Generative AI for Islamic Texts: The EMAN Framework for Mitigating
GPT Hallucinations
Amina El Ganadi
1,3 a
, Sania Aftar
2 b
, Luca Gagliardelli
2 c
and Federico Ruozzi
1 d
Department of Education and Humanities, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Department of Engineering, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
Department of Culture and Society, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
{amina.elganadi, sania.aftar, luca.gagliardelli, federico.ruozzi}
Generative AI Applications, Digital Humanities, Hallucinations, Religious Text Analysis, Bias Mitigation,
Context-Aware Constraints, Prompt Engineering, Large Language Models (LLMs), GPT Builder, AI in
Islamic Studies, Hadith Studies, Sahih Al-Bukhari.
Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have facilitated specialized applications in fields such
as religious studies. Customized AI models, developed using tools like GPT Builder to source information
from authoritative collections such as Sahih al-Bukhari or the Qur’an, were explored as potential solutions to
address inquiries related to Islamic teachings. However, initial evaluations highlighted significant limitations,
including hallucinations and reference inaccuracies, which undermined their reliability for handling sensitive
religious content. To address these limitations, this study proposes EMAN (Embedding Methodology for Au-
thentic Narrations), a novel framework designed to enhance adherence to Sahih al-Bukhari through API-based
integration. Three methodologies are examined within this framework: Zero-Shot Instructions, which guide
the model without prior examples; Few-Shot Learning, which fine-tunes the model using a limited set of ex-
amples; and Embedding-Based Integration, which grounds the model directly in a verified Ahadith database.
Results demonstrate that Embedding-Based Integration significantly improves performance by anchoring out-
puts in a structured knowledge base, reducing hallucination rates, and increasing accuracy. The success of
this approach underscores its potential for enhancing LLM performance in precision-critical domains. This
research provides a foundation for the ethical and accurate deployment of AI in religious studies, emphasizing
accountability and fidelity to source material.
Hadith literature, which includes the recorded say-
ings, actions, and approvals of the Prophet Muham-
mad, forms a foundational pillar of Islamic theol-
ogy, law, and ethics. It is considered the second
most important source of Islamic legislation after the
Qur’an, providing essential context and elaboration
for Quranic teachings.
The Ahadith (plural of Hadith) offer practical
guidance on every aspect of life, from personal con-
duct to societal governance, making them indispens-
able for a comprehensive understanding and prac-
tice of Islam. The classification of Ahadith into
various categories of authenticity, Sahih (authentic),
Da’if (weak), Hasan (good), and Mawdu’ (fabri-
cated) (Ilyas, 2018; Mghari et al., 2022) reflects the
scholarly rigor and historical accuracy invested in the
study of these texts. This system is crucial for ensur-
ing the integrity of Hadith-based jurisprudence.
Among Hadith collections, Al-Kutub al-Sittah (the
Six Canonical Books) are the foremost in Sunni Islam
(Kamali, 2014), with Sahih al-Bukhari recognized as
the most authentic and often regarded as the most re-
liable book after the Qur’an.
Despite the profound importance of Hadith liter-
ature, scholars and researchers face significant chal-
lenges due to its vast scope and lack of structured or-
ganization. The extensive collections contain thou-
sands of Ahadith, spread across multiple volumes and
often not systematically categorized. This complex-
ity makes navigating, analyzing, and interpreting the
texts a demanding task. The intricate networks of the
El Ganadi, A., Aftar, S., Gagliardelli, L. and Ruozzi, F.
Generative AI for Islamic Texts: The EMAN Framework for Mitigating GPT Hallucinations.
DOI: 10.5220/0013312800003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 1221-1228
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Sanad (chain of narrators who transmitted the Hadith)
require meticulous examination to assess the reliabil-
ity of each Hadith, while the Matn (the core text or
the actual content of the Hadith) demands deep lin-
guistic and contextual analysis to fully understand its
implications (Aftar et al., 2024a,b).
The rise of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI),
particularly Large Language Models (LLMs) such as
ChatGPT, (Brown et al., 2020), Falcon LLM (Al-
mazrouei et al., 2023), Fanar
, and Claude (Temple-
ton et al., 2024), presents transformative opportunities
for Islamic studies. These models have demonstrated
remarkable capabilities in processing and generating
human-like text, offering significant potential in or-
ganizing, analyzing and improving access to Hadith
Despite potential benefits, the integration of Genera-
tive AI into interpreting Hadith literature faces criti-
cal challenges that must be addressed. The complex-
ity of the texts and the risk of hallucinations require
robust methodologies to ensure accuracy. Moreover,
the quality and reliability of the data used to train
AI models are concerning, as the internet is replete
with incorrect Islamic legal rulings (fatwas) and in-
terpretations. Such discrepancies can lead to seri-
ous misrepresentations, bias, and judicial inconsisten-
cies in applying Shari’a (Islamic Law), particularly
given the diverse interpretations across different Is-
lamic schools of thought. Precise interpretation is
crucial, as these decisions carry significant social, eth-
ical, and legal implications within the Muslim com-
munity. Additionally, the inherent opacity of large
language models complicates error correction, foster-
ing skepticism among scholars and the wider Muslim
community. Thus, maintaining a high level of pre-
cision and respecting diverse theological perspectives
are essential to ensure that AI-supported applications
do not inadvertently propagate errors or biases, poten-
tially resulting in judicial inconsistencies.
Recent studies have investigated GPT models’ appli-
cations and limits, highlighting their adaptability and
challenges like hallucinations, while proposing strate-
gies to improve their reliability in sensitive contexts.
3.1 GPT in Practice
Advancements in large language models like GPT-3.5
and GPT-4 have been notable through few-shot learn-
ing, where these models occasionally surpass fine-
tuned counterparts in specialized tasks (Brown et al.,
2020). Few-shot learning enables GPT-4 to gener-
alize effectively with minimal contextual input, pro-
viding a viable alternative to domain-specific models.
Nevertheless, challenges persist in highly specialized
domains, particularly in religious studies (Rizqullah
et al., 2023).
Such domain-specific challenges surfaced again
when evaluating the potential of ChatGPT for orga-
nizing an Islamic digital library. It demonstrated the
ability to hierarchically categorize topics, while also
revealing issues like interpretability, generalization,
and hallucination (El Ganadi et al., 2023). These is-
sues reflect broader difficulties in ensuring AI relia-
bility in culturally and semantically nuanced domains
(Rizqullah et al., 2023; Alnefaie et al., 2023), such as
occasional miscategorization by ChatGPT, highlight-
ing struggles in understanding nuanced relationships
within religious texts.
The introduction of the QASiNa dataset for Sirah
Nabawiyah in Indonesian provided new insights into
language model performance (Rizqullah et al., 2023).
Tests on mBERT and IndoBERT showed that XLM-
R achieved the highest accuracy, while ChatGPT-3.5
and GPT-4, although less accurate, scored higher on
Substring Match. This suggests that while Chat-
GPT excels in phrase matching, it struggles with the
deeper semantic understanding required for religious
question-answering, echoing previous findings in re-
ligious and linguistic studies (Alnefaie et al., 2023).
3.2 Mitigating Hallucinations in AI
Recent research has explored hallucinations in Large
Language Models to understand their origins, impli-
cations, and mitigation strategies, emphasizing the
importance of accuracy in sensitive domains (Reddy
et al., 2024). LLMs often generate convincing but in-
correct responses (Ji et al., 2023a), which can mislead
users due to their natural language fluency.
Hallucinations have been defined as outputs that
deviate from the original prompt, resulting in irrele-
vant or erroneous content (Gallifant et al., 2024). To
address this issue, the Mistral 7B model was applied,
leveraging few-shot learning and prompt engineering
to improve the detection of hallucinations. This ap-
proach outperformed baseline models in both English
and Swedish, demonstrating the effectiveness of tai-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
lored techniques for enhancing the accuracy and reli-
ability of large language models (Siino and Tinnirello,
An evaluation of ChatGPT and Gemini (Bard) for
generating references in systematic reviews on shoul-
der rotator cuff pathology revealed frequent inaccura-
cies in citations (Chelli et al., 2024), raising concerns
about their reliability in scientific applications where
accuracy is essential.
To mitigate hallucinations, various strategies have
been proposed, including cross-language summary
accuracy (Qiu et al., 2023), contextual detection
frameworks (Varshney et al., 2023), and analyzing
causes such as self-contradiction (M
undler et al.,
2023). Retrieval-Augmented Generation (Lewis
et al., 2020) and frameworks like EVER (Wang et al.,
2023) integrate external knowledge to enhance fac-
tuality, while techniques like self-reflection (Madaan
et al., 2023) and RARR (Gao et al., 2022) refine
outputs through iterative feedback or post-generation
alignment. Knowledge graph-based methods (Ji et al.,
2023b) further address hallucinations by grounding
outputs in structured data. These approaches collec-
tively contribute to advancing reliable solutions for
reducing inaccuracies in LLM-generated information,
particularly in high-stakes domains like medicine, le-
gal research, and scientific citation.
The development of specialized GPT models
, in-
cluding Bukhari GPT
, was inspired by the poten-
tial of AI to advance religious studies, particularly
in addressing inquiries related to Ahadith and the
. Our initial approach involved developing a
customized model, Bukhari GPT, utilizing the GPT
builder platform. This model utilized the Sahih Al-
Bukhari collection, a revered corpus within Sunni Is-
lam, as its authoritative knowledge base. Given the
sensitive nature of religious content, especially Aha-
dith which are crucial for Islamic jurisprudence, we
prioritized accuracy and strict adherence to the source
texts to prevent misinterpretation.
Bukhari GPT was developed with stringent con-
straints: it was configured to generate responses
solely from the Sahih Al-Bukhari collection, prohib-
ited the use of external references, and employed a de-
fault non-availability response for queries lacking di-
GPT sahih-al-bukhari
GPT Quran
rect textual support. Despite these rigorous measures,
real-world testing revealed significant challenges, in-
cluding hallucinated Hadith references, misattributed
Hadith numbers, and difficulties in producing coher-
ent responses to complex queries.
Parallel testing involved Bukhari GPT and
general-purpose models such as ChatGPT-4, Claude,
and Gemini in a controlled environment. All mod-
els were granted access to the Sahih Al-Bukhari texts:
Bukhari GPT through CSV files and the general pur-
pose models via online resources
. All models were
bound by identical constraints, use only the desig-
nated dataset, provide no speculative content, and re-
spond with a default non-availability message when
applicable. Additionally, the general-purpose models
utilized their internal base knowledge to supplement
their responses, providing a broader context when ad-
dressing queries. This reliance on internal knowledge
bases was inevitable since, unlike Bukhari GPT, these
models are retrained continuously and are not strictly
confined to a specific dataset. As such, we could not
fully control their use of broader information beyond
the Sahih Al-Bukhari texts. The evaluation of each
model focused on their adherence to the constraints,
their accuracy in referencing, and their capability to
handle ambiguities without fabricating responses.
Although Bukhari GPT demonstrated better per-
formance compared to other models, it still exhib-
ited suboptimal precision (0.42) and recall (0.52).
These metrics underscore the need for more reli-
able methods to accurately identify authentic Ha-
dith while minimizing false positives. Concurrently,
general-purpose models such as ChatGPT-4, Claude,
and Gemini encountered parallel challenges, includ-
ing misquotations, inaccuracies, and hallucinations.
These issues highlight the difficulty of adapting gen-
eral AI systems to the nuanced and high-stakes con-
texts of religious studies. Table 2 demonstrates
the discrepancies in precision, recall, and F1 scores
among these models, underscoring the need for im-
proved technical infrastructure and better data han-
dling when working with specialized content like re-
ligious texts.
Additionally, technical constraints in the GPT
Builder architecture sometimes hindered Bukhari
GPT from fully accessing the CSV-based Hadith data,
causing it to revert to its broader pre-trained knowl-
edge base. This fallback mechanism led to unintended
violations of the “no external sources” rule and weak-
ened the model’s ability to cite Hadith correctly (see
Inconsistencies were also observed in the use of
default responses, with the model occasionally at-
Generative AI for Islamic Texts: The EMAN Framework for Mitigating GPT Hallucinations
Figure 1: GPT Builder Limitations Experienced in Bukhari GPT Configuration.
tempting to answer questions despite lacking the nec-
essary information, thereby undermining the reliabil-
ity of the response protocol.
These challenges exposed the limitations of the
experimental approach, highlighting the complex re-
quirements of handling religious texts with genera-
tive AI models. The issues of hallucinations, misref-
erencing, and inconsistent fallback responses under-
scored the need for more structured methodologies.
Notably, they illustrated the limitations of relying
solely on prompt engineering and source restriction
to manage sensitive content effectively. This evalua-
tion informed the current study, which explores struc-
tured methods, such as embedding-based integration,
to mitigate these issues and improve the model’s ca-
pacity to handle high-stakes religious content reliably.
The subsequent sections detail these advanced ap-
proaches, focusing on strategies to mitigate halluci-
nations, improve citation accuracy, and strengthen the
overall integrity of AI models in religious studies ap-
To address the identified limitations, this study intro-
duces and evaluates the EMAN (Embedding Method-
ology for Authentic Narrations) framework. This
novel approach is designed to enhance adherence to
Sahih al-Bukhari as the authoritative source by min-
imizing hallucinations and improving response ac-
curacy. The acronym EMAN (also transliterated as
Iman), meaning ”faith” or ”belief” in Arabic, reflects
the framework’s commitment to authentic narrations,
particularly those from Sahih al-Bukhari.
Building on prior experiments conducted with the
GPT Builder architecture and addressing its limita-
tions, EMAN employs a systematic approach to eval-
uate and refine the model’s ability to generate accu-
rate, contextually relevant, and constrained outputs.
To achieve these objectives, the framework incorpo-
rates three structured strategies: Zero-Shot Learn-
ing, Few-Shot Learning, and Embedding-Based
Learning. These strategies are designed to work
in a complementary manner. Zero-Shot Learning
leverages pre-trained knowledge to establish a base-
line performance without requiring additional labeled
data. Few-Shot Learning builds on this by introduc-
ing curated examples to refine contextual understand-
ing and guide the model toward domain-specific out-
puts. Embedding-Based Learning further enhances
the framework by anchoring responses in a verified
5.1 Dataset Preparation
This study relies on a dataset extracted from the
Sahih-al-Bukhari collection
, comprising the origi-
nal Arabic texts and their English translations. To
ensure compatibility with approaches like zero-shot,
few-shot, and embedding-based API integration, the
data was structured in CSV files, enabling seamless
integration and embedding creation. The dataset was
curated and cleaned to ensure consistency and accu-
racy for use in all subsequent experiments.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Overview of three tested approaches (Zero-Shot, Few-Shot, and Embedding-Based Integration).
5.2 Zero-Shot Learning
The zero-shot learning approach was employed to
evaluate the ability of a pre-trained LLM to generate
accurate and contextually relevant responses based
solely on carefully designed instructions, without re-
quiring additional labeled examples or fine-tuning
(Liu et al., 2023). This approach was chosen for
its scalability and flexibility in addressing diverse
queries while ensuring strict adherence to Sahih al-
Bukhari as the authoritative source. Zero-shot learn-
ing leverages the model’s pre-trained knowledge, en-
abling rapid deployment in contexts where exten-
sive labeled datasets or domain-specific fine-tuning
are unavailable, making it an appropriate choice for
the initial stages of this study. The implementa-
tion utilized a structured prompt with explicit con-
straints to maintain fidelity to the source material.
The model was required to directly quote from Sahih
al-Bukhari, accurately cite Ahadith, and issue a de-
fault response indicating uncertainty for unsupported
or out-of-scope queries. To mitigate hallucinations
and speculative content, the prompt explicitly pro-
hibited inferential reasoning, modern analogies, or
commentary not explicitly grounded in the source.
All responses included precise citations, specifying
both book and Hadith numbers, with references veri-
fied using the ”” platform. The OpenAI
GPT-4 API was configured with a low-temperature
setting of 0.2 to prioritize factual accuracy and de-
terministic outputs. While this framework demon-
strated the model’s ability to generalize effectively
within defined constraints, limitations such as occa-
sional misquotations and inconsistent fallback mech-
anisms highlighted the need for further refinement in
prompt engineering and stricter enforcement of con-
straints to improve reliability.
5.3 Few-Shot Learning
This methodology was employed to address the lim-
itations of the zero-shot approach by incorporat-
ing structured examples that guided the model’s re-
sponses while maintaining adherence to Sahih al-
Bukhari. This method aimed to enhance contex-
tual accuracy and response consistency in the anal-
ysis of Hadith. A carefully structured prompt tem-
plate established the foundational guidelines for this
approach. The model was required to directly quote
from Sahih al-Bukhari, provide accurate Hadith cita-
tions, and issue a default response indicating uncer-
tainty whenever the necessary information was un-
available, thereby ensuring adherence to constraints
and preventing unsupported outputs. For queries in-
volving multiple applicable Ahadith, the response for-
mat ensured that each reference was listed separately
to preserve clarity and traceability. Examples were
carefully curated to represent a diverse range of query
types, including inquiries about charity, patience,
and kindness to parents. These examples demon-
strated the ideal response format, emphasizing con-
cise, source-based answers with accurate citations.
The implementation leveraged OpenAI’s GPT-4 API,
configured with a low-temperature setting (0.2) to en-
sure deterministic outputs while minimizing response
variability. By introducing task-specific examples,
the few-shot learning approach significantly improved
the model’s alignment with task requirements com-
Generative AI for Islamic Texts: The EMAN Framework for Mitigating GPT Hallucinations
pared to the zero-shot method. However, challenges
such as occasional hallucinations, speculative con-
tent, and misquotations remained, indicating areas for
further refinement in prompt engineering and exam-
ple selection. Despite these limitations, the method-
ology effectively enhanced the model’s ability to gen-
erate accurate and contextually appropriate responses.
5.4 The EMAN Framework
The embedding-based approach was introduced to
overcome the limitations of zero-shot and few-
shot methodologies by anchoring responses in a se-
mantically structured knowledge base derived from
Sahih al-Bukhari. High-dimensional embeddings for
each Hadith were generated using OpenAI’s text-
embedding-ada-002 model, which captured the se-
mantic meaning of the texts while preserving crit-
ical metadata such as chain references for contex-
tual accuracy. This embedding-based framework en-
abled precise retrieval of relevant Ahadith, minimiz-
ing the reliance on the model’s internal generalized
knowledge. A cosine similarity mechanism was em-
ployed to measure the relevance between user queries
and precomputed Hadith embeddings. To ensure rel-
evance, a similarity threshold filtered out irrelevant
matches, and the top-k most relevant Ahadith were
selected for inclusion in the response. If no Hadith
meets the similarity threshold, the system provides
a default response indicating uncertainty, which ad-
heres to constraints and prevents unsupported outputs.
Responses were structured to include direct quotes,
Hadith numbers, and chain references, maintaining
clarity and traceability. This approach demonstrated
significant improvements in accuracy and contextual
alignment compared to previous methods, effectively
reducing hallucinations and misquotations by ground-
ing responses in verified embeddings. However, occa-
sional false negatives were observed due to the strict
similarity threshold, which excluded some semanti-
cally relevant Ahadith with minor variations. Fu-
ture refinements will focus on optimizing similarity
thresholds, enhancing the embedding process, and in-
corporating advanced linguistic features to further im-
prove retrieval accuracy ensuring precision and sig-
nificantly reducing hallucinations. Together, these
strategies create a cohesive and systematic approach
that balances scalability, contextual accuracy, and
source fidelity. The EMAN framework also inte-
grates a detailed modeling pipeline tailored for Hadith
analysis. This pipeline provides a structured and re-
producible method for mitigating hallucinations, em-
phasizing precision, reliability, and strict adherence
to source material. By combining these strategies,
EMAN offers a robust solution for deploying genera-
tive AI in sensitive scholarly domains, particularly the
study of Islamic texts. Figure 2 details the methodolo-
gies and outcomes of different approaches.
5.5 Evaluation Metrics
To evaluate the effectiveness of the EMAN frame-
work, we tested various models including GPT-4,
Claude, Gemini, and the custom-developed Bukhari
GPT. We assessed their performance using precision,
recall, F1-score, and accuracy metrics on two sets of
prompts: one with 50 authentic Ahadith queries and
another featuring fabricated Ahadith prompts. This
evaluation, detailed in Table 2, illustrates the EMAN
framework’s superior performance in accurately ref-
erencing and interpreting religious texts.
The evaluation of Large Language Models aimed to
compare the performance of the proposed EMAN
framework with widely used general-purpose models
in handling religious texts, specifically Ahadith. This
assessment focused on the models’ ability to generate
precise, contextually accurate responses while min-
imizing errors and hallucinations, a critical require-
ment given the sensitivity of the domain. Fifty queries
were designed to evaluate the models across key met-
rics, including precision, recall, F1-score, accuracy,
and hallucination rate. These metrics provided a com-
prehensive assessment of each model’s capacity to re-
trieve authentic Hadith and address nuanced religious
The EMAN framework emerged as the best-
performing system, achieving a precision of 0.65, re-
call of 0.70, and an F1-score of 0.67. These results
underscored the advantages of domain-specific opti-
mization. In contrast, the customized GPT model, de-
veloped using tools like GPT Builder, demonstrated
moderate improvements with a precision of 0.42, re-
call of 0.52, and an F1-score of 0.47, revealing persis-
tent challenges in achieving higher precision and con-
textual reliability. General-purpose models like GPT-
4 showed moderate performance (precision 0.38, re-
call 0.49, F1-score 0.43), struggling to adapt effec-
tively to specialized contexts. Claude and Gemini per-
formed the weakest, with Gemini particularly under-
performing due to inadequate domain-specific train-
ing. These findings highlighted the superior reliabil-
ity of the EMAN framework while revealing the lim-
itations of both general-purpose and customized GPT
models in handling high-stakes applications.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Evaluation of Model Accuracy and Hallucination Frequency.
Model Constraints followed Misquotation Accuracy% Remarks
Embedding-Based Integration Fully No 100% Example-based guidance improves style adherence but
struggles with hallucinations.
Few-Shot Learning Partial Yes 72% Understands response style but still faces issues with
hallucinations and misquotation.
Zero-Shot Learning Partial Yes 72% Lacks examples, leading to guideline inconsistencies
and high hallucination rates.
Table 2: Model Evaluation Metrics.
Model Precision Recall F1 Score
EMAN 0.65 0.70 0.67
Bukhari GPT 0.42 0.52 0.47
Chat GPT-4 0.38 0.49 0.43
Claude 0.35 0.33 0.34
Gemini 0.20 0.23 0.26
Further experiments evaluated EMAN’s ability to
reliably detect fabricated Ahadith, comparing three
approaches: Embedding-Based Integration, Few-Shot
Learning, and Zero-Shot Learning (see Table 1). The
Embedding-Based Integration approach emerged as
the most effective, achieving 100% accuracy with no
misquotations and full adherence to constraints. This
performance was attributed to its grounding in a veri-
fied database and strict enforcement of response con-
straints, making it highly reliable for identifying fab-
ricated Hadith. In comparison, Few-Shot Learning
and Zero-Shot Learning both achieved 72% accuracy
but exhibited partial adherence to constraints and fre-
quent misquotations. Few-Shot Learning benefitted
from example-based guidance, improving adherence
to response styles, but it struggled to eliminate hallu-
cinations entirely. Zero-Shot Learning, lacking con-
textual examples, faced greater inconsistencies and
higher hallucination rates.
Overall, these findings emphasize the effective-
ness of the Embedding-Based Integration approach
within the EMAN framework in achieving precise,
reliable outputs, particularly in sensitive domains
like religious studies. While Few-Shot and Zero-
Shot Learning showed moderate success, their limita-
tions further underscore the need for structured, data-
grounded methodologies to ensure reliability and eth-
ical compliance in high-stakes applications.
This study highlights the critical role of grounding
AI systems in structured, authenticated datasets when
processing sensitive religious content. By consis-
tently relying on verified sources, the EMAN frame-
work substantially decreases errors and boosts con-
textual accuracy, enabling more trustworthy access to
complex Islamic texts such as Ahadith. Building on
these findings, future research will extend the EMAN
framework to the Arabic text of Sahih al-Bukhari,
incorporating Sanad (chains of narrators) to assess
whether enriched metadata can further boost model
performance. This exploration directly follows from
our observation that domain-specific data, rigorously
verified, can significantly enhance contextual accu-
racy. We also plan to evaluate Arabic-developed mod-
els like Fanar, focusing on their ability to process
Islamic texts with high fidelity. By comparing Fa-
nar to more generalized models, we aim to determine
whether its cultural and linguistic grounding provides
a distinct advantage in handling religious content.
A key objective moving forward is to enhance
the scalability of our embedding-based methods for
larger, multilingual datasets, an improvement critical
to broadening the EMAN framework’s applicability.
By examining strategies such as more robust index-
ing or distributed architectures, we aim to ensure that
grounded AI systems can serve diverse contexts and
languages with the reliability and precision demanded
by sensitive content.
This work was conducted within the PNRR project
ITSERR - Italian Strengthening of the ESFRI RI RE-
SILIENCE” (Avviso MUR 3264/2022) funded by EU
– NextGenerationEU - Grant No IR0000014.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence