Towards Trustworthy AI in Demand Planning: Defining Explainability
for Supply Chain Management
Ruiqi Zhu
, Cecilie Christensen
, Bahram Zarrin
2 a
, Per Bækgaard
1 b
and Tommy Sonne Alstrøm
1 c
Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Microsoft Reserach Hub, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Explainable AI, Supply Chain Management, Demand Planning, User-Centric Explainability.
Artificial intelligence is increasingly essential in supply chain management, where machine learning models
improve demand forecasting accuracy. However, as AI usage expands, so does the complexity and opacity
of predictive models. Given the significant impact on operations, it is crucial for demand planners to trust
these forecasts and the decisions derived from them, highlighting the need for explainability. This paper
reviews prominent definitions of explainability in AI and proposes a tailored definition of explainability for
supply chain management. By using a user-centric approach, we address the practical needs of definitions of
explainability for non-technical users. This domain-specific definition aims to support the future development
of interpretable AI models that enhance user trust and usability in demand planning tools.
Supply chain management (SCM) is a central process
in businesses around the world. It contributes to ful-
filling customer goals, gaining competitive advantage,
and minimizing the loss of resources in the production
cycle. As a result of the prominent benefits, there is a
large market for SCM solutions designed for compa-
nies to manage their supply chain, some of the lead-
ing solutions being SAP Supply Chain Management,
Blue Yonder, and Dynamics365 Supply Chain Man-
agement (D365 SCM).
A key process within SCM is demand planning
(DP), which includes forecasting the future demand
for products. DP enables companies to foresee an in-
crease or decrease in the sales of their products, mak-
ing it possible for them to plan downstream processes
accordingly (IBM, 2017). An important element of
demand planning is demand forecasting, which is an
estimation of future demand, e.g. using time series
data and mathematical computation to gain insights
from the data. Traditionally, demand forecasting has
been carried out using statistical methods such as ETS
(Hyndman and Khandakar, 2008) and ARIMA (Box
and Jenkins, 1970). However, advances in machine
learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are grad-
ually replacing these statistical methods (altexsoft,
2022). ML forecasting models offer the potential of
noticeably better predictions compared to statistical
models, which is a big advantage in demand planning
(GeeksforGeeks, 2024). However, with the increase
in ML and AI models, we also see an increase in com-
plexity, and the issue of the so-called ”black-box” is
claiming its space in the field of demand planning.
Perceiving ML models as a black-box is currently a
hot topic as their predictions get more difficult for hu-
mans to interpret, given their increased complexity.
This is critical in fields, where the prediction is used
to draw important conclusions (e.g. the medical field
(Adadi and Berrada, 2018)) or make significant deci-
sions (e.g. DP).
While not easy to solve, the black-box issue has
set the foundation for a new field within ML and AI,
namely explainability. Explainability in AI is a topic
that has gained a lot of interest in recent years because
of its ability to open up the black box of ML model
(Adadi and Berrada, 2018).
The concept of explainability dates all the way
back to the 1980s where it was first mentioned (Moore
and Swartout, 1988). Later, in 2004, the term Ex-
plainable AI (XAI) was introduced (Van Lent et al.,
2004). However, it is not until recent years that
Zhu, R., Christensen, C., Zarrin, B., Bækgaard, P. and Alstrøm, T. S.
Towards Trustworthy AI in Demand Planning: Defining Explainability for Supply Chain Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0013315900003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 1245-1253
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the concepts gained traction, naturally following the
increase in AI complexity and reliance (Adadi and
Berrada, 2018). Despite its rising popularity, a com-
mon definition of explainability has not found con-
sensus. Instead, researchers of different fields give
different meanings to the term, often taking either a
computer-centered approach focusing on the correct-
ness and completeness of the explanation or a human-
centered approach focusing on how the explanation
resonates with end users. Both approaches require
the use of explainability methods, which are essen-
tial for providing the actual explanation of the ML
model. Over time, a wide range of models for XAI
have been developed to describe the decision-making
process of ML and AI models. Explainable ML mod-
els generally exist in two forms: those that are in-
terpretable by nature, e.g., decision trees, and those
that become interpretable after adding an explainabil-
ity method post-training (Naqvi et al., 2024; Lopes
et al., 2022; Retzlaff et al., 2024). As the amount
of research on explainability has increased, it has be-
come more user- and context-specific. Research on
explainability for demand planning is still sparse, and
the need for analyzing the users and their needs re-
As research of user-specific needs for explainabil-
ity is not traditionally covered by the tools available
in the field of XAI, it is beneficial to draw on meth-
ods from UX design. Introducing UX design meth-
ods enables the possibility of analyzing the needs of
the users of the DP applications and, consequently,
design explanations that resonate with them specifi-
Based on the above, we pose two concrete re-
search questions:
1. How can explainability be defined in the context
of the demand planning domain?
2. Who are the users of the demand planning appli-
cations, and what are their explainability needs?
This paper is structured into the following sec-
tions: Explainability in AI, Identifying Explainability
in DP applications and Conclusion.
In the Explainability in AI Section, we introduce
some of the existing work that has been done in the
field of XAI. In the section Identifying Explainabil-
ity in DP applications, we converge towards the end
of the problem space and use the background research
and theory to define the problem of what explainabil-
ity is for the users of DP applications. Lastly, we sum
up the findings and refer back to the initial problem
statement in the Conclusion Section.
This section outlines the foundation of our research
on defining explainability in the DP domain. We look
into how explainability is currently defined across lit-
erature, how to evaluate an explanation on its explain-
ability, and lastly, explore currently existing methods
for explainability.
2.1 Explainability in ML
So far, no formal definition of explainability has been
broadly accepted among researchers in the XAI field.
One reason for this is that the need and benefits of ex-
plainability vary greatly between different fields and
users, meaning that a good explanation for one group
of people might not be relevant to another (Suresh
et al., 2021; Mohseni et al., 2020). Despite this, there
have been different attempts at designing frameworks
for how to provide useful explanations. One exam-
ple of this from Vilone et al., who, in their paper No-
tions of explainability and evaluation approaches for
explainable artificial intelligence (Vilone and Longo,
2021), identify four main factors that constitute a
good explanation. These include a consideration of
who the end-user is, what their goals are, what infor-
mation they should receive, and the language used to
deliver it.
Following this idea of user-dependent explana-
tions, we find that explainability is not binary and
should be defined by the degree to which it satis-
fies a set of relevant metrics for specific targeted
users (Pawlicka et al., 2023; Nauta et al., 2023; Liao
and Varshney, 2022). A wide range of metrics for
explainability have been described in the literature,
making it difficult to navigate and select the relevant
ones. In Table 1, we have collected some of the most
frequently encountered terms during the research on
XAI, with the purpose of showing how often they are
used and whether they are mentioned as being human-
centered or computer-centered.
Explainability is very much dependent on the re-
ceivers, and a lot of research is currently being done
on how users have different needs for explainability,
e.g. as described in the survey A Multidisciplinary
Survey and Framework for Design and Evaluation of
Explainable AI Systems (Mohseni et al., 2020). Here,
the authors explain the distinct goals and needs of
users by grouping them into AI Novices, Data Ex-
perts, and AI Experts. AI Novices are the end-users
who will interact with the ML product. They are
generally assumed to have very little or no knowl-
edge of machine learning and have no need for it
either. The level of explainability for this group is
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Summary of the literature study on explainabil-
ity in ML, including the explainability criteria mentioned in
each paper.
Human-centered Computer-centered
Lopes et al.
(Lopes et al., 2022)
x x x x x
Mohseni et al.
(Mohseni et al., 2020)
x x x x x x x x x
Hoffman et al.
(Hoffman et al., 2019)
x x x x x
Lim et al.
(Lim et al., 2009)
x x x x
Pawlicka et al.
(Pawlicka et al., 2023)
x x x x x x x x x
Markus et al.
(Markus et al., 2021)
x x x x x x
Nauta et al.
(Nauta et al., 2023)
x x x x x x x
Zhou et al.
(Zhou et al., 2021)
x x x x x x x x
Adadi et al.
(Adadi and Berrada, 2018)
x x x x x x x
Binns et al.
(Binns et al., 2018)
x x x x
Bussone et al.
(Bussone et al., 2015)
x x
Seong et al.
(Seong and Bisantz, 2008)
x x
determined by how useful and satisfying the expla-
nation is to them, as well as how much they trust
it. Data Experts are data scientists or similar who
use the ML product to conduct analyses or research.
They are assumed to be working directly with the ML
model while not necessarily having a deep techni-
cal understanding of how the specific model works.
Explainability to them is determined by how much
it helps them to perform their tasks, in addition to
how well the model itself is performing. AI Ex-
perts are the developers or engineers working on
the ML model. Their explainability needs are de-
scribed as different from the other two groups, as
their focus is more on debugging and understanding
the model itself. In particular, there is a difference
in the needs and goals of explainability for the dif-
ferent user groups. The AI Novices generally have
human-centered needs, as opposed to the AI Experts,
whose needs are more computer-centered. This dif-
ferentiation between human-centered and computer-
centered metrics is common among researchers and is
described, among others, by Lopes et al. (Lopes et al.,
2022) and Mohseni et al. (Mohseni et al., 2020). They
define human-centered explainability as the extent to
which an ML system is understandable to humans, as
well as how it affects them when interacting with it.
On the other hand, computer-centered explainability
is about how well the ML system is explaining the ML
model itself, including how accurate the explanation
Table 2: Overview of key explainability terms in ML litera-
ture and their definitions, with all relevant references listed.
Term References Definition
Fairness (Deck et al., 2024), (Mohseni
et al., 2020), (Pawlicka et al.,
2023), (Bussone et al., 2015)
Assessing the fairness of an ML
model, particularly in sensitive do-
mains like loan applications.
Accountability (Lepri et al., 2018), (Binns
et al., 2018)
The ability to attribute responsibil-
ity for decisions made by the model.
Understandability (Lopes et al., 2022),
(Mohseni et al., 2020),
(Butz et al., 2022)
The extent to which the XAI system
is understandable to users, facilitat-
ing the prediction of its outputs.
Trustworthiness (Lim et al., 2009), (Pawlicka
et al., 2023), (Vilone and
Longo, 2021), (Adadi and
Berrada, 2018)
Reflects the user’s confidence in the
system’s reliability and alignment
with their expectations.
Usefulness (Seong and Bisantz, 2008),
(Lopes et al., 2022),
(Mohseni et al., 2020)
Evaluates the practical value of
the explanations in assisting user
Performance (Lopes et al., 2022),
(Mohseni et al., 2020),
(Lount and Lauzon, 2012),
(Markus et al., 2021)
Concerns user task performance
when interacting with the XAI sys-
Satisfaction (Gedikli et al., 2014), (Vilone
and Longo, 2021)
Represents user satisfaction with
the provided explanations.
Fidelity (Lopes et al., 2022), (Markus
et al., 2021)
Reflects the accuracy of the expla-
nation in representing the model’s
actual behavior.
Interpretability (Bussone et al., 2015), (Lopes
et al., 2022)
Describes the ease with which ex-
planations can be understood by hu-
man users.
is to the truth. As seen in table 1, human-centered and
computer-centered explainability are both umbrella
terms, covering a number of other principles within
explainability. In order to gain a deeper understand-
ing of what meaning these terms carry across litera-
ture, table 2 describes each of the terms.
A human-centered perspective on what explain-
ability involves is the assumption that an explana-
tion is an answer to a question the user might have
when interacting with the system (Liao et al., 2020;
Preece, 2018; Vilone and Longo, 2021). The most
typically asked questions relating to explainability are
why and how (Vilone and Longo, 2021), answering
questions such as why a certain prediction was made,
or how a certain feature impacts the prediction. Ac-
cording to Liao et al., answering the right questions
can constitute a good explanation, but what is con-
sidered right again depends on the person asking it
(Liao et al., 2020). They did a study on the explain-
ability needs of different user groups by conducting
semi-structured interviews with 20 people. Notably,
the user group labeled ’Business Decision Support’
showed strong interest in explanations that enhance
their decision confidence by showing the importance
of attributes as well as explanations that are made in
natural language.
2.2 Explainability Methods
In this section, we will go through different types
of explainability methods and how they relate to the
needs of end-users.
Towards Trustworthy AI in Demand Planning: Defining Explainability for Supply Chain Management
One of the main distinctions in explainability
methods is ante-hoc and post-hoc approaches. When
an explanation is retrieved directly from the model it-
self, e.g. from decision trees, it is said to be ante-hoc.
Conversely, if an explanation is generated after model
training, it is called post-hoc. Post-hoc explanations
require the addition of explainability methods, which
are applied separately from the model itself (Naqvi
et al., 2024; Retzlaff et al., 2024), and can be either
model-specific or model-agnostic. The distinction be-
tween the two lies in whether the method is specifi-
cally applicable to a given model or is generally ap-
plicable to a range of different ML models. Explain-
ability methods can be further broken down into lo-
cal and global explanations, where local explanations
are used to describe the reasons for a single predic-
tion, while global explanations are used to describe
the overall model (Liao and Varshney, 2022). Ex-
amples of global, post-hoc explainability methods in-
clude Accumulated Local Effects (ALE) plots (Apley
and Zhu, 2020) and Partial Dependence Plots (PDP)
(Friedman, 2001), while examples of local post-hoc
methods include Local Interpretable Model-agnostic
Explanations (LIME) (Singh and Guestrin, 2016) and
SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) (Lundberg
and Lee, 2017).
Each of these explainability methods provides
users with different types of explanations and is suit-
able for different purposes. Liao et al. closed the
gap between algorithmic explainability methods and
the needs of end-users by developing a question bank,
which is a collection of questions that users might ask
in relation to explainability, along with explainability
methods that can be applied to answer these questions
(Liao et al., 2020).
Liao et al. argued that there is no one-fits-all solu-
tion to a good explanation and suggested a collabora-
tive approach, where UX designers and data scientists
work together to identify relevant explainability meth-
ods. For this purpose, they used the question bank
to develop a mapping guidance between user ques-
tions and explainability methods (Liao and Varshney,
2.3 Evaluating Explainability
There are several methods for evaluating explainabil-
ity. Nauta et al. (Nauta et al., 2023) described how
evaluating explainability is about measuring the de-
gree to which an explanation satisfies a set of defined
metrics and that each aspect of the explanation should
be evaluated separately. Pawlicka et al. (Pawlicka
et al., 2023) presented a similar approach by arguing
that an explanation should be evaluated by 1) check-
ing whether explainability is achieved by how well it
fulfills the defined objectives, and 2) comparing ex-
planation methods to identify the most preferred one.
As for the definition of explainability, methods for
evaluating explainability are also often divided into
human-centered and computer-centered approaches.
The human-centered evaluation methods include hu-
mans in the evaluation process and apply user test-
ing of domain experts or lay people as a way to mea-
sure an explanation (Molnar et al., 2020). Meanwhile,
computer-centered approaches use quantitative met-
rics to evaluate the explanation, e.g. in terms of fi-
delity (see Table 1).
Doshi-Velez et al. distinguished between func-
tionally grounded, application grounded, and hu-
man grounded evaluations (Doshi-Velez and Kim,
2017). The functionally grounded evaluation corre-
sponds to the computer-centered evaluation and does
not include humans. The human-centered evalua-
tion is divided into the application-grounded evalu-
ation and the human-grounded evaluation, where the
application-grounded evaluation is based specifically
on target users, while the human-grounded evalu-
ation is based on lay users, meaning humans that
are not necessarily domain experts or targeted users.
Human-centered and computer-centered evaluations
each have their merits. Human-centered evaluations
are perceived to be more accurate in determining the
level of explainability (Zhou et al., 2021). How-
ever, they are also time-consuming and can have is-
sues such as bias and inefficiency. At the same time,
computer-centered evaluations are ”objective” and re-
quire fewer resources in terms of time but does not
include the user perspective (Pawlicka et al., 2023).
Hoffman et al. (Hoffman et al., 2019) developed a
conceptual model to map out the process of evaluating
explainability in a ML context. A slightly modified
version of the conceptual model is shown in Figure 1.
A user of an XAI system initially feels trust or mis-
trust in the ML model, and immediately forms a men-
tal model about how the system works. An explana-
tion is then provided to give a greater understanding
of the system, which affects the user’s mental model
and builds trust. Hoffman further argued that a user’s
perceived trust/mistrust in the system greatly affects
how they interact with the system, which in turn af-
fects the performance. Each of these stages of the
conceptual model can be assessed to evaluate the ex-
planation, as a good explanation will provide the user
with trust and understanding and, hence, better perfor-
mance. Different methods for evaluating explainabil-
ity have been suggested. Generally, we distinguish
between quantitative and qualitative evaluation meth-
ods, in addition to subjective and objective evaluation
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Conceptual model of explainability in ML. Adapted from (Hoffman et al., 2019; Lopes et al., 2022).
Table 3: Summary of most frequently encountered human-
centered evaluation methods for explainability in ML.
Method Type Mentioned In
(Bussone et al., 2015),
(Berkovsky et al., 2017),
(Nourani et al., 2019), (Lim
et al., 2009), (Binns et al.,
2018), (Gedikli et al., 2014)
Interview Subjective/
(Gedikli et al., 2014),
(Binns et al., 2018), (Lim
et al., 2009), (Lount and
Lauzon, 2012)
(Bussone et al., 2015),
(Binns et al., 2018)
(Lim et al., 2009),
(Huysmans et al., 2011),
(Kulesza et al., 2010)
(Bussone et al., 2015),
(Cahour and Forzy, 2009)
methods. Subjective evaluations captures the partici-
pants’ own opinions or perceptions, while objective
evaluations measure some defined objectives inde-
pendent of the users’ opinions. Human-centered eval-
uations generally cover all types of evaluations, while
computer-centered evaluations usually apply quanti-
tative and objective methods. An overview of the
evaluation methods is presented in Table 3.
A popular method for evaluating explainability is
the of the Likert scale. This method is used to cap-
ture the subjective opinions of participants and get in-
sights on how they perceive different metrics. Bus-
sone et al. investigated how explainability affects the
trust and reliability in users of Clinical Decision Sup-
port Systems (CDSS), and use a 7-point Likert scale
to evaluate the users’ trust in the system before and
after receiving an explanation (Bussone et al., 2015).
The research by Gedikli et al. is about improving
satisfaction in recommender systems by helping the
user to understand why certain predictions are given
(Gedikli et al., 2014). They follow a similar approach
to evaluation, by asking participants to evaluate trans-
parency and satisfaction on a 7-point Likert scale after
receiving an explanation, and comparing transparency
to satisfaction. Both of these papers use a similar ap-
proach by applying a qualitative evaluation method
to support the quantitative methods. Bussone et al.
applied the ”think aloud” method for evaluation, by
asking users to share their thoughts during the per-
formance of a given task, and then used post-task in-
terviews to gather additional information. Gedikli et
al. also perform post-task interviews with the pur-
pose of validating the results of the quantitative ap-
proach. The papers by Lim et al. (Lim et al., 2009)
and Huysmans et al. (Huysmans et al., 2011) both
objectively evaluate their explanations using task per-
formance. Lim et al. researched the effectiveness of
different types of explanations (why and why not) in
context-aware intelligent systems. They use task per-
formance as one of the measures for evaluating the
explanations, and measure it in terms of completion
time, Fill-in-the-Blanks test answers and answer cor-
rectness. The answer is rated into one of four groups,
depending on the actual correctness and the level of
detail the participant was able to convey.
Huysmans et al. evaluated the explainability
(which they refer to as ’comprehensibility’) of deci-
sion tables, decision trees and rule based predictive
models. Participants were asked to answer a list of
yes/no questions, and rate their confidence on a Lik-
ert scale. The authors then evaluated the explanations
based on the perceived confidence of the participants
and their task performance, which is determined by
the accuracy (percentage of correct answers) and the
task completion time.
Towards Trustworthy AI in Demand Planning: Defining Explainability for Supply Chain Management
Figure 2: Final affinity diagram used to structure the SME Interview into concrete user needs.
Eplainability is highly dependent on the user and their
specific needs, and for this reason, it is important for
a good implementation of explainability, to research
the specific needs of users of DP applications. The
research combines different methods within UX De-
sign, the purpose being to gather information about
the users, and structure it into concrete needs and re-
quirements for explainability. By the end of this sec-
tion, we will have a clear definition of the explainabil-
ity needs of users, what explainability is in context
of DP applications, and which explainability methods
can be applied to provide that.
3.1 Identifying User Needs
3.1.1 SME Interview
To gather information about the users of DP applica-
tions, we decided to do interviews with demand plan-
ners. The purpose of the interview is to gather infor-
mation about the users, including how they use DP
applications, what they use it for, and which require-
ments they have for current and future use. We did
unstructured interviews since this interview type al-
lowed the conversation to be more dynamic, and for
emerging questions to be asked.
3.1.2 Affinity Diagramming
The interviews provided a large amount of unstruc-
tured data, which needed to be organized to extract
relevant information. For this purpose, we chose to
apply affinity diagramming, which is used to orga-
nize the data by translating the raw qualitative data
into a concrete mapping of the users and their needs.
First, the information from the raw interview data was
mapped out on post-its, disregarding their perceived
relevance. Next, the post-its were grouped into sub-
jects, each given a unique color. Lastly, labels were
assigned to the groups in the diagram in order to de-
fine each of them more specifically. The result is seen
in Figure 2, and provides a clear overview of the sub-
jects and needs that were discussed during the inter-
view with demand planners. We see the seven sub-
groups of user information identified through the in-
terviews, and that the overall goal of users is to op-
timize the SC process and make smarter decisions
based on the demand forecast. The users want to
have confidence in the decisions they are making, and
feel in control of the forecasting. They also want
to trust the model predictions, the overall forecasting
system, get a better understanding of the predictions,
and some users even want the option to control the
forecasting model itself.
There is a need for users to have an understand-
ing of why certain predictions are made, as well as
what happens if some of their features change. This
includes e.g. the option to see correlation between
different features and the demand, and being able to
experiment with the feature values to learn how they
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
drive demand. Lastly, there is also a wish to learn how
demand can be increased in the context of the avail-
able features.
It is clear that users have some ideas in mind about
drivers of the demand of their products. They might
have a feeling about something having an effect, with-
out being able to check the relevance of that feeling.
So, they use these ideas and feelings to make up hy-
potheses which they seek to confirm or reject.
Based on the findings from the affinity diagram,
we have chosen to categorize the explainability needs
of the users of DP applications into the following ob-
O1 Make better decisions
O2 Trust the predictions
O3 Understand why certain predictions were made
O4 Understand what happens to demand if the fea-
tures change values
O5 Increase demand using available features
O6 Test hypotheses
O7 Be in control of forecasting model
The topics found in the affinity diagram, are usually
prioritized to select the ones to move forward with.
This means, that not all the findings above will neces-
sarily be fulfilled within the scope of this paper.
3.2 User Story Mapping
After grouping the findings from the interviews in the
affinity diagram, we have a list of objectives. As men-
tioned, we do not include all of these objectives go-
ing forward, and choose a subset. For this purpose,
we apply User Story Mapping (USM) to prioritize
selected objectives in terms of goals, activities, and
tasks. The tasks are outlined as the necessary steps
for the user to complete an activity, and are subject
to change later in the design process. The USM is
shown in the Appendix, where each of the objectives
from section 3.1.2 are presented as either a goal or an
From the USM, we found that the overall goals
users are trying to achieve through explainability are
O1 and O2. Additionally, we found that O6, can be
obtained through O3, O4 and O5.
Based on a prioritization of the USM and in col-
laboration with demand planners, we decided to move
forward with O3, O4 and O5. The overall goals of
building trust and making better, more confident deci-
sions, are natural derivations from good explanations
as also described in section 2.3, and the users will be
able to test their hypotheses on which features drive
demand and why certain predictions were made.
3.3 Defining Explainability in DP
After getting an understanding of the needs and goals
of the end-users, we moved on to defining explain-
ability in DP applications. currently, we know who
the end-users are, their goals, which questions they
want answers to and their level of technical expertise.
This means that we now have all the essential compo-
nents to structure the explanations. However, we still
need to establish a clear definition of what explain-
ability is in the context of these components.
As we found in section 2.3, explainability in an
ML system can be measured by how well it satisfies a
set of user-dependent and measurable objectives. We
have chosen to rely on this definition, and use the find-
ings from section 3.1 to define a set of requirements
that should be satisfied in order for the user to feel
accomplished in their goals of gaining more trust in
the forecasting model and making more confident de-
cisions, as well as optimizing the SC process. Fol-
lowing this approach will ensure, that explainability
becomes a measurable term, allowing us to evaluate
and compare different explanations. Based on the ob-
jectives that were identified through the affinity dia-
gram and USM, along with the research on explain-
ability, more specifically table 1, we choose a set of
relevant objectives to define explainability in DP ap-
plications. The objectives are chosen from existing
literature based on the extend to which they can fulfill
the goals and needs of users, and are listed below:
Usefulness: The explanation should be useful and
satisfying to the user.
Trustworthiness: The explanation should meet
the user’s expectations and provide them with
confidence in their decisions.
Understandability: The explanation should be
understandable and meet the user’s expectations
in terms of what information it provides i.e. the
questions it answers.
Performance: The explanation should help the
user to perform their intended tasks more effi-
The aim of this paper was to explore and define ex-
plainability within the supply chain management do-
main, specifically focusing on the demand planning.
In order to perform this investigation, we adopted an
approach inspired by the double-diamond framework,
Towards Trustworthy AI in Demand Planning: Defining Explainability for Supply Chain Management
involving stages of discovery to deeply understand the
problem space.
During the discover phase, we found that explain-
ability in not a binary term, and that something can be
explainable to one groups of users while not necessar-
ily being explainable to another. As a result, adding
good explanations requires a study of the target users
in terms of their needs and goals when interacting
with the entire XAI system. In the define phase of
the problem space, we found that the main goals of
users of DP Applications is to 1) Make better deci-
sions and 2) Trust the predictions they get from the
system. More specifically, they want to know why
certain predictions are made, and what happens to a
prediction if certain features change.
In conclusion, this paper contributes to the evolv-
ing field of explainable AI in supply chain manage-
ment by providing a user-focused description of ex-
plainability and identifying the specific needs of de-
mand planning application users. This discovery built
a foundation for implementing explainable AI solu-
tions that can enhance user trust, satisfaction, and
decision-making in demand planning processes.
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4.1 SME Interview
The full interviews can be made available upon re-
quest, if needed.
4.2 User Story Mapping
Towards Trustworthy AI in Demand Planning: Defining Explainability for Supply Chain Management