The simulation conducted on the Qiskit platform
revealed distinct patterns in the probability distribu-
tions, providing perceptions of the emotional dynam-
ics of family interactions. Additionally, the imple-
mentation of fuzzy operators, considering the model
of Quantum Circuits, emphasizes the importance of
superposition and entanglement in the emotional rep-
The quantum approach refines the modeling of
interactions between multiple agents. The analysis
of the histograms obtained during the simulation al-
lowed valuable insights into the applicability of quan-
tum computing to tackle complex real-world prob-
lems, especially in the modeling of emotions. Fu-
ture works may explore the fundamentals of quantum-
fuzzy theory in modeling emotions for human-like be-
havior in future intelligent robots. Moreover, the re-
sults can be extended for new research based on data
fusion for artificial intelligent systems (Tiwari et al.,
Expanding the dimensional model, the natural lan-
guage related to emotional and social contexts can
also essentially improve their practical applicability
on real systems. Besides, applying quantum neural
networks (QNN) and transferring the simulations per-
formed in Qiskit to real quantum hardware (as the
IBM quantum platform) is the next research step, val-
idate our Quantum Fuzzy models in real-world sce-
narios. Thus, when more agents are involved, like
restructured families (stepfather/stepmother and half
brothers/systems) and the Parent-Children Interactive
model will involve more than three agents, justify the
use of quantum simulators. So, further work based
on emerging technologies and combining the poten-
tials of QC and FL, can model emotions collaborates
in relevant scenarios as affective computing, social
robotics, and neurorobotics research areas.
The authors thank the funding agencies:
CAPES, CNPq (309160/2019-7; 311429/2020-
3, 150160/2023-2), PqG/FAPERGS (21/2551-
0002057-1), FAPERGS/CNPq (23/2551-
0000126-8), and PRONEX (16/2551-0000488-9).
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Toward a Quantum Fuzzy Approach for Emotion Modeling in Parent-Child Interactivity