that strategies such as using social media, producing
appealing and accessible content and sharing real-life
testimonies are fundamental to increasing public
involvement and disseminating the services offered
by PwD, increasing the reach of these spaces and,
consequently, the inclusion and quality of life of
The results made it possible to outline a set of
communication practices applied in different
contexts, offering a first overview of the approaches
used and recommended to promote inclusion. An
initial basis has been provided for understanding how
communication practices can be applied to strengthen
the impact of inclusive spaces. By outlining these
practices, this work not only contributes to the
promotion of inclusion in PSC, but also offers
guidelines that can be adapted to other cultural and
institutional contexts.
By implementing good communication strategies,
inclusive spaces can better reach out to PwD, their
families and caregivers, ensuring that they are aware
of available resources and opportunities to participate
in society.
This study was based on self-reported interviews,
which may introduce biases related to participants'
perceptions of their own practices. Future research
could therefore complement this information with
content analyses of the communications carried out
by inclusive spaces and evaluations of the impact of
these practices on the target audience. Furthermore,
expanding the research to include a wider range of
PSC would provide a more comprehensive
understanding of communication practices in
different cultural and socio-economic contexts. This
could lead to the development of more tailored and
effective communication strategies that further
promote inclusion and accessibility for PwDs
globally. In addition, they could deepen and
complement the findings of this study by focusing on
understanding disabled people's perspectives on the
effectiveness of communication practices and
identifying possible gaps in current strategies, or
comparatively analysing the effectiveness of spaces
strategies in different countries or different sectors.
This work is financially supported by national funds
through FCT – Foundation for Science and
Technology, I.P., under the project UIDB/05460/2020.
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