Table 3: The ratio of δ found by the SAT-based solver and
by the CBS-TU algorithm.
agents U=1 U=3 U=5
2 1,00 0,50 0,56
4 0,77 0,40 0,46
6 0,76 0,46 0,40
8 0,79 0,39 0,36
10 0,75 0,42 0,41
12 0,75 0,34 0,40
14 0,80 0,39 0,36
16 0,71 - 0,33
18 0,72 - 0,57
20 0,71 - -
by the average δ found by the CBS-TU algorithm.
Therefore, the lower the number, the better solution
the SAT-based solver produced. Notice that there are
no settings with a value higher than 1 which is in com-
pliance with Proposition 2.
In this paper, we presented a novel extension to the
MAPF-TU problem by introducing a policy-based so-
lution. Our approach addresses the limitations of
plans handling uncertainties by leveraging an SAT-
based model for policy generation, offering a robust
and flexible alternative to traditional methods. We
showed both theoretically and empirically that poli-
cies produce solutions with better quality, as mea-
sured by the length of each agent’s path. We were
also able to solve more instances within the given time
limit than with the original search-based approach.
Future works could explore hybrid approaches that
combine policies with heuristics to improve compu-
tational efficiency.
The research was supported by the Czech Sci-
ence Foundation Grant No. 23-05104S and by
the Czech-Israeli Cooperative Scientific Research
Project LUAIZ24104. The work of David Zahr
was supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech
Technical University in Prague, Grant number
SGS23/180/OHK3/3T/13. The work of Ji
was supported by Charles University project UNCE
24/SCI/008. Computational resources were provided
by the e-INFRA CZ project (ID:90254), supported by
the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the
Czech Republic.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to
the authors of (Shahar et al., 2021) for providing their
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