monitoring which can be suitable for Critical Care
Units. Wi-Fi and 5G are best suited for mid-range
to long-range monitoring.
There were some limitations of this experiment
which has help to suggest the directions for future
research. Our testing environment, while controlled,
represents a simplified version of actual hospital en-
vironments. Specific limitations include limited inter-
ference sources compared to active hospital environ-
ments, single-story testing versus multi-floor hospital
scenarios, and absence of dynamic obstacles (moving
equipment and people).
The technical aspect of the experiment also had
some constraints including RTT-based latency mea-
surements versus true end-to-end timing and limited
number of simultaneous devices tested. While our re-
sults align with theoretical requirements for medical
monitoring, additional validation would strengthen
the clinical relevance such as testing with standard-
ized ECG datasets from PhysioNet, validation in ac-
tive hospital environments, and long-term stability as-
sessment in clinical settings.
In future work, we plan to implement a corre-
sponding digital twin of this physical setup and a
probe to properly monitor the performance and par-
ticularly to obtain a more accurate latency calculation
of the system. There will also be power consump-
tion analysis and testing of the characteristics of ECG
signals during rest vs exercise (for wearable devices)
to determine how both may affect performance of the
system. And to investigate performance under higher
network load conditions.
This research is funded by the German Federal
Ministry for Digital and Transport (reference no.:
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HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics