MIDTs: Interdisciplinary Method for Technological Research
Development with a Focus on Health
José Eurico de Vasconcelos Filho
, Joel Sotero da Cunha Neto
and José Fernando Ferreira
Diretoria de cidadania e Cultura Digital, Fundação de Ciência Tecnologia e Inovação de Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Brazil
Vice-Reitoira de Pesquisa, Universidade de Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Brazil
Keywords: Interdisciplinary Research, User-Centered Design, Technological Development, eHealth.
Abstract: This study introduces MIDTs, an interdisciplinary method for technological research aimed at healthcare
applications. MIDTs integrates Design Science and User-Centered Design principles, structured into six
phases to ensure both scientific rigor and practical applicability. Over the last decade, it has been applied to
more than 70 projects, generating academic theses, patents, and clinical solutions. Empirical evidence
indicates that MIDTs fosters innovative and user-centered outcomes, effectively addressing complex societal
demands within healthcare. The method’s adaptability is further demonstrated through its potential
application in other sectors. By providing a clear framework for interdisciplinary collaboration and solution
development, MIDTs offers a robust approach to bridge research, practice, and user needs in technology-
driven health initiatives.
Interdisciplinarity is considered of great
relevance for
the development of science, technology, and
innovation. Contemporary challenges, with their
inherent complexity, demand a diversified and
integrated perspective of knowledge.
Interdisciplinary studies are processes developed
to answer a question, solve a problem, or address a
broad or complex topic that cannot be adequately
handled by a single discipline. These studies rely on
disciplinary perspectives, which integrate their
knowledge and experience to produce a more
comprehensive understanding or cognitive
advancement (Repko, 2008).
The expansion of interdisciplinarity as a research
and teaching practice gained greater visibility as
disciplinary knowledge created dissatisfaction among
scientists, as it seemed insufficient to address the new
phenomena in society.
Thus, interdisciplinarity stands out in innovative
projects, where Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) play an important role in the
implementation of interdisciplinary projects. The
major needs of society, such as in health, housing,
transportation, financial services, entertainment, and
more, are being and will continue to be reinvented by
technology, increasingly accessible to all (Khosla,
2018). Interdisciplinary collaboration has been
identified as a critical driver for innovation,
particularly in addressing societal challenges that
demand integrated perspectives (Gorman & Groves,
Scientific knowledge (and research) aims to
develop theories with broad applications, whereas
technological knowledge is responsible for
developing theories with limited applications, aimed
at solving specific and often isolated problems,
primarily focused on technological innovation. In this
way, technological research is characterized as a
systematic and scientific process in search of
knowledge and solutions to technology-related
problems. It involves applying scientific principles
and methods to develop artifacts or products, often
specific, that respond to the demands, opportunities,
or problems of people or businesses. Technological
research can involve different fields of knowledge,
such as engineering, computer science, health,
biology, among others, and can be carried out both in
universities and research institutions as well as in
Filho, J. E. V., Neto, J. S. C. and Ferreira, J. F.
MIDTs: Interdisciplinary Method for Technological Research Development with a Focus on Health.
DOI: 10.5220/0013336300003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 874-881
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
companies and industries. (Lebedev, 2018; Veugelers
& Wang, 2019)
The operation of systematizing and integrating
knowledge from distinct areas, to improve the
effectiveness of interventions, products, and services
offered to the community, requires an appropriate
method that directs efforts and competencies toward
optimizing results. (Fredericks, 2021)
In the academic context, one of the ways to
encourage and make interdisciplinary projects
feasible is the creation of methods and tools that
enable and systematize, with due rigor, the production
of technological artifacts that respond to specific
problems. In this perspective, the Coordination of
Training and Technological Innovation, in
partnership with the research group on Health
Technologies and Innovations, based at the Vortex
Laboratory of the Vice-Rectorate for Research at the
University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), is responsible for
carrying out interdisciplinary projects, promoting the
integration of applied research with computational
resources in different areas, but with a strong focus
on health.
The Coordination began in 2012, fostering, over
time, the integration of interdisciplinary teams in
projects involving undergraduate and graduate
students (both Lato and Stricto Sensu - Master's and
Doctorate), as well as researchers from the areas of
Computer Science, Computer Engineering,
Marketing and Communication, Psychology,
Nursing, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Public Health,
Nutrition, Dentistry, and Speech Therapy. Based on
these diverse experiences and aiming to support
scientific and academic demands, the MIDTs -
Interdisciplinary Method for Technological Research
Development with a Focus on Health - was conceived
to accommodate the nature and specificities of the
projects developed.
However, after the maturation of this method, its
adaptation became necessary. Its proven applicability
in multiple areas beyond health, as well as the
production of artifacts and results beyond those
initially highlighted, demanded evolutions in the
method. Thus, the scope of this method is expanded,
which, due to these changes, is now called MIDTs -
Interdisciplinary Method for Technological Research
Development with a focus on health.
Given the above, this chapter aims to present
MIDTs, covering its conception, development, and
results. It is believed that the experience presented
here can inspire and support other researchers and
professionals in developing interdisciplinary projects
in a systematic and effective way.
It can be stated that scientific research is aimed at
advancing scientific knowledge and understanding
reality and is closely tied to scientific theories, which
are subject to change. Technological research, on the
other hand, is focused on developing artifacts,
understood here not only as physical, tangible
products but also as intellectual ones, aimed at
controlling reality. This type of research is guided by
the task it aims to address and is thus considered by
some authors to be more precise than scientific
research. The product of technological research is
invariably the development of a new technology
(Freitas Junior et al., 2014).
In a similar view, Van Aken (2004) presents
Design Science as a research methodology focused on
developing artifacts or technological solutions to
practical problems, based on a rigorous scientific
methodology. The primary idea behind Design
Science is that science can be applied to create
solutions that address practical problems across
various fields, such as business, healthcare,
engineering, and more. The Design Science process
involves defining a problem, proposing a solution,
implementing and evaluating the proposed solution,
and disseminating the results obtained. This approach
is widely used in areas like software engineering,
information systems, project management, and
The knowledge generated from the foundations of
Design Science also contributes to advancing
research based on applied knowledge and solutions
that respond to problems and demands from the
market and society. This is multidisciplinary
knowledge, where research focused on this type of
knowledge aims to solve relevant complex problems,
considering the context in which their results will be
applied. Consequently, the knowledge developed by
Design Science Research is not descriptive-
explanatory; it is prescriptive.
In this sense, Design Science Research constitutes
a rigorous process of designing artifacts to solve
problems, assessing what has been designed or what
is functioning, and communicating the results
obtained (Çağdaş & Stubkjær, 2011). Design science
research bridges the gap between theory and practice,
providing a systematic approach for developing
artifacts that address practical problems while
contributing to academic knowledge (Hevner &
Gregor, 2020).
Despite their similarities, technological research
and design science are different approaches to solving
technology-related problems. While technological
MIDTs: Interdisciplinary Method for Technological Research Development with a Focus on Health
research is broader and involves the application of
scientific principles and methods for developing new
products, processes, and services, design science is
more specific, focusing on solving practical problems
through the creation of technological solutions based
on a rigorous scientific methodology.
These approaches have much to contribute to
proposing methods and tools that foster
interdisciplinarity and the construction of sometimes
innovative artifacts that improve the lives of
individuals, institutions, and businesses.
2.1 User-Centered Design
Design Science and User-Centered Design (UCD) are
complementary approaches that underpin the
development of innovative and practical solutions in
interdisciplinary research. Design Science, as defined
by Van Aken (2004), emphasizes the creation of
artifacts or technological solutions to address
practical problems using rigorous scientific methods.
This process involves defining a problem, designing
a solution, evaluating its effectiveness, and
disseminating findings, aiming to produce
prescriptive knowledge applicable across fields such
as healthcare, business, and engineering.
Similarly, UCD prioritizes the needs and
experiences of end users throughout the design
process. Coined by Norman and Drape (1986), it is a
philosophy and framework that emphasizes iterative
development, interdisciplinary collaboration, and
continuous user feedback. While Design Science
provides a structured methodology for artifact
creation, UCD ensures that these artifacts are user-
centered and contextually relevant, bridging the gap
between technical solutions and human-centric
design. Together, these approaches from the
theoretical foundation of the MIDTs methodology,
enabling the development of effective, innovative,
and user-friendly solutions. The term UCD was
coined by Donald Norman in his research lab at the
University of California (Norman and Drape, 1986).
Notably, UCD underpins Interaction Design
strategies (Preece, Rogers and Sharp, 2015), such as
the Interaction Design Lifecycle Model and Design
Thinking (Kimbell, 2011; Tschimmel, 2012).
UCD can be characterized as a multi-stage
problem-solving process where usability goals, user
characteristics, environment, tasks, and workflow of
a product, service, or process receive thorough
attention at each stage of the design process.
The main difference from other design
philosophies is that UCD attempts to optimize the
product around how users can, want to, or need to use
it, rather than forcing them to change their behaviors
(as long as they are correct) to accommodate the
Some principles indicate that a design proposal is
user-centered, such as:
The design is based on an explicit
understanding of users, tasks, and
Users are involved throughout the design and
development process;
The design is directed and refined by user-
centered evaluation;
The process is iterative;
The design addresses the entire user
experience; and
The design team includes multidisciplinary
skills and perspectives.
These principles are essential for projects aimed
at quality user satisfaction. It is also inherent to
UCD's philosophy to accommodate different
perspectives and knowledge, promoting the
participation not only of the user in the process but of
the entire, interdisciplinary design team. Thus, UCD
conceptually supports the process presented here. The
application of UCD principles in healthcare has been
shown to improve usability and adoption by actively
involving end users throughout the development
process (Bazzano et al., 2021).
The Health Technologies Research Group, affiliated
with the Technology Directorate of the University of
Fortaleza, where the process presented herein
originates and develops, was established in 2012 with
the aim of supporting applied research projects in the
ICT field (or involving ICTs) on the University
Initially, it consisted only of students and
researchers from the fields of Computer Science and
Engineering. However, during the first year of
activity, it was observed that the development of
interactive systems in the academic context was an
interdisciplinary process. This realization opened
space for students, professionals, and researchers
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
from the areas of Marketing, Communication, and
Administration, who joined to contribute knowledge
and experience.
Over time, the laboratory began receiving project
demands, mostly academic, from various fields,
predominantly health (e.g., Psychology, Medicine,
Public Health, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy,
Nursing, and Dentistry). This interdisciplinary
demand required specific tools to accommodate the
specific needs of the involved areas and the academic
In this context, in 2015, the Academic Integration
Program was created, leading to the conception of
MIDTs Interdisciplinary Method for the
Development of Health-Focused Technologies. The
focus on health stemmed from the proliferation of
cases in the area.
3.1 Scientific Framework of the
The scientific framework of the proposed
multimethod methodology is significant, given its
adherence to academic research and technological
development processes, which is one of its
distinguishing features. Regarding the approach, the
methodology accommodates both quantitative and
qualitative research, as the data obtained can be
analyzed numerically using statistics—click counts,
interaction time, errors (Sampieri, Collado and
Lucio, 2013)—or through a study involving a
statistically valid sample population and/or data
revealing user perceptions and experience quality,
which are not entirely quantifiable (Minayo, 2014).
Its nature is applied, as it generates hypotheses
and specific solutions (artifacts) for concrete
problems, producing multidisciplinary and
prescriptive knowledge.
Regarding its objectives, MIDTs proposes
technological research, focusing on the development
of multidisciplinary, applied knowledge aimed at
artifact-based solutions for complex problems and
specific societal demands. Validation and/or
evaluation of tools and research strategies aim at
creating reliable instruments (in this case, the
technological artifact) that are accurate and usable,
which can be employed by other researchers and
users (Polit; Beck, 2018; Wazlawick, 2014). (Freitas
Junior et al., 2014; Van Aken, 2004).
As for procedures, the method proposes
bibliographic research in its phases, positioning the
researcher in relation to the investigated problem
through information not previously available. It also
considers itself experimental, given the perspective of
introducing technology controlled by the researcher
into the context under investigation (Wazlawick,
3.2 Proposed Process
MIDTs is inspired by academically inclined
approaches such as Interaction Design (Preece,
Rogers, Sharp, 2015), Design Science Research, and
market-oriented methods such as Design Thinking
(Kimbel, 2011; Tschimmel, 2012), conceptually
anchored in User-Centered Design. The method
proposes six phases (Figure 3), each with specific
inputs and outputs that feed into subsequent phases or
contribute to revising the output of the preceding
phase. The ultimate goal of the process is to develop
a functional prototype to test a research hypothesis.
Delivering a market-ready product is not the initial
scope of the methodology, though the process can be
adapted for such purposes, adhering to necessary
legal and regulatory aspects.
Figure 1: Framework of method activities.
The First Phase consists of understanding the
context of the problem at hand, based on scientific
evidence and market data. It is common at the
beginning to lack clarity about the problem and
potential solutions, only a superficial perception of a
need. Therefore, meetings are held with an
MIDTs: Interdisciplinary Method for Technological Research Development with a Focus on Health
interdisciplinary team of specialists to clearly identify
the problem and its possible causes, as well as align
this understanding among the team. Based on this, a
hypothesis is established that emerging technologies
such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of
Things (IoT) have shown great potential in driving
innovation in interdisciplinary methods, enabling
scalable and adaptive solutions to complex problems
(Sarker et al., 2022).
Based on preliminary discussions, the hypothesis
is used as a guiding question for a systematic review
(Staples; Niazi, 2007) or integrative review (Torraco,
2005) of the literature, using scientific databases and
portals to deepen the theoretical understanding of the
topic and identify existing similar solutions. As a
result, the scientific validation of the problem and
potential solution alternatives are expected.
Consider the following example of a problem:
injuries caused by falls in elderly individuals in home
care settings, observed by a master's student in
nursing working for a health cooperative. In the first
phase, the student conducted a root cause analysis to
identify the motivations behind the falls. With data
from the cooperative and interdisciplinary team
support, it was identified that the falls occurred due to
multiple causes, including the lack of a dedicated
caregiver, who had to step away for other domestic
duties such as meal preparation. Consequently,
specialists proposed a monitoring system using IoT
(Internet of Things) for fall detection and prevention.
Using this hypothesis, the student searched scientific
databases such as Google Scholar, Elsevier, and
others specific to health to identify similar research
and solutions that could support her work. She found
technologies aiding fall detection but none for
prevention. With this result, she moved on to the
second phase.
The Second Phase involves identifying user needs
(target audience) and establishing requirements to
solve the identified problem. Methods to identify
these needs include: 1) interviews and focus groups
with potential users (aligned with designed profiles),
2) creation of personas and usage scenarios (Barbosa
and Silva, 2011) by the interdisciplinary team (Carrol,
2006), and 3) market data research. Based on these
needs, specialists analyze and define the
technological requirements (functional and non-
functional) of the solution. These requirements are
used to structure a matrix, comparing solutions found
in the market and academia, indicating full, partial, or
unmet requirements.
Continuing the example, the nursing student
conducted a needs assessment through interviews
with cooperative clients. These interviews revealed
that families did not adopt existing preventive
techniques like physical bed restraints, as they were
deemed invasive and uncomfortable, compromising
the elderly's quality of life. Additionally, the routine
of the elderly included natural activities like hygiene
and meals. Based on these reports and other needs,
the team mapped functional and non-functional
requirements for the system. For instance, a non-
functional requirement was non-invasive monitoring
that preserves the patient's privacy and quality of life,
while a functional requirement was the ability to
temporarily pause and resume monitoring to
accommodate caregiving routines. With these
requirements, the student revisited her research and
confirmed that existing technologies did not meet all
mapped requirements, justifying the development of
new technology, and proceeding to the next phase.
The Third Phase encompasses the ideation
process to design the initial solution. Based on the
requirements and alternative technologies identified
in earlier phases, the interdisciplinary team meets to
conduct brainstorming sessions (Godoy, 2001) to
devise a solution. Initial drafts are created according
to the technology (e.g., low-fidelity app screen
prototypes (Barbosa and Silva, 2011), schematic
drawings of small hardware devices, etc.). The group
validates these drafts with potential users and refines
them as needed to ensure the solution makes sense.
When a viable theoretical solution is achieved, a
more refined version is produced. The team specifies
components such as electronic hardware, visual
identity (if applicable), color palette, and other details
to enhance fidelity to the final product.
In the fall prevention system case, the last phase
concluded with mapped requirements. In the third
phase, the team produced a general architecture of the
solution, listing necessary components to satisfy the
requirements. Low-fidelity drafts were conceptually
validated, followed by high-fidelity versions closer to
the final output. Using the same approach, low- and
high-fidelity versions were created for each
component of the architecture, such as information
panel screens. With the designs completed, the team
proceeded to the next phase.
The Fourth Phase proposes the development of an
interactive or functional prototype, which may also
take the form of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
(Ries, 2011), based on a selected design proposal. At
this stage, the technological architecture of the
solution is defined, including the development
environment and platform, tools, programming
languages, software components (libraries, database
management systems, frameworks), hardware design
and components, or other technical artifacts
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
associated with the product. The resulting
deliverables typically include software
documentation, hardware schematics, source code, or
other technical materials detailing the proposed
technological artifact.
In some cases, the project does not advance to the
physical development or coding of the artifact but
instead creates an interactive simulation of the
artifact's behavior using specific software (e.g.,
Figma). This strategy reduces project costs and time
but may negatively impact the ability to conduct
evaluations or tests requiring functional technology.
In the nursing master's student example, the team
developed each technological component defined in
Phase 3. The application's backend logic was created,
high-fidelity screens were implemented (frontend),
and hardware components were integrated and
housed in custom 3D-printed enclosures.
The Fifth Phase involves evaluating the produced
artifact using specific tools and methods, such as
usability evaluation (Barbosa and Silva, 2011),
content evaluation by judges, utility/acceptation
evaluation (Saravanos, 2022), and clinical validation
through a pilot study. These evaluations aim to
comprehensively assess the artifact, determining
whether it is easy, understandable, and pleasant to use
for its target audience, whether the content and
processes it proposes are scientifically correct and
appropriate from the perspective of experts, and
whether it is useful for the intended activity.
The proposed methods are complementary, each
offering a distinct perspective on the technology. A
careful assessment of what needs to be measured and
the available time is essential. However, all methods
share common steps, typical of any evaluation
process: selecting participants, ensuring a sufficient
and representative sample of project personas,
avoiding selection biases, and considering factors like
age range, familiarity with technology, or the project
itself. Additionally, obtaining appropriate consent
and assent forms is crucial. Some methods also
include standard scales, such as the System Usability
Scale (SUS), which have specific calculation
methods for results.
For the fall prevention project, acceptance model
(Saravanos et al., 2022) was used as a reference. Eight
health professionals (nurses, physicians, and
physiotherapists) participated in the evaluation. The
test was conducted in a controlled laboratory
environment to capture interaction nuances with the
technology. The results showed 88% total agreement
among evaluators, with suggestions for
improvements such as mobile device connectivity,
battery use in case of power outages, and the
generation of reports.
The Sixth Phase involves compiling and
presenting the results obtained, typically in the form
of course completion works, master's dissertations,
doctoral theses, or scientific articles. As a result of
this methodology, some executed projects present
prototype solutions to real problems, extending
beyond hypothesis testing. This sometimes enables
software, trademark, or patent registrations and
product market placement. Activities conducted in
this phase are not limited to the project's end but can
be performed at the conclusion of other phases,
depending on the publication locus and format.
In the same fall prevention project example, the
results of a proof of concept conducted before the
fourth phase were used to write an article for a
scientific initiation event. After training the neural
network with real human data to parameterize the
system, a second article was produced for a national-
scale event. At the project's end, the student
completed and presented her dissertation to an
examining committee, which awarded her a master's
degree. Although no specific brand was developed, a
patent application was submitted through the
University with consent from all involved, given the
perceived applicability of the concept to other
contexts, such as baby fall prevention.
3.3 Ethical Aspects
Regarding ethical and legal aspects, all research
supported by the method proposed herein adheres to
the ethical and legal standards for research involving
human subjects. In Brazil, these must comply with the
guidelines and regulatory norms outlined in
Resolution No. 466, of December 12, 2012, by the
National Health Council, which provides Guidelines
and Regulatory Norms for Research Involving
Human Beings (Brasil, 2013).
The MIDTs has been refined and utilized by the
research group of the Vice-Rectorate for Research at
the University of Fortaleza for approximately ten
years. The outcomes achieved with MIDTs
throughout its application are significant and span
various areas.
The results achieved through the application of
MIDTs are noteworthy, encompassing over 70
applied research projects. These have led to nine
trademark registrations, 86 academic publications,
MIDTs: Interdisciplinary Method for Technological Research Development with a Focus on Health
and practical technological artifacts currently in use
in hospitals, clinics, and public health programs. For
example, IoT-based systems for fall prevention and
monitoring have demonstrated tangible benefits for
healthcare providers and patients.
In 2020, with the aim of sharing experiences in the
development and use of eHealth technologies with the
scientific community—most of them supported by
the method presented here—the book "eHealth
Technologies in the Context of Health Promotion"
(Silva, Brasil and Vasconcelos Filho, 2020) was
Furthermore, the method has contributed to the
direct and indirect training of students from diverse
fields, promoting interdisciplinarity and innovation.
These results highlight MIDTs’ potential to transform
academic research into real-world solutions that
address concrete societal demands.
Currently, several other projects are at different
stages of development within the Program, utilizing
the method presented here.
The results of this study demonstrate that the MIDTs
methodology effectively integrates interdisciplinary
approaches and develops innovative technological
solutions, particularly in the healthcare sector.
However, analyzing its impact over a decade of
application reveals gaps and opportunities that
warrant critical reflection.
Firstly, the predominant application in the
healthcare field highlights a lack of exploration in
other domains, such as education, public
administration, and sustainability. This limitation
may stem from the method's initial framework, which
prioritized challenges and solutions tailored to
healthcare needs. Methodological adaptations are
necessary to broaden its scope, incorporating tools
like blockchain to enhance data security and
emerging technologies like generative AI for solution
Another critical aspect is the ethical
considerations in technological development. It was
observed that aspects such as privacy, inclusion, and
sustainability were not consistently addressed in the
early phases of the method. Integrating these
concerns from the problem-identification stage can
mitigate risks and ensure solutions are more
responsible and aligned with societal demands.
Furthermore, despite the success in generating
technological artifacts and academic publications, the
absence of consistent metrics to measure social and
economic impacts limits a comprehensive assessment
of its outcomes. To advance, it is suggested to
implement indicators such as operational cost
reductions, improvements in health indicators, and
usability perceptions from end-users.
These analyses reinforce the relevance and
capability of MIDTs in addressing complex
challenges while highlighting areas for evolution to
ensure its effectiveness and sustainability in diverse
This study presented the MIDTs methodology as an
interdisciplinary and user-centered framework
designed for the development of technologies in the
healthcare sector. Evidence collected over a decade
indicates that the method has significantly
contributed to advancing technological solutions,
resulting in academic publications, patent
registrations, and practical applications. Additionally,
it has fostered interdisciplinary training for students
and researchers, promoting collaboration across
diverse knowledge areas.
It is concluded that to ensure the method's
evolution, it is crucial to address identified
limitations, including its expansion to other sectors,
the integration of emerging technologies, and the
inclusion of metrics for social and economic impact.
These improvements will contribute to consolidating
MIDTs as a robust and adaptable tool for
interdisciplinary technological development, aligned
with contemporary demands.
We would like to thank all the researchers and
students who participated, either directly or
indirectly, in the design and practical application of
the method, contributing to its evolution.
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