X-Ray Radiation Effects on SRAM-Based TRNG and PUF
Martin Holec
1 a
, Jan B
2,3 b
, Pavel Rous
3 c
, Tom
s Pokorn
3 d
obert L
2 e
and Franti
sek Steiner
3 f
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic
holecma9@fjfi.cvut.cz, {jan.belohoubek, robert.lorencz}@fit.cvut.cz,
Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor (CMOS), Total Ionizing Dose (TID), Physically-Unclonable-
Function (PUF), True-Random-Number-Generator (TRNG), Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM),
Electrical-Level Model, Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE), Flicker Noise,
CMOS Threshold.
The security primitives, such as True-Random-Number-Generator (TRNG) or Physically-Unclonable-
Function (PUF), are widely used in many cryptographic devices. Properties of these primitives affect the
security, reliability, and longevity of the whole device. In this work, we evaluate the influence of the total
ionizing X-ray dose on hardware structures underlying conventional SRAM-based security primitives – PUF
and TRNG. In contrast with other works, we aim with conventional CMOS circuits, we employ lower total
ionizing dose (TID) levels, and we also take annealing into account. We quantify the induced changes in
SRAM cell entropy, provide a quality analysis of related physical effects, summarize potential effects on both
security primitives. Besides analyzing the experimental data, we explain experimental data by comparison to
the electrical-level (SPICE) model of SRAM cells taking X-ray-induced effects flicker noise and threshold
shift into account. Our comparative analysis points to inconsistencies and deficiencies in related literature
and provides a view into effects affecting observed entropy. The novelty of our work is in the comparative
analysis of experimental data combined with low-level electrical model, which is the enabler of the qualitative
analysis. Our results form the basis for future work.
The security primitives, such as True-Random-
Number-Generator (TRNG) or Physically-
Unclonable-Function (PUF), are today widely
used in many digital designs incorporating security
features for the secret (random or unique) value
generation (Garg and Kim, 2014), (Larimian et al.,
2020). Conventional CMOS implementations of
TRNG employ simple structures to extract entropy
from the (i) noise-originated jitter, where ring-
oscillator-based TRNG is a prominent example
(Valtchanov et al., 2008). Another conventional
entropy source (ii) employs metastability (Kinniment
and Chester, 2002), (Wang et al., 2020). An example
of a metastability-based entropy source is the SRAM-
cell-based TRNG. Equal basic building blocks can
be used to create Physically-Unclonable-Function
(PUF) by extracting stable and device-unique secret
numbers employing the manufacturing variability.
Both PUF and TRNG typically employ the same
or very similar basic building blocks. The TRNG
source of randomness (i) noise-originated jitter, or
(ii) metastability represents a source of the PUF
output instability.
Security primitives such as PUF or TRNG might
be implemented as a dedicated hardware block or
on top of conventional hardware structures, such as
SRAM blocks or RC oscillators (Clark et al., 2018),
(Gebali and Mamun, 2022). The natural and of-
ten choice for implementation of both TRNG and
PUF is the SRAM memory block (Mikhail Platonov
and L
orencz, 2013),(Wang et al., 2020), (Holcomb
et al., 2009). One of advantages of the SRAM is,
that it is available even in devices without dedicated
Holec, M., B
elohoubek, J., Rous, P., Pokorný, T., Lórencz, R. and Steiner, F.
X-Ray Radiation Effects on SRAM-Based TRNG and PUF.
DOI: 10.5220/0013314100003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 2, pages 375-384
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
TRNG/PUF blocks. Such dedicated security blocks
could be added e.g. to constrained designs incorpo-
rating common SRAM-equipped microcontroller(s).
Such blocks could be even added to many existing
designs by means of software update only, when the
target hardware allows control of (parts or whole)
SRAM memory, which is quite common for micro-
controllers implementing different low-power modes.
This paper does not analyze intra or inter-die sta-
tistical properties of an SRAM memory important for
PUF or TRNG design, but it deals with the long-term
reliability of the security primitive under ionizing ra-
diation pointing on changes in the security primitive
behavior triggered by the degradation of the underly-
ing structures.
There are many other aging mechanisms involved
in silicon degradation, which could cause the degra-
dation of the security primitives employing them. The
mainstream research is concentrated on conventional
factors like temperature, over/undervoltage, electro-
migration etc. (Wang et al., 2020), (Zhang et al.,
2017). Our research deals with ionizing radiation as a
source of silicon degradation, a less-discovered phe-
nomenon in the security area (Lawrence et al., 2022).
In contrast to recently published works (Lawrence
et al., 2022), we concentrate on lower total ioniz-
ing dose (TID) levels several orders of magnitude
closer to real-world doses. To accelerate experimen-
tal data acquisition, employed dose levels are still
about three orders of magnitude higher than com-
mon dose sources (United Nations Environment Pro-
gramme, 2016) and two orders of magnitude higher
than doses (normally) caused by conventional medi-
cal or inspection X-ray equipment. Typical TID levels
in experiments with SRAM-based security primitives
are above 100 Gy, we work with lower TID ranging
from 10 Gy up to (about) 100 Gy, while received TID
from medical and inspection devices or even natural
background are typically much below 0.1 Gy.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion 2 summarizes properties of SRAM-based secu-
rity primitives, Section 3 briefly describes the silicon
trap formation process, Section 4 describes our exper-
imental setup, and presents results of our preliminary
experiments, while the Section 5 analyses them, Sec-
tion 6 concludes the paper and presents the main open
questions and future work.
The SRAM memory cell is appropriate for TRNG
design, as it tends to provide uncertain output after
Figure 1: Symmetric structure of the conventional 6-T
SRAM cell with complementary input/output (Y /Y ) is com-
posed of two cross-coupled inverters and two access tran-
sistors controlled by a word line (W L) signal.
power-up. The structure of the SRAM cell is typi-
cally well balanced and both inverters in the conven-
tional 6-transistor cell – see Figure 1 – are designed to
be (almost) matching. Such structure may be subject
to the metastable behavior after power-up generating
high entropy between (independent) power-ups. On
the other hand, even a small mismatch caused by the
manufacturing variability in the SRAM cell structure
(Figure 1) could significantly decrease the cell value
entropy between independent power-ups, as the mis-
match effectively limits the metastability effect. Cells
with a significant mismatch manifest higher stability.
Compared to cells experiencing metastability, highly
stable cells could be good PUF candidates, as they
provide highly stable, while unpredictable and unique
output given by the manufacturing variability.
The first step of the conventional approach to the
design of SRAM-based PUF or TRNG is the charac-
terization of the SRAM block used for security primi-
tive design and identifying two sets of cells (S1) cells
with low entropy stable in logic 1 or logic 0, and
(S2) cells with high entropy unstable cells. These
disjoint sets (with some margins) represent a set of
cells appropriate for the construction of the device-
specific security primitives PUF or TRNG respec-
The long-term reliability of any such security
primitives both PUF and TRNG depends on
temporal changes in the structure of the underlying
semiconductors (Garg and Kim, 2014), (Wang et al.,
2020), (Zhang et al., 2017). The temporal changes
may lead to both loss or increase in the entropy of any
SRAM cell. In other words, cell characteristics could
develop over time and cells could drift in/out of S1
and S2 sets over time causing issues for the security
primitive. This is why the design of any such security
primitive involves a spatial redundancy to ensure sta-
bility (PUF) or high entropy (TRNG) over the whole
device life (Wang et al., 2020), (Vijayakumar et al.,
For the sake of simplicity, we formally define the
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
following terms to be used throughout the paper to
demonstrate S1 and S2 set migrations through the ex-
PUF candidate (stable SRAM cell) the SRAM
cell with at least 95 % probability of value one
or the cell with at least 95 % probability of value
zero after power-up, representing cells in the S1
set (low-entropy, stable cells),
TRNG candidate (unstable SRAM cell) the
SRAM cell with 45 55 % probability of value
zero (or one) after power-up representing cells in
the S2 set (high-entropy, unstable cells).
healthy cells cells remaining in the same set (S1
or S2) from the beginning of the experiment (cells
not drifting in/out of sets S1 and S2).
Any SRAM-based security primitive involves a
significant redundancy to reduce the security primi-
tive quality fluctuations in both the short- and long-
term. The art of the SRAM-based security primi-
tive design lies in the amount of redundancy to estab-
lish the trade-off between reliability, area utilization,
power consumption, and the long-term reliability of
the security primitive. This kind of decision should
ideally be based on the technology-level characteriza-
tion, profiling, and knowledge gained by accelerated
aging and stressing experiments. On the other hand,
this is not always possible, e.g. in the case, when a
cryptographic feature, depending on PUF or TRNG,
must be added to an existing design, where no ded-
icated and pre-characterized block is present, but an
SRAM memory is available.
Our work aims to develop recommendations and
reliability estimations to optimize design decisions
concerning a realistic level of ionizing radiation stress
of SRAM-based security primitives and enable quan-
titative modeling of TID influence on SRAM-based
security primitives.
When a silicon device is exposed to ionizing X-ray
radiation, the photoelectric and the Compton effects
dominate in the silicon lattice (Claeys and Simoen,
2002). The continuous X-ray spectra are broad the
photon energy varies from tens of eVs to keV. The re-
sult of the stochastic effects in the silicon lattice is the
emerge of defects. The most notable defects affecting
charge in the CMOS transistor channel are the sili-
con traps located near the Si/SiO
-interface (Barnaby,
2006), (Entner, 2007). Traps emerging in the Si/SiO
interface layer see dangling bond defects in Figure 2
S i
S i
S iS iS i
S i
S i
S i
Figure 2: Si-SiO
interface includes irregularities like hy-
drogen bonds and dangling bonds: dangling bond defects
located near the transistor channel area behave like charge
traps. Novel traps emerge due to the absorbed ionizing ra-
diation. The P
type defect is formed by an unpaired va-
lence electron of a silicon atom back-bonded to three silicon
atoms, while the P
type defect is connected with the sil-
icon atom back-bonded to two other silicon atoms and an
oxygen atom (Entner, 2007).
influence the device leakage and transistor transcon-
ductance (Tebina et al., 2023), but increase also the
flicker noise level, and influence the transistor thresh-
old voltage at the same time (Barnaby, 2006), (Kirton
et al., 1989).
The lattice of the conventional semiconductor in-
terface layer see Figure 2 is composed of Si and
molecules. To ionize Si, energy about 4eV is
needed, while for SiO
ionization, a slightly higher
energy of 17eV is necessary (Barnaby, 2006).
An important process started by the ionizing radi-
ation in the silicon lattice, due to the ionizing radia-
tion exposure, is the annealing process. The anneal-
ing process involves trap migration in the electrical
potential direction to the interfaces (Batyrev et al.,
2006). The annealing process could be accelerated by
the increased temperature, while the room tempera-
ture is sufficient enough to allow it.
To be more specific about trap-formation scenar-
ios, one of the real-world scenarios for the crypto-
graphic device stress represents the (repeating) in-
spection of the personal electronics on X-ray detec-
tors at airports, or medical X-ray scanners stressing
electronic implants. An interesting, and potentially
prospective case is also using ionizing radiation to
compromise the cryptographic device through dam-
age in the security primitive (Bouat et al., 2023).
The radiation load from the natural radiation back-
ground is on average 2.4 mGy/year (United Nations
Environment Programme, 2016). During medical ex-
posures, the patient is normally burdened with doses
from 0.01 mGy to about 10 mGy, which corresponds
to exposure from the natural radiation background in
the range from less than 1.5 days to 4.5 years.
X-Ray Radiation Effects on SRAM-Based TRNG and PUF
The experimental evaluation aims to quantify and ex-
plain the effects of a lower total ionizing dose (TID)
on the PUF and TRNG security primitives based on
SRAM. The emphasis is put on SRAM in common
devices like microcontrollers. The microcontroller-
SRAM-based primitives can be used in constrained
applications or as an upgrade option in existing de-
signs or even deployed products.
4.1 Experimental Setup
As an X-ray radiation source, we used a computer to-
mography (CT) device GE v|tome|x s with a 240kV
micro-focus direct tube that emits a reflected signal
off of a tungsten target to expose samples to the X-
ray radiation. For the parameter settings, we used in-
tegrated basic SW with the timer settings option, that
counts time after X-ray power is stabilized. The X-ray
beam used is similar in its properties to the standard-
ized RQT150 X-ray beam (International Electrotech-
nical Commission, 2005). Compared to the standard-
ized RQT150 beam, less filtering was used – only the
X-ray’s own (basic) filtering to maintain the greatest
possible spectrum without lower restrictions.
For our experiments, we used two types of sam-
ples: (i) simple samples, represented by discrete
silicon-based transistors, and (ii) complex samples
represented by conventional STM32 microcontrollers
(MCUs) STM32L072CZ manufactured in the STMs’
130nm technology node. We used tens of simple sam-
ples and several complex samples for our initial ex-
periments, while four of them remained operational
after receiving a significant level of dose, and were
used for gaining data.
The discrete transistors (BS170s and BS250)
were only used for sensitivity analysis, while their
technology-level similarity to complex samples is
limited. By the sensitivity analysis, the characteristic
energy (X-ray tube acceleration voltage) causing the
rapid threshold voltage shift in simple samples was
found. The final dose rate was 1.3 Gy/s.
Some of the obtained IV characteristics from sim-
ple sample measurements are reported in Figure 3 for
After performing the sensitivity analysis, we per-
formed measurements on complex samples aimed at
the stability of SRAM cells before and after irradia-
tion. We applied several iterations utilizing the setup
learned during the sensitivity analysis. Each itera-
tion involves 10 Gy total dose delivered to the sam-
ple within 7 seconds. The sample ionization was fol-
lowed by a delay between iterations utilized for data
0 Gy 350 Gy 1 kGy
Figure 3: The shift in the initial IV characteristics and the
shift of the threshold voltage for simple NMOS samples
depends on the irradiation level. We used the X-ray dose
rate of 0.5 Gy/s for 720 seconds for sample 03 (500 µA,
140 kV), and dose rate of 1.9 Gy/s for 180 seconds for
samples 04 and 05 (2000 µA, 140 kV) resulting in TID of
350 Gy. The dose rate of 1.9 Gy/s for 540 seconds was
used for sample 06 (2000 µA, 140 kV) resulting in TID of
1 kGy.
acquisition process. The standard delay between iter-
ations was below 24 hours. Longer relaxation pauses
were inserted between specified iterations for the se-
lected sample only to include the effect of the anneal-
ing process.
All complex samples were not powered during the
irradiation, as experiments even with relatively low
total doses led to the rapid destruction of samples.
Our goal was to identify the PUF/TRNG candi-
date cells and track their (in)stability over the in-
creasing total dose. To evaluate SRAM cell stability,
we performed 1,000 independent SRAM power-offs
followed by power-ons and SRAM cell value read-
outs in every experiment iteration.
Total doses above 100 Gy lead to MCU de-
struction in all cases for yet unknown reason. The
device destruction is probably unrelated to stud-
ied SRAM cells implemented using relatively thin-
dielectric (Barnaby, 2006), but it is probably caused
by a TID-sensitive part of the MCU, as relatively low
survival dose levels were reported for similar complex
devices (Avery et al., 2011).
4.2 Simulation Setup
For simulations, we used the SPICE model of the 6-T
SRAM cell (see Figure 1) in the Sky130 technology
node (SkyWater PDK, 2023). This technology node
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
XSPICE Code Model
i(d) = -i
i(s) = i
NMOS Model
Figure 4: Employed simulation model for the transient
noise simulation and threshold voltage shift in Ngspice: the
Sky130 transistor model is extended by the custom XSPICE
Code Model injecting the noise current in parallel to the
transistor channel (solid lines); the XSPICE Code Model
takes multiple references to inject noise with correct na-
ture and amplitude (dashed lines): the transistor operat-
ing point, pre-generated random noise sequences (transient
voltage sources), and noise RMS extracted from the transis-
tor BSIM model for every operating point of the transistor.
is comparable to the technology node used for man-
ufacturing complex samples, while the PDK is avail-
able to the public under no restrictions increasing the
repeatability of the conducted research.
The simulation was conducted in Ngspice using
standard SPICE primitives and the custom XSPICE
extension code model see Figure 4. The white and
the flicker noise current sequence was generated and
injected in parallel to the transistor channel of the
MOS transistor, where the transistor model is the con-
ventional industry-standard BSIM model.
The conventional SPICE voltage sources were
used to generate the white and the flicker noise ref-
erence sequences respectively. The flicker noise se-
quence in Ngspice is generated by the algorithm pre-
sented in (Kasdin, 1995).
The white and flicker noise, injected by the
XSPICE code model, for each simulation step,
was derived from the mentioned reference voltage
sources, and modulated by the noise RMS value spe-
cific for the current transistor operation point given by
Drain/Gate/Source potential.
The noise RMS of the SKY130 transistors was ex-
tracted from the industry-standard BSIM model by
employing the conventional small-signal noise anal-
The complete setup was encapsulated into the
Ngspice XSPICE extension. The final corner-case
issue solution and verification of the XSPICE Code
Model is our current ongoing work directing to the
Code Model publication.
The threshold shift was injected into the simula-
tion model by inserting a voltage source in series to
the transistor gate – see Figure 4.
The threshold shift considered in our simulations
varied from 0 to 0.3V. The noise was varied by em-
ploying the noise RMS values between 1 and 3 mul-
tiples, while the character of the injected noise re-
mained equal.
4.3 Experimental Results
Our results come from the irradiation by the relatively
low total dose levels below 100 Gy, which is the
safe limit we achieved, where complex samples re-
main operational.
Based on our experimental results, we confirmed
(Garg and Kim, 2014), that the stability is a natural
property of SRAM cells, indifferently on irradiation
dose: effects like the mismatch, manufacturing vari-
ability, or threshold shift dominate significantly over
the increased noise levels induced by irradiation. The
share of highly stable cells PUF candidate cells re-
mains over 80% indifferently on the irradiation dose
– see Figure 5.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 5: The number of PUF candidates among the SRAM
cells on sample 04 (red) decreases slowly with increased
TID, while the number of highly stable cells (current PUF
candidates; red+blue) remains almost constant indepen-
dently on the received total dose.
Based on a careful analysis of SRAM-cell stabil-
ity data, cells being selected as highly stable cells dur-
ing the initial SRAM memory characterization exhibit
only a small increase of instability – up to 5% for all
samples which is quite acceptable for any PUF de-
sign incorporating a sufficient level of redundancy.
Under quantitative analysis, we observed two con-
tradicting phenomenons: (i) the first significant phe-
nomenon is, that many cells experience increased en-
tropy, while (ii) the second phenomenon is the in-
creased stability experienced by many cells as well.
X-Ray Radiation Effects on SRAM-Based TRNG and PUF
TRNG Candidates
No dose
Moving average
Dose ~ 10 krad
Moving average
cell #
share of '0' [%]
Entropy is increased
Entropy is decreased
Entropy is decreased
Figure 6: 100 Gy X-ray ionization effects on SRAM cells
on sample 03: cells were sorted according to the share of the
value ’0’ for the cell power cycles prior to irradiation (blue
square+solid line). The share of the value ’0’ for each cell
after irradiation is shown (red diamonds), while the floating
average for the irradiation-caused shift is denoted (red solid
line) slight increase in total entropy was observed for sam-
ple 03, a number of TRNG candidates remains comparable
for 0 to 100 Gy TID, but number of TRNG candidates de-
creased significantly after irradiation.
Both phenomenons were observed at the same time
for dozens of cells under the equal total dose on the
same sample – see Figure 6. These fighting phenom-
ena lead interestingly to the increasing dominance of
stable cells manifesting significant variability most
cells are/become strongly stable, low entropy, but
their variability is not negligible at the same time. As
a result, the total entropy computed over all SRAM
cells in the sample may increase or decrease, but the
change is negligible no clear conclusion about the
dominance of one or the other effect on the total sam-
ple entropy depending on the total dose could be made
from our data, as the observed differences are too low
and not consistent among all samples the nature of
induced total entropy changes over all SRAM cells is
To interpret measurement results, we create
SPICE models of SRAM cell (Figure 1) incorporat-
ing the dominating irradiation-induced effects: flicker
noise and threshold shift in the SKY130 technol-
ogy node. The transient simulations show, that in-
creased noise increases the entropy produced by the
unmatched cell after independent power-ups signifi-
cantly only if there is no or only little threshold shift
compare Figures 9a and 9b, otherwise, threshold shift
leading to decreased entropy dominates see Figure
To conclude, the results of our analysis are as fol-
lows: (i) an increase in entropy (increased cell in-
stability) is caused by increased flicker noise, while
(ii) a decrease in entropy (increased cell stability) is
caused by dominating shift in the threshold voltage.
Based on a careful analysis of SRAM-cell stabil-
ity data, we found, that the conditional probability
of entropy loss for cells identified as TRNG candi-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 7: The number of TRNG candidates preserving the
TRNG candidate properties among received TID (red) de-
creases with accumulated TID in sample 04, while the total
share of TRNG candidate cells remains high for iterations
1 to 8 for sample 04 (red+blue).
dates during the initial SRAM memory characteriza-
tion (prior irradiation) is surprisingly high. Almost all
cells exhibiting the highest entropy prior irradiation
(entropy > 0.993; share of zeroes 45% - 55%) expe-
rienced a significant entropy loss (more than 80% for
all samples) – see Figure 7 for a decrease of initially-
identified TRNG candidate cells share in the sam-
ple 04.
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Stability change [%]
Share of healthy cells [%]
Figure 8: Stability shift of TRNG and PUF candidate cells
in sample 04 after 10 Gy of the total dose (the first irradia-
tion iteration).
The observed average entropy loss is surprisingly
high more than 0.1 bit (instability was decreased
by ±20% in the average case) – see Figure 8. The ini-
tial set of TRNG candidate cells )healthy cells) almost
vanishes after iteration 5 (5 · 10 Gy) – see a decrease
of initially-identified TRNG candidates in Figure 7 –
while the total number of highly unstable cells (cur-
rent TRNG candidates) remained relatively high (or
even increased) for for all 10 iterations on most sam-
ples, and up to iteration 8 on sample 04. The drop
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
after the iteration 8 for sample 04 is caused by the
15-day relaxation period inserted between iterations
8 and 9 to allow material annealing. All observed
variations lead to a significant loss of entropy in the
original set of TRNG candidates, and could signifi-
cantly decrease the TRNG performance, while the an-
nealing process itself caused rapid decrease of TRNG
candidate cells available in the sample.
In this work, we performed irradiation experiments
employing the available conventional X-ray source:
the inspection CT device, comparable to widely used
X-ray medical or baggage inspection sources. The re-
sults obtained using the conventional X-ray source are
overall consistent with results reported for measure-
ments on other ionizing radiation sources (Lawrence
et al., 2022), (Surendranathan et al., 2023), (Zhang
et al., 2020), but novel knowledge about cell stabil-
ity development were gained, and inconsistencies and
deficiencies were detected in recent works (Lawrence
et al., 2022), (Surendranathan et al., 2023), (Zhang
et al., 2020).
Effects of Annealing
We found, that annealing, which is omitted by current
research of ionizing radiation effects on structures un-
derlying the SRAM-based security primitives, has a
significant effect and could not be omitted in any fu-
ture research: our analysis provides a good starting
point for further experiments. The observed effect is
illustrated in Figure 7.
Flicker Noise vs. Threshold Shift
Despite the lower variability of samples and limited
resources, we were able to provide a solid explana-
tion of the observed changes in silicon due to the
alignment of our results with theory and simulation
results. The simulations explain the observed phe-
nomenons in this way: the increased variability is a
result of induced (flicker) noise caused by radiation-
formed traps, while the increased stability is a result
of the induced threshold voltage shift. These effects
combine resulting in:
a slight increase in instability for originally stable
a significant increase in stability for originally
highly unstable cells.
As a result, these effects may cause a significant
loss of entropy for SRAM-cell-based TRNG even for
a relatively small total ionizing dose (TID), especially
when combined with (natural) annealing over a rea-
sonable period of time.
Related Research Results
Our results regarding cell stability, and the potential
PUF reliability, in particular, are consistent with re-
sults reported in recent works (Lawrence et al., 2022),
(Surendranathan et al., 2023), despite the referenced
experiments aimed higher dose effects. PUF reliabil-
ity should not be affected significantly by lower doses.
Authors of (Lawrence et al., 2022) and (Suren-
dranathan et al., 2023) provide only poor or none
security-perspective motivation, while conclusions
and interpretations provided in (Lawrence et al.,
2022) are in part incorrect, (1) as observed one-sided
variations are too small, and (2) could not be ex-
plained by nMOS/pMOS differences as argued by au-
thors, due to the symmetries of the considered CMOS
cells. The results rather represent a stochastic mixture
of fighting phenomenons (increased noise and thresh-
old shifts) described in our paper.
Experimental Setup Properties and Limitations
Our experiments were designed to lower total doses
than most of other reported experiments with sili-
con samples, however, they are still much higher than
dose exposures from common X-ray sources. Despite
this fact, X-ray irradiation is a process with a behavior
of highly stochastic nature, thus behavior similar to
behavior induced by higher doses could be observed
on a random basis, and with low, but non-zero, prob-
ability in devices exposed to common dose levels as
well. These effects can thus still influence the behav-
ior of security primitives present in X-ray-exposed de-
Effects on the PUF Security Primitive
The observed fighting phenomenons (increased noise
and threshold shifts) leading to increasing dominance
of stable cells manifesting significant variability at the
same time could affect the long-term reliability of
PUF in terms of repeatability of the output, but spa-
tial redundancy methods should remain a successful
measure in this case.
Effects on the TRNG Security Primitive
Our results related to the low ionization levels target-
ing metastability-based SRAM cell entropy sources
are novel:
in pointing on long-term quality limitations of
SRAM-based TRNGs under ionizing radiation,
X-Ray Radiation Effects on SRAM-Based TRNG and PUF
Figure 9: Simulation results for independent power-ups of the slightly unbalanced stable SRAM cell model: (a) under normal
conditions, the majority of power-up states lead to logic 1 at the cell output; (b) when the noise level is increased, entropy
is increased as a result; (c) under the significant threshold shift and increased noise, threshold shift effect dominates over
increased noise, and the cell stability remains high.
in providing insight into wear-out mechanisms
and their connection with loss or increase of en-
in showing the severity of the annealing process
on the SRAM cell stability.
Our results do not confirm (Zhang et al., 2020),
where better TRNG properties were reported after
low-dose irradiation, but do not strictly contradict
them: temporary increase in number of TRNG can-
didate cells is possible – see Figure 7.
First, we pointed out the importance of the evaluation
of the annealing process effects having a significant
effect on SRAM cell stability, as it was not consid-
ered in past research (see Figure 7.). Based on our ex-
perimental data, the anealing process initiated by the
ionizing radiation has higher effect on SRAM cell sta-
bility, than the immediate energy absorption effects.
We also pointed on misleading interpretations of
results in related works (Lawrence et al., 2022),
(Surendranathan et al., 2023) caused by incorrect in-
terpretations of a poor and false determinism in re-
sults affected by a mixture of stochastic effects, as
discussed in Section 5. The mixture effect of the fight-
ing phenomenons increased flicker noise and thresh-
old shift – is stochastic, and could be simply misinter-
To summarize the security perspective: (i) PUF
function is almost unaffected by lower X-ray doses
(up to 100 Gy), but (ii) the TRNG function is en-
dangered by this level of intensity of ionizing irradia-
tion: the total number of high-entropy cells available
in SRAM is decreased, and initially-unstable cells
may become significantly stable.
Our results indicate, that irradiating an SRAM
memory always decreases the number of the TRNG
healthy cells with the highest entropy, despite the fact,
that the average entropy computed over all SRAM
cells might be increased due to fighting noise and
threshold voltage shift phenomenons in all SRAM
When implementing a SRAM-based TRNG, no
simple measure can be applied to prevent the signifi-
cant loss of entropy of SRAM cells, but the loss of en-
tropy could be still detected by the (repeated) TRNG
health test. Other options for potentially sensitive ap-
plications are: accepting the entropy loss and apply-
ing higher spatial redundancy and/or repeat SRAM
profiling for unstable cell re-detection.
6.1 Future Work
Possible research directions include the quantification
of TID and mainly irradiation-triggered annealing ef-
fects on the TRNG and PUF quality, modeling, devel-
opment and validation of treatment methods (Tebina
et al., 2023), (Oldham, 2004) or methods for protect-
ing the security primitives from entropy fluctuations
employable in-the-field.
Creating a simplified, statistical model of the en-
tropy evolution for low to medium total ionization
dose (TID) could bring a real benefit to circuit design.
The authors acknowledge the support of the OP
VVV MEYS funded project CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/
16 019/0000765 “Research Center for Informatics”.
This research has been supported from the state
budget by the Technology agency of the Czech Re-
public under the Future Electronics for Industry 4.0
and Medical 4.0 project No. TN02000067 and the
Student Grant Agency of the University of West Bo-
hemia in Pilsen, grant No. SGS-2024-008 “Materials
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
and Technologies for Electrical Engineering”.
Computational resources were provided by the e-
INFRA CZ project (ID:90254), supported by the Min-
istry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Re-
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