Automated Handwriting Pattern Recognition for Multi-Level Personality
Classification Using Transformer OCR (TrOCR)
Marzieh Adeli Shamsabad
and Ching Yee Suen
Centre for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (CENPARMI), Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
{m adelis, suen}
Handwriting Analysis, Automated Feature Extraction, Imbalanced Dataset, Multi-Level Classification,
TrOCR, Big Five Personality Traits.
Automated personality trait assessment from handwriting analysis offers applications in psychology, human-
computer interaction, and personal profiling. However, accurately classifying different levels of personality
traits remains challenging due to class imbalances in real-world datasets. This study addresses the issue by
comparing multi-class and multi-label binary classification methods to predict levels of the Big Five person-
ality traits: Extraversion, Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness, each categorized as
low, average, and high in an imbalanced dataset of 873 French handwriting samples. A new approach is intro-
duced by adapting the TrOCR pre-trained model for feature extraction, modifying its encoder to capture local
and global handwriting features relevant to personality classification. This model is compared with three other
pre-trained models: ResNet50 and Vision Transformer base 16 with input resolutions of 224 and 384. Results
demonstrate that multi-label binary classification, which treats each trait level as an independent binary task,
effectively addresses data imbalance, enhancing accuracy and generalization. The proposed TrOCR model
achieves the highest performance, with an accuracy of 84.26%, an F1-score of 83.26%, and an AUROC of
91% on the test set. These findings emphasize the effectiveness of the presented framework for automated
multi-level personality trait classification from handwriting in imbalanced datasets.
Personality represents the unique patterns of thoughts,
emotions, and behaviors that define an individual’s
character and influence their interactions with the
world (Costa and McCrae, 1997). Understanding
personality traits can provide insights into how in-
dividuals respond in various situations, shaping per-
sonal, social, and professional outcomes (Roberts
and Mroczek, 2008). Traditionally, personality as-
sessment is achieved through self-reported question-
naires, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
(MBTI) and the Big Five personality traits model,
which includes Openness, Conscientiousness, Ex-
traversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. How-
ever, these methods are often time-consuming and can
be influenced by the individual’s self-awareness and
response biases (Alshouha et al., 2024). As a result,
alternative methods for personality prediction gained
attention like handwriting.
Handwriting analysis, or graphology, suggests
that an individual’s handwriting reflects their psycho-
logical state and personality traits. This idea arises
from the observation that handwriting is a psycho-
motor activity, where the brain guides the hand’s
movements, resulting in unique patterns in letter for-
mation, slant, pressure, and spacing. Thus, handwrit-
ing is shaped by physiological factors, socio-cultural
influences, and personal experiences (Rahman and
Halim, 2022). Manual handwriting analysis for per-
sonality assessment is subjective and requires exper-
tise, leading researchers to explore automated solu-
tions through image processing and machine learning
techniques (Gavrilescu and Vizireanu, 2018).
Many studies relied on manual feature extraction
and traditional machine learning classifiers. Mukher-
jee et al. (Mukherjee et al., 2022) approached per-
sonality prediction by extracting character-based fea-
tures such as specific letters (e.g., ’a’, ’g’, ’n’, ’t’)
and the word ”of, from handwritten samples and
used classifiers like K-nearest neighbor (KNN) and
Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) for prediction. Nair
et al. (B J et al., 2024) manually extracted features
such as stroke pressure and letter slant, then classified
Adeli Shamsabad, M. and Suen, C. Y.
Automated Handwriting Pattern Recognition for Multi-Level Personality Classification Using Transformer OCR (TrOCR).
DOI: 10.5220/0013318800003905
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2025), pages 141-150
ISBN: 978-989-758-730-6; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
personality traits using algorithms like Support Vector
Machine (SVM), Decision Trees, and Random Forest.
Chin et al. (Chin et al., 2021) used a Histogram of Ori-
ented Gradients to extract handwriting features and
classified them using multiclass Support Vector Ma-
chines, with logistic regression. Another early work
by Gavrilescu and Vizireanu (Gavrilescu and Vizire-
anu, 2018) employed a semi-automatic approach in-
volving handwriting feature extraction followed by a
neural network-based model for classifying the Big
Five personality traits.
With artificial intelligence and deep learning ad-
vancements, automatic feature extraction methods
have become more prevalent. Ahmed et al. (Sayed
et al., 2024) proposed a deep learning framework us-
ing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) such as
VGG16, DenseNet201, ResNet, and InceptionV3 to
automatically extract handwriting features like let-
ter size, slant, and pressure on the IAM handwrit-
ing database. Similarly, Nair et al. (Nair et al., 2021)
compared the performance of ResNet50 and CNN for
handwriting analysis to predict personality traits, in-
dicating that deep learning models provide a robust
solution for capturing handwriting patterns. Addi-
tionally, Puttaswamy et al. (Puttaswamy and Thilla-
iarasu, 2025) employed Fine DenseNet with attention
mechanisms to extract intricate handwriting features
for personality classification, showcasing the role of
attention-based feature extraction in enhancing clas-
sification accuracy.
Dhumal et al. (Dhumal et al., 2023) applied Trans-
former and LSTM networks to automatically extract
handwriting features and predict personality traits, ex-
ploring the multi-label classification approach. Shree
et al. (Shree and Dr.Siddaraju, 2022) used YOLO v5
and ResNet34 for feature extraction and personality
classification, demonstrating an effective strategy to
improve accuracy and efficiency. Recent advance-
ments in attention mechanisms and vision transform-
ers have further improved the feature extraction capa-
bilities (Koepf et al., 2022), allowing for more analy-
sis of handwriting features and improved personality
prediction performance.
Another line of research focused on semi-
supervised and hybrid models for personality classi-
fication. Rahman and Halim (Rahman and Halim,
2022) employed a Semi-supervised Generative Ad-
versarial Network (SGAN) to classify personality
traits based on handwriting samples, utilizing a com-
bination of labeled and unlabeled data to improve
classification accuracy. This approach highlighted the
efficacy of semi-supervised learning in addressing the
challenges posed by limited labeled data.
Previous studies have advanced the field, but many
of them focused on independent trait classification
or relied on manual feature extraction, which limits
their scalability and adaptability. Our research aims
to overcome these limitations by developing an end-
to-end deep learning framework with fully automated
feature extraction. Building on our previous work,
where only two personality traits were analyzed, this
research expands the dataset to have all five traits out-
lined by the Big Five Factor Model (BFFM). This
broader approach enables multi-level classification of
all five traits simultaneously, facilitating a more com-
prehensive personality analysis.
A French handwriting dataset from the CEN-
PARMI lab is used in this study, expanded from
873 full-page handwriting images to 5,765 line-
segmented images to increase dataset size while pre-
serving essential handwriting patterns. The model
implicitly learns handwriting patterns through deep
learning mechanisms like convolutional filters or at-
tention heads. Based on our previous research, Fo-
cal Loss is applied to effectively address class imbal-
ance (Adeli Shamsabad and Suen, 2024), in combi-
nation with Softmax for multi-class classification and
BCE with logit loss for multi-binary classification.
A new method for handwriting feature extrac-
tion is proposed, using the base version of TrOCR, a
model with an encoder-decoder structure pre-trained
on general text data and fine-tuned on the IAM Hand-
writing Database with an input size of 384 to adapt
to handwriting-specific features. Instead of using the
decoder to generate text, TrOCR is modified to output
encoder features and then fed for classification. To the
best of our knowledge, this represents the first use of
TrOCR in a classification framework, specifically for
predicting different levels of personality traits from
handwriting images, showcasing its potential beyond
traditional OCR applications.
To evaluate the proposed approach, three
other pre-trained deep learning models are com-
pared: ResNet50, chosen for its efficient CNN
architecture and proven performance in prior
work (Adeli Shamsabad and Suen, 2024), and Vision
Transformer (ViT) base 16 with input sizes of 224
and 384 that are pre-trained on ImageNet by Google
that allows for an analysis of performance differences
between transformer models tailored for OCR tasks
and those designed for general-purpose vision tasks.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 de-
tails the materials, methods, and evaluation metrics.
Section 3 analyzes the results and compares them
with existing methods. Section 4 concludes the study
and suggests future work.
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
2.1 Data Collection
For this research, a custom dataset is created to enable
automatic handwriting analysis for predicting multi-
level personality traits based on the BFFM. Since
no public dataset is available to meet these specific
requirements, data collection is conducted with eth-
ical approval from Concordia University’s Human
Research Ethics Committee. The dataset is com-
posed of two main parts: responses to a BFFM per-
sonality questionnaire and corresponding handwriting
samples. Participants are recruited from Concordia
University to ensure a diverse dataset, and to main-
tain consistency and minimize external influences on
handwriting, data collection is carried out in a con-
trolled environment within a dedicated lab at Concor-
dia University’s CENPARMI research center.
Participants are asked to complete the BFFM
questionnaire, which assesses five personality traits:
Extraversion (EX), Neuroticism (NE), sometimes re-
ferred to as Emotional Stability in its inverse form,
Agreeableness (AG), Conscientiousness (CO), and
Openness to Experience (OE) (Costa and McCrae,
1997). Scores for each trait are categorized into
three levels: low, average, and high. Each handwrit-
ing sample is manually analyzed by a professional
graphologist for specific features, such as slant, spac-
ing, and letter formation, which correspond to each
of the BFFM traits. Each sample is labeled with all
five personality traits, with a unique level assigned to
each trait, indicating that every sample reflects differ-
ent levels for each of the ve traits. In total, 1110
handwriting samples are collected, digitized at a high
resolution of 600 dots per inch (DPI), and processed
to remove noise and irrelevant marks.
The dataset includes handwriting samples in mul-
tiple languages, with the majority in French (873 sam-
ples), followed by English (181 samples), along with
smaller quantities in languages such as Persian and
Korean. However, the distribution of personality traits
is severely imbalanced, with the medium level being
predominant in each trait category. Due to the large
number of French samples, this study primarily fo-
cuses on analyzing this subset and its personality trait
distribution, as follows:
EX: Low - 125, Average - 333, High - 415;
NE: Low - 88, Average - 473, High - 312;
AG: Low - 96, Average - 703, High - 74 ;
CO: Low - 44, Average - 319, High - 510;
OE: Low - 38, Average - 558, High - 277.
In our previous study, the dataset included labels
for only two personality traits, Extraversion and Con-
scientiousness (Adeli Shamsabad and Suen, 2024).
For this research, the dataset has been expanded to
include all five BFFM traits, enabling comprehen-
sive analysis through multi-level classification and al-
lowing simultaneous prediction of all five personality
2.2 Data Preprocessing
The primary goal of this research is to develop an
end-to-end automated system for handwriting pattern
recognition using deep learning techniques. To en-
hance the model’s learning capacity and ensure effec-
tive generalization across various handwriting styles,
it is essential to increase the number of handwrit-
ing samples and address dataset imbalance (Shorten
and Khoshgoftaar, 2019). Additionally, the original
TrOCR base model is designed for single-line text
segments, optimizing its performance for line-by-line
tasks rather than continuous multi-line or paragraph
text (Li et al., 2021). To address these limitations,
each handwriting sample is segmented line by line us-
ing OpenCV, with careful attention to preserving the
original text structure. This segmentation approach
ensures that the most significant features of each let-
ter shape are retained, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Line Segmentation Process.
Through line-level segmentation, the dataset is ex-
panded to 5,765 handwriting subsamples. This seg-
mentation enhances the distribution of traits, partic-
ularly for those traits that initially had fewer sam-
ples (Table 1).
The handwriting samples are digitized through
scanning, with some images resulting in low qual-
ity, which necessitates further preprocessing. Based
on our previous findings, Otsu’s binarization method
combined with bilateral filtering is the most effec-
Automated Handwriting Pattern Recognition for Multi-Level Personality Classification Using Transformer OCR (TrOCR)
Table 1: Trait Distribution After Line Segmentation.
Total Number of Sub-Samples: 5765
Trait Low Average High
EX 1058 2287 2420
NE 392 3019 2354
AG 512 4569 684
CO 233 1803 3729
OE 339 3765 1661
tive preprocessing approach (Adeli Shamsabad and
Suen, 2024). Otsu’s binarization converts the images
into a binary format, enhancing the contrast between
text and background, while bilateral filtering reduces
noise while preserving important edge details (Fig-
ure 1). These methods significantly improve hand-
writing clarity, thereby facilitating more effective fea-
ture detection by the model (Xu et al., 2024).
After processing, the images are converted into
a three-channel format to ensure compatibility with
neural networks, which typically require RGB input
channels. The dataset is then divided into 60% for
training, 20% for validation, and 20% for testing.
This preprocessing pipeline including line segmenta-
tion and image enhancement ensures that the dataset
is optimized for training a neural network model,
promoting improved generalization capabilities and
greater potential for accurate personality trait predic-
2.3 Model Development
A new approach is introduced to automatically ex-
tract relevant features for classifying multi-level per-
sonality traits by adapting the TrOCR model for
classification tasks. For a baseline comparison, the
performance of the proposed model is evaluated
against three pre-trained models: ResNet50 and Vi-
sion Transformer (ViT) base 16 at two input resolu-
tions (224 × 224 and 384 × 384). Two classification
approaches: multi-class and multi-label binary clas-
sification, are investigated to identify the method that
best addresses data imbalance and supports effective
learning for traits with limited samples. In both ap-
proaches, focal loss is employed to minimize the im-
pact of well-classified instances, focus the model on
challenging samples, and manage the imbalanced dis-
tribution of trait levels (Lin et al., 2017).
2.3.1 Classification Layer
Multi-Class Classification: In this approach, each
personality trait is treated as a separate task with
three mutually exclusive levels: low, average, and
high. Five classification heads are used, each ded-
icated to one trait, producing logits for these three
levels. Softmax activation followed by cross-entropy
loss is applied to assign probabilities across the levels
for each trait (Goodfellow et al., 2016). To address the
dataset imbalance, targeted data augmentation tech-
niques including random rotation, affine transforma-
tions, perspective distortion, color jitter, and Gaus-
sian blur are selectively applied to minority classes to
enrich their representation, thus promoting more bal-
anced learning and improving generalization (Shorten
and Khoshgoftaar, 2019).
To further reduce the effects of imbalance, over-
sampling is implemented alongside sample weight-
ing based on class frequencies. This approach in-
creases the presence of underrepresented classes dur-
ing training and encourages the model to learn their
features effectively, enhancing its ability to differenti-
ate among traits (Luo et al., 2024).
Multi-Label Binary Classification: The model in
this approach is configured to use 15 binary classifica-
tion heads, one for each level across all ve traits. Bi-
nary Cross-Entropy with Logits Loss (BCEWithLog-
itsLoss) combined with sigmoid activation is applied,
allowing each level within each trait to be treated as
an independent binary classification task (Nam et al.,
2014). In this framework, data augmentation is ap-
plied uniformly across all classes, allowing the model
to develop a balanced understanding of each trait
level, regardless of class distribution. This configu-
ration enables the model to learn each trait’s charac-
teristics independently, without being influenced by
the distribution of other levels, making it particularly
effective for traits with imbalanced levels.
These two approaches establish a structure for
comparing the efficacy of multi-class and multi-label
binary classification in managing imbalanced data.
By evaluating both methods, findings are provided
into which approach better supports balanced learn-
ing and improves classification performance across all
personality traits.
2.3.2 CNN Architecture: ResNet50
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are well-
known for their success in extracting meaningful
features from images due to their ability to handle
spatial data processing effectively (Vargoorani and
Suen, 2024). ResNet50, a deep CNN architecture,
is selected in this study for its powerful feature ex-
traction capabilities and its proven effectiveness in
handwriting classification tasks shown in our previ-
ous research. It demonstrates strong performance
in capturing meaningful features from handwriting
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
data, outperforming other models in simpler classi-
fication settings (Adeli Shamsabad and Suen, 2024).
ResNet50 offers a favorable balance between perfor-
mance and computational efficiency, making it a prac-
tical choice for handwriting feature extraction, es-
pecially when compared to more resource-intensive
models like transformers (Raghu et al., 2021).
2.3.3 Vision Transformer: ViT Base 16
The Vision Transformer (ViT) is a transformer-based
model adapted specifically for computer vision tasks.
Unlike CNNs, which rely on convolutional filters to
capture local patterns, ViT splits images into patches,
treats each patch as a token, and processes these to-
kens using a transformer encoder. This structure en-
ables ViT to capture global dependencies across the
entire image, which can be particularly advantageous
for tasks requiring an understanding of spatial rela-
tionships, such as handwriting analysis (Koepf et al.,
To explore the effectiveness of ViT at different
scales and to compare its performance with TrOCR,
two configurations are evaluated in this study: ViT
base 16 with input resolutions of 224 x 224 and 384 x
384 (Zhai et al., 2021). The ViT base 16-224 is cho-
sen as a computationally efficient baseline, offering
faster processing and a general overview of handwrit-
ing features. In contrast, the ViT base 16-384 allows
for the capture of finer handwriting details, provid-
ing insights into how higher resolutions impact fea-
ture details and classification performance (Dosovit-
skiy, 2020).
These configurations evaluate the applicability of
vision transformers for handwriting-based personal-
ity trait classification, focusing on computational ef-
ficiency and feature extraction compared to TrOCR.
Both models use a transformer encoder with self-
attention mechanisms to process patch embeddings,
identifying spatial and stylistic handwriting patterns.
2.3.4 The Proposed Transformer Model:
TrOCR, or Transformer Optical Character Recogni-
tion, is a transformer-based model developed by Mi-
crosoft specifically for OCR applications. Unlike
traditional OCR systems that rely on CNNs for im-
age processing and RNNs for sequential text gener-
ation (Campiotti and Lotufo, 2022), TrOCR is de-
signed as an end-to-end transformer model that inte-
grates a ViT encoder, initialized with BEiT weights
for image encoding, and a RoBERTa-based text de-
coder for autoregressive text generation. The encoder
processes images by dividing them into 16x16 fixed-
size patches, embedding each patch as a sequence
token, and using absolute positional embeddings to
retain spatial information (Li et al., 2021). This
architecture effectively captures local(e.g., character
styles, ligatures) and global (e.g., ink width, slant)
dependencies within an image, demonstrating state-
of-the-art performance for OCR tasks like printed
and handwritten text recognition without requiring
complex pre- or post-processing steps (Bhunia et al.,
In this study, the pre-trained TrOCR model, fine-
tuned on the IAM handwriting dataset, is repurposed
for personality trait classification from handwriting
images. Through this modification, instead of con-
verting handwriting images into text, TrOCR’s en-
coder processes handwriting images by transforming
them into a sequence of visual tokens, capturing es-
sential handwriting characteristics such as stroke pat-
terns, shapes, and distinctive features. These visual
tokens serve as the basis for identifying patterns as-
sociated with different personality traits. The text de-
coder is replaced by a custom classification head that
outputs predictions for each personality trait, allowing
it to perform both multi-class and multi-label classi-
fication depending on the task requirements (Figure
Figure 2: Proposed TrOCR Model for Classification.
This adaptation highlights TrOCR’s flexibility,
showing that it can go beyond OCR tasks to han-
dle complex classification. The model’s transformer-
based design captures detailed handwriting features,
making it useful for analyzing personality traits from
handwriting images.
2.4 Performance Evaluation Metrics
The effectiveness of each model in classifying person-
ality traits from handwriting images is evaluated using
a range of performance metrics. Given the dataset’s
imbalance and the multi-class, multi-label classifica-
tion structure, metrics such as accuracy, precision, re-
call, F1-score, and Area Under the Receiver Oper-
Automated Handwriting Pattern Recognition for Multi-Level Personality Classification Using Transformer OCR (TrOCR)
ating Characteristic Curve (AUROC) are applied to
ensure a comprehensive assessment (He and Garcia,
2009). These metrics are derived from values in the
confusion matrix, which reflects model performance
by displaying the counts of true positives, true neg-
atives, false positives, and false negatives for each
class i:
True Positives (TP
): Instances that are Correctly
identified as class i.
True Negatives (TN
): Instances that are Correctly
identified as not class i.
False Positives (FP
): Instances that are Incor-
rectly identified as class i.
False Negatives (FN
): Instances of class i Incor-
rectly identified as another class.
2.4.1 Accuracy
This metric measures the proportion of correct predic-
tions among the total predictions. However, due to the
imbalanced dataset, accuracy alone may not reflect
the model’s true performance across all classes, espe-
cially on minority traits (Tanha et al., 2020). There-
fore, accuracy is considered alongside other metrics
for a more balanced evaluation.
2.4.2 Precision
Precision calculates the ratio of correctly predicted
positive instances to the total predicted positives.
High precision indicates a low false positive rate,
which is important in this context to ensure that traits
are not misclassified as other traits. Precision is
particularly valuable for evaluating the model’s per-
formance on minority classes, where false positives
could have a more significant impact.
2.4.3 Recall
Recall (or sensitivity) is the ratio of correctly pre-
dicted positive instances to all actual positives. High
recall means the model effectively identifies the tar-
get class, minimizing false negatives. This metric is
essential for ensuring that all personality traits, espe-
cially those with fewer samples, are accurately de-
tected by the model.
2.4.4 F1-Score
The F1-score, calculated as the harmonic mean of pre-
cision and recall, provides a single metric that bal-
ances both measures. The F1-score is particularly rel-
evant in the case of imbalanced data, as it offers a
more comprehensive view of a model’s performance
when precision and recall are equally significant. For
the multi-class and multi-label classification tasks, a
weighted average F1-score is calculated across all
traits to assess overall performance.
2.4.5 AUROC
AUROC is used to evaluate the model’s ability to dis-
tinguish between classes, a high AUROC score re-
flects strong performance, balancing sensitivity (true
positive rate) and specificity (true negative rate) in-
dicating better separability. In this study, AUROC
is calculated separately for each trait to assess the
model’s performance in differentiating between lev-
els(low, average, high) within each trait which allows
for a detailed evaluation of the model’s strengths and
weaknesses in classifying handwriting features linked
to different personality traits.
Each of these metrics is calculated individually for
each personality trait, and the average performance
across all traits is reported. This approach provides
a clear assessment of the proposed method’s effec-
tiveness and allows for meaningful comparisons with
other deep-learning models. It ensures the evalua-
tion captures the challenges of classifying individual
traits while highlighting how well each model handles
class imbalance and distinguishes between personal-
ity traits.
This section presents the result of two classifica-
tion strategies: multi-class classification using Cross-
Entropy with Softmax and multi-label binary classi-
fication using BCEWithLogitsLoss, to predict multi-
level personality traits from imbalanced handwriting
data. The performance of the proposed TrOCR model
is analyzed in comparison to three baseline models:
ResNet50 and ViT base 16 with input resolutions of
224 and 384. All models were trained for 100 epochs
using an NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU and the
outcomes of these experiments are detailed in the sub-
sequent subsections.
3.1 Multi-Label vs. Multi-Class
In the multi-class classification approach, each per-
sonality trait is predicted as a single multi-class
problem using Softmax and cross-entropy loss, with
class weighting and focal loss emphasizing minority
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
classes. In contrast, the multi-binary classification ap-
proach treats each class (low, average, high) as an in-
dependent binary problem, using BCE loss with fo-
cal loss to handle imbalances. Results indicate that
the multi-binary method captures patterns more effec-
tively, improving performance across all four models.
Based on the results indicated in table 2, in
the multi-class classification approach, ResNet-50
achieves the highest accuracy of 65.80% and an F1-
score of 0.616, showcasing its capability in handling
multi-class predictions. However, the overall perfor-
mance of all models in this approach remains rela-
tively constrained, with TrOCR achieving an accu-
racy of 61.47% and an F1-score of 0.600, which are
slightly lower than ResNet-50 but still competitive.
In contrast, the multi-label binary classifica-
tion approach significantly improves the performance
metrics across all models, underscoring the advan-
tages of independently optimizing each trait. ResNet-
50 shows a marked improvement, achieving an ac-
curacy of 81.22% and an F1-score of 0.712, reflect-
ing its enhanced ability to handle imbalanced data
when traits are treated as independent binary prob-
lems. Similarly, ViT models exhibit notable gains in
performance, with ViT-384 attaining an accuracy of
80.89% and an F1-score of 0.776. TrOCR outper-
forms all other models in the multi-label binary con-
figuration, achieving the highest accuracy of 84.46%
and an F1-score of 0.810.
Table 2: Comparative Evaluation of Classification Methods
on a Validation Dataset.
Multi-Class Classification with Cross-Entropy with Softmax
Models Loss Accuracy Precision Recall F1-Score
ResNet50 0.293 65.80 % 0.636 0.648 0.616
ViT-224 0.499 61.81 % 0.577 0.608 0.576
ViT-384 0.354 63.03 % 0.560 0.620 0.577
TrOCR 0.343 61.47 % 0.566 0.634 0.600
Multi-Label Binary Classification with BCELogitLoss
Models Loss Accuracy Precision Recall F1-Score
ResNet50 0.136 81.22 % 0.727 0.699 0.712
ViT-224 0.178 77.18 % 0.769 0.762 0.765
ViT-384 0.124 80.89 % 0.771 0.772 0.776
TrOCR 0.106 84.46 % 0.808 0.807 0.810
The AUROC scores in table 3 further illustrate
the advantages of multi-binary classification in cap-
turing trait-specific distinctions, with consistent im-
provements across all traits compared to the multi-
class approach. The AUROC for the CO trait in the
proposed TrOCR model increases substantially from
0.5393 in the multi-class approach to 0.8943 in the
multi-binary approach. Similarly, notable gains are
observed for EX, NE, AG, and OE traits. These
significant improvements across all traits highlight
the effectiveness of the multi-binary classification ap-
proach in addressing data imbalance, optimizing each
trait independently, and capturing patterns unique to
each personality factor, thereby enhancing the overall
model performance.
Table 3: Comparison of AUROC Scores for Classification
Methods Across Models.
Model Traits Multi-Class AUROC Multi-Binary AUROC
EX 0.8307 0.8678
NE 0.7638 0.8255
AG 0.7273 0.8770
CO 0.8412 0.8827
OE 0.8863 0.9291
EX 0.7532 0.8178
NE 0.6340 0.7827
AG 0.6117 0.8434
CO 0.7694 0.8498
OE 0.8330 0.8971
EX 0.7716 0.8585
NE 0.7553 0.8238
AG 0.7015 0.8738
CO 0.7813 0.8591
OE 0.8470 0.9192
EX 0.6419 0.9179
NE 0.6493 0.8850
AG 0.6642 0.9138
CO 0.5393 0.8943
OE 0.6719 0.9334
3.2 Performance Comparison of
TrOCR vs. Other Models
To provide a reliable comparison for evaluating the
performance of the proposed TrOCR model, three
pre-trained deep learning models, ResNet50, ViT-
224, and ViT-384, are trained using the same classi-
fication approach and dataset. This approach ensures
a reasonable and consistent comparison, as one of the
primary objectives of this study is the multi-level clas-
sification of personality traits. Since no directly com-
parable work is found addressing multi-level person-
ality classification from handwriting using a similar
methodology, these models are selected to benchmark
the effectiveness of TrOCR.
The results reveal distinct differences in the mod-
els’ abilities to process handwriting data. As shown in
the training accuracy plot (Figure 3), TrOCR achieves
the highest training accuracy, exceeding 95% in later
epochs. ViT-384 demonstrates competitive accuracy
but remains below TrOCR. ResNet50 shows slower
improvements and surpasses ViT-224, but both mod-
els perform lower than TrOCR and ViT-384.
Automated Handwriting Pattern Recognition for Multi-Level Personality Classification Using Transformer OCR (TrOCR)
The training loss plot (Figure 3) further empha-
sizes TrOCR’s superior performance. The lowest final
loss values are achieved by TrOCR, reflecting its abil-
ity to learn handwriting features effectively and mini-
mize errors efficiently. While ViT-384 shows moder-
ate performance with lower loss values than ResNet50
and ViT-224, these baseline models exhibit higher
loss values, indicating less effective learning and fea-
ture extraction.
Figure 3: Training Performance Comparison Across Mod-
els in Multi-Label Binary Classification.
The AUROC comparison, shown in Figure 4,
highlights the performance differences among the
models in distinguishing between classes in the multi-
label binary classification task. The TrOCR model
achieves the highest AUROC of 0.91, demonstrating
its strong capability in extracting handwriting features
and separating classes effectively. This score reflects
the model’s ability to handle the complexities of hand-
writing data with precision.
ResNet50 achieves an AUROC of 0.88, showing
competitive performance but still falling short of the
TrOCR model. Among the Vision Transformer mod-
els, ViT-384 performs slightly better with an AUROC
of 0.87, while ViT-224 achieves a lower AUROC of
0.84. This performance suggests that the higher input
resolution used by ViT-384 aids in capturing more de-
tailed handwriting features compared to ViT-224.
Looking at the test metrics in Table 4, TrOCR
once again stands out as the top performer, with an
accuracy of 84.26%, precision of 0.823, recall of
0.842, and F1-score of 0.832. These results show
that TrOCR handles unseen data more effectively.
Figure 4: AUROC Score Comparison Across Models in
Multi-Label Binary Classification.
ResNet50 follows with an accuracy of 80.52% and
an F1-score of 0.778, showing reasonable but lower
performance. ViT-224 and ViT-384 perform less ef-
fectively, with ViT-224 achieving the lowest test ac-
curacy at 77.71% and an F1-score of 0.742. ViT-
384 performs slightly better, with an accuracy of
80.07% and an F1-score of 0.772, close to the results
of ResNet50. The consistently high performance of
TrOCR across training accuracy (Figure 3), AUROC
score (Figure 4), and test metrics (Table 4) indicate
that TrOCR captures handwriting patterns more ef-
fectively than the other models.
Table 4: Performance of Models on Test Dataset for Multi-
Label Binary Classification.
Models Loss Accuracy Precision Recall F1-Score
ResNet50 0.121 80.52 % 0.781 0.775 0.778
ViT-224 0.171 77.71 % 0.750 0.737 0.742
ViT-384 0.138 80.07 % 0.777 0.768 0.772
TrOCR 0.106 84.26 % 0.823 0.842 0.832
The confusion matrices (Figure 5) demonstrate
that TrOCR performs effectively in capturing patterns
for most personality traits, with notable TP rates such
as 466 for AG in the Low class and 389 for OE in the
Low class. High TN values are also observed across
traits, including 678 for OE in the High class, re-
flecting robust class separation. However, higher FN
counts in traits like CO and NE, particularly in the
Low class, indicate challenges in distinguishing these
levels due to the smaller number of samples available.
These results highlight TrOCR’s capability to extract
distinctive handwriting patterns and classify personal-
ity traits accurately, even when faced with imbalanced
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 5: TrOCR Confusion Matrix per Trait.
The study introduces a new approach by adapting the
pre-trained TrOCR model for automatic handwriting
pattern recognition and multi-level personality trait
classification. The results show that TrOCR con-
sistently outperforms ResNet50, ViT-224, and ViT-
384 across all metrics. On the test dataset, TrOCR
achieves an AUROC score of 0.91, the highest ac-
curacy of 84.26%, a precision of 0.823, a recall of
0.842, and an F1-score of 0.832, demonstrating its
superior capability to learn and generalize handwrit-
ing patterns associated with personality traits. The
model also records the highest training accuracy and
lowest training loss, further emphasizing its effective-
ness. Confusion matrix analysis highlights its strong
True Positive (TP) and True Negative (TN) rates for
traits like Agreeableness and Openness to Experience,
though challenges persist for low-class samples in
traits such as Conscientiousness and Neuroticism due
to limited representation.
The findings underline the effectiveness of the
multi-label binary classification approach in address-
ing class imbalances, which are common in personal-
ity trait datasets. By treating each trait independently,
this approach enhances the model’s ability to learn
from underrepresented classes, thereby improving its
overall performance.
Future work will focus on expanding the diver-
sity and size of handwriting datasets to improve the
model’s robustness and generalizability. Combining
the strengths of CNNs and transformers through en-
semble modeling could also help achieve better accu-
racy and stability. Since the model learns handwrit-
ing patterns through mechanisms like convolutional
filters and attention heads, techniques such as Grad-
CAM or SHAP could be used to highlight which
handwriting features or regions influence predictions
the most. Aligning these findings with graphology
principles could clarify how handwriting relates to
personality traits, making the model more practical
and transparent.
Additionally, applying these techniques would
build trust in applications like psychological assess-
ments and forensic analysis. Collaborating with ex-
perts in psychology and linguistics to tailor the model
for real-world use will help validate its effectiveness
and refine its design, ultimately making handwriting-
based personality analysis more scalable and reliable.
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