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shot per-pixel material classification based on the
polarimetric clues under the optimal illumination.
Specifically, we show the relationship between the in-
tensities of multi-spectral and multi-directional light
sources and the polarimetric feature, and jointly opti-
mize both the non-negative illumination condition for
feature extraction and the discriminant hyperplane in
the feature space via margin maximization. Then, we
experimentally showed that our method using a single
input image works better than/comparably to the ex-
isting methods using a single/multiple input images.
The future work of this study includes the exten-
sion to complex objects such as non-planar surfaces
and translucent materials with significant subsurface
scattering. The use of the other modalities such as
polarimetric light sources is another direction of our
future work.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI
Grant Numbers JP20H00612, JP23H04357, and
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One-Shot Polarization-Based Material Classification with Optimal Illumination