Impact of Pinging in Financial Markets: An Agent Based Study
Sriram Bharadwaj Rangarajan
1 a
and Carmine Ventre
2 b
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI, Department of Informatics, King’s College London, London,
Department of Informatics, King’s College London, London, U.K.
{sriram bharadwaj.rangarajan, carmine.ventre}
Agent Based Modeling, Financial Markets, Dark Pools, Market Impact, Pinging, Market Manipulation,
Empirical Game-Theoretic Analysis.
Institutional traders in the financial markets rely on hidden trading venues to execute significantly large trades
with lower execution costs and reduced information leakage. One such trading venue, known as dark pool,
offers institutional traders better execution costs through hidden order books and delayed trade reporting.
Despite their advantages, dark pools are susceptible to market manipulation practices such as ’pinging’. Due to
low transparency in dark pools, the incentives of pinging agents and their impact on market participants has not
been studied in detail. In this paper, we present an agent-based model of the financial markets to study market
impact of trading strategies and the dynamics of pinging in dark pools. We identify the scenarios and market
conditions under which pinging is a profitable manipulation strategy and compute its impact on execution
costs of informed institutional trading agents. Further, we consider agent incentives and use empirical game
theory to compute the equilibrium state of the market and quantify the additional costs imposed by pinging
agents on informed traders. This study aims to bridge the existing research gap by providing a framework for
analyzing market manipulation in dark pools and is a foundational step towards designing safer dark pools.
The financial markets operate as highly sophisticated
ecosystems and are shaped by the diverse interactions
of market participants including retail investors, liq-
uidity providers and institutional traders. Institutional
traders, such as investment banks, frequently need to
acquire or liquidate large quantities of securities to
implement their investment mandates. However, ex-
ecuting large orders in the financial markets can sig-
nificantly impact market prices and lead to higher ex-
ecution costs. Market impact (also known as price
impact) refers to the difference in market price trajec-
tories when a trade is executed compared to the coun-
terfactual price trajectory that would have occurred
had the trade not been executed (Said, 2022). A strat-
egy used by institutional traders to reduce market im-
pact is to distribute their trading activity across ’lit’
markets (financial markets with transparent order re-
porting) and dark pools (financial markets with hid-
den trading activity).
Dark pools are private trading venues that allow
participants to execute trades without disclosing their
intention to the wider market. These venues help in-
formed traders to reduce market impact and provide
them with anonymity with regards to their trading ac-
tivity (Brogaard and Pan, 2021; MacKenzie, 2019).
The ability of dark pools to trade in a hidden manner
helps their participants to prevent information leakage
(Buti et al., 2017; Bayona et al., 2023). Dark pools
have evolved significantly since their inception in the
late 20th century. Modern day dark pools such as
Crossfinder are predominantly established and oper-
ated by investment banks. However, the lack of trans-
parency and public data on orders presents challenges
for modeling and understanding the nuances of dark
pool dynamics (MacKenzie, 2019). Controversies
surrounding dark pools have underscored their sys-
temic implications. Numerous lawsuits against dark
pools operators and fines levied by regulators in the
recent past highlight the insufficient policing within
these venues
. Unlike ’lit’ markets, where market in-
formation is publicly available, the opaque structure
Rangarajan, S. B. and Ventre, C.
Impact of Pinging in Financial Markets: An Agent Based Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0013312900003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 1, pages 172-183
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
of dark pools limits the ability of researchers and reg-
ulators to study their operations (Buti et al., 2022).
Besides the lack of transparency and inability to
study these markets, market manipulation is a sig-
nificant concern in dark pools, since it disrupts the
’lit’ market efficiency and increases execution costs
for genuine participants. While market manipulation
(Lin, 2017) in ’lit’ markets has been well studied (Liu
et al., 2022), detection of manipulation in dark pools
is much harder due to its low transparency. This opens
up dark pools to market manipulators, who may mis-
use these venues for profiting at the expense of legit-
imate market players (Aquilina et al., 2024). An ex-
ample of a dark pool manipulation strategy is ’ping-
ing’, where the manipulation agent places small quan-
tity orders in the dark pools to detect the presence
of large hidden institutional trading orders (Mart
Miranda et al., 2016). Once a large order is detected,
the manipulation agent would front-run the institu-
tional agent by placing orders in the ’lit’ market and
profiting from the impending market moves. Ping-
ing undermines the purpose of dark pool trading, re-
duces market confidence, leads to information leak-
age and increases execution costs (Stenfors and Susai,
2021). Despite the negative effects of pinging in dark
pools, it remains relatively unexplored in literature.
Our paper aims to address this research gap by using
agent based modeling (ABM) to study the dynamics
of pinging in dark pools and its impact on institutional
trader’s execution costs.
This paper aims to integrate computational multi-
agent system design with financial market manipula-
tion analysis by presenting a novel incentive-aware
ABM of the financial markets with an associated dark
pool. By presenting a novel pinging agent definition,
we aim to enhance our understanding of how ping-
ing impacts the financial markets and its participants
(like institutional traders). To our knowledge, this is
the first study that analyzes pinging based market ma-
nipulation in dark pools, and quantifies the impact of
pinging on market impact and execution costs of in-
formed traders. The main contributions of our work
We propose a novel incentive aware ABM of the
financial markets with a dark pool for studying the
market price impact of institutional trading strate-
gies. Our ABM is able to replicate price impact
characteristics in classical literature (Obizhaeva
and Wang, 2013; Almgren and Chriss, 2001) as
well as model the impact of trading in dark pools.
We define a novel pinging market manipulation
agent (in Section 3.6) that probes the dark pool
markets for hidden orders and profits by trading
ahead of large institutional trades.
Using our ABM and pinging agent, we are able to
ascertain the market scenarios under which ping-
ing is a profitable manipulative activity, and we
show the impact of pinging on execution costs.
We use empirical game-theoretic analysis (EGTA)
(Wellman, 2006) to compute the market strat-
egy equilibrium of the institutional and pinging
trader’s actions and compute the impact of ping-
ing in the market equilibrium.
2.1 Agent Based Modeling
The study of financial markets using computational
agent based models has grown significantly in re-
cent times, leveraging advancements in ABM (Liu
et al., 2022; Wah et al., 2015; Brinkman and Wellman,
2017). ABM allows researchers to study the complex-
ities of the financial markets and observe the emer-
gent market dynamics. Some of the earliest research
works in this field (Chiarella, 1992; Gode and Sun-
der, 1993) consider market participants like funda-
mentalists and zero-intelligence agents to study emer-
gent market phenomenon. Subsequent research (Ma-
jewski et al., 2018) further improves on the Chiarella
model by enhancing the fundamental price to include
a drift component and thereby modeling diverse mar-
ket regimes. ABM has further been used in conjunc-
tion with the ABIDES framework (Byrd et al., 2020)
to estimate market impact of an institutional trader.
While there is extensive research on the use of ABMs
for modeling market impact, the modeling of market
impact of execution strategies using an ABM while
replicating temporary and permanent impact compo-
nents remains unexplored.
2.2 Dark Pools and Market
Dark pools are market venues that allow their par-
ticipants to trade in an anonymized manner. Classi-
cal finance literature contains theoretical models on
the dynamics of dark pools. Buti et al. (Buti et al.,
2017) investigate the impact of the dark pool market
on the ’lit’ market and identify the conditions under
which dark pool participation is higher. Kratz and
Schoeneborn (Kratz and Sch
oneborn, 2014) propose
a mathematical equilibrium market model for optimal
liquidation of portfolios in the lit and dark pool mar-
kets. Different kinds of dark pools have been studied
in literature by Zhu (Zhu, 2013). The most prevalent
Impact of Pinging in Financial Markets: An Agent Based Study
type is known as crossing networks, which enables
trading at the midpoint of the lit market. One prior
research work (Mo et al., 2013) has used ABM for
modeling the benefits of dark pool trading and high-
light the risk of lower order fills in dark pools.
Market manipulation and predatory strategies in
the financial markets have been studied with a focus
on spoofing and pinging strategies. Liu et al. (Liu
et al., 2022) study the impact of spoofing on the lit
market using ABM and EGTA, and show the resis-
tance of an alternative market design called frequent
call markets. Martınez-Miranda et al. (Mart
Miranda et al., 2016) study pinging strategies using
a reinforcement learning framework to study the trad-
ing dynamics of these agents. While there is extensive
research on market manipulation in the lit markets,
the impact of market manipulation in dark pools re-
mains unexplored. Furthermore, an analysis of ping-
ing based market manipulation using agent incentives
and using ABM is an unexplored area too.
Our study employs an agent-based financial market
model that is inspired by frameworks utilized in prior
research (Liu et al., 2022). All trading is permitted
on a single security only. Our model allows trading
agents to submit orders in two parallel market mecha-
nisms namely the Continuous Double Auction (CDA)
and the Dark Pool (DP) market, enabling a versatile
analysis of market phenomenon. In our market setup,
orders are submitted at discrete intervals of time (t =
0,1,....,N, where N is the total length of simulation)
with order prices being restricted to integer multiples
of the market tick size (set to 1 in this instance). We
leverage ABM to analyze market dynamics and ap-
ply EGTA to compute the equilibrium behavior of the
pinging agent and the institutional trading agent. The
computational ABM market model was implemented
in Python using the mesa library (Kazil et al., 2020)
with separate Python modules built for each trading
agent type and market matching mechanisms. Addi-
tionally equilibrium analysis using EGTA (Wellman,
2006) was performed using the open source egtaon-
line and quiesce libraries.
3.1 Market Environment
Our study uses a market environment that builds on
frameworks commonly used in financial market ABM
studies (Liu et al., 2022; Brinkman and Wellman,
2017). It features a population of N background
agents, whose market arrival times are governed by a
Poisson process with an arrival rate parameter λ. On
arrival, agents may either cancel existing outstanding
orders and/or submit new orders to either the CDA or
dark pool markets. A fundamental price time series,
representing the consensus value of the traded secu-
rity, is expected to be present and known to all the
agents in the environment. At each time step t, the
fundamental price f is governed by a mean-reverting
stochastic process described as below:
= r
f + (1 r) f
+ s
) (1)
Here, f
represents the fundamental price time series,
r (0,1) is the mean reversion rate, s
is a noise
term sampled from a normal distribution and
f is the
mean of the fundamental value. The parameters r
and σ
can be adjusted to produce fundamental price
time series with different levels of mean reversion and
volatility. The initial value of the fundamental series
f .
3.2 Valuation Models
At each time step t, when the fundamental value
changes, agents in the market update their security
valuations based on their private and common com-
ponents consistent with the approach in prior re-
search (Brinkman and Wellman, 2017; Liu et al.,
2022). The common component of an agent’s val-
uation is a noisy estimate of the true fundamental
value. This estimate is modeled as a combination
of the true fundamental and an agent-specific valua-
tion bias b
, which is sampled from a normal dis-
tribution N(0,σ
). The agent’s private component,
denoted as θ
, reflects the agent’s marginal utility of
acquiring an additional unit of the security. It is repre-
sented as a vector of length 2Q (where Q is the max-
imum permitted agent inventory) and is expressed as
). Each ele-
ment θ
corresponds to the marginal utility of one
additional security for agent i, when its current inven-
tory is q. This vector θ
is generated by sampling 2Q
values from a normal distribution N(0,σ
) and sort-
ing them in descending order. The total valuation of
agent i at time t with an inventory q is calculated as:
+ b
+ θ
, if buying
+ b
, if selling
3.3 Market Mechanisms
In this study, we explore two distinct market mecha-
nisms - Continuous Double Auction (CDA) and dark
pool market, which co-exist in the overall market en-
vironment. We would like to examine the market
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
dynamics when an institutional trading agent inter-
acts with the CDA and dark pool markets through
different strategies. The CDA is a widely employed
mechanism where agents place buy (sell) limit or-
ders with an associated price at which they would like
to trade at. All orders are stored in the limit order
book (LOB) and trades occurs when a new incom-
ing order matches with an existing one in the LOB.
We implement an ABM functioning as per the CDA
market framework, similar to those presented in prior
research (Liu et al., 2022; Brinkman and Wellman,
2017). The dark pool market, in contrast, is a less
prevalent market design more popular in certain ge-
ographies (MacKenzie, 2019). While the dark pool
market also allows participants to submit buy or sell
orders in continuous time like the CDA, the order
book is hidden from the participants thereby allow-
ing them to hide their trading intentions (Buti et al.,
2017; Bayona et al., 2023). In this study, we imple-
ment a dark pool market that acts as a crossing mech-
anism between buyers and sellers with trades occur-
ring at the midpoint of the best bid and offer prices in
the CDA market. Our dark pool market model is in-
spired by prior research work (Mo et al., 2013), how-
ever we use a more heterogeneous background agent
strategy set. The market model in our study allows
trading agents to trade either in the CDA or the dark
pool market or adopt a mixed trading strategy.
3.4 Background Agents
We use three kinds of background agents in our mar-
ket simulations to study the market dynamics in the
presence of an institutional trading agent and a ping-
ing market manipulation agent. The three agent types
we use are - zero intelligence (ZI) strategy, fundamen-
tal traders (FT) and market makers (MM). Further, we
also employ noise trading agents to enhance the order
book depth at various levels.
Zero Intelligence Strategy. Zero intelligence (ZI)
traders place limit orders with prices determined
based on the market fundamental value and private
valuations only, without considering the state of the
order book. The ZI strategy used in our paper is
inspired by prior research (Brinkman and Wellman,
2017) and this agent determines their order prices by
shifting their agent valuation using an offset drawn
from a uniform distribution U [R
]. ZI
agents usually carry low inventory and therefore the
inventory limit for our study is set as Q = 3. On en-
tering the market, the ZI agent samples an expected
surplus from the uniform distribution and adjust their
valuation by this surplus to calculate their order price.
The order price submitted by agent i with current in-
ventory q at time t is calculated as below:
U [R
], if buying
+U [R
], if selling
Fundamental Trader Strategy. Fundamental traders
(FT) are those who seek long-term value and base
their trading decisions on the dislocations between the
market quote-mid and their security valuations, aim-
ing to capture significant deviations between the two.
In comparison to ZI agents, FT agents are more risk-
averse and require a substantial surplus to be moti-
vated to trade. Drawing from the hypothesis and find-
ings from prior research (Majewski et al., 2018), we
model the FT agent demand as a polynomial function
of the market price’s deviation from the agent valua-
tions. The aggregate demand for all FT agents at time
t is given by:
= β
) + β
where P
represents the market mid price at time t,
and β
are the coefficients for the linear and cu-
bic terms respectively, v
is the agent valuation. FT
agents enter the market following the Poisson process
presented in Section 3.1, place orders near the market
mid price to adjust their inventory to align with their
computed demand function value.
Market Maker Strategy. Market making (MM)
refers to a category of trading strategies aimed at
providing liquidity to the market and profiting from
the bid-offer spread (Chakraborty and Kearns, 2011).
Our MM strategy agent is inspired by Karvik et al.
(Karvik et al., 2018) and has been streamlined to re-
duce computational complexity. The MM agent con-
sidered in our model enters the market and adjusts its
buy and sell orders (Bid
, Ask
) at each time t (0,T ).
Our MM agent monitors the volume of arriving buy
and sell orders, constructs indicators of market im-
balance and modifies its orders as described in prior
research (Ho and Stoll, 1981). On observing a higher
demand to buy (sell), the MM infers the market senti-
ment and adjusts its prices upward (downward). They
also effectively manage inventory risk by adjusting
prices upward (downward) to effectively manage de-
creases (increases) in holding inventory. At each time
t, the MM calculates its mid-price mmp
and series
of quotes (Bid
, Ask
) as expressed below:
= mmp
+ α
.DI + α
.IC (5)
DI = (N
) (6)
IC = (q
) (7)
= mmp
(k 1)ticksize (8)
Impact of Pinging in Financial Markets: An Agent Based Study
= mmp
+ (k 1)ticksize (9)
where k = 1, 2, 3, ....MMLvls
, mmp
= f
mental mean), N
and N
the total quantity of aggressive bids and asks respec-
tively between t 1 and t, q
is the MM agent in-
ventory at time t, DI represents demand imbalance,
IC represents inventory change, α
is the market
demand adjustment factor, and α
is the agent in-
ventory adjustment factor, MMSpr
is the fixed MM
agent spread, MMLvls
is the number of quote levels
on both the buy and sell sides.
Noise Trader. Noise traders are uninformed mar-
ket participants who lack intrinsic valuations of the
traded security and typically trade near the market
mid price. These types of agents are frequently em-
ployed in financial market simulations (Ponomareva
and Calinescu, 2014; Farmer et al., 2003) due to the
ability to account for upto 96% of the variance ob-
served in market spreads. In this study, noise trader
agents submit buy or sell orders shifted from the mar-
ket mid price by a value sampled from a uniform dis-
tribution U [R
]. The submitted price by
noise trader i at time t is given by:
U [R
], if buying
+U [R
], if selling
where P
is the market mid price at time t
3.5 Institutional Trading Agent
In our study, we use an institutional trader agent im-
plementing a time-weighted average price (TWAP)
strategy for our analysis of market impact in CDA and
dark pool markets. The TWAP strategy entails execut-
ing the total order volume at a consistent rate over the
entire execution period, aiming to match the market’s
time-weighted average price. To achieve this, the
strategy splits the total execution volume into equal
portions, executing one portion per time interval. The
order quantity executed by the TWAP agent during
the k-th interval is given by n
= X/N
if the number of intervals for the strategy).
To analyze the impact of executing orders in the dark
pool market mechanism, we extend the vanilla TWAP
strategy to create multiple TWAP strategy variants,
each of which differ in the proportion of the trade
volume executed in the CDA vs dark pool. In this
study, we analyze four different TWAP strategy vari-
ants, as presented in Table 1. For example the strategy
executes the entire trade volume in the main
CDA market while the S
executes 10% of the
trade volume in the dark pool and 90% in the CDA
Table 1: TWAP Strategy Variants - Each of these strategies
differ by the fraction of the overall trade executed in the
dark pool vs CDA markets.
Strategy DP Fraction CDA Fraction
0% 100%
10% 90%
20% 80%
30% 70%
3.6 Pinging Agent
Pinging (Mart
ınez-Miranda et al., 2016) refers to a
market manipulation strategy (Budish et al., 2015)
where the agent submits small orders (typically near
the best bid or offer price of the market) to detect the
presence of large hidden institutional orders. In this
paper, our main focus will be on pinging based market
manipulation in dark pool (DP) markets. As discussed
in classical finance research (Kratz and Sch
2014), pinging agents in dark pool markets aim to
probe the presence of large orders in dark pool mar-
kets and subsequently place orders in the main CDA
markets with the aim of profiting from future market
moves. Pinging can often be harmful to market par-
ticipants since the market price is no longer indicative
of the true security value and this increases execution
costs for institutional trading agents.
For our experiments, we employ a simplistic ping-
ing agent that performs two activities in parallel.
First, the pinging agent places small buy or sell trades
(buy or sell direction chosen at random) of quantity
1 unit in the dark pool market in regular intervals
(in this case at t = 0, 10, 20...., T 10,T ) to detect
the presence of large dark pool orders. The pinging
agent uses the information gained from the previous
10 pings (on a rolling basis) to ascertain whether there
is hidden buy or sell side demand in dark pool mar-
ket. Second, the pinging agent executes aggressive
buy or sell trades in the CDA market to achieve its tar-
get inventory, which is determined based on the infor-
mation acquired from the dark pool pinging process.
The target inventory for the pinging agent is set to the
maximum positive (negative) inventory if a large hid-
den buyer (seller) was detected in the pinging process.
The target inventory for pinging agent is set as:
, if buyer in 70%+ pings
, if seller in 70%+ pings
0, otherwise
where T I
is target inventory of the pinging agent
and Q
is the maximum inventory for the pinging
agent (Q
= 10 in our study).
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Environment Parameters.
Parameter Value Parameter Value
f 500 N 110
r 0.2 N
10 λ
10 λ
T 2000 (α
) (1,-1)
0 R
4 MMLvls
5 β
3.7 Environment Parameters
During the course of experiments and analysis in this
paper, the general market parameters remain fixed. To
estimate the market impact of different strategies, we
vary the execution strategy under consideration (as
described in Section 3.5) and the total order quan-
tity executed (as described in Table 3). The secu-
rity price is allowed to fluctuate between 0 and 1000
with a market tick size of 1. The market consists
of N = 110 (N = N
+ N
+ N
) background agents, which are split between
the CDA and dark pool markets. As per the findings
in prior research (Ye, 2024) that dark pool markets
attract informed speculatory agents and uninformed
trading agents, we will assume our market model to
contain 50 FT agents (N
= 50), 25 ZI agents
= 25) and 10 MM agents (N
= 10)
in the CDA market while the dark pool market will
contain 25 ZI agents alone (N
= 25). We do
not include any MM agents in the dark pool as per
the findings in prior research (Zhu, 2013). ZI and FT
agents arrive at the market following a Poisson pro-
cess with respective arrival rates λ
and λ
, while
the MM agent is present at every time step. To ac-
count for market variance, we maintain a fixed num-
ber of noise trader agents N
in the CDA
market. The demand function factors for FT agents
are specified in Table 2. These parameter choices are
motivated by the findings in prior research (Majewski
et al., 2018). The simulation length is set to T = 2000
time steps. The summary of environment and back-
ground agent parameters discussed in this section is
shown in Table 2, with each of these parameters cho-
sen to be in line with prior research (Liu et al., 2022;
Brinkman and Wellman, 2017; Karvik et al., 2018).
3.8 Execution Scenarios and Metrics
We outline certain execution scenarios to analyze
market impact of various execution strategies. These
Table 3: Execution Scenario Definitions.
Scenario Execution Order Volume
Agent buys 100 units of security
Agent buys 150 units of security
Agent buys 200 units of security
Agent buys 250 units of security
scenarios differ based on the total order volume exe-
cuted in each scenario. For each scenario, an institu-
tional trader agent trades a total order volume as de-
fined by the respective scenario beginning at t = 0 and
completing execution at t = 1000. The scenarios un-
der which we will be evaluating market impact are
specified in Table 3. These execution scenarios were
chosen with the order quantities aligned with 10%,
15%, 20% and 25% of the typical trading volume in
one simulated trading day of T = 2000 time steps. To
evaluate market impact in a CDA-dark pool market
model, we focus mainly on temporary/permanent im-
pact and execution costs as defined in prior research
(Said et al., 2017). The list of market metrics we will
use are temporary impact, permanent impact, imple-
mentation shortfall and agent surplus. These are de-
fined as follows:
Temporary Impact - Temporary impact is defined
as the peak change in market price observed dur-
ing the execution period relative to the execution
strategy’s arrival price.
Permanent Impact - Permanent impact refers to
the new equilibrium price level post execution
completion relative to the execution strategy’s ar-
rival price.
Implementation Shortfall - Implementation Short-
fall (also known as execution cost) is the effective
cost incurred by the execution agent, i.e., the aver-
age cost incurred by the agent per unit of security
Agent Surplus/Profits - The terminal surplus of an
agent is the sum of cash and value of terminal se-
curity holdings (Brinkman and Wellman, 2017).
3.9 Agent Strategy Space and EGTA
Our ABM simulation is formulated as a financial
profit maximization game between an institutional
trader and a pinging agent. Also as defined in Sec-
tion 3.4, the market model consists of N = 110 back-
ground agents who act as per their fixed strategies and
do not adapt their strategies as per the market sce-
nario. We assume that the time period of the institu-
tional agent activity and pinging agent activity is too
short for the background agents to detect and adapt to
and therefore each of the background agents (ZI, MM
Impact of Pinging in Financial Markets: An Agent Based Study
and FT) follow fixed strategy profiles.
On the other hand, the two players in our financial
market game with dynamic strategies are the institu-
tional trader agent (described in Section 3.5) and the
pinging agent (described in Section 3.6). While we
do analyze all combinations of these strategies in Sec-
tions 4.1 and 4.2, we model the market simulation as a
2-player game in Section 4.3 to compute the equilib-
rium state. The institutional trader chooses its strat-
egy from the strategy set {S
, S
, S
} (described in Table 1). The pinging agent
chooses between 2 strategies - ’Idle’ (dormant) or
’Active’ (agent acts per Section 3.6). Both of these
agents pick their strategy in the market equilibrium to
maximize their profits. Since we are unable to apply
theoretic Nash equilibrium models to a financial mar-
ket ABM, we use EGTA (Wellman, 2006) for analyz-
ing our market game. First, we consider all strategy
combinations for the institutional trader agent (4 pos-
sible strategies) and pinging agent (2 possible strate-
gies) and run 100 simulations for each strategy pro-
file. Next, we analyze and calculate the agent surplus
for each simulation. Finally, we compile these strat-
egy profiles with their payoffs, construct the payoff
matrix and perform EGTA.
4.1 Market Impact in Hybrid
CDA-Dark Pool Strategies
In this section, we show the ability of our financial
market ABM to model market impact of an institu-
tional trader agent under various execution scenarios
while following different strategies.
Figure 1: Market Price Trajectory under different execution
scenarios for Strategy S
4.1.1 Experimental Procedure
First, we use an ABM based on the financial market
model described in Sections 3.1-3.3 and the parame-
ters in Table 2. Second, we introduce an institutional
trader agent (as defined in Section 3.5) into the mar-
ket model in different market scenarios. The institu-
tional trader agent is simulated under each of the ex-
ecution scenarios defined in Table 3 while following
each of the TWAP strategy variants defined in Table 1.
The purpose of these scenario and strategy variants is
to understand the relationship between the total order
execution volume and the market impact metrics, as
well as the relationship between the CDA-dark pool
execution volume splits and market impact metrics.
Finally, under each of these scenarios and strategies,
we observe the emergent system dynamics and com-
pute the market impact metrics defined in Section 3.8.
4.1.2 Results and Analysis
The resulting price trajectory for one of the TWAP
strategies S
under each of the execution scenar-
ios is as shown in Figure 1. Based on the emergent
market dynamics observed in Figure 1, we observe
that the market price impact peaks around t = 1000
for all of the execution scenarios, which is when the
institutional trader agent concludes its execution. The
market price then swiftly converges to a new price
equilibrium by the end of the simulation day around
t = 2000. Across the execution scenarios, a larger
volume executed corresponds to a higher price im-
pact. The initial peak in market price impact is mea-
sured as temporary impact and this peak is due to the
temporary demand-supply mismatch. The subsequent
convergence to a new price equilibrium is due to the
subsequent arrival of FT agents, who in turn absorb
most of the demand from the institutional trader. This
price dynamics is as expected by classical finance lit-
erature (Obizhaeva and Wang, 2013). We also notice
that the price impact trajectory in Figure 1 shows a
concave shape in line with theoretical finance models
(J. Doyne Farmer and Waelbroeck, 2013).
The market impact metrics for each of the exe-
cution scenarios and strategies is as shown in Fig-
ure 2. As the fraction of the trade volume executed
in the dark pool increases, we observe a decrease in
temporary impact, permanent impact and execution
cost. For example in Figure 2(a)-(c), temporary im-
pact, permanent impact and execution cost decreases
as we move from S
to S
(left to right in Fig-
ure) for a given scenario. On investigating our ABM
simulations, we find that this is due to the dark pool
market trades being hidden from other participants
and thereby the anonymity leads to lower price impact
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Market Impact Metrics under different execution scenarios and TWAP strategies. The X-axis for each of these
subplots contains the execution scenario under analysis (as per Table 3). (a) Temporary Market Impact, (b) Permanent Market
Impact, (c) Implementation Shortfall (a.k.a Execution Cost), (d) Fill Rate (% of Trade Volume Achieved).
of the dark pool trades. We also notice a larger reduc-
tion in temporary impact, permanent impact and exe-
cution cost from more dark pool trading for the larger
volume scenarios (such as Scen
). This can be at-
tributed to two factors. First, as the execution scenario
volume increases, a larger quantity is being executed
in the dark pool market and thereby higher cost sav-
ings. Second factor is the un-executed trades in the
larger volume execution scenarios such as Scen
As can be seen from Figure 2(d), there is a reduc-
tion in the trade fill rate as we move from Scen
, especially while employing strategy S
This shows that there is limited liquidity available in
the dark pool market and thereby attempting to exe-
cute large volumes would lead to non-executed trades
and thereby a lower agent surplus. Thereby insti-
tutional traders need to balance the benefits of cost-
efficient execution in dark pools with the higher risk
of un-executed trades in dark pools.
4.1.3 Key Outcomes
We show the ability of our ABM to estimate mar-
ket impact of an institutional trader strategy under
different TWAP strategy variants.
We also show that as the TWAP strategy executes
a larger portion of the trade in dark pool, it bene-
fits from lower market impact and execution costs
due to hidden nature of activity in the dark pool.
We observe that the benefits of executing higher
volumes in the dark pool plateau based on the ex-
ecution scenario and leads to un-executed trades
due to limited dark pool liquidity.
4.2 Impact of Pinging Agent
In this section, we show the impact of pinging based
market manipulation on market impact and execution
costs incurred by institutional trading agents. We ana-
lyze the scenarios and conditions under which pinging
is a profitable strategy.
Impact of Pinging in Financial Markets: An Agent Based Study
Figure 3: Pinging agent surplus under different execution
scenarios and different TWAP strategies.
Figure 4: Execution cost impact caused by pinging agent
when institutional trader adopts strategies S
, in the Scen
and Scen
execution scenarios.
4.2.1 Experimental Procedure
First, we use the same ABM setup as described in
Sections 3.1-3.3. Second, we introduce an institu-
tional trader agent into the market model under the
same scenarios and TWAP strategy variants as used
in Section 4.1. We also introduce a pinging agent
(as described in Section 3.6) into the market envi-
ronment. Finally, under each of these scenarios and
strategies, we observe the emergent system dynam-
ics, analyze the conditions under which the pinging
agent is profitable and also understand its impact on
execution costs.
4.2.2 Results and Analysis
First we analyze the conditions under which pinging
based market manipulation is profitable by looking at
the pinging agent profits (surplus) as shown in Fig-
ure 3. We can see that the profits accumulated by the
pinging agent increases as the fraction of volume ex-
ecuted in the dark pool market increases, i.e., as we
move from strategy S
to S
for a given sce-
nario. We find that a larger volume executed in the
dark pool corresponds to larger supply demand mis-
matches in the dark pool, thereby allowing the ping-
ing trader to reliably detect the presence of a hidden
large institutional order. The pinging agent is then
able to use this reliable signal of dark pool buy or-
ders to execute manipulative trades in the CDA mar-
ket and profit from the subsequent upward market
move. Based on the profit numbers show in Figure 3,
we observe that the pinging agent is only able to stay
profitable (surplus > 0) under certain market condi-
tions. For example, under market scenario Scen
the pinging agent is only profitable when the insti-
tutional trading strategies S
or S
are de-
ployed. This is because these scenario/strategy com-
binations with large volumes executed in dark pools
provide the pinging agent a reliable hidden order sig-
Next, we analyze the impact of pinging activity on
the execution costs of institutional traders. The execu-
tion costs for an institutional trader agent under some
of the impacted scenario/strategy combinations is as
shown in Figure 4. We can see that pinging causes
a significant increase in execution costs for the insti-
tutional trader agent in scenarios Scen
and Scen
when the strategies S
and S
are deployed.
For example, when S
strategy is deployed in
scenario, there is an increase in execution cost
from 2.49% to 2.90%. In some other scenario/strategy
combinations such as under the Scen
scenario, the
impact of pinging on execution costs is much smaller
or negligible due to the pinging agent being unable to
reliably detect hidden dark pool orders.
4.2.3 Key Outcomes
We show that pinging is profitable mainly under
significant supply demand imbalances in the dark
pool. This is because of the higher reliability of
hidden order signals.
We also show that pinging based market manip-
ulation is harmful to institutional traders since it
leads to an increase in market impact and a subse-
quent increase in execution costs.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
4.3 Strategic Response and Market
4.3.1 Experimental Procedure
First, we use the same ABM setup as described in
Sections 3.1-3.3. Second, we compute the Nash equi-
librium strategy adopted by institutional trader agent
under each of the execution scenarios in Table 3 in
the absence of pinging agents. Third, we compute the
Nash equilibrium strategy adopted by both the institu-
tional trading agent and the pinging agent (per Section
3.9). Finally, we compare the Nash equilibrium with
and without the pinging agent to quantify the impact
of pinging on execution cost of institutional traders.
4.3.2 Results and Analysis
First, we analyze the equilibrium market strategies
played by the institutional trader agent in the absence
of the pinging agent as displayed in Table 4. We see
that in the scenarios Scen
and Scen
, the institu-
tional trader adopts the S
strategy which is the
most cost effective strategy (as seen in Section 4.1).
However, for scenarios with larger execution volumes
and Scen
, the trader adopts the S
strategies respectively. This is because the
strategy despite being the most cost-effective
can lead to un-executed trades (as seen in Section 4.1).
Next, we analyze the equilibrium market strategies
played by the institutional trader agent and the ping-
ing agent when they are both present in the market.
As shown in Table 4, the pinging agent chooses to
be inactive (’Idle’) in scenarios Scen
and Scen
while its active in the other two scenarios. This is be-
cause the pinging agent makes negative surplus in the
former two scenarios as a result of constantly pinging
the market and not receiving any reliable signals. On
the other hand, pinging agent makes positive surplus
in scenarios Scen
and Scen
and stays active due
to reliable hidden order signals.
The institutional trader has two main ways to re-
spond to the actions of a pinging agent. It may either
reduce its dark pool volume (by following a differ-
ent strategy) and thereby stay under the radar of the
pinging agent or it may choose to accept the negative
cost impact of the pinging agent since reducing dark
pool trading volume may increase costs even more.
From Table 4, we see that the institutional trader plays
the same strategies as in the market scenario with-
out pinging, except when its in scenario Scen
. In
this scenario, the institutional trading agent switches
from the most cost-effective strategy S
to the
second most effective strategy S
to stay under
the radar and avoid being manipulated by the pinging
agent. The increased costs by switching to the second
best strategy is overshadowed by the costs saved by
evading the effects of pinging. Meanwhile, the in-
stitutional trader agent is unable to evade the pres-
ence of the pinging agent in scenarios Scen
since the increased cost from pinging based
manipulation is lesser than the cost of switching to
a trading strategy with lower dark pool volume. Fi-
nally, we can see from Table 4, that pinging creates
an increase in execution cost of 0.27%-0.48% of the
overall trade value depending on the scenario. The
only scenario that is unaffected by pinging is Scen
since the low execution volume is not conducive for
the pinging agent.
4.3.3 Key Outcomes
We show that the presence of pinging agents in the
market can incentivize some institutional traders
to reduce their volume executed in the dark pool
market, thereby increasing their costs and market
volatility, due the higher visibility of their trades.
We also show that pinging agents do co-exist with
institutional traders in the equilibrium state of
market scenarios with high dark pool execution
volume. Pinging agents profit at the expense of
institutional traders by front-running their trades
and leading to an increase in execution costs.
4.4 Market Implications and Regulation
The existence of dark pool pinging strategies has neg-
ative implications for market integrity. Since dark
pools are mainly used by informed trading agents to
hide their orders from the general market, pinging
strategies that uncover these hidden dark pool orders
undermine the purpose of dark pools. Dark pools with
pinging activity no longer enable informed traders to
execute their trades in a cost effective way and lead
to information leakage (Mittal, 2008; Zhu, 2013).
This could potentially lead to an erosion of trust and
thereby reduced participation in dark pools. A reduc-
tion in dark pool participation could lead to reduced
information acquisition, lower market price discovery
and higher volatility (Ye et al., 2012).
Financial regulators have recognized the chal-
lenges caused by market manipulation activities like
pinging and acknowledged the need for regulation in
dark pools
. Improving transparency in dark pools
while maintaining the hidden nature of trade execu-
tion could prove to be a crucial step towards combat-
Impact of Pinging in Financial Markets: An Agent Based Study
Table 4: Table shows the market equilibrium strategies played by Institutional trader agent with and without the presence of
a pinging agent and the equilibrium pinging agent strategy when its present. The execution cost impact of introduction of a
Pinging agent in different execution scenarios is displayed. The cost and impact are in % of the overall executed trade value.
Pinging Strategy Institutional Trader Strategy Pinging Cost & Impact
Pinging Scenario Idle Active S
Cost (in%) Impact (in%)
Without Scen
0 0 0 1 0.99%
0 0 0 1 1.47%
0 0 1 0 2.28%
0 1 0 0 3.30%
With Scen
1 0 0 0 0 1 0.99% 0%
1 0 0 0 1 0 1.74% 0.27%
0 1 0 0 1 0 2.71% 0.43%
0 1 0 1 0 0 3.78% 0.48%
ing market manipulation. Besides transparency, there
are concrete regulations that can be put in place to
combat pinging. Imposing minimum dark pool order
sizes could make it operationally expensive for ping-
ing traders, thereby de-incentivizing them (Buti et al.,
2017). Dark pool operators could also consider more
robust market design options such as implementing
randomized clearing with non-deterministic delays in
the dark pool clearing process (Aquilina et al., 2021).
In this paper, we have proposed a novel incentive
aware ABM of the financial markets with a dark pool,
for investigating the impact of pinging on execution
costs incurred by institutional traders. The key out-
comes from our study are as follows:
We show that our ABM can replicate market im-
pact dynamics under various institutional strate-
gies that split their trades between the CDA and
dark pool. The market impact dynamics are in line
with classical finance literature and we show that
executing in dark pools is associated with lower
execution costs and higher risk of non-execution.
We propose a novel pinging agent for understand-
ing the profitability of pinging under different
market scenarios. We show that pinging is mainly
profitable when there is significant supply demand
mismatch in the dark pool. This is when the ping-
ing agent can extract reliable signals of hidden
large orders and profit from it.
We show that the potential impact of pinging
can incentivize institutional traders to reduce their
dark pool activity to avoid being detected in some
scenarios. Meanwhile, in other scenarios pinging
agents can co-exist in the equilibrium with insti-
tutional traders leading to higher execution costs
for the latter and poorer market price discovery.
There is plenty of scope for future work in the area
of market manipulation analysis in dark pool markets
using ABM. First, there is a need to model the incen-
tives of background trader agents to understand which
type of agents prefer dark pools and how this varies
across market conditions. Second, there is a need to
identify and test the potential of regulatory policies
such as minimum order sizes and randomized clear-
ing on combating market manipulation like pinging
in dark pools. Third, there is need to identify more
sophisticated pinging agent policies using reinforce-
ment learning that may be more efficient at identify-
ing large hidden orders. Finally, there is a need to
ground ABM design with real world empirical data to
produce more actionable insights.
This work was supported by the UKRI Centre for
Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial In-
telligence [EP/S0233356/1].
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