In this paper, we introduced VITAMIN, a compre-
hensive and versatile framework designed for model
checking of Multi-Agent Systems and beyond. Our
emphasis was on the engineering aspects and deci-
sions made during the development of VITAMIN.
We acknowledge that VITAMIN is an ongoing
project that will require additional refinement, but
recognise that its current state already represents a
noteworthy advancement in the realm of tools for the
formal verification of MAS. This is especially notable
given its potential for further study and extension, fa-
cilitated by its inherent compositionality.
Note that VITAMIN is currently in a prototype
stage. Certain aspects presented in this paper such as
Natural Language Processing (NLP) support for non-
expert users and the Model Checker Interface
part, are still in development. However, everything
related to verification and compositional representa-
tion in VITAMIN has already been implemented and
tested across various scenarios, each highlighting dif-
ferent models and formulas for verification.
Our future plans include the continued expansion
of VITAMIN, along with sharing it with the MAS
community. Additionally, we intend to present its
extensions in future research endeavours, exploring
possible instantiations of models and logics within
the tool. While this work has primarily focused on
VITAMIN’s engineering and architecture, future re-
search will delve into specific instantiations (of what
we called the VITAMIN’s components).
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VITAMIN: A Compositional Framework for Model Checking of Multi-Agent Systems