribution by patient sex, it should
be noted that in the case of children the appointments
were predominantly for boys during the first two
periods, with only a small difference compared to
girls. However, in the 22-23 period, girls began to
receive more appointments than boys, with a
difference of 0.17 in their favor, a figure that is
significantly greater than the differences observed in
the previous periods. This change was unique among
the six distinct comparisons undertaken on the basis
of patient sex.
In the case of adults, behavior by sex displayed
more pronounced differences. Over the first two
periods, men outnumbered women in the overall
number of appointments made, sometimes
significantly, such as during the period 20-21.
However, this trend leveled out during the last period
(22-23), whereby men still maintained a higher
appointment rate, albeit in a lower ratio than during
the previous periods. This may indicate a more
equitable adaptation of both sexes to the evolving
modalities of telemedicine care.
One of the main challenges for telemedicine in the
context of cancer patients is the inherent limitation of
remote clinical evaluation. Despite its benefits, such
as accessibility and convenience, telemedicine cannot
completely replicate physical examination, which is
so relevant in assessing the evolution of most cancer
patients under treatment. Cancer specialists rely
heavily on physical examinations, including
palpation of tumors, observation of changes in the
general condition of patients, and assessments of
treatment adverse events that cannot be easily
diagnosed via virtual channels. However,
telemedicine can be a very pragmatic alternative in
asymptomatic patients who are doing regular follow
up with laboratory tests and imaging.
Another key challenge is the digital divide, which
particularly affects cancer patients in rural or low-
income areas. The adoption of telemedicine requires
Profiling Cancer Patients in Telemedicine: A Case Study in Chilean Private Healthcare
access to appropriate technology, such as electronic
devices, stable internet connectivity and the digital
skills required to manage telemedicine platforms
(Ganiele et al., 2024). In many cases, older patients,
who make up a sizable proportion of all cancer
patients, may be unfamiliar with the technological
tools needed for virtual appointments or they might
lack access to suitable devices. This technological
inequality can lead to the exclusion of certain
vulnerable populations, therefore increasing disparity
in health care.
Analysis of the data shows that, despite the decrease
in the number of patients and appointments during the
early part of the pandemic, telemedicine has
consolidated itself as a viable alternative form of care
for cancer patients. The changes observed in the use
of this modality of care by patients, particularly
among the pediatric population, suggest that patients
and their families have successfully overcome initial
related obstacles. Consequently, this could render
telemedicine a sustainable model in the long term.
These evolving trajectories are an essential part of
understanding whether telemedicine is capable of
providing care equivalent to the traditional, face-to-
face format, both in terms of clinical quality and
administrative efficiency.
Tracking these patterns through process mining
will allow researchers to build models that integrate
both virtual and face-to-face appointments, which
have the potential to improve care processes and
clinical decision-making. However, challenges
associated with telemedicine, such as limitations
relating to the physical examination of patients, as
well as technological barriers, raise important
considerations when analyzing cancer patient
trajectories. If healthcare is considered a process with
a defined and clear structure, it is possible to study the
patient trajectory as a process model (Rojas E., 2016).
In subsequent stages of the research presented
herein, the authors propose studying the trajectory of
telemedicine patients in greater detail to better
understand the entirety of the healthcare process as a
whole. To this end, care data from these patients will
be requested in order to build their trajectories using
different data science and process modeling
We thank the Red de Salud UC CHRISTUS for their
valuable collaboration in providing the necessary data
for this research. We extend our appreciation to the
Universidad de Chile for the academic support
provided through the participation of a master's
student in this project. Finally, we express our
gratitude to Agencia Nacional de Investigación y
Desarrollo ANID for the financial support granted
through the Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico
y Tecnológico (FONDECYT) project N°11230708,
entitled “Improving the Patient Journey in
Telemedicine using Process Mining”, under the
framework of which this study was developed.
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Profiling Cancer Patients in Telemedicine: A Case Study in Chilean Private Healthcare