Jin et al., 2021). These methods exhibit highly log-
ical and smoothly continuous deformations. How-
ever, it often incur significant computational overhead
and may fail to guarantee smooth transitions when the
source and target shapes are significantly different.
In the other hand, Fourier-based methods offer
a relatively fast alternative, inherently producing in-
termediate closed curves due to their periodic nature
while being invariant to starting point(Ghorbel et al.,
2022; Ghorbel et al., 2021). However, these methods
are constrained to contours limiting their applicability
to open curves.
As an efficient and straightforward solution, we
propose a novel blending approach leveraging the
Radial-Sign descriptor (Ghorbel and Burdin, 1994;
Burdin et al., 1992), a complete, stable, and invertible
shape descriptor, designed for the morphing of Mono-
tonic Spinner planar curves. A Monotonic Spinner
planar curve is defined as a curve where the radial dis-
tance from the center of rotation varies monotonically
with the angle. Similarly to curvature-based meth-
ods, the proposed technique requires only a starting
point alignment to establish correspondence between
shapes and generates deformations that are invari-
ant under rigid transformations (translations, scales
and rotations). However, unlike curvature-based ap-
proaches, the proposed method maintain a morpho-
logically coherent transition, preserving the natural
structure and flow of the shapes throughout the pro-
cess. Moreover, the method effectively blend both
similar and dissimilar shapes, including those with
differing turning number. Indeed, it suffices to in-
troduce additional turns in simpler shapes, ensuring
continuity and coherence in the resulting transition.
Therefore, it allows the interpolation between shapes
with distinct topologies.
In the following, Section 2 recalls the Radial-
Sign Descriptor and introduce the Blending approach.
Section 3 concerns the experiments where Morphing
quality, Morphing invariance, comparison with cur-
vature methods, and application on the MPEG-7 CE
Benchmark are presented. Finally, Section 4 con-
cludes this work.
In this section, we begin by recalling the Radial-Sign
descriptors introduced in (Ghorbel and Burdin, 1994;
Burdin et al., 1992), emphasizing their properties that
are essential for shape morphing. Therefore, we pro-
pose a novel morphing method that uses Radial-Sign
descriptors to achieve smooth and coherent transitions
between monotonic spinner contours.
2.1 Radial-Sign Descriptor
Let R = (O,i, j) be a Cartesian coordinate system in
the Euclidean plane, and let s denote a normalized arc
length. Consider γ(s), a monotonic spinner curve with
respect to its centroid O, parameterized by its normal-
ized arc length. In polar coordinates, this parameteri-
zation can be expressed as:
γ(s) =
where ρ(s) is the radial function and θ(s) is the polar
angle. Differentiating this representation with respect
to s and taking the norm of both sides of the resulting
equation, we use the fact that ∥γ
= 1 which leads
to the following relation,
1 − ρ
The solution to this differential equation is given by,
θ(s) = θ(0) +
1 − ρ
dl, (1)
where σ(l) ∈ {−1,1} is the sign of θ
(l). Note that to
obtain invariance to scale, it suffices to normalize the
radius function by dividing ρ(s) by the scale factor
, defined as the maximum radius:
= max
This normalization leads to the scale-invariant radial
ρ(s) =
Figures 1 and 2 show respectively a 1-turning and 4-
turning monotonic spinner curves with respect to their
centroids and their corresponding polar coordinates.
Figure 3 illustrates the radial-sign computation frame-
work. Starting from Cartesian coordinates, the trans-
formation to polar coordinates is achieved by calculat-
ing the radial function ρ(s) and the polar angle θ(s).
Subsequently, the sign σ(s) of the derivative of the
polar angle θ(s) is computed.
Under the assumption of a normalized arc-length
parameterization, the angular function θ(s) can be re-
placed by the sign function of its derivative, σ(s),
without any loss of information. As a result, the set
of descriptors {(ρ(s),σ(s))} becomes a compact and
robust representation that is invariant to rigid transfor-
mations while maintaining the property of complete-
ness (Crimmins, 1982).
A complete descriptor ensures that two shapes are
identical if and only if their descriptors are equal. Be-
yond invariance and completeness, additional prop-
erties such as invertibility and stability are essential
Morphing Between Monotonic Spinner Planar Curves Through Radial-Sign Descriptors