SPEAR: SPADE-Net and HuBERT for Enhanced Audio-to-Facial
Xuan-Nam Cao
1,2 a
and Minh-Triet Tran
1,2 b
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Science, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Generative AI, Audio-to-Face Generation, HuBERT, VAE, SPADE, Optical Flow, Landmark Prediction.
Generating talking faces has become an essential area of research due to its broad applications. Previous
studies in facial synthesis have faced challenges in maintaining consistency between input landmarks and
generated facial images, especially when dealing with complex expressions or pose variations. To address
these challenges, this paper proposes a novel generative approach for face synthesis driven by audio, pose, and
reference images. The proposed system combines a pretrained Variational Autoencoder (VAE), Transformer
encoders, SPADE (Spatially Adaptive Normalization) modules, and optical flow-based warping to generate
realistic facial images. The system utilizes HuBERT for audio feature extraction, a pose encoder for capturing
pose-driven features, and a reference encoder to provide contextual facial information. The generated face,
incorporating audio cues, pose variations, and reference images, is refined through optical flow to align with
the driven pose and landmarks, ensuring high fidelity and natural facial animation. Experimental results
demonstrate the effectiveness of this system in generating high quality, emotion driven facial animations.
Talking face generation has emerged as a prominent
research area due to its potential applications in vir-
tual avatars, gaming, and human-computer interac-
tion. The ability to generate realistic and expressive
facial animations driven by audio and other cues is
crucial for enhancing user engagement and realism in
these applications.
Previous studies on facial synthesis have primar-
ily relied on convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
(Vougioukas et al., 2020; Eskimez et al., 2021), some-
times combined with LSTM(Hochreiter and Schmid-
huber, 1997) architectures (Zhou et al., 2020; Wang
et al., 2020a; Song et al., 2022; Cao et al., 2024a),
or employed Transformer-based models (Gong et al.,
2021; Verma and Berger, 2021; Cao et al., 2023;
Cao et al., 2024b) to generate images conditioned
on input landmarks. While these approaches have
achieved notable progress, they often face challenges
in preserving fine-grained consistency between the
input landmarks and the synthesized facial images,
particularly when dealing with complex expressions
or significant pose variations. Global normalization
techniques commonly used in these models fail to
preserve critical spatial details, leading to noticeable
degradation in regions such as the mouth or eyes. Ad-
ditionally, multi-modal approaches that incorporate
audio or pose inputs often face challenges in align-
ing these inputs with spatial structures, resulting in
incoherent or less natural outputs.
In audio-driven facial synthesis, methods like
MFCC (Abdul and Al-Talabani, 2022), Wav2Vec
Conformer (Baevski et al., 2020) (Gulati et al., 2020),
and UniSpeech (Wang et al., 2021) show progress but
face notable limitations. MFCC captures basic spec-
tral properties but lacks modeling of complex rela-
tionships. Wav2Vec Conformer combines CNNs and
transformers but struggles with long-term dependen-
cies and generalization. UniSpeech excels in speech
representation but is less effective in aligning speech
with facial animations. These methods fail to fully
exploit the intricate relationship between audio and
facial landmarks, limiting their ability to generate ex-
pressive facial animations.
To address these issues, we propose a novel ap-
proach for audio-driven face synthesis using pre-
trained Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) (Kingma
and Welling, 2019), Transformer encoders, and
Cao, X.-N. and Tran, M.-T.
SPEAR: SPADE-Net and HuBERT for Enhanced Audio-to-Facial Reconstruction.
DOI: 10.5220/0013349100003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 1311-1318
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
SPADE (Park et al., 2019). Audio features are ex-
tracted using HuBERT for rich acoustic representa-
tions, while pose and reference encoders capture vari-
ations and guide synthesis. Optical flow-based warp-
ing ensures alignment with input pose and landmarks,
improving naturalness and accuracy. Experiments
highlight the method’s ability to produce high-quality,
emotion-driven facial animations, advancing virtual
avatars and related applications.
The main contributions of our research are as fol-
- We demonstrate the effectiveness of HuBERT in
landmark prediction, achieving superior performance
in both landmark distance (LD) and landmark veloc-
ity distance (LVD), surpassing models such as MFCC,
Wav2Vec Conformer, and UniSpeech.
- We propose SPADE-Net, a novel architecture
aimed at improving the quality of facial landmark pre-
diction and image generation, providing a promising
solution for tasks requiring precise face synthesis.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion Section 2 reviews related work. Section 3 details
the proposed model. Sections 4 and 5 present exper-
iments and results. Section 6 concludes with future
2.1 Audio-Based Talking Head
In audio-based facial generation, various deep learn-
ing methods have been explored to capture tempo-
ral relationships and extract key features from audio
signals. LSTM networks (Hochreiter and Schmid-
huber, 1997), for example, are effective at modeling
sequential data and have been used in systems like
Makeittalk (Zhou et al., 2020) to extract content and
emotional features from audio. Other studies, such as
MEAD (Wang et al., 2020a) and Song et al. (Song
et al., 2022), have leveraged LSTMs to capture tem-
poral patterns and emphasize emotional expressions.
CNNs, on the other hand, are useful for capturing
local patterns in audio data. Approaches like those
from Vougioukas et al. (Vougioukas et al., 2020) and
Eskimez et al. (Eskimez et al., 2021) combine CNNs
with LSTMs to capture both local features and tempo-
ral dependencies, providing more comprehensive fea-
ture extraction.
Recently, integrating Transformers with CNNs
has gained attention, as seen in studies like AST
(Gong et al., 2021) and Verma et al.(Verma and
Berger, 2021). This combination allows for captur-
ing both local and long-range dependencies, making
it particularly effective for facial landmark prediction
2.2 Audio Representation Models for
Facial Landmark Prediction
HuBERT (Hsu et al., 2021), Wav2Vec Conformer
(Baevski et al., 2020)(Gulati et al., 2020), and UniS-
peech (Wang et al., 2021) are state-of-the-art mod-
els for audio representation learning, each offering
distinct advantages in capturing audio features. Hu-
BERT (Hsu et al., 2021) utilizes self-supervised learn-
ing to model complex speech patterns, demonstrat-
ing superior performance in various tasks, includ-
ing landmark prediction. Wav2Vec Conformer is de-
signed similarly to Wav2Vec (Baevski et al., 2020),
but with the attention block replaced by a conformer
block (Gulati et al., 2020). This modification enables
Wav2Vec Conformer to combine the advantages of
conformer blocks, excelling in capturing both local
patterns and long-range dependencies in audio data.
UniSpeech (Wang et al., 2021), a multi-task model,
integrates acoustic and linguistic features, providing
robust representations for diverse speech processing
tasks. These models have shown promising results in
facial landmark prediction, outperforming traditional
methods like MFCC in terms of accuracy and tempo-
ral coherence.
Figure 1 provides an overview of the framework pro-
posed in this work. The input comprises three com-
ponents: audio, a driving video, and reference land-
marks, which can be randomly selected from the same
driving video. In Stage 1, the Audio-to-Landmark
module 3.1, these inputs are used to predict the fa-
cial landmarks. These predicted landmarks are then
passed to Stage 2, the Landmark-to-Face module 3.2,
which utilizes a pretrained VAE and SPADE-Net to
generate the final talking face image.
3.1 Audio to Landmark
3.1.1 Audio Encoder
In our approach, we leverage HuBERT (Hidden-Unit
BERT), a self-supervised pre-trained speech repre-
sentation model, to extract robust audio features. Hu-
BERT processes raw audio waveforms and outputs
hidden representations from multiple layers, each
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: General visualization of the proposed framework.
capturing different levels of acoustic and linguistic in-
formation. Specifically, we utilize the outputs from
the 6th, 12th, and 24th hidden layers of HuBERT.
Each layer produces a feature vector of size (1024, ),
representing the latent features extracted from the au-
dio at different hierarchical levels. These three fea-
ture vectors are concatenated along the channel di-
mension, resulting in a combined feature representa-
tion of shape (3, 1024).
The choice of the 6th, 12th, and 24th layers is
intentional, as it reflects the hierarchical nature of
HuBERT’s learned representations. The lower lay-
ers (e.g., the 6th) capture low-level acoustic features
such as phonemes and prosody, essential for preserv-
ing speech rhythm and intonation. The middle layers
(e.g., the 12th) focus on intermediate representations,
balancing acoustic and semantic information, while
the higher layers (e.g., the 24th) encode high-level lin-
guistic features and contextual understanding, which
are critical for tasks involving semantic comprehen-
sion and emotion.
This concatenated feature captures both low-level
acoustic characteristics and high-level semantic infor-
mation, providing a rich representation of the input
speech signal. Once the combined feature (3, 1024)
is obtained, it is passed through a 1D Convolutional
Neural Network (1D-CNN) for further processing.
The input tensor is reshaped to (B×T, 3, 1024), where
B is the batch size and T is the number of time frames.
The 1D-CNN encoder consists of multiple stacked
convolutional layers with residual connections to en-
hance feature extraction and maintain stable gradi-
ents. As the network deepens, the temporal resolution
is reduced, while the feature channels are increased,
capturing increasingly abstract representations.
3.1.2 Pose and Reference Landmark Encoder
The Pose and Reference Landmark Encoder utilizes
the same architecture as the Landmark Encoder in
our previously published SpeechSyncNet (Cao et al.,
2023), which is designed to capture both spatial and
temporal features effectively. For the pose input, we
use a tensor with the shape (B, T
, 2, 74), where B is
the batch size, T
is the number of pose frames, and
74 represents the key landmark points corresponding
to the upper half of the face. These pose landmarks
play a crucial role in guiding the prediction process by
providing essential orientation cues, ensuring that the
model can generate coherent and natural facial move-
Similarly, for the reference input, the encoder pro-
cesses a tensor with the shape (B, T
, 2, 131), where
denotes the number of reference frames, and 131
represents the full set of facial landmark points. The
reference landmarks serve as a foundation for refin-
ing predictions and maintaining consistency with the
target facial expressions and geometry.
The Landmark Encoder in SpeechSyncNet is
specifically designed to capture both spatial relation-
ships between landmarks and temporal dependencies
across frames. By leveraging global average pooling
and 1D convolutions, the encoder ensures that both
local and global features are preserved. This dual ca-
pability allows the encoder to effectively process dy-
namic facial expressions and subtle pose variations,
enabling high-quality and temporally coherent land-
mark predictions. The integration of both pose and
reference landmarks ensures that the model not only
maintains spatial accuracy but also produces smooth
and contextually appropriate facial movements over
SPEAR: SPADE-Net and HuBERT for Enhanced Audio-to-Facial Reconstruction
3.1.3 Landmark Decoder
The Landmark Decoder generates accurate facial
landmark predictions by incorporating audio, pose,
and reference landmark information. Position embed-
dings are applied to both the audio and pose features
to capture temporal and spatial relationships, ensuring
the model recognizes frame order.
These combined features are then passed through
a Transformer Encoder, which uses multi-head self-
attention and feed-forward layers to capture long-
range dependencies. This allows the model to inte-
grate information from both audio and pose modali-
ties effectively, ensuring coherent landmark trajecto-
ries across multiple frames.
The final output of the Transformer Encoder is
processed through a linear projection layer to produce
the output shape (B, T
, 2, 57), where B is the batch
size, T
is the number of pose frames, 2 represents
the x and y coordinates, and 57 corresponds to the
predicted landmarks for the lower half of the face, en-
suring accurate and expressive facial movements.
3.2 Landmark to Face
The input to the pretrained VAE Encoder comprises
four elements: the predicted landmarks I
, the tar-
get image I
, the reference landmarks I
, and the
reference image I
. Each input is processed inde-
pendently, producing a latent feature with a shape
of (4, 32, 32). Notably, both the predicted and ref-
erence landmarks are first rendered as images before
being input into the VAE, and the target image I
masked in the lower half to obscure the mouth region.
These latent features are subsequently passed through
SPADE-Net, which predicts the final latent represen-
tation F
for the synthesized image. Fi-
nally, the pretrained VAE Decoder uses this predicted
latent feature to reconstruct the facial image I
, en-
suring consistency between the predicted landmarks
and the generated face.
3.2.1 Pretrained Variational Autoencoder
The model utilizes a pretrained Variational Autoen-
coder (VAE) (Kingma and Welling, 2019), specifi-
cally the AutoencoderKL architecture (Kingma and
Welling, 2022), which incorporates KL divergence
loss as a core component. Fine-tuned for high-quality
facial image generation, this VAE uses a probabilis-
tic encoder to transform input images into a latent
space that captures both global and fine-grained fea-
tures. The input to the encoder is a tensor with shape
(3, 256, 256), representing the facial image in RGB
format. The latent space, shaped (4, 32, 32), encap-
sulates the essential characteristics of the input im-
age. Once encoded, the compressed latent vector is
passed through the decoder, which reconstructs the
image into an output tensor with the same shape
(3, 256, 256), corresponding to the generated facial
, F
, F
, = E(M (I
), I
, I
) (1)
where E represents the VAE Encoder and M per-
forms the masking operation.
Figure 2: The architecture of the SPADE-Net.
3.2.2 SPADE-Net
Inspired by the IP_LAP framework (Zhong et al.,
2023), SPADE-Net is designed with two primary
modules, each composed of a series of consecutive
SPADE (Spatially Adaptive Denormalization) layers
(Park et al., 2019). These modules work together to
predict the target image’s features in the latent space.
The architecture of SPADE-Net is illustrated in Fig-
ure 2, highlighting how the sequential layers enable
precise feature prediction for image generation.
In the first module G
, the reference image fea-
ture F
and the reference landmark feature F
passed through N x SPADE layers. The target land-
marks are used as conditioning inputs, enabling the
model to learn the optical flow F
tween the reference and target facial configurations.
By leveraging the target landmarks, SPADE-Net ef-
fectively captures the spatial transformation needed
to align the reference and target faces, modeling fa-
cial motion and structure accurately.
The output of the SPADE layer sequence and
the reference image feature are then warped us-
ing the learned optical flow, producing the warping
SPADE feature F
and the warping reference fea-
ture F
. These warped features serve as inputs to
the second module.
, F
= G
, F
, F
) (2)
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
In the second module G
, the target mask image
feature F
and the target landmark feature F
passed through N x SPADE layers. The warped fea-
ture F
derived from the first module is used as an
additional conditioning input for the SPADE layers,
guiding the generation of the target face image.
A critical aspect of this architecture is the warping
of the reference image’s latent features using the pre-
dicted optical flow. The warped latent feature F
is then used as a condition for the final SPADE layer,
ensuring that essential characteristics of the reference
face, such as its overall structure and facial features,
are preserved in the generated output. This warping
process ensures consistency and realism in the final
synthesized facial image, even as the face undergoes
transformations driven by the target landmarks.
= G
, F
, F
, F
) (3)
= VAE_Decoder(F
) (4)
4.1 Datasets
We evaluate the model using the MEAD dataset
(Wang et al., 2020b), a benchmark for talking face
generation. MEAD features 281,400 high-resolution
video clips (1920 × 1080) from 60 actors, annotated
with diverse emotional expressions, making it ideal
for testing emotion recognition and synthesis.
4.2 Loss Function
The audio-to-landmark module is trained using two
loss functions: Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss and
Landmark Velocity loss. MSE loss L
the difference between predicted and ground truth
landmark positions, ensuring spatial accuracy. Land-
mark Velocity loss L
promotes temporal consistency
by capturing smooth transitions between successive
landmark predictions.
F 1
f =1
f +1,i
f ,i
) (y
f +1,i
f ,i
= L
+ L
where: y
denote the ground truth and predicted
landmarks for the i-th sample, respectively. F denotes
the number of frames and N the number of points.
In the landmark-to-face generation stage, we use
multiple loss functions to enhance the quality of gen-
erated faces. Reconstruction loss L
minimizes the
MSE between the generated and ground truth faces
to ensure structural similarity. Perceptual loss L
computed in the latent space of a pretrained network,
captures high-level semantic details for perceptual re-
alism. GAN loss L
encourages realistic-looking
faces by differentiating real and generated images.
Additionally, a mouth-specific loss L
focuses on
the MSE in the mouth region, improving accuracy in
reconstructing occluded or degraded mouth features.
Together, these losses ensure high visual fidelity in
talking face generation.
= λ
+ λ
+ λ
+ λ
where λ
, λ
, λ
, λ
are the weighting factors for the
reconstruction loss, perceptual loss, GAN loss, and
attention loss, respectively.
4.3 Experimental Setup
The MEAD dataset was split into training, valida-
tion, and testing sets at an 80%-10%-10% ratio.
The Audio-to-Landmark model was trained for 200
epochs, and the Landmark-to-Face model for 300
epochs, with video data processed at 25 FPS. Train-
ing used a batch size of 32, a learning rate of 1.0 ×
, the Adam optimizer, and the ExponentialLR
scheduler for adaptive learning rate adjustment. Loss
weights were set as λ
= λ
= 1.0, λ
= 4.0, and
= 2.5.
5.1 Experimental Metrics
The Landmark Distance (LD) metric, introduced by
(Chen et al., 2018), measures the average Euclidean
distance between predicted and reference landmarks,
normalized by face width. For our task, we calculate
LD using only landmarks in the lower half of the face,
excluding the upper region, to focus on this specific
area. The equation is represented as follows:
LD =
f =1
f ,i
f ,i
SPEAR: SPADE-Net and HuBERT for Enhanced Audio-to-Facial Reconstruction
Figure 3: Visualization of groundtruth landmarks (green)
and predicted landmarks (red).
where F denotes the number of frames, N denotes
the number of points, and w
is the width of the
The Landmark Velocity Difference (LVD) metric
quantifies the dynamics of landmark motion by cal-
culating the difference in landmark positions between
consecutive frames. The LVD is defined using the
same equation as in Equation 6.
Furthermore, to evaluate the quality of the gener-
ated images, we employed three key metrics: Peak
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity
Index (SSIM)(Larkin, 2015), and Fréchet Inception
Distance (FID)(Heusel et al., 2018).
5.2 Performance Comparision
We evaluate our methods against several approaches
in talking face generation on the MEAD dataset to en-
sure a fair comparison. The benchmark methods on
the MEAD dataset include Chen et al. (Chen et al.,
2018), MEAD (Wang et al., 2020b), EVP (Ji et al.,
2021), Song et al. (Song et al., 2022), SpeechSync-
Net (Cao et al., 2023), Trans APL (Cao et al., 2024b),
EAPC (Cao et al., 2024a), Sinha et. al. (Sinha et al.,
2022), and IP_LAP (Zhong et al., 2023)
5.3 Quatitative
Table 1 compares model performance on the MEAD
dataset using Landmark Distance (LD) and Landmark
Table 1: Comparison of landmark prediction performance
across different models on the MEAD dataset.
Model (MEAD dataset) LD LVD
Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2018) 3.27 2.09
MEAD (Wang et al., 2020b) 2.52 2.28
EVP (Ji et al., 2021) 2.45 1.78
Song et al. (Song et al., 2022) 2.54 1.99
EAPC (Cao et al., 2024a) 2.01 1.25
Trans APL (Cao et al., 2024b) 3.58 1.03
SpeechSyncNet (Cao et al., 2023) 1.92 0.97
Our 1.84 1.28
Table 2: Performance of different models on the MEAD
dataset based on PSNR, SSIM, and FID.
Model (MEAD dataset) PSNR SSIM FID
MEAD 28.61 0.68 25.52
EVP 29.53 0.71 7.99
Sinha et. al. 30.06 0.77 35.41
IP_LAP 32.91 0.93 27.87
Our 30.12 0.90 31.36
Velocity Distance (LVD). Our model achieves the best
LD score of 1.84, significantly outperforming Chen et
al. (3.27) and Trans APL (3.58). Although Speech-
SyncNet has a slightly better LVD score (0.97 vs.
1.28), our model’s superior LD highlights its accuracy
in landmark prediction, making it highly effective for
precision-critical real-time applications.
Table 2 compares our model with others on the
MEAD dataset using PSNR, SSIM, and FID metrics.
Our model achieves a PSNR of 30.12 and SSIM of
0.90, ranking second to the IP_LAP model (PSNR:
32.91, SSIM: 0.93). While our FID score of 31.36 is
higher than EVP’s 7.99, indicating less realism, our
model balances structural similarity and image qual-
ity effectively, showcasing its ability to generate fa-
cial images that preserve key features with competi-
tive performance.
5.4 Qualitative Visualization
Figure 3 shows that the mouth shape generated from
predicted landmarks in our method closely matches
the ground truth. The smooth landmark flow accu-
rately captures natural head movements, demonstrat-
ing strong temporal coherence in the sequences. This
highlights the effectiveness of our approach in main-
taining landmark consistency over time.
Additionally, Figure 4 visually demonstrates how
using driven landmarks and reference facial images
enables effective inpainting of occluded facial areas,
even within a compact latent space. This allows for
accurate reconstruction of facial features, yielding re-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 4: Visual quality comparison between generated faces and groundtruth facial images.
alistic lip sync, head movements, and emotional ex-
pressions. While the inpainting quality is high, slight
variations around the mouth region suggest areas for
further refinement.
5.5 Ablation Study
To evaluate HuBERT’s effectiveness, experiments
were conducted with four models: HuBERT, MFCC,
Wav2Vec Conformer, and UniSpeech. These mod-
els represent different audio feature extraction tech-
niques, each with a distinct approach. The evaluation
focused on their ability to predict landmarks and gen-
erate facial images.
Table 3: Comparison of LD and LVD performance across
different models.
Model LD LVD
HuBERT 1.8394 1.2813
MFCC 1.9684 1.5855
Wav2Vec Conformer 2.1627 1.5911
UniSpeech 2.3756 1.8629
Table 3 shows that HuBERT outperforms all other
models in both landmark distance (LD) and landmark
velocity distance (LVD), achieving scores of 1.8394
and 1.2813, respectively. In comparison, MFCC
performs slightly worse with LD and LVD values
of 1.9684 and 1.5855, respectively. Wav2Vec Con-
former and UniSpeech exhibit even higher values,
with Wav2Vec Conformer at 2.1627 (LD) and 1.5911
(LVD), and UniSpeech at 2.3756 (LD) and 1.8629
(LVD). These results emphasize HuBERT as the most
effective model for this task. Additionally, Figure 5
illustrates experimental results across multiple faces,
demonstrating the method’s generalizability.
In conclusion, this work highlights the effectiveness
of HuBERT for landmark prediction, outperforming
models like MFCC, Wav2Vec Conformer, and UniS-
peech in both landmark distance and velocity. We
also introduce SPADE-Net, a novel architecture that
enhances facial landmark prediction and image gen-
eration, providing a robust solution for precise face
synthesis. The integration of HuBERT and SPADE-
Net marks a significant advancement in improving the
reliability and realism of facial reconstruction from
audio-driven landmarks.
This research is supported by research funding from
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Sci-
ence, Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh
SPEAR: SPADE-Net and HuBERT for Enhanced Audio-to-Facial Reconstruction
Figure 5: Visualization of face construction in difference persons.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence