Table 6: Accuracy scores for main represented labels.
Label Accuracy
Ear Wax 0.99
Normal 0.84
Partial Obstruction 0.85
Pseudotympanum 0.98
Tympanosclerosis 0.87
Mean 0.91
hensive multi-label analysis.
We plan to enhance our model by expanding our
dataset to include a wider range of conditions, espe-
cially rare ones, improving robustness and diagnostic
accuracy. Additionally, we will adopt a multimodal
approach, integrating tonal and vocal audiometry with
endoscopy imaging to enhance diagnostic precision.
We also aim to leverage advanced vision language
models like LLaMA to boost our classification per-
formance. These developments are expected to signif-
icantly advance patient outcomes in clinical settings.
This study was conducted in accordance with the prin-
ciples outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki. In-
formed consent was obtained from all individual par-
ticipants involved in the study. Additionally, all pa-
tient data were collected in the current clinical prat-
ice without modifying the patient’s treatment path-
way. To date, no study suggests that a photo of an
eardrum or a earcanal can be used to identify a pa-
tient. Taken together, this data does not fall within
the CNIL’s definition of paersonal sensitive data. The
data were anonymized to ensure privacy and confi-
dentiality. Prior to their treatment, patients have given
their consent for their data to be processed electron-
ically and used anonymously for clinical and scien-
tific studies, in accordance with general data protec-
tion regulations.
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ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods