crease forecasting difficulty. On the contrary, ”Win-
ter” shows the best values reflecting very likely more
stable conditions easier to predict. When comparing
the techniques for a given reference day, we may note
that ADA provides the best results followed by the
RF and the STK. Thus, while ADA is not competitive
when evaluated via traditional KPIs, when consider-
ing the VPF seems to provide the best results.
The results presented further emphasize an impor-
tant observation: the forecasting technique that per-
forms best under conventional metrics may not al-
ways be the most effective for prescriptive purposes,
especially in contexts where accurate adjustments and
decision-making are critical. This distinction high-
lights the need to tailor performance evaluations to
the specific application or domain requirements.
This paper focuses on the evaluation of forecasting
techniques from a prescriptive perspective. Specifi-
cally, the study applies five ML techniques to train
predictive models for PV generation forecasting,
which are then used as input parameters for an opti-
mization problem aimed at defining the optimal daily
operational strategy for a REC. The different tech-
niques are evaluated by using both standard accuracy
metrics and a new measure, the VPF, used to mea-
sure the cost incurred to adjust operational plan for
compensate for the deviations between forecast and
actual values. The preliminary results seem to point
out that the ML model with the highest score on the
standard statistical metrics is not necessarily the most
effective for optimization purposes. This study under-
scores the need for a more holistic approach to evalu-
ating forecasting models, especially when they are in-
tegrated into optimization workflows. By considering
both standard metrics and application-specific indices
like VPF, stakeholders can select models that are not
only accurate, but also cost-effective for operational
In this sense, the present work constitutes a pre-
liminary investigation within this field of application.
Firstly, it is recommended that the insights provided
by the new index introduced in this study should be
further replicated through a range of different com-
putational experiments and application settings. This
will demonstrate the practical utility and generalis-
ability of the proposed index in different contexts.
Future research directions could focus on achieving
a deeper integration between predictive and prescrip-
tive processes. One promising approach may be em-
bedding the prediction process within optimization
models by leveraging innovative approaches like con-
straint learning. In alternative the training process of
predictive models may be carried out, taking in ac-
count the structure of the optimization problem, like
in ’Smart Predict, Then Optimize’ framework.
We acknowledge the financial support from: PNRR
MUR project PE0000013-FAIR.
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ICORES 2025 - 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems