Comparison of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, Serial and 5G in
Nina Pearl Doe
, Stefan Scharoba
, Marc Reichenbach
and Christian Herglotz
Chair of Computer Engineering, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany
Chair of Integrated System, Applied Microelectronics and Computer Engineering, University of Rostock, Germany
{ninapearl.doe, Stefan.Scharoba, christian.herglotz},
Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), Performance Evaluation, Wireless Communication, Electrocardiogram
(ECG) Monitoring, Real-Time Systems.
With the inception of Industry 4.0, incorporating technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) into healthcare
has become essential. This integration is commonly referred to as the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). The
IoMT is the connection of medical devices using wired or wireless data transmission technology to allow data
exchange with the goal of improving the overall healthcare delivery. Despite the numerous advantages that
IoMT brings into the healthcare process, there are potential performance challenges that may occur if factors
such as data quality and reliability of the IoT devices in different environmental settings are not properly
considered. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the performance of connected medical IoT devices that
are used for heartrate monitoring based on the aforementioned factors. The setup of the IoMT consists of
sensor nodes, which transmit the Electrocardiogram (ECG) data through a multi-protocol gateway to a central
server for further data processing. This paper presents the performance analysis of the comparison of four
communication technologies: Serial (UART), Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, and 5G NR for real-time
ECG monitoring applications, while taking notice of environmental factors that may affect performance. The
sensor data transmission is evaluated based on round trip time (RTT) latency, ensuring a desirable throughput
and minimal or no data loss. The data readings were taken at varying distances (0.1m to 17m) and sampling
rates (300Hz and 1000Hz). The experimental results show that while Serial communication achieves the
lowest latency (3.96ms - 4.37ms), Wi-Fi demonstrates consistent Gateway-Server performance (40ms - 60ms
RTT), 5G excels in short-range communication (1.8ms - 2.0ms Sensor Node-Gateway RTT), and BLE provides
balanced performance (4.86ms - 7.57ms latency). Wi-Fi performed better in long-range scenarios (43.48ms -
66.23ms RTT) and maintaining stable performance at longer ranges while 5G shows superior performance in
short-range, high-frequency scenarios.
In healthcare, the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
has emerged as an evolutionary paradigm which
leverages connected network devices to enhance the
patient’s journey through the hospital, which includes
patient care, monitoring and medical diagnosis, and
decision making (Dimitrov, 2016). IoMT systems
rely on various network communication technologies
to allow exchange of data between the medical de-
vices and the server or monitoring system.
This paper focuses particularly on, Bluetooth Low
Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, 5G, and UART serial commu-
nication technologies. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
is widely used in IoMT because it of its low power
consumption capability and works well with smart-
phones and tablets. It is especially useful for short-
distance communication in wearable medical device
(Girolami et al., 2020). Wi-Fi has a high advantage
of fast data transfer within local networks (Pahla-
van and Krishnamurthy, 2021). It is also good for
sending large amounts of medical data, such as high-
resolution medical images or continuous streams of
vital signs. The fifth-generation cellular network
technology, or 5G, promises extremely low latency
and high bandwidth, which makes it perfect for real-
time monitoring both locally and remotely (Varga
et al., 2020). Because of its dependability and
simplicity in short-range wired connections between
medical devices and local gateways, UART Com-
munication, despite not being a wireless technology
remains essential in the Internet of medical things
Doe, N. P., Scharoba, S., Reichenbach, M. and Herglotz, C.
Comparison of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, Serial and 5G in IoMT.
DOI: 10.5220/0013321500003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 859-866
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(Huang and Sheng, 2024).
Ensuring optimal performance of networked med-
ical device setups is critical, as it directly affects
the timeliness and quality of healthcare delivery pro-
vided by IoMT systems. A number of factors, in-
cluding data quality, energy efficiency, dependability,
and transfer speed, significantly affect how effective
IoMT solutions are.
1.1 Problem Statement
Even though there have been many advancements in
IoMT and its related communication technologies, a
significant number of challenges still remain, particu-
larly in the area of ECG heart rate monitoring. Data
loss, latency, and throughput issues may jeopardize
the quality and reliability of vital sign monitoring,
resulting in delayed or inaccurate medical interven-
tions. Even minor data loss during ECG monitoring
may result in the oversight of crucial events such as
arrhythmias or other cardiac problems. High latency
in data transmission may result in delays in detecting
rapid changes in heart rate or rhythm, which is critical
in emergency situations. Inadequate throughput may
limit the frequency of ECG signal sampling, lowering
the granularity of heart rate data and perhaps missing
essential short events (Kwon et al., 2018).
While there are many interesting researches which
have sought to address various aspects of IoMT per-
formance, there remains a critical need for solutions
that simultaneously achieve minimal data loss, desir-
able sampling frequency, ultra-low latency, and high
throughput in ECG heartrate monitoring applications.
1.2 Purpose and Objectives
The objectives of this paper are to address the iden-
tified issues by developing and evaluating an IoMT
solution which is designed for ECG heart rate moni-
To compare the performance of the proposed
setup across different communication technolo-
gies (BLE, Wi-Fi, 5G, and UART);
To evaluate impact of sampling frequency on per-
formance of the system.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section
2 reviews related work. Section 3 describes the pro-
posed system setup. Section 4 presents the evaluation
results and analysis. Finally, conclusion, recommen-
dations and future work in Section 5.
The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has garnered
significant attention in recent years due to its poten-
tial to revolutionize healthcare delivery. This section
provides an overview of existing research on IoMT,
network communication technologies, and the analy-
sis of performance in networked IoT/IoMT systems.
IoMT research has expanded rapidly, covering
various aspects of healthcare technology integration.
(Dimitrov, 2016) provided a comprehensive overview
of IoMT, highlighting its potential to improve patient
outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. The study em-
phasized the importance of interoperability and data
security in IoMT systems identifying the fact that
ensuring seamless communication between diverse
medical devices and systems remains a significant
challenge. Building on this foundation, (Alshehri and
Muhammad, 2020) proposed a framework for IoMT
that addresses key challenges in data collection, trans-
mission, and analysis. Their work highlighted the
need for efficient communication protocols and robust
data analytics in IoMT applications.
Most research on network communication tech-
nologies for IoMT has focused on optimizing perfor-
mance for medical applications. Several key tech-
nologies have emerged as prominent in IoMT re-
search. (Al-Shareeda et al., 2023) conducted a com-
prehensive review of BLE applications in health-
care, noting its advantages in power efficiency and
widespread adoption in consumer devices. (Vellela,
2024) explored an IoT-based framework for patient
monitoring in intensive care units, addressing chal-
lenges related to quality of life of patients. (Ahad
et al., 2019) discussed the potential of 5G in revolu-
tionizing IoMT, particularly in enabling real-time re-
mote monitoring and telesurgery applications. While
less prominent in recent literature, UART remains rel-
evant in certain IoMT applications. (Deb et al., 2022)
demonstrated its use in a low-cost ECG monitoring
Performance analysis of networked IoT and IoMT
systems has been a critical area of research. (Vis-
maya et al., 2024) proposed a comprehensive 5G-
based framework for IoT network performance anal-
ysis, considering security issues and long-range pa-
tient monitoring and care. Focusing specifically on
healthcare, (Rahmani et al., 2018) presented a fog
computing-based approach for analysing and optimiz-
ing IoMT network performance.
Several studies have proposed frameworks and ap-
proaches for measuring IoT network performance,
with potential applications in IoMT. (Arafat et al.,
2024) developed a Quality of Service (QoS) aware
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: Setup of transmission of ECG data through a multi-protocol Gateway to Server.
framework for IoMT networks, which is adapted for
smart healthcare. (Razzaque et al., 2016) reviewed
requirements for middleware IoT, many of which are
applicable to IoMT. (Varga et al., 2020) presented
a comprehensive review of latency in IoT networks,
with a focus on industrial IoT 5G-enabled applica-
tions. (Hameed and Koo, 2024)explored the impact of
active reconfigurable intelligent surfaces to improve
throughput optimization in IoT networks. These re-
lated works highlight the dynamic nature of IoMT
research and the ongoing efforts to improve network
performance for medical applications. While signif-
icant progress has been made, there remain ample
opportunities for innovation in addressing the unique
challenges posed by IoMT systems.
Figures 1 and 2 depict the architecture and block di-
agram of the setup respectively. The proposed sys-
tem consists of sensor nodes for measuring vital data
of patients (i.e., ECG). In the experimental setup, an
ECG sensor is attached to the vital positions of a per-
son to read the heart rate signals. These signals are
transmitted through microcontroller boards that are
capable of either wired or wireless communication.
This is followed by a wired or wireless transmission
of the sensor data to the multi-protocol gateway for
processing of the data and forwarding from the gate-
way to a central server which houses the central data
storage. Visualization of stored data and live data
from ongoing measurements can be viewed on the
web interface and also used for further analysis.
As shown in Table 1, the proposed model con-
sists of a setup with AD8232 ECG sensor electrodes
placed on a patient.
Wired / Wireless Sensor Node: Selected micro-
controller units (MCU) with different communication
technologies (UART (Arduino Nano Every), Blue-
tooth BLE (Arduino Nano 33 BLE), Wi-Fi (ESP8266)
via a wireless access point), are used to send the ECG
data to the gateway.
Multi-protocol Gateway: Raspberry Pi 5 is used as
the gateway which is connected to RM520N-GL 5G
USB TO M.2 B KEY dongle to allow for 5G commu-
nication between the gateway and server.
Server System: Another Raspberry Pi 5 connected
to an RM520N-GL 5G USB TO M.2 B KEY dongle,
or a computer connected to the 5G network acts as
the server to receive and process the data from the
gateway and display the real time heart rate signals
on a web user interface.
The sensor data transmission is evaluated mainly
based on the latency using sampling frequencies
(300Hz and 1000Hz) as input parameter. Ensuring
minimal data loss, maintaining desirable sampling
frequency (>100Hz), and achieving ultra-low latency
are crucial for accurate heart rate monitoring (Kwon
et al.,2018). For this reason, the 300Hz and 1000Hz
were chosen to test how the setup can handle the ECG
data transmission and guarantee these sampling rates
without data loss or low throughput.
As shown in Table 2, the experiment was done in two
variations with fixed sampling frequencies of 300Hz
and 1000Hz and varied distances. This is to sys-
Comparison of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, Serial and 5G in IoMT
Figure 2: Block diagram of transmission of ECG data from sensor node to server.
Table 1: System Components and Specifications.
Component Hardware Config Purpose
ECG Sen-
AD8232 12-bit
Data ac-
Nano 33
5G Device RM520N-
M.2 B
5G Sub-6
GHz mod-
5G trans-
Gateway Raspberry
Pi 5
and data
data trans-
Server Raspberry
Pi 5
Data stor-
age and
and stor-
tematically evaluate the communication protocols at
different stages of the IoT healthcare system. This
approach isolates and analyses performance charac-
teristics of both edge (sensor node to gateway) and
backhaul (gateway to server) communications inde-
pendently. Table 3 shows the specifications of the
test environment. The experiment was done indoors
in a lab with 5G antenna and a 5GHz Wi-Fi router
mounted at the same place to the wall 3.7m from the
ground. the room is divided into 3 partitions by partial
concrete walls (2m height).
The first part of testing involved sensor node to
gateway edge communication where the testing pro-
tocols used were UART (Arduino Nano Every), Wi-
Fi (ESP8266) and BLE (Arduino Nano 33 BLE). The
test configurations in this part were made up of the
following distance variations as test points: (a) Base-
line measurement: fixed minimal distance, which is
the starting point, (b) Measurement without obstacles:
Table 2: Experimental Parameters and Settings.
Parameter Values Description
Distances 0.1-17m Multiple
Fixed inter-
Duration 10 minutes Per configura-
Environment Indoor con-
Distances: 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m and (c) Measurement
with obstacles (Wall): Distances: 2.4m, 3.4m, 5.4m,
The second part of the experimental tests was
gateway to server backhaul communication, both
Raspberry Pi 5 devices with in-built Wi-Fi and con-
nected to RM520N-GL 5G USB TO M.2 B KEY don-
gle as test protocols. The ECG sensor was connected
to Arduino Nano Every to the gateway via UART for
this test. Distance test points measured were
Test points: (a) Partition A: 6m (facing 5G an-
tenna and Wi-Fi router), 9m (left), 10m (right), (b)
Partition B: 7.5m (facing 5G antenna and Wi-Fi
router) and (c) Partition C: 17m (facing 5G antenna
and Wi-Fi router)
Table 3: Test Environment Specifications.
Parameter Configuration
Room Dimensions 25m x 25m
Antenna / Wi-Fi Router Height 3.7m
Wall Material Concrete
Internal Partitions Concrete
For each communication protocol, each distance,
and each sampling rate, other data such as, times-
tamps, sample indices for each ECG data, is gen-
erated alongside the ECG sensor data to help track
the performance of the IoMT devices. In order to
determine data loss, throughput and latency perfor-
mance of the system, the communication devices at-
tach sequence numbers to each ECG data point gener-
ated with the timestamp each data point was received.
This is then transmitted in bulks of 50 to the gateway.
The gateway periodically pings the sensor node and
records the time it receives a response to determine
the roundtrip time. Same process happens between
the gateway and the server devices.
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
The data loss rate is calculated by comparing the
total expected samples from the sensor node with
what the gateway received (gateway sequence) vs
what the server received (server sequence) in the
dataset. The difference, divided by the total expected
and multiplied by 100, gives the percentage of data
loss. Latency is calculated for different stages:
Sensor Node to Gateway (SnG): Time difference
between sensor node timestamp and Gateway re-
ceived time. T.response: Time of response receipt
and T.request: Time of initial request;
RT T.SnG = T.response T.request (1)
b. Gateway to Server: Uses the Roundtrip (RTT)
Latency from the gateway data, where T.proc:
Server processing delay, T.Sresp: Server response
time and T.Greq: Gateway request time;
RT T.GS = (T.Sresp T.Greq) T. proc (2)
End-to-End Latency (E2E): Time difference be-
tween Arduino timestamp and Server processed
E2E = RT T.SnG + RT T.GS (3)
Tables 4 and 5 depict the comparisons after analysis is
done on the collected data. First, we observed no data
losses for experiments. This is due to implementation
of techniques such as connection intervals specifically
for BLE communication and sending the data in bulk
and in batches to ensure all ECG sensor data gener-
ated are transmitted by the communication devices.
5.1 Edge Communication Performance
(Sensor Node to Gateway Analysis)
For the roundtrip time measurement without obsta-
cles, serial communication shows the lowest latency
(3.96ms at 300Hz, 4.37ms at 1000Hz), which is ex-
pected as it’s a direct connection. BLE and Wi-Fi
show higher latencies, with Wi-Fi generally having
slightly higher latencies than BLE. Wi-Fi is about
1.5ms higher than serial and BLE is about 1.3ms
higher than serial.
The 1000Hz configurations generally show
slightly higher latencies than the 300Hz configu-
rations especially at longer distances. Generally,
latency increases with distance for both 300Hz and
1000Hz frequencies. The presence of obstacles tends
to increase latency compared to no obstacles. The
Table 4: Communication Latency Comparison at Different
Distances Without Obstacles and Sampling Rates.
Distance Serial (ms) Wi-Fi (ms) BLE (ms)
300Hz 300Hz 300Hz
3.96 5.48 5.24
1m N/A 6.06 5.45
2m N/A 6.47 6.02
5m N/A 8.07 7.48
10m N/A 10.51 10.04
Distance Serial (ms) Wi-Fi (ms) BLE (ms)
1000Hz 1000Hz 1000Hz
4.37 5.74 4.86
1m N/A 6.21 5.22
2m N/A 6.20 6.04
5m N/A 8.44 7.97
10m N/A 10.99 9.78
highest latencies are observed at the greatest dis-
tances (10m), particularly with obstacles present. The
table compares end-to-end latency across different
methods and frequencies:
Wi-Fi has the highest average latency, followed
closely by BLE, while serial communication has
the lowest latency;
For Wi-Fi and BLE, the 1000Hz frequency shows
slightly higher latency than 300Hz, but the differ-
ence is small;
Serial communication shows the least variation in
latency between frequencies;
Table 5: Wi-Fi and BLE Latency Comparison at Different
Distances With Obstacles and Sampling Rates.
300Hz (ms) 1000Hz (ms)
2.4m 7.97 7.24 7.59 7.73
3.4m 8.44 7.91 8.43 7.59
5.4m 9.61 9.07 9.43 8.83
6.4m 10.22 9.65 10.74 9.64
Like BLE, Wi-Fi latency generally increases with
distance. Obstacles tend to increase latency compared
to no obstacles. There’s high variability in latency,
especially at longer distances. The 1000Hz frequency
often shows higher latency than 300Hz, particularly
with obstacles. The highest latencies are observed at
6.4m and 10m distances.
5.1.1 Baseline Performance Analysis
The initial testing at the starting point of measurement
revealed distinct performance characteristics for each
protocol. Serial communication established the base-
Comparison of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, Serial and 5G in IoMT
line for optimal performance, achieving a mean la-
tency of 3.96ms (±0.06ms at 95% confidence inter-
val) at 300Hz sampling rate. This performance saw
a slight degradation to 4.37ms (±0.07ms) when in-
creasing to 1000Hz sampling rate, representing only
a 10.4% increase despite more than tripling the data
rate. Bluetooth Low Energy demonstrated remark-
able performance for a wireless protocol, with mean
latencies of 5.24ms (±0.09ms) at 300Hz and 4.86ms
(±0.08ms) at 1000Hz. Notably, BLE showed im-
proved performance at the higher sampling rate, sug-
gesting effective packet bundling and transmission
optimization. WiFi performance established the base-
line for IP-based communication, with mean latencies
of 5.48ms (±0.11ms) at 300Hz and 5.74ms (±0.12ms)
at 1000Hz. The relatively small latency increase of
4.7% between sampling rates indicates robust scala-
bility for higher data rates.
5.1.2 Distance Impact Analysis
The impact of distance on the wireless protocols re-
vealed some important patterns for healthcare deploy-
ment planning. BLE demonstrated a linear degra-
dation rate of approximately 0.48ms per meter (R²
= 0.982) at 300Hz sampling rate. This predictable
degradation allows for reliable performance estima-
tion in hospital environments. WiFi showed a similar
linear pattern but with a steeper degradation rate of
0.503ms per meter (R² = 0.975) at 300Hz. The differ-
ence in degradation rates became more pronounced at
1000Hz sampling rate where BLE had 0.492ms/m (R²
= 0.978) and WiFi had 0.525ms/m (R² = 0.971)
5.1.3 Obstacle Effects
The introduction of concrete walls created signif-
icant but predictable impacts on wireless perfor-
mance. At 2-meter distance BLE latency increased by
20.3% (±1.2%) and WiFi latency increased by 23.2%
(±1.4%). This difference in obstacle impact becomes
particularly relevant for hospital deployments where
multiple walls may separate sensors from gateways.
5.2 Backhaul Communication
Performance (Gateway to Server
Table 6 shows the performance comparison between
Wi-Fi and 5G and these are the key observations: As
observed in the first set of experiments, both Wi-Fi
and 5G show excellent performance with no observ-
able data loss across all distances and sampling rates.
Both technologies maintain the target sampling rates
(300Hz and 1000Hz) with no data loss. There’s no
significant difference between Wi-Fi and 5G in terms
of maintaining the desired sampling rate.
Table 6: Wi-Fi and 5G Latency Comparison at Different
Distance Wi-Fi (ms) 5G (ms)
300Hz 1000Hz 300Hz 1000Hz
6m 78.64 44.32 204.53 213.64
7.5m 60.16 47.82 181.21 163.53
9m 65.19 62.02 172.75 169.39
10m 66.23 44.84 187.91 160.68
17m 43.48 54.16 290.63 202.81
End-to-end round trip time latency measurements
gave the following results. At 300Hz sampling fre-
quency, Wi-Fi had an initial high latency (78.64ms)
at 6m which showed at 7.5m to 60.16ms. It then be-
came relatively stable (60ms - 66ms) at 9m and 10m
distances. Its best performance was at maximum dis-
tance (43.48ms at 17m). At 1000Hz sampling fre-
quency, it had a consistent performance range (44-
62ms) with more stable latency across the distances.
The average RTT improvement of 39.8 percent com-
pared to 300Hz.
5G also had moderate latency (204.53ms) at 6.0m
initially at 300Hz sampling frequency. It could be
observed that there was a progressive improvement
until 9m (172.75ms) but performed quite poorly be-
yond 10m with a significant decline in performance
(290.63ms) at maximum distance. At 1000Hz sam-
pling frequency, higher initial latency (213.64ms) was
recorded at 6m which improved with distances 7.5m
to 10m. It had 30.2 percent lower RTT at 17m com-
pared to 300Hz.
Wi-Fi consistently outperforms 5G in terms of
Gateway-Server RTT across all distances and sam-
pling rates. Wi-Fi RTT remains relatively stable
(mostly under 70ms) even at longer distances. 5G
shows higher RTT values (160ms-290ms) and more
variation with distance.
Increasing the sampling rate from 300Hz to
1000Hz doesn’t significantly impact the performance
of either technology in terms of data loss or through-
put. There’s a slight increase in Arduino-Gateway
RTT for both technologies at 1000Hz, but it’s mini-
mal. Wi-Fi maintains consistent performance across
different distances. 5G shows more variation in
Gateway-Server RTT as distance increases, particu-
larly noticeable at 17m.
5.2.1 Protocol Comparison
The backhaul testing revealed substantially different
performance characteristics compared to edge com-
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
munication. At the 6-meter baseline position the
average performance of 5G was 300Hz: 204.53ms
(±3.21ms) and 1000Hz: 213.64ms (±3.45ms), whiles
average Wi-Fi performance was 300Hz: 78.64ms
(±1.89ms) and 1000Hz: 44.32ms (±1.56ms)
6.1 Clinical Implications
The performance characteristics revealed in this ex-
periment have some implications for different types
of medical monitoring scenarios. It is, therefore, im-
portant to understand these implication to help with
protocol selection for specific healthcare applications.
6.1.1 Critical Care Applications
In critical care settings, where immediate detection of
life-threatening arrhythmias is essential, these results
indicate that protocol selection can significantly im-
pact the reliability of the system. For instance, in ven-
tricular fibrillation detection, where every millisecond
impacts survival rates, the measured latency differ-
ences become clinically significant.
The consistent communication of UART of sub-
4ms latency makes it ideal for bedside monitoring
equipment where physical connections are feasible.
The average latency of 3.96ms ensures that rhythm
analysis algorithms receive data with minimal delay,
which can be crucial for real-time detection of dan-
gerous arrhythmias.
BLE’s performance (5.24ms average) makes it a
viable wireless alternative for critical care applica-
tions, particularly important for maintaining mobility
of the patient while ensuring timely data transmission.
The stability of BLE performance, which is indicated
by its low coefficient of variation (3.44%), provides
the reliability necessary for critical care monitoring.
6.1.2 General Ward Monitoring
For general ward monitoring, where patients require
continuous observation but with quite flexible tim-
ing requirements, these results obtained support more
flexible protocol selection. The measured Wi-Fi la-
tencies (5.48ms to 10.51ms depending on distance)
fall well within acceptable ranges for routine vital
sign monitoring, where updates every 50-100ms are
typically sufficient.
6.1.3 Remote Monitoring Considerations
The backhaul communication results obtained indi-
cates suitability for remote monitoring implemen-
tations. The measured 5G latencies (204.53ms to
290.63ms) prove suitable for non-critical remote
monitoring applications while requiring careful con-
sideration for any critical care implementations re-
quiring real-time response.
6.2 Implementation Recommendations
Based on our findings, we propose the following im-
plementation strategies for different healthcare sce-
For critical care environments, we recommend
for primary monitoring, serial connections are used
where possible, because provided the most reliable
and lowest latency data transmission. For mobile
monitoring, BLE implementations with redundant re-
ceivers may be used to maintain coverage. For max-
imum distance, maintaining BLE sensor-to-gateway
distances under 5m can ensure latency remains be-
low 7.5ms. And for sampling rate, 300Hz provides
optimal balance of data resolution and system perfor-
For general ward monitoring, our results suggest
Wi-Fi is suitable to be used as a primary protocol
for its broader coverage and acceptable latency char-
acteristics. For access point placement, a maximum
10m separation from the gateway to maintain sub-
10ms latency is suitable. And for sampling rate, both
300Hz and 1000Hz are viable depending on the spe-
cific monitoring needs.
This paper investigated the performance characteris-
tics of different data transmission methods (Serial,
Wi-Fi, and BLE comparison and Wi-Fi and 5G com-
parison) for an ECG monitoring system. We find that
for the Serial, Wi-Fi, and BLE comparison, all the
communication technologies maintain data integrity
with no data loss. The system achieves expected
throughput based on the target sampling frequencies
accurately. Latencies are within expected ranges, with
serial being fastest, followed by BLE, then Wi-Fi. For
the Wi-Fi and 5G comparison, the experiment demon-
strates that while both Wi-Fi and 5G are viable op-
tions for ECG monitoring systems, their optimal use
cases differ. At distance 0.1 to 1m, the best options
are Serial (3.96ms) or BLE (4.86ms) which consis-
tently gave low latency. This is critical for real-time
Comparison of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, Serial and 5G in IoMT
monitoring which can be suitable for Critical Care
Units. Wi-Fi and 5G are best suited for mid-range
to long-range monitoring.
There were some limitations of this experiment
which has help to suggest the directions for future
research. Our testing environment, while controlled,
represents a simplified version of actual hospital en-
vironments. Specific limitations include limited inter-
ference sources compared to active hospital environ-
ments, single-story testing versus multi-floor hospital
scenarios, and absence of dynamic obstacles (moving
equipment and people).
The technical aspect of the experiment also had
some constraints including RTT-based latency mea-
surements versus true end-to-end timing and limited
number of simultaneous devices tested. While our re-
sults align with theoretical requirements for medical
monitoring, additional validation would strengthen
the clinical relevance such as testing with standard-
ized ECG datasets from PhysioNet, validation in ac-
tive hospital environments, and long-term stability as-
sessment in clinical settings.
In future work, we plan to implement a corre-
sponding digital twin of this physical setup and a
probe to properly monitor the performance and par-
ticularly to obtain a more accurate latency calculation
of the system. There will also be power consump-
tion analysis and testing of the characteristics of ECG
signals during rest vs exercise (for wearable devices)
to determine how both may affect performance of the
system. And to investigate performance under higher
network load conditions.
This research is funded by the German Federal
Ministry for Digital and Transport (reference no.:
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smart healthcare network: Architecture, taxonomy,
challenges and future research directions. IEEE Ac-
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S. (2023). Bluetooth low energy for internet of things:
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HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics