ically, significant increases in display resolutions are
required to display the high-quality images captured
by professional cameras and lenses effectively. As
VR technology evolves and HMD resolutions im-
prove, the benefits of using high-resolution capture
devices will become more apparent.
Looking ahead, the VR industry is poised for con-
tinued growth and technological advancement. As
display technologies improve, with higher resolutions
and wider fields of view, the demand for higher-
quality content will increase (Renganayagalu et al.,
2021). In this context, professional capture equip-
ment will play a more critical role in delivering the vi-
sual fidelity that next-generation VR experiences will
Content creators should remain adaptable, balanc-
ing the need for quality with practical considerations
of cost and technology limitations. In the interim,
leveraging affordable solutions like the Meta Quest
3 allows creators to produce engaging content with-
out prohibitive investment, fostering innovation and
experimentation within the VR community.
Our study reinforces the notion that affordable op-
tions for stereo video capture are not only viable but
also well-suited to the current state of VR technol-
ogy. While high-end devices offer superior capabil-
ities, their advantages are constrained by the limita-
tions of present-day VR HMDs. As technology pro-
gresses, the synergy between capture devices and dis-
play hardware will become increasingly important.
Until then, devices like Meta Quest 3 provide a prac-
tical and accessible means for creators to contribute
to the evolving world of virtual reality.
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Leveraging Affordable Solutions for Stereo Video Capture in Virtual Reality Applications