drop in confidence when presented with very noisy
Our work, despite being the first analysis on the
uncertainty of the NNs when directly modeling in-
put uncertainty, is still quite small scale and mostly
observational, and could potentially benefit for more
extensive analyses. For instance, larger-scale datasets
might be used—although BNNs are notoriously dif-
ficult and slow to train on bigger datasets. Also, we
could extend the selection of BNN-training schemes
to other methods, like the more recent SWAG (Mad-
dox et al., 2019), or Hamiltonian Monte–Carlo (Neal
et al., 2011), which is still considered the golden stan-
dard for Bayesian modeling, albeit very unfeasible to
apply in the large-scale datasets used in modern Deep
Learning. Finally, our study could benefit from the
addition on the analysis of uncertainty disentangle-
ment by the BNNs, to understand to what extent the
models are able to integrate aleatoric uncertainty into
the input uncertainty.
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