The results indicate that the system performs effec-
tively in both daylight and nightlight scenarios, accu-
rately identifying fatigue states when they were simu-
lated. These results suggest that the method is robust
and reliable, even in the presence of corrective eye-
wear. Importantly, the system also demonstrated its
ability to ignore non-fatigue activities, such as con-
versing and eating, under daylight conditions, further
confirming its accuracy and relevance in real-world
driving scenarios. Nightlight conditions presented a
more challenging environment, yet the system still
detected fatigue with similar accuracy, even with the
presence of fluctuating light sources, such as a blink-
ing screen simulating passing car lights. These find-
ings show that the method holds promise for practical
applications in driver monitoring systems, especially
in varying environmental conditions.
In conclusion, this fatigue detection method has
the potential to significantly improve road safety by
providing a reliable real-time solution to identify fa-
tigued drivers. Further research and testing can be
conducted to refine the response times and adapt-
ability of the system to other driving scenarios, but
the results indicate a strong foundation for future de-
velopment. In addition, the authors plan to conduct
broad research to compare the presented method with
other existing SOTA methods, ensuring a comprehen-
sive evaluation of its performance and potential ad-
vantages. Furthermore, the authors intend to test the
performance of the system under dynamic lighting
changes to assess its robustness and reliability in vary-
ing environmental conditions.
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Automatic Detection of the Driver Distractions Based on the Analysis of Face Videos