score) and very good performance in multiclass clas-
sifications, with slight drops for few complex attacks,
thereby opening doors for further research.
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tion methods, such as combining Mutual Informa-
tion with optimization techniques like Genetic Al-
gorithms, could improve feature relevance. Imple-
menting non-stationary models to dynamically adapt
to new features and unseen attacks would also en-
hance the robustness of intrusion detection systems
in healthcare IoMT networks. Furthermore, extend-
ing the work to include other types of datasets, such
as telemetry, software, hardware threats, or monitored
data from implantable devices, could broaden the ap-
plicability of the results.
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Estonian Research Council via project TEM-TA5.
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy