Language-Aware and Language-Agnostic Multilingual Speech
Recognition with a Single Model
Karol Nowakowski
1 a
and Michal Ptaszynski
2 b
Tohoku University of Community Service and Science, Sakata, Yamagata, Japan
Kitami Institute of Technology, Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan
Speech Recognition, Multilingual Learning, Adapters, Language Identifiers, Slavic Languages.
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in multilingual speech recognition systems, where a single
model can transcribe speech in multiple languages. Additional benefit of multilingual learning is that it allows
for cross-lingual transfer, often leading to better performance, especially in low-resource languages. On the
other hand, multilingual models suffer from errors caused by confusion between languages. This problem
can be mitigated by providing the information about language identity as an additional input to the model.
In this research, we carry out experiments using a modern state-of-the-art ASR system architecture based
on a pretrained multilingual wav2vec 2.0 model and adapter modules trained for the downstream task, and
confirm that multilingual supervised learning with language identifiers is a viable method for improving the
system’s overall performance. Furthermore, we find that training with language identifiers still yields a model
with better average performance than the model trained without such information, even if language identity is
unknown at inference time.
Previous works on automatic speech recognition
(Toshniwal et al., 2018; Conneau et al., 2021; Babu
et al., 2021), as well as other language processing
tasks (Johnson et al., 2017; Conneau et al., 2020),
have shown that combining data in multiple languages
to train a single model that can support all of them,
instead of developing separate monolingual models,
not only saves resources, but can also result in better
performance, especially for low-resource languages.
This is particularly true if the languages used in
training are closely related or share common linguis-
tic traits (Conneau et al., 2021; Nowakowski et al.,
In the most basic approach where data in multi-
ple languages is simply pooled together and no ad-
ditional information is supplied, the model needs to
learn to infer the input language identity. This re-
quirement can be removed by incorporating language
identifiers (LID) into the system, in the form of a
language vector (Li et al., 2018; Toshniwal et al.,
2018) or LID prefixes attached to each utterance in
the data (Nowakowski and Ptaszynski, 2023), result-
ing in improved performance. With the exception of
(Nowakowski and Ptaszynski, 2023), previous studies
seem to make an assumption – either implicitly or ex-
plicitly, as in (Zhou et al., 2022; Houston et al., 2024)
– that language identifiers are only useful if used both
in training and inference.
In recent years, state-of-the-art multilingual ASR
systems are often being built by combining an initial
speech recognition model or speech representation
model such as wav2vec 2.0 (Baevski et al., 2020)
pretrained on multilingual data, with language-
specific fine-tuning (Kannan et al., 2019; Conneau
et al., 2021). Recently, (Pratap et al., 2023) de-
veloped a speech recognition model with separate
adapter modules (Rebuffi et al., 2017; Houlsby et al.,
2019) for more than 1,000 languages. On the other
hand, (Nowakowski et al., 2023) and (Nowakowski
and Ptaszynski, 2023) demonstrated that multilingual
supervised fine-tuning can obtain improved results in
a low-resource setting.
In this research, we build a speech recognition
model supporting seven Slavic languages by training
a single adapter module and using language identi-
fiers. We show that on average the proposed approach
achieves lower error rates than monolingual adapters.
Nowakowski, K. and Ptaszynski, M.
Language-Aware and Language-Agnostic Multilingual Speech Recognition with a Single Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0013319500003905
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2025), pages 808-813
ISBN: 978-989-758-730-6; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Furthermore, we investigate the performance of a
model trained with LID information on test data with-
out such information, and find that it yields similar
or lower error rates than a multilingual model trained
in a language-agnostic manner. This means that the
same model can be utilized both in scenarios where
the input language is explicitly specified and when it
is unknown, without loss in quality of the system’s
output compared to a setup using two separate mod-
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides an overview of related re-
search. In Section 3, we explain our research method-
ology. Section 4 describes the experimental setup.
In Section 5, we present and analyze our experimen-
tal results. Section 6 discusses the limitations of our
study. Finally, Section 7 offers concluding remarks
and ideas for future improvements.
Multilingual neural speech recognition with language
identifiers injected into model’s input has been stud-
ied, among others, by (Li et al., 2018; Toshniwal
et al., 2018; Zhu et al., 2020; Nowakowski and
Ptaszynski, 2023).
Alternative methods for utilizing language iden-
tity information include using a multi-task learning
architecture for jointly recognizing speech and pre-
dicting language identity (Toshniwal et al., 2018;
Zhang et al., 2022), implementing a language-specific
gating mechanism (Kim and Seltzer, 2018), and
language-specific attention heads (Zhu et al., 2020).
Recently, and in particular after the paradigm shift
in language processing that took place with the advent
of pretrained language representation models such as
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) and wav2vec 2.0 (Baevski
et al., 2020), the development of multilingual ASR
systems has often been performed as a two-stage pro-
cess, where multilingual pretraining is followed by
language-specific fine-tuning (Kannan et al., 2019;
Conneau et al., 2021). On the other hand, studies by
(Nowakowski et al., 2023; Nowakowski and Ptaszyn-
ski, 2023) demonstrated that fine-tuning jointly on
multiple languages can lead to improved results in a
low-resource setting. In order to avoid catastrophic
forgetting and reduce computational cost, fine-tuning
is in many cases only applied to a subset of the model
layers (Liu et al., 2024) or utilizes adapter modules
inserted into the pretrained network (Kannan et al.,
2019; Pratap et al., 2023).
Using a combination of multilingual adapter fine-
tuning and LID in multilingual ASR was previously
investigated by (Shen et al., 2023). Unlike in our
study, they did not observe improvements in overall
performance in comparison to monolingual baselines
when using a large-sized (>300M parameters) pre-
trained model.
(Nowakowski and Ptaszynski, 2023) found the
positive effects of using language identifiers in model
training to persist, even if they are unavailable at in-
ference time. Based on these results, they proposed
a hypothesis that “the additional knowledge about the
relationships and differences between the languages
used in fine-tuning, learned by the agency of the lan-
guage identifiers, can be to a large extent reused in in-
ference regardless of their presence in the new data”.
However, they only experimented with bilingual and
trilingual models and performed all the evaluations on
a single language.
Our system is based on the MMS architecture (Pratap
et al., 2023), which uses a pretrained wav2vec 2.0
model and language-specific adapter modules trained
to transcribe speech. Compared to the original frame-
work proposed in (Pratap et al., 2023), we intro-
duce the following modifications: (i) training a single
adapter module jointly on data in multiple languages,
and (ii) adding language identity information to the
model’s input.
3.1 Multilingual Adapter Training
We investigate the possibility of improving overall
ASR performance in a multilingual setting by train-
ing a single adapter module for transcribing speech in
multiple languages, rather than separate adapters for
each language. To that end, we simply pool the la-
beled data of all languages together to form a single
multilingual training set.
3.2 Language-Aware Training
With the aim of reducing the number of errors caused
by confusion between languages, we provide the
model with the information about language iden-
tity (LID). Specifically, we follow (Nowakowski and
Ptaszynski, 2023) in including this information di-
rectly in the data, in the form of short, artificially gen-
erated audio clips (different for each language) pre-
fixed to every audio file in the corpus. The LID pre-
fixes are 25ms long, which corresponds to the recep-
tive field of the wav2vec 2.0 encoder (Baevski et al.,
Language-Aware and Language-Agnostic Multilingual Speech Recognition with a Single Model
Table 1: Statistics of the Common Voice data used in our experiments.
ces bul slk srp mkd slv hsb total
Data split Train
Utterances 20,144 4,849 3,258 1,879 1,686 1,388 808 34,012
Hours 26.6 7.0 3.5 1.5 2.0 1.3 1.5 43.4
Data split Validation
Utterances 9,009 2,766 2,588 1,583 1,289 1,232 172 18,639
Hours 11.5 4.3 3.1 1.1 1.5 1.3 0.3 23.1
Data split Test
Utterances 9,067 3,201 2,647 1,539 1,097 1,242 444 19,237
Hours 11.6 4.9 3.2 1.4 1.5 1.4 0.8 24.8
In addition to performing experiments with LID
information available both in training and evaluation,
we test the hypothesis suggested by (Nowakowski
and Ptaszynski, 2023) – that language-aware training
can be helpful in multilingual ASR even in a scenario
where the input language identity is unknown at in-
ference time.
4.1 Data
We use a subset of the Common Voice Corpus 17.0
(Ardila et al., 2020), obtained through the Hugging
Face Datasets library
(Lhoest et al., 2021). Specifi-
cally, we fine-tune and test our models on the data in
seven Slavic languages with varying resource levels:
Czech (ces), Bulgarian (bul), Slovak (slk), Serbian
(srp), Macedonian (mkd), Slovene (slv), and Upper
Sorbian (hsb). Table 1 shows the data statistics per
language. We use the official train, validation and test
splits. We resample the audio data to 16 kHz. Tran-
scriptions are preprocessed by removing punctuation
and lowercased.
4.2 Training and Inference
We use a pretrained MMS model checkpoint
as the
base for our ASR models and fine-tune it by re-
initializing and training the adapter layers and the out-
put layer only, while freezing the rest of the model
parameters. We train all the models for 10 epochs,
using a batch size of 32. The learning rate is warmed
up for the first 5% of updates to a peak of 1e-3, and
linearly decayed after that. We evaluate on the vali-
dation data every 100 steps and at the end of training,
common voice 17 0
and select the best checkpoint based on Character Er-
ror Rate. Concerning other hyperparameters, we fol-
low (von Platen, 2023). Each training experiment is
run three times with a different random seed in each
execution. Inference is performed without a language
model. We carry out all experiments using the Hug-
ging Face Transformers library (ver. 4.45.1) (Wolf
et al., 2020).
Table 2 compares the results obtained by monolin-
gual baseline models and multilingual models trained
and tested with LID prefixes in the data. Language-
aware multilingual fine-tuning results in lower error
rates on 4 out of 7 languages and on average. Further-
more, it yields more stable performance: while the
error rates for models fine-tuned on monolingual Ser-
bian (srp) and Slovene (slv) data exhibit very high
variance, for multilingual adapters standard deviation
never exceeds ± 1.0. On the other hand, the results on
the two languages with the largest amount of training
data – namely, Czech (ces) and Bulgarian (bul) are
worse, which might suggest that this approach is not
beneficial for high-resource languages.
Next, we examine the performance of multilin-
gual models fine-tuned with LID prefixes when ap-
plied to data without them, and compare it to base-
line multilingual models trained without LID infor-
mation. The results are shown in the upper two rows
of Table 3 (# audio prefixes = 0 and # audio
prefixes = 7, respectively). Although removing
LID information from the test data leads to a relative
increase by 44% in average Character Error Rate, the
models trained with language identifiers still perform
better on four languages and on average.
We are interested in finding out whether strong
performance of the models trained in a language-
aware manner on test data without LID prefixes is
due to positive impact of providing language iden-
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 2: Comparison of monolingual baseline models and multilingual models trained and tested on data with language
identifiers. We report the mean and standard deviation of the Character Error Rates and Word Error Rates obtained in three
executions with different random seeds. Bold font indicates the best results for each language.
# training
Metric languages ces bul slk srp mkd slv hsb avg
CER 1 2.2 ± .0 3.5 ± .0 5.0 ± .1 12.9 ± 15.9 3.3 ± .0 31.0 ± 48.2 7.1 ± .0 9.3
CER 7 2.3 ± .0 3.6 ± .1 4.7 ± .1 3.0 ± .5 3.3 ± .0 3.2 ± .1 6.9 ± .0 3.9
WER 1 11.0 ± .1 17.3 ± .1 23.2 ± .5 27.2 ± 24.5 17.1 ± .3 42.7 ± 49.0 33.8 ± .3 24.6
WER 7 11.3 ± .0 18.2 ± .2 21.5 ± .4 9.9 ± .9 17.5 ± .3 14.5 ± .2 33.5 ± .3 18.1
Table 3: Comparison of the results on test data without LID prefixes, obtained by using multilingual models trained with (i)
the original data without audio prefixes, (ii) the data modified by prepending a language-specific (LID) audio prefix to each
training sample, and (iii) the data modified by adding the same audio prefix to all training samples. We report the mean and
standard deviation of the Character Error Rates and Word Error Rates obtained in three executions with different random
seeds. Bold font indicates the best results for each language.
# audio
Metric prefixes ces bul slk srp mkd slv hsb avg
CER 0 2.4 ± .0 3.7 ± .1 6.1 ± .2 12.9 ± 1.9 3.8 ± .0 6.0 ± .5 7.0 ± .2 6.0
CER 7 2.5 ± .1 3.6 ± .0 6.0 ± .4 10.3 ± 4.1 4.0 ± .3 5.9 ± .8 7.1 ± .1 5.6
CER 1 2.4 ± .0 3.7 ± .1 6.0 ± .2 14.2 ± 2.6 3.9 ± .0 6.3 ± .3 7.7 ± .8 6.3
WER 0 11.7 ± .1 18.4 ± .3 24.5 ± .2 22.2 ± 2.4 18.9 ± .4 17.9 ± .8 34.1 ± .6 21.1
WER 7 12.0 ± .2 18.1 ± .1 24.1 ± .4 19.8 ± 4.9 19.3 ± .3 17.9 ± .8 34.8 ± .7 20.9
WER 1 11.9 ± .1 18.4 ± .4 24.6 ± .4 24.3 ± 3.3 19.0 ± .2 18.8 ± .2 34.9 ± .7 21.7
Table 4: The ratios of out-of-vocabulary character counts in test predictions to the number of test samples for each language.
We report the mean and standard deviation obtained by three models trained with different random seeds. Bold font indicates
the best results for each language.
# audio
prefixes ces bul slk srp mkd slv hsb avg
0 .02 ± .00 .03 ± .00 .33 ± .07 1.39 ± .25 .15 ± .02 .79 ± .14 .01 ± .02 .39
7 .02 ± .02 .01 ± .01 .32 ± .13 0.99 ± .53 .24 ± .17 .80 ± .25 .00 ± .00 .34
1 .02 ± .00 .02 ± .00 .30 ± .04 1.58 ± .37 .21 ± .04 .88 ± .11 .32 ± .49 .47
tity information. An alternative possible explanation
is that the audio prefixes might be implicitly regular-
izing the model and preventing or reducing overfit-
ting to low-data languages. In order to verify this,
we carry out an additional experiment where a sin-
gle audio prefix is used for all training samples, re-
gardless of the language. The results are presented
in the bottom row of Table 3 (# audio prefixes
= 1). On all of the languages where the models
trained with language-specific audio prefixes outper-
formed the baseline, they also outperform this ap-
proach, which indicates that it is indeed the language
identity information conveyed by the prefixes that
contributes to their solid performance.
Additionally, we verify whether incorporating
LID information during training helps mitigate the
problem of language confusion in language-agnostic
inference. To this end, for each language, we count
the number of out-of-vocabulary characters
in the
We define an out-of-vocabulary character as a char-
test predictions and normalize this value by dividing
it by the size of the evaluation set for that language.
The results, shown in Table 4, indicate that the model
trained with language-specific audio prefixes is less
prone to language confusion than the other systems.
The above results seem to corroborate the hypoth-
esis that using explicit language identity information
during multilingual training can contribute to learn-
ing a better model of speech features with robust de-
cision boundaries between languages, facilitating not
only language-aware, but also language-agnostic in-
ference. While, with the exception of Serbian, the dif-
ferences in error rates in favor of the models trained
with LID are not large, and on three out of seven lan-
guages they are slightly outperformed by the baseline
method, the observation that both approaches offer
comparable performance is already important, as it
means that a single model trained in a language-
acter that does not occur in the training data for the target
Language-Aware and Language-Agnostic Multilingual Speech Recognition with a Single Model
aware manner – can be used both when the input lan-
guage is explicitly specified, in which case it performs
substantially better than the fully language-agnostic
counterpart, as well as in a setting where language
identity is unknown at inference time and needs to be
inferred by the model which it can do as well as
or better than a model trained without LID prefixes.
This approach can potentially allow for reductions in
the cost of developing and maintaining multilingual
ASR models.
Since our system architecture is based on a pre-
trained wav2vec 2.0 model, its performance and ca-
pacity for cross-lingual transfer may be influenced by
the amount and characteristics of the pretraining data
(particularly the pretraining data in languages being
considered in our experiments). This aspect was not
analyzed in the present study.
Although our results demonstrate strong per-
formance for multilingual models, the experiments
were conducted using very small training datasets.
Whether our approach would match the performance
of dedicated monolingual models in a high-resource
scenario remains an open question.
We have demonstrated the effectiveness of fine-tuning
a multilingual pretrained speech representation model
for speech recognition by training a single adapter
module jointly on labeled speech data in multiple lan-
guages (instead of adding separate adapters for each
language) and providing the information about lan-
guage identity, in the form of language-specific audio
prefixes attached to the data. Furthermore, in exper-
iments using evaluation data without language iden-
tifiers, the proposed approach yielded better overall
performance than models trained without LID pre-
fixes, suggesting that the benefits of language-aware
multilingual training can persist even when language
identity information is absent during inference.
Due to limited computational resources, in this re-
search we only focused on languages with very small
training datasets (namely, less than 50 hours of la-
beled data). In the future we will investigate whether
the observations made in our experiments also hold in
a setting with relatively large amounts of data avail-
able. Apart from that, we are planning to perform
experiments on a group of unrelated languages. We
will also investigate fine-tuning the base model (or a
subset of its layers) as an alternative to re-training the
adapter layers only.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Number JP22K17952.
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Language-Aware and Language-Agnostic Multilingual Speech Recognition with a Single Model