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To provide further illustration, the figures included in
this appendix offer additional context and detailed in-
sights in comparison to PoseFormer estimations.
Three actions of SittingDown, Directions and
Photo from test set S9 are presented to provide fur-
ther illustration. Figure 8 to Figure 10, compare the
MPJPE across all joints and all frames of the afore-
mentioned actions to demonstrate the extent of the
improvement in each joint when the method utilized
prior body dimensions. Figure 11 to Figure 13 present
the same comparison when the method employed es-
timated body dimensions.
Figure 6 and Figure 7 illustrate the MPJPE over
400 frames of the action SittingDown and Directions
for test set S9 of the Human3.6M dataset. The fig-
ures demonstrate the extent to which the refinement
process reduced the MPJPE, utilizing both prior body
dimensions and estimated body dimensions.
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications