Enhancing Many-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization with
Island Model for Agricultural Optimization
Chnini Samia
, Abadlia Houda
, Smairi Nadia
and Nasri Nejah
SETIT Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences of Gafsa, University of Gafsa, Tunisia
Univ. Manouba, ENSI, LARIA UR22ES01, Campus Universitaire Manouba, Tunisia
Nadia Smairi, COSMOS Laboratory, National School of Computer Sciences, University of Manouba, Tunisia
Keywords: Many-Objective Optimization, Distributed Optimization, Island Model.
Abstract: With the growing complexity of agricultural systems and the need to optimize multiple conflicting objectives
simultaneously, traditional optimization methods often struggle to find satisfactory solutions. In this work,
we introduce a novel enhancement to the standard Multi Objectives Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO)
algorithm that significantly improves its effectiveness in handling the diverse and dynamic objectives inherent
in agricultural optimization problems. we propose an improvement to the MOPSO algorithm by introducing
an islanding technique to promote exploration and exploitation of the many-objective search space. The
improved MOPSO algorithm, called I-MOPSO guide the search towards optimal and diverse solutions by
dividing the search space into islands and facilitating information exchange between them. We put I-MOPSO
into practice and tested it using a series of common many objective optimization algorithms. According to
Experimental results show that I-MOPSO is capable of finding high-quality solutions on a variety of test
problems, often outperforming the standard MOPSO algorithm and NSGAIII.
Numerous many-objective optimization problems
(MaOOPs) are encountered in many scientific and
engineering study domains. In contemporary
agriculture, the optimization of multiple conflicting
objectives has become increasingly vital for
sustainable and efficient agricultural practices.
Farmers and agricultural planners are confronted with
complex decision-making scenarios involving trade-
offs between maximizing crop yield, enhancing
resource utilization efficiency, and ensuring
environmental sustainability (Anosri et al., 2023; Liu,
Shen, Yang, & Yang, 2013)
When dealing with many-objective optimization
problems (MaOPs), optimization issues with four or
more competing objectives, certain traditional
MOEAs struggle with diversity and convergence,
despite their effectiveness for two or three-objective
Nonetheless, a wide variety of research indicates
that evolutionary multi-objective optimization
(EMOO) algorithms are unable to address MaOO
issue. (Rakshit, Chowdhury, Konar, & Nagar, 2020)
The study presented is part of larger context of
precision agriculture, an approach that integrates
technological advances to optimize farming practices.
The current metaheuristic algorithms still have a
number of shortcomings despite the specific
advances, including a slow convergence rate, a
tendency to trap in local optima, the use of
complicated operators, lengthy computation times. In
particular, they encounter problems of premature
convergence in the case of multimodal and high-
dimensional problems. Furthermore, current
knowledge indicates that bio-inspired and meta-
heuristic algorithms do not always achieve the
required performance levels. Their computation time
can vary according to the complexity of the problem
and the nature of the solution sought. So, some
Samia, C., Houda, A., Nadia, S. and Nejah, N.
Enhancing Many-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization with Island Model for Agricultural Optimization.
DOI: 10.5220/0013315200003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Arti๏ฌcial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 1, pages 608-615
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright ยฉ 2025 by SCITEPRESS โ€“ Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
researchers have explored architecture modifications,
parameter adjustments and partial operator
improvements to overcome these weaknesses. In
conclusion, our study seeks to harness the potential of
advanced technologies, in particular bio-inspired
algorithms, to solve the complex challenges of
modern agriculture (Maraveas et al., 2023).
Numerous research has shown the effectiveness of
MOPSO in finding optimal solutions for a wide range
of real-world problems. (Al-Hassan, Fayek, &
Shaheen, 2006)
In (Yang, Tang, Cai, Chen, & Hu, 2022) the
authors propose a new cooperative framework with
double elite selection and one-dimensional chaotic
logistic perturbation (LCSDP), which leads to a
considerable increase in convergence and diversity of
solutions. Each class performs internal migrations to
explore the search space and optimize the solutions in
that class. thus, subpopulations exchange information
and promote solution diversity. In this way, by using
a diversity-based selection technique, the authors are
able to prevent an early convergence to a single local
optimum. By combining an island model with a local
search method (Variable Neighborhood Search). In
(Abadlia, Smairi, & Ghedira, 2017, 2018) the authors
suggests an enhancement of the MOPSO algorithm
that strikes a balance between search space
exploration and exploitation. The approach uses local
search to maximize local solutions on each island
while combining dynamic exchanges and
subpopulation movement (islands) to preserve
2.2 Island Model
Island models divide the population into numerous
subpopulations known as islands in order to
parallelize the evolution process (Wu, Mallipeddi, &
Suganthan, 2019). The subpopulations periodically
exchange solutions between islands through a process
called migration. This migration process plays a
crucial role in maintaining the diversity of the islands
(Wu et al., 2019; Delaram Yazdani et al., 2023).
The result is a dynamic and hardy population that
can react to fresh chances and challenges as a group,
guaranteeing the long-term survival of the sub
population (Khediri, Nasri, Khan, & Kachouri, 2021).
The idea of changing population size has been applied
in a number of evolutionary computation subfields,
however its function varies depending on the context
(Al-Hassan et al., 2006; Danial Yazdani, Omidvar,
Branke, Nguyen, & Yao, 2019).
Every particle is contained within a subswarm of
an island, and the topology of the island determines
its neighborhoods. Every subpopulation comprises an
equal number of individuals and only optimizes a
single objective (Yang et al., 2022)(Chnini, Smairi, &
Nasri, 2024).
2.3 The Structure and Planning of
Islands Topology
Figure 1: Island topology, a.ring topology, b.star topology,
c. grid topology.
The distribution of islands can be designed in many
ways according to the topology chosen, such as ring,
star or grid patterns. (J. Li & Gonsalves, 2022)
Particles moving between islands usually takes
place in a periodic manner and follows a set of rules
of migration. This is done to promote diversity and
reduce the chances of premature convergence.
(Baltazar, 2015; Rakshit et al., 2020) (J. Li &
Gonsalves, 2022; Delaram Yazdani et al., 2023).
The ability of MOPSO algorithm to explore Pareto
fronts efficiently and enhance solution convergence
has led to various adaptations and improvements
tailored to the specific requirements of each
application (Anosri et al., 2023).
In (Jithendranath & Das, 2023), authors proposed
a new variant of the MOPSO algorithm called NLTV-
MOPSO to optimize power flow in island-mode
microgrids with photovoltaic generation.
In (H. Li, Wang, Lan, Wu, & Zeng, 2023), the
authors proposed a new dynamic multi-objective
optimization algorithm based on non-inductive
Enhancing Many-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization with Island Model for Agricultural Optimization
transfer learning, called MSAS-DMOA (Multi-
Strategy Adaptive Selection-DMOA). This algorithm
uses a combination of adaptive strategies to solve
dynamic multi-objective optimization problems
(DMOPs). By integrating transfer learning and the
MOPSO algorithm, it improves convergence and
solution diversity.
A better MOPSO algorithm, known as f-MOPSO-
II, has been proposed in (Mansouri, Safavi, & Rezaei,
2022) to optimize reservoir management in the
context of climate change.
In (Zarei, Azari, & Heidari, 2022) improved the
performance of the NSGA-II and MOPSO algorithms
for multi-objective optimization of urban water
distribution networks by modifying the decision
space. The results showed that modifying the decision
space, with the integration of the penalty for
exceeding authorized pressure limits.
The authors in (Reddy & Kumar, 2009) have
developed an algorithm called EM-MOPSO (Elitist
Mutated Multi-Objective Particle Swarm
Optimization) for integrated water resource
management. Their approach combines elitist and
mutation mechanisms to improve solution diversity
and accelerate convergence.
A detailed description of the objective functions used in our
agricultural optimization study is presented.
4.1 The Optimization Function for
Allocating Water
This objective function seeks to minimize the
absolute difference between water supply (supplied
by sources) and water demand for each site and at
each time step. (Nouiri, Yitayew, MaรŸmann, &
Tarhouni, 2015).
=๐‘€๐‘Ž๐‘ฅ๏‰Ž๏‰ฎ๎ท ๐น๐ท
๐‘ ๐‘’,๐‘‘,๐‘ก
๎ฏ ๎ฏ”๎ฏซ
๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐‘‡
4.2 Target Function for Drawdown
This function assesses how much the exploitation of
an aquifer reduces relative drawdowns. (Nouiri,
Yitayew, MaรŸmann, & Tarhouni, 2015).
๐‘ ๐‘’,๐‘‘,๐‘ก
๎ฏ ๎ฏ”๎ฏซ
๐‘ ๐‘’, ๐‘‘
โˆ€๐‘ ๐‘’, โˆ€๐‘‘ ๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘‘ โˆ€๐‘ก
4.3 Objective Function with Penalty for
Maximum Permitted Infraction for
This function calculates the discrepancy between the
maximum pumping rates that have been set and the
water flows that the wells have extracted.
โˆ’ ๐ต๐‘‚๐‘‡๐‘€
4.4 Objective Function with Penalty for
Exceeding Maximum Acceptable
The percentage of the maximum allowable drawdown
that is exceeded determines the penalty term. These
solutions become less appealing if the drawdown over
the threshold because the penalty term raises the
value of the objective function.
The problem of water distribution is a complex
and many objective problem requires efficient
solutions to satisfy often contradictory requirements
(Nouiri, Yitayew, MaรŸmann, & Tarhouni, 2015).
๎ฏ ๎ฏ”๎ฏซ
๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐‘ก=๐‘‡
The MOPSO algorithm has proven its effectiveness
in reesolving multi-objective problems. However,
like many optimization algorithms, it has certain
limitations, most notably premature convergence and
low diversity in the solutions proposed. In order to
improve the quality of solutions and avoid local
minima, several adjustments and improvements have
been proposed in this work. These seek to improve
diversity, optimize exploration, and dynamically
modify the algorithm's settings.
Our optimization strategy incorporates the
previously mentioned objective functions through the
utilization of the MOPSO algorithm, which has been
augmented by the island model. In this study, we have
selected the ring and star topologies to examine how
their interaction dynamics influence solution
convergence and diversity.
The I-MOPSO algorithm begins by dividing the
global population into several sub-populations, called
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Arti๏ฌcial Intelligence
islands. Each island contains a number of particles,
representing potential solutions to the optimization
problem. Each algorithm had a population size of 100
particles or solutions, and the maximum number of
iterations was set at 600.The particles on each island
are randomly initialized in the space of decision
variables, and their velocity is set randomly. Each
particle has a memory of the best solution it has
encountered so far, called bestPosition, as well as an
archive of non-dominated solutions.Over the course
of iterations, particles update their position in the
search space. This update is influenced by three
components : inertia (which retains part of the
previous velocity), a cognitive term (influenced by
the best individual position reached by the particle),
and a social term (influenced by a leader selected
from the island's archive of non-dominated
solutions). Periodically, information is exchanged
between islands (each 20 iterations). For I-MOPSO,
the star topology is used to connect the islands.
Islands share their best solutions to date. A percentage
of the best particles on each island migrate to the other
islands. This process promotes solution diversity by
allowing different sub-populations to exchange
information. After each exchange phase, the overall
best solution is updated, taking into account the best
solutions from all the islands.This island approach
enables a more complete exploration of the search
space. Each island explores a part of this space
independently, thus increasing the diversity of
solutions explored.
5.1 Experiments and Metrics
In order to assess the effectiveness of the proposed I-
MOPSO method in a star topology, we created a
series of tests to investigate how important
parameters affect the caliber of the results. The
number of islands, the number of particles per island
and the migration rate are the relevant parameters. We
compare the performance of our I-MOPSO model,
NSGA-III and MOPSO in a many-objective
optimization problem, specifically applied to water
distribution management. Finding out how well these
algorithms perform in terms of diversity of generated
solutions and convergence to the Pareto front is the
aim. We changed the number of islands (3, 5, 10), the
number of particles per island (100, 200, 300) and the
migrate rates (0.1,0.5,0.8) in order to do this. These
factors have a significant impact on the quality of the
solutions and the rate of convergence of population-
based algorithms.
โ€ข Performance Metrics
Two indicators are used in this paper to assess the
algorithm.On the one hand, the method is evaluated
using the coverage metric known as the C metric is
a performance indicator used to assess the degree of
coverage between two solution sets produced during
optimization. (Selvam, Vinod Kumar, & Siripuram,
2017). This quality indicator can be assessed in the
manner described below.
If ๐ถ
< ๐ถ
, the pareto front P
the better solutions than P
(Selvam, Vinod
Kumar, & Siripuram, 2017)
In the other hand, hypervolume (J. Li &
Gonsalves, 2022; Delaram Yazdani et al., 2023) is
also algorithmโ€™s evaluation indication. Additionally,
it provides a through indication for assessing
distribution and convergence. A higher hypervolume
reflects better diversity of solutions.
5.2 Results and Discussion
The tables 1, 2 and 3 displays the C metric findings
for comparisons between I-MOPSO, NSGA-III and
MOPSO as a function of the following algorithm
parameters: population size, migration rate, and
number of islands. The C measure shows the
proportion of solutions on one front that are
dominated or covered by those on another front.
Regarding the comparison of MOPSO and I-
MOPSO, the latter appears to encompass a significant
portion of the MOPSO front. As soon as the
population size reaches 200 or more, I-MOPSO gains
complete dominance over NSGA-III when the
number of islands is set to 3.
Furthermore, NSGA-III is totally overpowered by
MOPSO in these configurations, suggesting that
NSGA-III performs worse in these
circumstances.According to the C metric values, I-
MOPSO continuously outperforms NSGA-III across
all configurations, attaining 100% coverage for a
number of parameter combinations. This indicates
that I-MOPSO frequently outperforms MOPSO,
especially when the number of islands and population
values are high.
Enhancing Many-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization with Island Model for Agricultural Optimization
Table 1: Performance of the algorithms using C metric (MigRate=0.1).
3 0.1
100 100 0 100 0 86,96 99,58
200 100 0 100 0 99,17 97,19
300 100 0,30 100 0 84,05 98,79
5 0.1
100 100 0,36 100 0 88,85 99,61
200 100 0 100 0 86,98 97,17
300 100 0 100 0 95,3 95,85
10 0.1
100 100 0 100 0 80,65 99,59
200 100 0 100 0 97,07 98,72
300 100 0 100 0 97,59 99,29
Table 2: Performance of the algorithms using C metric (MigRate=0.5).
3 0.5
100 100 0 100 1,73 96,54 91,47
200 100 0 100 0 93,74 96,45
300 100 0 100 0 67,22 99,97
5 0.5
100 100 0 100 0 99,94 65,65
200 100 0 100 0,36 84,75 99,27
300 100 0 100 1,02 86,77 99,33
10 0.5
100 100 0 100 0 94,81 99,47
200 100 0 100 0 96,89 98,63
300 100 0 100 0 74,13 99,91
Table 3: Performance of the algorithms using C metric (MigRate=0.8).
3 0.8
100 100 0 100 0 90,05 97,44
200 100 0 100 0 90,46 98,99
300 100 0 100 0 99,84 64,25
5 0.8
100 100 0 100 0 99,31 80,33
200 100 0 100 0,56 99,66 93,68
300 100 0 100 1,21 87,76 99,66
10 0.8
100 100 0 100 0 98,86 91,32
200 100 0 100 0 96,25 99,41
300 100 0 100 0 98,51 96,06
5.2.1 Impact of the Number of Islands:
Number of Islands
(Numislands = 3, 5, 10)
The number of islands is a determining factor in the
effectiveness of I-MOPSO. With only three islands,
I-MOPSO dominates NSGA-III but shows partial
coverage over MOPSO. However, I-MOPSOโ€™s
dominance over MOPSO increases with the number
of particles, indicating that even with a small number
of islands, I-MOPSO can be competitive if the
population size is sufficient. With 10 islands, I-
MOPSO reaches its maximum performance,
completely dominating NSGA-III and MOPSO in
several configurations. Then, a large number of
islands gave I-MOPSO increased capacity to
effectively explore the Pareto front.
5.2.2 Impact of Number of Particles:
(Particles = 100, 200, 300)
With a population of 100, I-MOPSO manages to
dominate NSGA-III but shows partial coverage of
MOPSO's Pareto front, particularly when the number
of islands is minimal. By increasing the population to
200, I-MOPSO improves its coverage, achieving
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Arti๏ฌcial Intelligence
complete domination of NSGA-III and superior
coverage than MOPSO. This suggests that a
population of 200 is sufficient to enable I-MOPSO to
generate a high-quality Pareto front in moderate
migration and island number configurations.
5.2.3 Impact of Migration Rate
(MigrationRate=0.1, 0.5,0.8)
With a migration rate of 0.8, I-MOPSO achieves high
dominance results, indicating that the frequent
exchange of individuals between islands improves the
diffusion of optimal solutions. This high migration
rate promotes rapid convergence towards the Pareto
front while maintaining a diversity of solutions,
which is essential for the quality of the front
generated. A lower migration rate might retain more
local diversity, but could slow convergence.
A migration rate of 0.8 appears to be the best
setting for I-MOPSO overall, providing for a balance
between Pareto front exploration and exploitation.
Analyzing the findings reveals that I-
MOPSO performs the best in most configurations,
particularly when paired with a big population (200โ€“
300), a migration rate of 0.8, and a high number of
In order to evaluate the I-MOPSO algorithm's
performance, we measured the mean hypervolume
(Mean Hypervolume) and the standard deviation of
hypervolume (Std Hypervolume) throughout the last
50 iterations of each execution. Comparative analysis
of the obtained hypervolumes provides essential
information on how parameters affect the algorithm's
ability to efficiently search the space of solutions while
maintaining a steady convergence towards the Pareto
front. These findings make it possible to determine the
best configurations for many objective problems in
order to maximize solution diversity and convergence.
Figure 2: Comparison of hypervolume evolution for over
The figure 2 illustrates differences in the stability
and efficiency of algorithms for maximizing
hypervolume over the course of iterations. I-MOPSO
seems to indicate higher variability, with multiple
notable peaks, which would suggest a more intensive
search for solutions. Reflecting a more gradual
convergence, NSGA-III exhibits fewer fluctuation and
is comparatively stable. In terms of hypervolume
values, MOPSO exhibits regular fluctuations but is still
generally less effective than I-MOPSO.
By obtaining a greater mean hypervolume, I-
MOPSO continuously surpasses NSGA-III and
MOPSO, demonstrating its superior exploration and
exploitation capabilities. whereas NSGA-
III consistently achieves the lowest mean
hypervolume. I-MOPSO maintains its edge in the
majority of cases (table 4,5 and 6), whereas NSGA-
III becomes more competitive as migration rates rise.
Both I-MOPSO and MOPSO's mean
hypervolume improves with population size, with I-
MOPSO maintaining a slight advantage.
NSGAIII continues to be the least competitive in
mean hypervolume and stability, despite a minor
improvement with bigger populations.
Table 4: Means ans stds Hypervolume values throughout the last 50 iterations (MigRate=0.1).
umI MigRate Pop
3 0.1
100 1.223e+00 8.147e-01 6.029e-01 1.124e-01 1.109e+00 6.185e-01
200 1.256e+00 9.117e-01 6.321e-01 1.324e-01 1.171e+00 7.330e-01
300 2.106e+00 1.768e+00 6.290e-01 1.263e-01 1.554e+0 1.020e+00
5 0.1
100 1.117e+00 7.743e-01 6.270e-01 1.081e-01 9.974e-01 6.410e-01
200 1.501e+00 9.620e-01 6.473e-01 1.251e-01 1.472e+00 1.016e+00
300 1.725e+00 1.419e+00 6.188e-01 1.208e-01 1.494e+00 1.087e+00
10 0.1
100 1.313e+00 6.939e-01 6.403e-01 1.447e-01 1.062e+00 8.615e-01
200 1.867e+00 1.356e+00 6.125e-01 1.274e-01 1.400e+00 7.621e-01
300 2.393e+00 1.770e+00 5.913e-01 1.070e-01 1.459e+00 9.708e-01
Enhancing Many-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization with Island Model for Agricultural Optimization
Table 5: Means ans stds Hypervolume values throughout the last 50 iterations(MigRate=0.5).
NumI MigRate Pop
3 0.5
100 1.163e+00 5.071e-01 6.250e-01 1.186e-01 1.210e+00 6.833e-01
200 1.781e+00 1.349e+00 6.120e-01 1.000e-01 1.411e+00 8.732e-01
300 1.772e+00 1.299e+00 5.953e-01 1.246e-01 1.578e+00 1.023e+00
5 0.5
100 9.974e-01 6.986e-01 6.438e-01 1.461e-01 9.559e-01 4.154e-01
200 1.745e+00 1.281e+00 6.104e-01 1.206e-01 1.476e+00 9.575e-01
300 1.781e+00 1.191e+00 6.105e-01 1.117e-01 1.511e+00 1.002e+00
10 0.5
100 1.290e+00 8.168e-01 6.376e-01 1.225e-01 1.149e+00 5.246e-01
200 2.269e+00 1.862e+00 6.040e-01 1.153e-01 1.140e+00 5.567e-01
300 2.353e+00 1.957e+00 6.174e-01 1.264e-01 1.315e+00 8.303e-01
Table 6: Means ans stds Hypervolume values throughout the last 50 iterations (MigRate=0.8).
umI MigRate Pop
3 0.8
100 1.092e+00 5.180e-01 6.267e-01 1.150e-01 1.254e+00 7.429e-01
200 1.314e+00 8.915e-01 6.463e-01 1.200e-01 1.255e+00 9.626e-01
300 1.975e+00 1.700e+00 6.481e-01 1.320e-01 1.889e+00 1.404e+00
5 0.8
100 1.175e+00 7.390e-01 6.455e-01 1.243e-01 1.133e+00 6.587e-01
200 1.789e+00 1.741e+00 6.707e-01 1.688e-01 1.420e+00 8.965e-01
300 1.635e+00 1.001e+00 6.097e-01 1.261e-01 1.428e+00 9.532e-01
10 0.8
100 1.393e+00 9.896e-01 6.240e-01 1.340e-01 9.884e-01 4.672e-01
200 1.501e+00 1.061e+00 6.146e-01 1.033e-01 1.601e+00 1.135e+00
300 2.760e+00 1.763e+00 6.066e-01 1.202e-01 1.345e+00 1.097e+00
In this study, we have proposed an innovative many-
objective approach based on the Island model to solve
the water distribution optimization problem, taking
into account several conflicting objectives. The
distinguishing feature of this method is its
decomposition of the problem into several
subpopulations spread over islands, enabling more
efficient exploration of the solution space by
combining local search and migration strategies
between islands.
Our experiments on agricultural optimization
problems show that this method can effectively find
many high-quality solutions. When compared to other
evolutionary algorithms, it does better at solving
agricultural problems with many objectives. This study
improves optimization techniques for agriculture and
opens up new avenues for future research in this area.
Finally, our analysis shows that the adjustment of
parameters such as the number of islands and particles
plays an essential role in improving the performance of
our model. The proposed approach thus offers a robust
and flexible method, which can be adapted to a wide
variety of many-objective problems in the field of
resource optimization.
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