involving stages of discovery to deeply understand the
problem space.
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ability in not a binary term, and that something can be
explainable to one groups of users while not necessar-
ily being explainable to another. As a result, adding
good explanations requires a study of the target users
in terms of their needs and goals when interacting
with the entire XAI system. In the define phase of
the problem space, we found that the main goals of
users of DP Applications is to 1) Make better deci-
sions and 2) Trust the predictions they get from the
system. More specifically, they want to know why
certain predictions are made, and what happens to a
prediction if certain features change.
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ing field of explainable AI in supply chain manage-
ment by providing a user-focused description of ex-
plainability and identifying the specific needs of de-
mand planning application users. This discovery built
a foundation for implementing explainable AI solu-
tions that can enhance user trust, satisfaction, and
decision-making in demand planning processes.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence