proach allows for the assessment of real-world per-
formance and the identification of necessary adjust-
ments, facilitating a smoother adoption of AI tech-
nologies in healthcare.
This paper has emphasized the enduring relevance
and adaptability of U-Net-based architectures in med-
ical imaging, highlighting their effectiveness and
practicality in clinical environments often constrained
by limited resources and data. U-Net’s simplicity,
interpretability, and robustness make it particularly
well-suited to meet healthcare’s immediate needs, of-
fering reliable segmentation with manageable compu-
tational demands. By integrating targeted enhance-
ments, U-Net-based models serve as a bridge between
traditional diagnostic tools and the transformative po-
tential of deep learning.
Incremental enhancements, such as attention
mechanisms and refined loss functions, allow U-Net
to improve without requiring significant infrastruc-
ture upgrades. These modifications provide a prac-
tical pathway for increasing segmentation accuracy
while preparing for the eventual integration of more
advanced architectures.
Additionally, recognizing the inherent lack of an
objective truth in medical imaging, this paper advo-
cates for hybrid approaches that incorporate radiol-
ogist feedback and advanced preprocessing methods
to enhance data quality and model accuracy. These
pragmatic strategies facilitate AI adoption in clinical
workflows while supporting the development of ro-
bust, quality-assurance frameworks to reduce biases
in both AI outputs and clinician interpretations.
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gressive approach to AI integration in healthcare. U-
Net serves as a practical bridge between traditional
tools and next-generation AI, enabling real-world im-
pact today while laying the groundwork for sophisti-
cated, data-intensive models in the future.
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U-Net in Medical Imaging: A Practical Pathway for AI Integration in Healthcare