TRIZ Agents: A Multi-Agent LLM Approach for TRIZ-Based
Kamil Szczepanik
and Jarosław A. Chudziak
The Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
{kamil.szczepanik.stud, jaroslaw.chudziak}
Large Language Model, LLM Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, TRIZ, Problem-Solving.
TRIZ, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, is a structured, knowledge-based framework for innovation
and abstracting problems to find inventive solutions. However, its application is often limited by the complex-
ity and deep interdisciplinary knowledge required. Advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have
revealed new possibilities for automating parts of this process. While previous studies have explored single
LLMs in TRIZ applications, this paper introduces a multi-agent approach. We propose an LLM-based multi-
agent system, called TRIZ agents, each with specialized capabilities and tool access, collaboratively solving
inventive problems based on the TRIZ methodology. This multi-agent system leverages agents with various
domain expertise to efficiently navigate TRIZ steps. The aim is to model and simulate an inventive process
with language agents. We assess the effectiveness of this team of agents in addressing complex innovation
challenges based on a selected case study in engineering. We demonstrate the potential of agent collaboration
to produce diverse, inventive solutions. This research contributes to the future of AI-driven innovation, show-
casing the advantages of decentralized problem-solving in complex ideation tasks.
Problem-solving is a fundamental subject of every in-
novation process. It is much more than finding quick
fixes or solutions to occurring obstacles. Innovation
problem-solving requires substantial knowledge and
unconventional thinking. However, it is strongly ad-
vised to follow methodologies designed to succeed in
this process. Structured methodologies for problem-
solving in innovation, like TRIZ (Theory of Inven-
tive Problem Solving) (Orloff, 2006), Design Think-
ing (Brown et al., 2008), Lean Innovation (Sehested
and Sonnenberg, 2010), and more, were created.
Researchers have preferred or disliked methods;
some work only for specific problems or become hard
to implement. The innovation process is a challenging
task, and every tool that tries to harness it is merely a
rough guide for innovators during the process. Never-
theless, these methodologies are the best-known way
to cope with it.
TRIZ has been around for decades, proving its ef-
ficiency and usefulness as a problem-solving method-
ology. It was developed after analyzing around
200,000 patents (Loh et al., 2006) to create a struc-
tured framework for engineers and innovators to solve
innovation problems. Over the years, many improve-
ments have been proposed; however, the general idea
has stayed the same. In addition, complementary
tools and group work techniques have been devel-
oped to assist teams during the TRIZ process, such
as brainstorming (Mahto, 2013).
Although the TRIZ methodology has been suc-
cessfully helping innovators solve problems, it has
limitations that still need to be addressed. The biggest
one is perhaps the need for experts. The only way to
solve complex innovation challenges is for innovators
to have extensive knowledge and experience in the
relevant field (Czinki and Hentschel, 2016) (Ilevbare
et al., 2013). It takes many years to become an ex-
pert in one domain, and sometimes, expertise in mul-
tiple domains is required to solve complex innovation
problems. People working in an innovation team must
think creatively and possess broad knowledge. There
is a need for interdisciplinary knowledge when cre-
ating a TRIZ team. There have been proposed con-
cepts supporting knowledge discovery (Choinski and
Chudziak, 2009); however, with the advent of LLMs,
new possibilities have arisen.
This study simulates a realistic team tasked with
Szczepanik, K. and Chudziak, J. A.
TRIZ Agents: A Multi-Agent LLM Approach for TRIZ-Based Innovation.
DOI: 10.5220/0013321900003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 1, pages 196-207
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
solving innovation problems using the TRIZ method-
ology. It aims to model agents’ subtasks, goals, and
abilities for collaboratively achieving a theoretical so-
lution proposal. Choosing the TRIZ methodology
narrows the scope of actions while guiding the team
in a structured and systematic way.
The primary purpose is to showcase the abilities
of language agents in collaborative teamwork. This
study proposes a multi-agent system in which LLM
agents simulate a team’s workflow to solve innova-
tion problems using the TRIZ methodology. First, we
review previous works on this topic and introduce the
reader to the TRIZ methodology. Next, we describe
the workflow design, defining key assumptions and
the system’s scope. The architecture and implemen-
tation details are discussed, outlining agent orchestra-
tion, agents’ abilities, and tools. The subject of the
system’s work is a case study of the TRIZ application
for the improvement design of a gantry crane (Luing
et al., 2024), which precisely documents each step of
the researchers’ workflow. Lastly, the system results
are assessed and discussed.
The experiments follow the ideation process of
agents solving the case study problem, with each
step’s outcome assessed against the original study.
The focus is not on comparing agent orchestration ar-
chitectures or prompt strategies.
Exploring LLM-based multi-agent systems may
significantly enhance problem-solving tasks requir-
ing creative thinking, external resources, and broad
knowledge. Agent collaboration methods are likely
to become more investigated because of their poten-
tial to automate processes and optimize business op-
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes the background and related work. Section 3
presents our TRIZ Agents framework. Section 4 de-
scribes our case study. Section 5 discusses the system
results and Section 6 summarizes our conclusions.
2.1 Related Work
Previous research has explored using LLMs to en-
hance the innovation process with TRIZ methodol-
ogy. However, the focus was more on creating work-
flows for such models (Chen et al., 2024a), compar-
ing prompting strategies and LLM models (Jiang and
Luo, 2024). Previous works include building work-
flows that strictly follow TRIZ steps and solve those
steps with refined, prompt engineering strategies. Re-
sults showed a promising area of LLM usage - inno-
Figure 1: TRIZ Problem Solving Methodology.
vative problem-solving.
Studies have also suggested that agentic sys-
tems based on LLMs are significantly effective (Wu
et al., 2023). With agentic GPT-3.5, it was possi-
ble to achieve results better than the foundation GPT-
4 model, a next-generation model (Hu et al., 2024).
This sparks a need to explore this approach.
Over the past few years, researchers and providers
have developed numerous models. OpenAI’s GPT
model is the most widely used, with many integra-
tions, which is why we decided to utilize it for our
experiments. Using other available LLMs, such as
Gemini, Llama, or Claude, would be equally justified.
This research does not focus on comparing LLMs.
Recent advancements in artificial intelligence, es-
pecially natural language processing, have signifi-
cantly increased possible AI applications. The emer-
gence of Large Language Models and intensive re-
search in this area has shown that many new domains
can be supported with AI. Models, like OpenAI’s
GPT-3, have extensive knowledge about the world
(Atox and Clark, 2024). They have shown impressive
performance in passing tests concerning intelligence
and problem-solving abilities (Orr
u et al., 2023). Sur-
prisingly, LLMs have also demonstrated remarkable
capabilities in creative tasks, such as image gen-
eration (Oppenlaender, 2022), writing (Chakrabarty
et al., 2024), and even music generation (Yuan et al.,
2024). These results suggest using LLMs to solve
problems that require creative thinking, such as de-
signing innovations. Since current research suggests
that it is best to guide LLMs and carefully structure
their tasks (Minaee et al., 2024), the TRIZ methodol-
ogy seems perfect, with clear, progressive steps and
2.2 TRIZ Methodology
TRIZ is a well-known and broadly used method of
solving innovation problems. It was proposed by
Genrich Altshuller in the 1960s (Arciszewski, 2016).
It introduced a systematic approach to innovative
problem-solving. A critical insight from TRIZ cre-
ators is that problems and solutions reoccur across
domains of industries and sciences. The core idea
behind it is an assumption that there must be some-
TRIZ Agents: A Multi-Agent LLM Approach for TRIZ-Based Innovation
thing in common, some pattern, in solving problems
described in thousands of patents. Four stages of
TRIZ are shown in Figure 1. This analysis allowed
researchers to define a step-by-step method for over-
coming innovation obstacles by abstracting them into
generalized patterns of invention. This allowed many
innovators to overcome seemingly impossible chal-
lenges without the need for unfavorable compromise.
Although TRIZ has primarily involved mechanical
problems, it was effectively transferred to other do-
mains, making it a universal method for innovative
2.2.1 TRIZ Core Principles
The core principle of TRIZ is resolving contradictions
identified in the problem matter, where often, improv-
ing one feature implies worsening another. The TRIZ
methodology provides tools to support the resolution
of these contradictions. Two primary tools are the 40
Inventive Principles and the Contradiction Matrix.
The TRIZ process starts with a problem analy-
sis, resulting in the identification of TRIZ parame-
ters. According to TRIZ methodology, 39 parame-
ters - such as Speed, Force, Temperature, etc. - rep-
resent system characteristics. By identifying the pa-
rameters relevant to the specific problem and their in-
terdependencies, the problem can be generalized and
structured within TRIZ.
The Contradiction Matrix is a tool for finding In-
novation Principles by providing two TRIZ parame-
ters: the improving feature and the worsening fea-
ture. The matrix contains information on which con-
tradictions can be solved by which principles. The
study of thousands of patterns enabled the structur-
ing of parameters and the creation of this tool. It is
worth noting that the contradiction matrix consists of
empty cells, meaning there are no inventive principles
for some contradictions.
The 40 Inventive Principles define ideas and ap-
proaches for resolving contradictions. They serve as
instructions or guidelines for overcoming given con-
ditions. They provide solutions to abstract problems,
which can be transformed into practical solutions in
the real world.
Figure 2: Agents collaboration methods (Wu et al., 2023).
2.2.2 TRIZ Complexity and Knowledge
TRIZ application follows clear guidelines; however,
to abstract problems effectively, identify contradic-
tions, and use TRIZ tools, it still requires deep in-
terdisciplinary knowledge of innovators (Moehrle,
2005). This makes it challenging to apply for non-
experts, and the final result is highly dependent on
innovators’ expertise due to the high complexity of
the problems. In addition, following TRIZ steps like
analyzing system parameters, identifying contradic-
tions, or scrutiny of inventive principles is very labor-
intensive and time-consuming (Nassar and AbouR-
izk, 2016) (Cascini and Rissone, 2004). For this rea-
son, resulting in limited accessibility, TRIZ has been
adopted only in specialized innovation environments
like R&D centers or academic sites. Given its effec-
tiveness, it would be desirable to implement it in a
broader range of environments, especially those with-
out resources or access to experts.
2.3 Multi-Agent Systems and Language
Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), a subdomain of Dis-
tributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI), is a system that
consists of multiple autonomous entities known as
agents (Dorri et al., 2018). Each agent, put together
in a shared environment, can operate independently
but communicate and collaborate with others or in-
teract with the system to solve more complex tasks
(Van Harmelen et al., 2008). Agents alone can-
not perform complex tasks; however, after decom-
posing them into smaller subproblems, specialized
agents can solve them and, therefore, solve the pri-
mary task together. MAS are valued for flexibility and
adaptability, especially in distributed intelligence and
decision-making (Serugendo et al., 2005). Figure 4
presents an exemplary architecture of an LLM-based
system, where tasks are distributed to multiple agents
equipped with context sources like tools or databases.
Those systems seem to have a significant amount of
use cases because they, in a way, simulate the work of
human workers.
As opposed to traditional MAS that use for-
mal agent communication language protocols such as
FIPA ACL (Kone et al., 2000), our proposed approach
utilizes natural language prompts. Moreover, agents
communicate with one another by natural language.
While FIPA ACL provides a good, standardized, and
rigorous way for agent interactions, LLM-based com-
munication offers flexibility and adaptability for com-
plex collaborative tasks.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: TRIZ Agents diagram, showing connections between key agents.
Multi-agent systems based on LLMs are currently
being researched extensively. Their core idea is to
handle complex problems through collaboration and
language abilities (Zhao et al., 2023). A notable ex-
ample of a multi-agent system is presented in the
study (Park et al., 2023), where agents demonstrate
human-like behavior within a shared interactive en-
vironment. This research underscores the poten-
tial of LLM-based multi-agent systems for simulat-
ing complex human communities. Studies have ex-
plored various implementations of teams, such as a
software engineering team (Chudziak and Cinkusz,
2024) (Cinkusz et al., 2025) and a multi-agent sys-
tem designed for big data analysis in financial mar-
kets (Wawer et al., 2024). Other research focuses
on enhancing agents’ logical reasoning capabilities
and memory functions within LLM-based multi-agent
systems (Kostka and Chudziak, 2024).
2.3.1 Agent Orchestration
Along with research about the application of LLMs
in multi-agent systems, a new subdomain of those
studies has emerged called Agent Orchestration. It
explores how different agent architectures work and
produce results. In the past, there was no need for
that because most multi-agent systems were deter-
ministic microservices, and in general, the result of
given input could be known before running the sys-
tem. LLM agents introduced new areas of research
because of their stochasticity, flexibility, and ability to
adapt or remember abstract information (Cheng et al.,
Figure 4: Architecture of LLM-based multi-agent system
enhanced with tools and data sources (H
andler, 2023).
2024). This promising field of study involves design-
ing and evaluating agent orchestration architectures.
It includes investigating various ways agents inter-
act, such as supervised groups, equal collaboration,
and nested collaborating teams, as shown in Figure 2.
Agent orchestration techniques optimize the abilities
of each agent and, therefore, synergetically obtain the
best results.
Another related research field is prompt engineer-
ing. This domain focuses on optimizing prompts to
achieve the best LLM outputs. Other studies demon-
strate that employing specific prompting strategies —
such as reasoning and acting (ReAct) (Yao et al.,
2023) or Chain-of-Thought Prompting (Wei et al.,
2023) can significantly enhance the quality of gen-
erated outcomes. The way in which roles and tasks
are described to an LLM agent is essential, and the
outcome strongly depends on it (Zamfirescu-Pereira
et al., 2023). It has to be clear what the structure of
the agent’s output should be. This study focuses on
basic prompt strategy, which consists of tasks, roles,
and contexts for the agent.
2.3.2 Agent Tools
What we know about agentic systems is that you can
never fully predict the outcome of an LLM’s actions.
While LLMs are pretty proficient at planning and
decision-making, a default LLM model cannot per-
form actions or directly interact with the real world.
Tools enable these interactions by allowing LLMs to
generate function call outputs with specified argu-
ments. This mechanism can equip models with tools
such as web search, database queries, file reading and
writing, and more. Our goal is to provide agents with
tools to take action, apply grounding, and interact
with the system.
A known characteristic of LLMs is their tendency
to hallucinate, which comes from the fundamental
mathematical and logical structure of these models
(Banerjee et al., 2024). Although LLM knowledge
is broad and often accurate, it is not advisable to as-
sume that every generated text is truthful. This is es-
pecially important in our case, as we want agents to
TRIZ Agents: A Multi-Agent LLM Approach for TRIZ-Based Innovation
reason based on fact-checked information. One way
to minimize the generation of incorrect knowledge is
by using a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)
mechanism (B
echard and Ayala, 2024). By incorpo-
rating RAG into a tool, agents can check necessary
knowledge by retrieving it from predefined and reli-
able sources.
A simple web search is another helpful tool that
helps ground the models. It allows browsing the in-
ternet with queries about the topic. Eventually, the
agent gets valuable information, and based on it, it
generates a response.
2.4 Role of LLMs in Problem-Solving
and Innovation
Artificial intelligence has been applied to various and
numerous tasks, and TRIZ is one of them. Those im-
provements include estimation of ideality and level
of invention (Adams and Tate, 2009), or classifica-
tion and analyzing engineering patents (Hall et al.,
2022). Recently, LLMs have opened a new set of
possible TRIZ enhancements. In recent works, re-
searchers have been exploring ways of using LLMs’
extensive broad knowledge and substantial reasoning
abilities to create systems supporting innovators in the
ideation process or entirely replace them (Chen et al.,
2024b)(Jiang and Luo, 2024). Those researchers have
uncovered the potential of LLMs in applications re-
quiring creative thinking. The limitations of these
methods become apparent with larger and more com-
plex tasks. Given that LLMs perform more effectively
on smaller subtasks (Chen et al., 2024a), exploring
Multi-Agent Systems has emerged as a natural so-
lution for handling such complexity. Such systems
could be flexible and adaptable to the given problem,
enabling interdisciplinary problem-solving capabili-
3.1 Workflow
As said before, the general idea simulates an innova-
tion team’s ideation process. The team is provided
with a problem description and, in return, must pro-
pose one or more solutions. The team works based
on the steps indicated in the case study paper. Each
step is done one by one, and a special agent docu-
ments each step. Documentation of the previous step
is provided to the team. One way to think about it
is that each step is a separate meeting where team
Figure 5: TRIZ Agents workflow steps and products.
members solve a problem. At the next meeting, team
members don’t remember what they said last time, but
they have documentation and the main findings of the
previous step. Based on that, they continue with the
following step. The process repeats until the last step
is achieved. After that, another documentation agent
compiles all documentation into one concise report
(Figure 7).
The ideal result would be that the team produces
the exact solutions with the same intermediate steps,
and the final report’s content is the same as the case
study’s content. Each step will be compared and eval-
uated with the original case study. All steps are pre-
sented in Figure 5 for better workflow clarity. Docu-
menting the team’s progress at each step helps to track
the progress, but it also allows us to compare results
to the original case study’s corresponding parts.
3.1.1 Implementation
System implementation is based on LangGraph
(LangGraph, 2023), a framework designed to build
applications that integrate LLMs. They provide pre-
cise agent orchestration and control over the graph of
agents. Each agent was implemented as a node in
a graph, where edges are connections between them
- conditional or not. The agents’ tools are separate
nodes as well. This framework allows for more struc-
tured LLM text generation by using prompt templates
while calling LLM models. Messages of each step are
the primary context for LLM chat models to generate
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 6: Agent node with tool nodes.
answers. It is worth mentioning that in LangChain,
messages have classes, including Human or AI. In the
system, messages generated by models are converted
to human type so that the next model generates out-
puts as if it were conversing with a human.
For the LLM model, GPT-4o was selected due to
its high performance and relatively fast response time.
It supports function calls, which is necessary for tool
integration. Outputs of LLMs rely on the model tem-
perature parameter. In this study, this parameter was
arbitrarily set to 0.5 since it is a good compromise be-
tween reasonable and creative answers.
3.2 Agent Orchestration Architecture
For agent orchestration, a supervised team was cho-
sen. In the experiment, we call this agent a Project
Manager. This agent is responsible for following the
workflow, distributing tasks, and telling who should
act next. This agent, an orchestrator, manages the
team and makes sure it goes in the right direction. The
simple way to think about it is an actual group leader
in a real-life scenario, but its capabilities and respon-
sibilities are a bit narrow for the LLM efficacy. Pro-
vided with workflow wrought on the case study pa-
per, Project Manager keeps track of the project and
steers the conversation so that the team solves tasks
one by one. Agents engage in the conversation once
they are asked to by Project Manager. They per-
form necessary actions, like tool usage, and provide
an appropriate answer. After that, attention is brought
back to Project Manager, who receives the message
and continues with management.
3.2.1 Team Composition
There are the following agents in the team:
Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer,
Control Systems Engineer, Safety Engineer,
TRIZ Specialist, Operations Specialist,
Documentation Specialist and supervisor
Project Manager. Each agent’s role was defined
based on case study analysis, which allowed to
specify what members the team would consist of.
3.2.2 Agent Profiling Prompts
Each agent has its own prompt specifying their per-
sona. It gives information about their field of ex-
pertise, tools, and what their output should look like.
Each agent needs a profiling prompt, which will de-
fine the persona behind it. Key elements that need
such prompts are:
Name: Name of the agent. Necessary for finding
oneself in conversation.
Role: Basic description of the agent’s place in
the team and its background for character devel-
Tasks and Reponsibilities: Clearly states their
tasks and responsibilities so that LLM’s focus is
primarily on them.
Context: Gives the agent an idea of what is the
current stage of the process. It can be messages of
the conversation or a summary of previous mes-
In addition, it is advisable to add some specific
instructions in the prompt that are critical for correct
system operation or just essential in the agent’s role.
The prompt template of Project Manager agent is
presented in Figure 8.
As it is shown, prompts are composed of system
messages and placeholders, such as messages in the
conversation or documentation on previous steps. It
is necessary to provide all inputs to the template in
order to run the model.
3.2.3 Tools of TRIZ Agents
In the real world, team members can use various tools
and knowledge bases, which is why we will provide
agents with the same. All agents except Project
Manager are equipped with tools. In the LangGraph
framework, agent nodes have conditional connections
with tool nodes since agents may or may not want to
use them. Contrarily, the edge from the tool node to
Figure 7: TRIZ Agents products.
TRIZ Agents: A Multi-Agent LLM Approach for TRIZ-Based Innovation
Project Manager Prompt:
System Message
You are the Project Manager of a team
made up of different experts who are
working together to solve a complicated
engineering problem using the TRIZ
Each step is solved and documented
separately. You are provided messages
of conversation of the current solving
System Message
You are also provided documentation of
previously performed steps, which tells
you about the progress:
{steps documentation}
System Message
Given the conversation above and the
documentation of previous steps, who
should act next? You have the following
decision options: {members names} or
Figure 8: Example of Project Manager prompt template.
Elements in {} brackets are inputs of prompt templates.
the agent node is non-conditional, so the right agent
gets the tool’s output. Figure 6 presents a worker
agent node with tool nodes.
The composition of the toolset for an agent de-
pends on their role in the team. All sets include a web
search tool, which is their elemental way of acquiring
knowledge. Since TRIZ Specialist is an important
team member, this agent is additionally equipped with
TRIZ-oriented tools such as:
TRIZ Features Tool: Return list of 39 TRIZ pa-
Contradiction Matrix Tool: Returns worth apply-
ing inventive principles based on improving and
worsening features of the system.
TRIZ Inventive Principles Tool: Tool returns
more details about given inventive principles.
TRIZ RAG Tool: Returns answers to agent’s
queries based on TRIZ source materials, such as
books, websites, Wikipedia pages, etc.
To model team cooperation and evaluate the results
of the proposed agentic system, we conducted a case
study about the application of TRIZ for gantry crane
improvement based on (Luing et al., 2024). The au-
thors of this paper thoroughly describe each step of
their work. They strictly follow the TRIZ method-
ology. The final outcome of the ideation process
consists of textual descriptions of the proposed ap-
proaches. During the problem analysis, authors iden-
tify system elements, perform CECA analysis, find
physical and engineering contradictions, and apply
TRIZ principles using the TRIZ Matrix. In addition,
authors build graphs for analysis steps, which is again
feasible using LLMs. All those steps are a great usage
scenario for a team of agents. A team of predefined
team members will cooperate and invent a solution for
the crane improvement problem.
It is worth mentioning the criteria for the chosen
case study. First of all, the problem description is suf-
ficiently characterized. All the intermediate steps and
solutions are clearly explained, which is vital during
the evaluation of results. Moreover, a case study was
published in the year 2024, which means that Chat
GPT-4o used in experiments was for sure not trained
on this text because the data cutoff for this model is
October 2023. This is extremely important since we
don’t want the model to know the solution - we want
the system to invent it.
The proposed multi-agent system simulates a discus-
sion between team members as intended, resulting in
six documents about each workflow step and one fi-
nal report, which compiles those documents. As an
input system message, the system receives a Human
type message with textual problems description of the
case study (Figure 9). It is copied from the case study
article not to omit information or add one.
It is essential to note the system’s outputs are not
deterministic, which comes from the nature of LLMs
(Ouyang et al., 2024). That is why the results de-
scribed here are generalized descriptions of how the
majority of runs went.
Another observation worth mentioning is the
number of iterations in the agent graph and the num-
ber of total tokens (prompt and output tokens). By
iterations in the graph, we mean the number of times
any node was called. This number varied from 60
to 80 calls. Total tokens of one runtime varied from
150,000 to 250,000.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Input Human Message
Solve the following problem: Gantry cranes
find extensive application across various
industries, employed to move hefty loads
and dangerous substances within shipping
docks, building sites, steel plants,
storage facilities, and similar industrial
settings. The crane should move the load
fast without causing any unnecessary
excessive swing at the final position.
Moreover, gantry cranes which always lift
excessive load may result sudden stop of
the crane. The crane operators’ attempt
to lift heavier loads at a faster pace has
led to recurrent malfunctions, including
overheating, and the increased speed has
caused excessive swinging or swaying of the
lifted load, posing a safety hazard.
Figure 9: TRIZ Agents input message taken from case study
problem description.
5.1 Analysis of System’s Actions
Step 1: Defining Engineering System. Project
Manager prompts Mechanical Engineer to identify
relevant elemnts of gantry crane engineering system.
This agent uses a web search tool to find relevant in-
formation and, based on that, specifies the engineer-
ing system. After that, Project Manager decides to
finish this step by documenting findings by Document
Step 2: Function Analysis. Project Manager
has at disposal the documentation from previous
step. Based on that, Project Manager this time
asks Mechanical Engineer to prepare the Func-
tion Analysis. The agent uses a web search tool
to generate an analysis. Next, a Control Systems
Engineer is asked to do the same from the control
systems engineering perspective. Like the previous
agent, it uses a web search tool to generate analysis.
Finally, Safety Engineer is asked to evaluate the
safety features and potential hazards of the system.
After that, Project Manager decides to move on to
the next step by documentation of Documentation
Step 3: Cause and Effect Chain Analysis (CECA).
Similar actions were taken by the agent while working
on Cause and Effect Chain Analysis. The Control
Systems Engineer was called to make the analysis
and used a web search tool. Then Safety Engineer
contributed to this step. The step ended with docu-
mentation on the Project Managers request. Part
of the conversation of step 3 was shown in Figure 10.
Step 4: Engineering Contradiction (EC) and Con-
tradiction Matrix. Project Manager asks only
TRIZSpecialist agent to do this task. The agent
first checks the list of TRIZ features from which it
can choose. Based on that, it identifies contradictions.
The agent uses another TRIZ tool, a contradiction ma-
trix, to find inventive principles for those contradic-
tions. Next, it uses another tool that provides more
details about contradictions, which will help find a so-
Step 5: Physical Contradiction. This step is also
solely performed by TRIZ Specialist by one an-
swer only without any tool use. With this information,
Project Manager ended this step with a documenta-
tion request.
Step 6: Solutions. Having all previous steps docu-
mented, Project Manager decided to begin the last
step, which was finding solutions based on identi-
fied innovative principles. In this step, an agent who
contributed first was Control Systems Engineer,
who used a web search tool to enhance its findings.
The following two agents who reviewed the proposed
solutions were Safety Engineer and Operations
Specialist. After solution propositions, Project
Manager directed the end of collaborative work. This
resulted in compiling all previously created docu-
ments into one final report.
5.2 Assessment and Discussion
In this subsection, we will assess the actions per-
formed by the team. We will first evaluate its perfor-
mance as a team and then compare it with solutions
proposed by the case study’s original research team.
Two separate runs of TRIZ Agents were chosen for
assessment, and their results were compiled.
5.2.1 TRIZ Agents Actions
Overall, all steps were executed, and in the end, the
team proposed solutions to the problem. There were
steps where the outcome was the result of interaction
between multiple agents (steps: 2, 3, 6), and there
were steps where only one agented contributed to the
result (steps: 1, 4, 5) - not counting the manager who
was only responsible for leading the discussion and
not ideation. How each step was solved and who con-
tributed to it was solely the decision of the Project
Manager. It is desirable that multiple agents cooper-
ate to solve each step because they may correct each
other’s outputs. This suggests adding more critique
instructions to Project Manager agent’s prompt for
TRIZ Agents: A Multi-Agent LLM Approach for TRIZ-Based Innovation
We are now moving to the Cause and
Effect Chain Analysis (CECA) step [...]
ControlSystemsEngineer, could you begin
by exploring the control-related issues
that might be contributing to these
problems? Please consider how the
control systems might be leading to
excessive speed or insufficient sway
control, and provide your insights.
Calling web search tool: { "query":
"control systems for gantry cranes
excessive swinging overheating" }
[{ "url": "https:journals.sag ...,
"content": "Various attempts in
controlling gantry cranes ...
Based on the information gathered [...]
we can identify several control-related
issues contributing to the problems of
excessive swinging and overheating in
gantry cranes. Here’s a detailed Cause
and Effect Chain Analysis (CECA) focusing
on these control aspects:
### Root Causes of Excessive Swinging and
1. **Control System Sensitivity**: -
**Open-loop Control Systems**: These
systems are sensitive to ...
SafetyEngineer, now that we have
identified the control-related root
causes of excessive swinging and
overheating, let’s explore the safety
implications of these issues. Please
provide your insights on ...
Figure 10: Example of messages in conversation between
agents during Step 3.
doubting the outputs of other agents. Another option
would be replacing each worker agent with a team of
agents performing one task. This would create a hi-
erarchical teams architecture, a promising but more
complex approach to agent orchestration.
Another observation is that the TRIZ Specialist
rarely used the RAG tool to request more information
about the TRIZ methodology. Although the agent’s
profiling prompt mentioned the RAG tool, it was not
explicitly stated that it should be utilized at every
generation, which may explain this behavior. TRIZ
Specialist agent was intentionally provided with
autonomy to decide whether to use external resources,
implicitly allowing it to rely on its internal knowl-
edge. Aim was to ensure that the agent follows the
TRIZ methodology closely, ideally using the context
of TRIZ literature. However, this autonomy caused
the agent to underuse the RAG tool, as the agent of-
ten generated responses without any tool usage or
with the usage of the web search tool. This outcome
demonstrates one of the challenges of prompt engi-
neering - balancing agent autonomy with consistent
obedience to certain assumptions about the agent. To
address this, future work will examine improving the
prompts to require or encourage using RAG tools.
5.2.2 Case Study Comparison
There are similarities between solutions, as shown by
comparing the result to the original case study’s solu-
tion. This section will focus on comparing those two
Step 1: Defining Engineering System. Most of
the Sub/System and System Components have been
found. In some, the name may be slightly different,
but the object is the same. Supersystems were not as
well identified. Results are compared in Table 1.
Table 1: Elements of the engineering system in the case
study: the upper row represents the system components,
while the lower row represents the supersystems. Elements
in bold were identified by TRIZ agents.
Gantry Legs, Wheel, Railway, Trolley, Trolley
Frame, Wire Rope, Motor, Hoist, Hook, Railway
Beam, Bridge Girder
Air particles/dust, Workers, Humidity, Thermal
Step 2: Function Analysis. In the case study, this
step was presented using a graph showing functions
as connections between elements. TRIZ Agents listed
the connections. Those connections labeled as useful
connections that overlap are: Trolley to Hoist (Motor),
Wire Rope to Hook. Connection Hoist to Wire Rope
was identified as useful, but case study researchers la-
bel it as insufficient and harmful. On the other hand,
the connection Hoist to Load was identified as harm-
ful, which is comparable. The connection Environ-
mental Conditions to Load was successfully identi-
fied, as the case study analysis highlights Dust, Hu-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
midity, and Thermal factors. However, six useful con-
nections present in the case study were not identified.
Additionally, the harmful connection between Worker
and System was missed by the TRIZ Agents.
Step 3: Cause and Effect Chain Analysis (CECA)
case study identified two main root causes, which are
the crane operator who does not follow standard op-
erational procedure by lifting the excessive weight of
load and fast speed of controlling the movement of the
cranes. Those causes were identified by TRIZ Agents
as Overloading and Rapid Movements. The system
identified five other root causes that are logical but do
not occur in the case study.
Step 4: Engineering Contradiction (EC) and Con-
tradiction Matrix. TRIZ Agents identified two en-
gineering contradicitons: Speed vs. Stability and
Load Capacity vs. Safety. This does not exactly
overlap with contradictions from a research paper.
However, TRIZ agents were not far from their solu-
tion because they identified Stability instead of Ob-
ject generated harmful factors and Load Capacity in-
stead of Weight of stationary object, which seem close
enough. Inventive principles were then found based
on those contradictions using the Contradiction Ma-
trix, which is a deterministic operation, which is why
there is no point in comparing those.
Step 5: Physical Contradiction. Physical con-
tradicitons were found exactly the same. Results are
presented in Table 2. In the next step, TRIZ Agents
derived only one, common with case study, inventive
principle. This may be due to the generally scarce
literature sources about physical contradictions iden-
tification compared to engineering contradictions.
Table 2: Physical Contradictions identified by TRIZ
Agents, which overlap with case study.
Contradiction Contradictory Needs
Speed The crane must move quickly
to enhance productivity, but it
must also move slowly to pre-
vent load swinging.
The crane must lift heavy loads
to improve efficiency, but it
must lift lighter loads to ensure
safety and prevent overheating.
Step 6: Solutions Theoretical solutions proposed
were categorized based on the specializations of the
agents contributing to the ideation process. The first
solution is the application of Sliding Mode Control
(SMC) with Antiswing Trajectory, which matches the
case study’s first proposed solution. The solution
proposed by case study researchers intelligent circuit
breaker with essential sensors to monitor and regu-
late the current consumption was not found by TRIZ
Agents. During Step 6, the Electrical Engineering
agent was not involved in collaboration, which may
be the primary reason for this shortfall, as this agent
could have contributed the necessary idea in the elec-
trical domain. However, TRIZ Agents mention Ther-
mal Management Enhancements, which is in the area
of the last case study solution smart ventilation sys-
tem with features like self-cleaning filters and sealed
6.1 Main Insights
The study showed that it is possible to model group
work on innovative problems using the TRIZ method-
ology with a multi-agent system based on LLMs. The
outputs of the TRIZ Agents’ steps were not identi-
cal to those in the case study in every detail, but each
step had commonalities. The solutions proposed by
TRIZ Agents, although different from the case study,
seemed logical. Of course, such multi-agent systems
are still far from achieving a complete and adequate
ideation process, but they can quickly produce so-
lutions or guide real-world researchers in a promis-
ing direction. Another insight is that the outcome
of the system strongly depends on agents’ profiling
prompts. Experimenting with many prompts eventu-
ally resulted in the team following the workflow.
6.2 Limitations
A substantial limitation of the proposed system is its
lack of a feedback loop in the teams’ actions. In the-
ory, it is possible, but the profiling prompt of Project
Manager does not mention doing it. The supervisor
agent never directed returning to any step to refine re-
sults or try another approach. This is a severe draw-
back because every problem-solving process requires
iterating over ideas, revisiting steps, and rethinking
previous actions. The absence of such an essential
component is due to the high complexity of imple-
menting such a feature. For example, creating a loop
in agentic systems carries a significant risk of causing
never-ending conversations between agents. This lim-
itation poses a promising research direction: making
TRIZ Agents: A Multi-Agent LLM Approach for TRIZ-Based Innovation
multi-agent systems even more similar to real-world
There are also limitations connected with LLMs
properties like context window. In the discussed use
case, six workflow steps were outlined. In the case
of a workflow with more steps, the context window
could be too small to store all documentation from
previous steps. In fact, step documentation alone is a
way to handle this problem because instead of a long
list of messages, a summary is stored. This sparks a
need for long-time agent memory, where information
is available when necessary (Hatalis et al., 2023).
6.3 Future Work
Studies have shown a promising and worth-exploring
domain of multi-agent LLM systems. Examining how
other agent orchestration architectures might perform
would probably bring interesting insights. Addition-
ally, only the TRIZ methodology is considered in the
study. However, different methods, such as Lean In-
novation (Sehested and Sonnenberg, 2010) and De-
sign Thinking (Brown et al., 2008), are worth investi-
gating as they may work better with LLMs.
A promising direction for further research is to
compare how different prompt strategies function in a
multi-agent system scenario. Refining prompts so that
agents iterate over ideas, repeat, and rethink previous
steps and actions could lead to substantial improve-
ments in the system. Although this research did not
focus on comparing prompts, it was surely a signifi-
cant part of the implementation part because prompts
drastically influenced the system’s actions. Applying
an optimal prompt strategy might enhance the results.
Another interesting field to investigate is cognitive
architectures in multi-agent systems. Cognitive archi-
tectures are augmented LLMs agents with the internal
flow or external sources for tasks with grounding or
reasoning (Sumers et al., 2024). Building cognitive
agents could enable the system to learn problem de-
scriptions. There are already interesting studies about
using those concepts for enhancing decision-making
(Wu et al., 2024) and problem-solving (Sun, 2024).
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TRIZ Agents: A Multi-Agent LLM Approach for TRIZ-Based Innovation