Analysis of the Effectiveness of LLMs in Handwritten Essay Recognition
and Assessment
Daisy Cristine Albuquerque da Silva, Carlos Luiz Ferreira, S
ergio dos Santos Cardoso Silva and
Juliano Bruno de Almeida Cardoso
Military Engineering Institute (IME), Prac¸a General Tib
urcio, 80, Urca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Large Language Models, Automated Essay Scoring, Learning Analytics, Education, Handwritten Texts.
This study investigates the application of Large Language Models (LLMs) for handwritten essay recogni-
tion and evaluation within the Military Institute of Engineering (IME) selection process. Utilizing a two-stage
methodology, 100 handwritten essays were transcribed using LLMs and subsequently evaluated against prede-
fined linguistic and content criteria by both open-source and closed-source LLMs, including GPT-3.5, GPT-4,
o1, LLaMA, and Mixtral. The evaluations were compared to those conducted by IME professors to assess
reliability, alignment, and limitations. Results indicate that closed-source models like o1 demonstrated strong
reliability and alignment with human evaluations, particularly in language-related criteria, though they exhib-
ited a tendency to assign higher scores overall. In contrast, open-source models displayed weaker correlations
and lower variance, limiting their effectiveness for nuanced assessment tasks. The study highlights the po-
tential of LLMs as complementary tools for automated essay evaluation while identifying challenges such as
variability in human and model evaluations, the need for advanced prompt engineering, and the necessity of
incorporating diverse essay formats for improved generalizability. These findings provide insights into opti-
mizing LLM performance in educational contexts.
The evaluation of handwritten texts is an indispens-
able yet challenging step in selection processes where
essays play a central role. At the Military Insti-
tute of Engineering (IME), essays constitute the sec-
ond phase of the selection exam, following an initial
stage comprising objective and open-ended questions
in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Given the
large number of candidates, the correction of essays
becomes a significant logistical and operational chal-
lenge, often requiring between 4 to 6 months to com-
Despite the considerable time and effort invested
by evaluators, the feedback provided to candidates is
often delayed and highly variable. Like other institu-
tions, IME faces difficulties related to the scarcity of
qualified human resources to efficiently perform this
task, highlighting the need for technological solutions
to ease workload.
Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-
4 (OpenAI, 2024a) and OpenAI’s o1 model (Ope-
nAI, 2024b), Meta’s LLaMA 3 (AI@Meta, 2024),
and Mistral AI (Jiang et al., 2024), open up new pos-
sibilities in the educational context (Kasneci et al.,
2024). These models have a high proficiency in pro-
cessing, analyzing and generating natural language,
offering significant potential to improve teaching and
assessment processes. For example, LLMs can as-
sist in lesson preparation through automated question
generation (Bhat et al., 2022), facilitate teacher col-
laboration via conversational AI tools (Ji et al., 2023),
and support the correction and feedback generation
for student texts (Bewersdorff et al., 2023).
In addition, LLM applications span various educa-
tional domains, including language learning (Mu
et al., 2023), mathematics (Nguyen et al., 2023), and
life sciences (Bewersdorff et al., 2024). Integrat-
ing these tools can optimize teachers’ time manage-
ment, allowing them to focus on other critical activ-
ities while simultaneously enhancing the quality and
consistency of assessments, fostering more personal-
ized and interactive learning experiences.
Given these opportunities, the question arises: to
what extent can LLMs serve as viable alternatives
or, at least, complementary tools in the evaluation
of handwritten essays? Although AI-generated feed-
Albuquerque da Silva, D. C., Ferreira, C. L., Silva, S. S. C. and Cardoso, J. B. A.
Analysis of the Effectiveness of LLMs in Handwritten Essay Recognition and Assessment.
DOI: 10.5220/0013353700003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 2, pages 776-785
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
back is increasingly being incorporated into educa-
tional applications, significant gaps remain in under-
standing its quality and effectiveness. Some initial ap-
proaches use AI to provide feedback on student texts
(Seßler et al., 2023), while others focus on Automated
Essay Scoring (AES) systems (Ramesh and Sanam-
pudi, 2022). However, detailed assessments based on
specific criteria remain scarce.
Previous research, often focusing on holistic
scores (Sawatzki et al., 2021) or a limited set of
general criteria (Mizumoto and Eguchi, 2023; Nai-
smith et al., 2023), often fails to fully capture the
complexity and nuances of student texts, particularly
in the IME selection process, where essays are as-
sessed with technical and narrative/discursive rigor.
Additionally, the lack of adequate data resources and
the absence of clear and consistent standards—often
based on subjective evaluations by teachers—pose ad-
ditional challenges.
To explore the potential of LLMs in the IME se-
lection process, this study aims to address these gaps
by evaluating the effectiveness of open-source and
closed-source models in the transcription and anal-
ysis of candidates’ essays based on predefined con-
tent and linguistic criteria. The study compares hu-
man evaluations with those generated by models such
as GPT-3.5, GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2024a), o1 (OpenAI,
2024b), LLaMA 3-70B (AI@Meta, 2024), and Mix-
tral 8x7B (Jiang et al., 2024), thoroughly investigat-
ing their performance and limitations in different cat-
egories of evaluation.
The central objective of this study is to understand
how well LLMs aligns with teacher evaluations and
to identify areas where these models excel or require
improvement. The main research questions include:
RQ1. How reliably do open and closed LLM
models perform in essay evaluation?
RQ2. How do LLM evaluations correlate with
those conducted by IME teachers?
RQ3. What are the limitations of using LLMs to
assess qualitative aspects of essays beyond pro-
viding a basic holistic score?
To address these research questions, the study was
divided into two distinct stages.
The first stage involved the transcription of 100
handwritten essays collected from candidates who
participated in the IME admission process. For this
purpose, the essays were digitized in high resolution
and manually transcribed using LLMs. The effective-
ness of the process was evaluated by comparing the
transcribed texts with the original handwritten ver-
sions, using one of the predefined evaluation cate-
gories, the Presentation category. This stage aimed
to assess the model’s ability to handle variations in
legibility present in the handwritten essays.
In the second stage, the transcribed texts were
evaluated by LLMs based on a predefined rubric that
included criteria like theme, types of text, structure
of the text, argumentative strength and coehrence,
cohesion and grammatical structure. The results of
these automated evaluations were then compared to
the analyses performed by IME faculty members, us-
ing correlation metrics such as Spearman’s r to mea-
sure the alignment between the methods. Addition-
ally, qualitative analyses of discrepancies between
teacher and automated evaluations were conducted to
identify limitations and potential biases in the models,
contributing to a better understanding of their perfor-
mance in text assessment tasks.
This study evaluated the performance of open-
source and closed-source LLMs in analyzing es-
says from candidates in the IME selection pro-
cess using predefined criteria, comparing their re-
sults to teacher evaluations. The findings highlight
that the closed-source o1 model demonstrated strong
alignment with human assessments, particularly in
language-related criteria, but consistently assigned
higher overall scores. In contrast, open-source mod-
els like LLaMA and Mixtral showed limited effec-
tiveness due to weak correlations with human eval-
The variability in both LLM and human evalu-
ations underscores the need for robust aggregation
mechanisms and the integration of subjective factors
into LLM training frameworks. Despite these chal-
lenges, advances in closed-source models, particu-
larly OpenAI, demonstrate increasing reliability and
potential for use in educational contexts.
2.1 LLM for Handwritten Text
Handwritten Text Recognition in Portuguese. The
ICDAR 2024 Competition on Handwritten Text
Recognition in Brazilian Essays BRESSAY aimed
to advance handwritten text recognition (HTR) in
Brazilian academic essays, challenging participants
to handle diverse handwriting styles and irregularities
such as smudges and erasures (Neto et al., 2024a).
The competition, featuring 14 participants from vari-
ous countries, utilized the BRESSAY dataset, which
comprises 1,000 handwritten pages in Brazilian Por-
tuguese. The challenges were structured across three
Analysis of the Effectiveness of LLMs in Handwritten Essay Recognition and Assessment
levels: line, paragraph, and page recognition, eval-
uated using the metrics Character Error Rate (CER)
and Word Error Rate (WER). The best-performing
submissions achieved CERs of 2.88% for line-level
recognition, demonstrating the effectiveness of deep
learning models and preprocessing techniques, as
highlighted by (Gatos et al., 2014) and (Neto et al.,
2024b). This study underscores the importance of the
BRESSAY dataset as a benchmark for future HTR
research, particularly in addressing real-world chal-
lenges of handwritten texts in educational contexts.
Recent research has made significant strides in
the field of Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) by
leveraging advanced machine learning models and
hybrid techniques. Early approaches, such as com-
bining Hidden Markov Models (HMM) with Artifi-
cial Neural Networks (ANN) (Graves et al., 2009),
demonstrated the potential for hybrid architectures.
Building on these foundations, novel frameworks like
Gated-CNN-BGRU have been introduced to enhance
Handwritten Digit String Recognition (HDSR), par-
ticularly in noisy environments with limited training
data (LeCun et al., 1998; Gatos et al., ). Efforts have
also extended to specific applications, such as the au-
tomatic detection and summarization of handwritten
content on whiteboards (Breuel, 2005), and robust
CNN-based approaches for recognizing text in hand-
written notes and whiteboard images (Wang and Li,
2020). Moreover, researchers have explored hand-
written character recognition using neural networks
(Bluche et al., 2014), aiming to transform handwrit-
ten or printed documents, such as doctors’ notes, into
digital formats for better analysis and accessibility
(Bishop, 2006).
Further advancements include segmentation of
cursive handwritten words using methods like the
Kaiser window to address challenges in preprocess-
ing and word segmentation (Doermann and Tombre,
2014). Specialized applications, such as Smart
RE frameworks for capturing workshop notes (Rice,
1999) and Bank Cheque Handwritten Text Recogni-
tion (BCHWTR) systems for Indian cheques (Graves
et al., 2006), highlight the versatility of HTR. Other
studies have delved into the use of Multi-Layer Per-
ceptrons (MLP) and Deep Convolutional Networks
(CNN) for handwritten digit recognition (Graves
et al., 2008), and convolutional architectures com-
bined with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) for
improved text-to-digital conversions (Koutn
ık et al.,
2014). Cutting-edge innovations, including de-
formable convolutions for accommodating diverse
writing styles and 2D Self-Organized Neural Net-
works (ONNs) for enhancing accuracy, have demon-
strated significant reductions in Character Error Rate
(CER) and Word Error Rate (WER) across datasets
such as IAM English (Bowman et al., 2016; Jaderberg
et al., 2014). These advancements collectively under-
line the growing potential of modern HTR systems to
tackle real-world challenges with precision and adapt-
2.2 LLM for Text Assessment
Applying Open-Source LLMs to Essay Data. Re-
cent studies have explored the potential of open-
source LLMs for generating feedback on essays.
(Stahl et al., 2024a) evaluated various prompting
strategies, such as zero- and few-shot learning, to de-
termine the effectiveness of Mistral 7B (Jiang et al.,
2023) in generating feedback for essays. Although
this approach appeared promising, the overall impact
of automated essay scoring (AES) on feedback qual-
ity was minimal. The study highlighted that com-
bining AES with feedback generation could enhance
scoring performance but emphasized the risks of re-
lying on LLMs to evaluate feedback from another
LLM. Such practices could perpetuate model biases
and lack the nuanced understanding that human ex-
perts, like teachers, provide. Additionally, the study
omitted critical information about the qualifications
of the 12 human raters, raising concerns about the re-
liability of their feedback assessments. This under-
scores the need to compare LLM-generated feedback
with feedback from qualified human experts.
Traditional Automated Essay Scoring (AES). Au-
tomated Essay Scoring systems have been evolving
since 1966 (Ramesh and Sanampudi, 2022). Ear-
lier approaches relied on statistical features to ana-
lyze text (Ke and Ng, 2019). With the advent of
deep learning, methods like LSTMs and Transformer-
based models (e.g., BERT) enabled more advanced
syntactic and semantic analysis (Devlin et al., 2019).
For instance, BERT has been used to extract features
for regression models, output class labels (Doewes
and Pechenizkiy, 2021; Sung et al., 2019; Xue et al.,
2021), or combine with Bi-LSTM for essay scoring
(Beseiso et al., 2021). Studies show that incorporating
handcrafted features alongside these models improves
performance (Uto et al., 2020). However, traditional
AES methods up to 2022 have focused more on lin-
guistic elements than content and often neglected co-
herence and cohesion in essays (Ramesh and Sanam-
pudi, 2022). Additionally, these methods primarily
analyzed English texts and relied on holistic scor-
ing, overlooking the multidimensional aspects of es-
say quality.
Applying GPT Models to English Essay Data. The
emergence of closed-source LLMs like GPT-3 and
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
GPT-4 in 2022 introduced new possibilities for au-
tomated essay grading. For instance, (Chiang and
yi Lee, 2023) compared GPT-3’s ratings on 400
English text fragments to those of three teachers
across categories such as grammaticality, cohesion,
and relevance. While GPT-3 aligned well with hu-
man ratings on relevance, its performance in other
categories showed weak correlations. Additionally,
(Mizumoto and Eguchi, 2023) used GPT-3 to eval-
uate over 12,000 essays from the TOEFL11 dataset
across four dimensions, discovering that combining
GPT-3’s insights with linguistic features yielded the
best results. Further studies with GPT-3.5 and GPT-
4 demonstrated moderate accuracy, with alignment
rates ranging from 70% within a small deviation to
56% for exact matches in discourse coherence (Nai-
smith et al., 2023). However, many of these studies
relied on holistic scores and did not explore the mul-
tidimensional nuances of human evaluations.
Applying GPT Models to Portuguese Argumen-
tative Writing Data. Among the studies applying
LLMs to the evaluation of texts in the Portuguese lan-
guage, I highlight the paper that motivated this study,
which investigates the effectiveness of LLMs, partic-
ularly GPT-4, in assessing argumentative essays and
generating feedback for military school students as
part of the Mario Travasso Project, aimed at encour-
aging writing in Brazilian military schools.(da Silva
et al., 2024) The research seeks to enhance students’
critical writing skills by integrating automated feed-
back with human evaluation. It is structured into two
phases: the first involves quantitative and qualitative
comparisons between evaluations conducted by in-
structors and feedback generated by GPT-4 in cate-
gories such as topic choice, development, and refer-
ences. The results revealed consistency in task-level
feedback but highlighted GPT-4’s limitations in ad-
dressing self-regulatory aspects and more complex
contextual elements. The second phase evaluates the
students’ ability to improve their work based on the
feedback received. Grounded in Hattie and Timper-
ley’s feedback model (2007), the study emphasizes
the importance of combining AI capabilities with hu-
man oversight to optimize the educational impact of
feedback. References include foundational works on
feedback mechanisms (Hattie and Timperley, 2007)
and recent advancements in educational applications
of LLMs (Biswas, 2023; Firat, 2023).
This study aims to analyze the performance of LLMs
in evaluating essays from candidates in the IME selec-
tion process, based on a predefined rubric composed
of seven categories. The following subsections detail
the study’s aspects, including the essays and evalua-
tion criteria used, the participants, the application of
the LLMs, and the metrics employed for analysis, as
illustrated in Figure 1.
3.1 Candidate Essay Dataset
The entrance exam for the IME is one of the most
competitive in Brazil, attracting thousands of candi-
dates each year seeking admission to one of the coun-
try’s most traditional institutions. In 2024, over 4,500
candidates registered to compete for around 80 avail-
able spots, with previous editions, such as 2017/2018,
recording up to 6,290 registrations. The spots are di-
vided into two categories: the Active option, aimed at
candidates who wish to pursue a military career, and
the Reserve option, for those who intend to work as
civil engineers. The competition is extremely fierce,
with a ratio of 68.08 candidates per spot in the Ac-
tive option and 52.17 in the Reserve option in the
2017/2018 edition. This high level of competition re-
flects the academic rigor and stringent selection pro-
cess, qualities that ensure the IME’s tradition and ex-
cellence in training both military and civil engineers
in Brazil.
The IME entrance exam consists of two phases.
The first phase is an objective test with 40 questions,
divided among Mathematics (15), Physics (15), and
Chemistry (10). To be approved, candidates must an-
swer at least 40% of the questions in each subject and
achieve a minimum of 40 correct answers overall. In
the second phase, candidates face essay-type exams:
on the first day, questions in Mathematics, Physics,
and Chemistry; on the following days, essay exams
in Physics and Chemistry; and finally, objective and
essay exams in Portuguese (including an essay) and
English. Approval in the second phase depends on
satisfactory performance in each area and achieving a
good final score.
For this study, 100 essays from candidates in the
2024 entrance exam for the IME were randomly se-
lected. The choice of essays was made to represent a
diverse sample of the candidate pool, considering the
variety of approaches and writing styles present in the
exam essays.
3.2 Essay Assessment Category
In this study, the evaluation of essays was conducted
across multiple categories, each with specific criteria
and scoring systems. Table 1 presents the seven eval-
uation criteria.
Analysis of the Effectiveness of LLMs in Handwritten Essay Recognition and Assessment
Figure 1: Design and Workflow the study.
Table 1: The 7 evaluation criteria, where each criterion is evaluated from 0 to 4 scores.
No. Title Description
1 Theme Assesses adherence to the proposed theme.
2 Types of Text Focuses on conformity to the argumentative-essay genre.
3 Presentation Evaluates text legibility and visual organization.
4 Structure of the Text
Examines the organization into introduction, body,
and conclusion, as well as paragraph division.
Argumentative Strength /
Measures the ability to present consistent and cohesive arguments.
6 Cohesion Evaluates the use of connectors and the hierarchy of ideas.
7 Grammatical Structure
Examines adherence to orthographic conventions,
morphosyntactic, syntactic, and semantic rules.
Theme. Assesses adherence to the proposed theme.
Essays receive a score of 0 if there is a complete de-
viation from the theme, making it impossible to eval-
uate other criteria. Partial adherence to the theme, re-
ferred to as ”tangential approach, results in a score of
1. The maximum score (2) is awarded to essays that
fully address the theme.
Text Type. Focuses on conformity to the
argumentative-essay genre. Essays that do not fit this
genre receive a score of 0, while those that partially or
fully meet this criterion are awarded scores of 1 and
2, respectively.
Presentation. Evaluates text legibility and visual or-
ganization. Essays with illegible sentences, excessive
erasures, skipped lines, or lack of paragraph inden-
tation receive a score of 0. Essays with clear hand-
writing and semantically autonomous paragraphs are
awarded a score of 1.
Text Structure. Examines the organization into in-
troduction, body, and conclusion, as well as paragraph
division. Essays lacking this basic structure receive a
score of 0. The maximum score (4) is given to essays
that include all structural elements and well-divided
paragraphs of more than three lines each.
Argumentative Strength and Coherence. Measures
the ability to present consistent and cohesive argu-
ments. Essays with no internal or external coherence
or those employing extreme idealizations receive a
score of 0. Scores progress (from 1 to 4) based on
criteria such as logical flow between ideas and the use
of facts and concepts to support arguments.
Cohesion. Evaluates the use of connectors and the
hierarchy of ideas. Essays that fail to achieve thematic
progression or hierarchy receive a score of 0. Mastery
of connectors and other cohesive resources increases
the score, reaching 4 when these elements are used
with excellence.
Grammatical Structure. Examines adherence to or-
thographic conventions, morphosyntactic, syntactic,
and semantic rules. Essays with seven or more er-
rors receive a score of 0, while a score of 4 is awarded
to essays with up to three errors and full compliance
with grammatical norms.
In summary, these categories form a rigorous and
well-rounded evaluation system, ensuring a thorough
analysis of essays based on objective and standardized
3.3 LLM Essay Scoring
The automated evaluation of candidates’ essays was
conducted based on seven predefined criteria, and
different LLMs were selected to compare the per-
formance of various foundational models. Among
the closed-source models, GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo-
0125), GPT-4 (gpt-4o-2024-05-13) (OpenAI, 2024a),
and o1 (o1-preview) (OpenAI, 2024b) were utilized
and integrated into the evaluation process via the
OpenAI API. For open-source models, LLaMA 3-
70B (AI@Meta, 2024) and Mixtral 8x7B (Jiang
et al., 2024) were chosen. Preliminary tests included
smaller variants of these models; however, due to their
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Zero-shot prompt employed at all LLMs to ensure
a fair comparison of your essay assessment performance.
inferior performance compared to their larger coun-
terparts, these smaller variants were excluded from
subsequent analyses.
Before starting the automated evaluation, each
handwritten essay was transcribed by the selected
LLMs using specific techniques to convert the text
into digital format. The presentation criterion, in-
cluded in the evaluation rubric, was used to assess the
accuracy and quality of the transcription performed
by the models. This step allowed for evaluating the
LLMs’ ability to handle different levels of legibility
present in the handwritten essays, ensuring that the
transcribed texts were faithful representations of the
The configuration of the LLMs followed a zero-
shot approach, where each model was instructed to
evaluate one essay at a time. To ensure the inde-
pendence of evaluations, a new session was initiated
for each essay. Prompts were meticulously designed
to reflect the predefined evaluation criteria, ensuring
consistency across all assessments conducted by the
models. This strategy enabled a systematic and im-
partial comparison of LLM performance.
The prompt design, illustrated in Figure 2, as-
signed the model the role of a teacher, contextualized
the essay as part of the IME selection process, speci-
fied the analysis task based on the established criteria,
and defined the output format in JSON. This prompt
format was uniformly applied throughout all experi-
ments to ensure standardization of results. Although
variations in prompts could influence outcomes (Stahl
et al., 2024b), prompt engineering was not the pri-
mary focus of this study.
To evaluate the reliability of predictions and ac-
count for the stochastic nature of the models, each
essay was evaluated ten times by each LLM using a
temperature setting of 0.7. The average of these ten
evaluations was used as the final score assigned by
the LLMs, analogous to the average scores provided
by three human evaluators for the same essay. This
approach ensured a robust analysis aligned with tra-
ditional evaluation standards.
3.4 Analysis
To address the proposed research questions, we con-
ducted a systematic analysis of the evaluation results
obtained from both human raters and LLMs.
RQ1 focuses on the reliability and quality of the
evaluations. To address this, we analyzed multiple
runs of each model on the same text, calculating the
intraclass correlation and treating each run as an indi-
vidual rater. Throughout the subsequent analyses, the
average of the ten runs was considered the final score.
RQ2 investigates the relationship between the
evaluations performed by LLMs and those conducted
by teachers. We used Spearman’s correlation coef-
ficient to identify similarities between the scores as-
signed by the models and the human evaluators.
Finally, RQ3 examines the overall holistic scores
and the multidimensional aspects defined in the evalu-
ation categories, encompassing language and content-
related criteria. By comparing the distribution of
scores between LLMs and human raters and applying
the Mann-Whitney U test, we identified differences in
how specific criteria are assessed by each group.
The results highlighted the discrepancies between the
evaluations conducted by teachers and those gener-
ated by open- and closed-source LLMs for the can-
didates’ essays, aiming to address the three main re-
search questions.
4.1 RQ1: Reliability of Model
To assess the reliability of each model’s evaluations
in the context of RQ1, multiple runs were performed
using the same prompt. Each data point was evalu-
ated ten times, following an approach similar to that
used by human raters. The Intraclass correlation coef-
ficient (ICC) for all the foundational models analyzed
are presented in Table 2.
The results indicate that closed-source models ex-
hibit considerable consistency in their evaluations,
with ICC scores ranging from moderate to good (0.73
- 0.84) (Koo and Li, 2016). In contrast, open-
source models such as LLaMA and Mixtral showed
high variability, reflected in low ICC values and poor
agreement across different runs. This disparity high-
lights the importance of accounting for these incon-
sistencies in subsequent analyses.
Analysis of the Effectiveness of LLMs in Handwritten Essay Recognition and Assessment
Table 2: ICC values comparing.
GPT-3.5 GPT-4 GPT-o1 LLaMA Mixtral
ICC 0.84 0.73 0.80 -0.04 0.01
4.2 RQ2: Correlation Analysis Between
LLM Evaluations and Teacher
In the analysis of RQ2, the evaluations conducted by
LLMs and teachers were compared using Spearman
correlation coefficients (r) for all evaluation criteria,
as shown in Table 3. The o1 model stood out as the
most aligned with human assessments, achieving sig-
nificance in six out of the seven analyzed categories.
Notably, it was the only model to demonstrate a high
and significant correlation of 0.742 with teacher eval-
uations in the presentation category.
GPT-4 showed significant correlations in five out
of the seven categories, indicating moderate agree-
ment with human evaluators in most cases. GPT-3.5,
on the other hand, achieved significant correlations in
only two categories, highlighting the improvements in
the more recent versions of the models. Conversely,
Mixtral exhibited weak or non-significant correlations
across all criteria, while LLaMA demonstrated nearly
zero correlations and, in some cases, even negative
correlations with teacher evaluations, underscoring its
inconsistency in replicating human assessments.
4.3 RQ3: Rating Comparison Between
LLM and Teacher
The analysis of the discrepancies between teacher and
LLM evaluations compared the average scores as-
signed to each criterion, aiming to deepen the insights
presented in this study. Overall, the GPT models dis-
played higher averages across all individual criteria,
while teachers adopted a stricter approach in their as-
sessments. The LLaMA model showed averages sim-
ilar to those of the teachers. In contrast, the Mixtral
model consistently exhibited substantially higher av-
erages across all categories. These differences, re-
flected in the overall scores, are also evident in the
evaluations of each criterion, indicating that the fi-
nal ratings align with the more detailed analyses con-
ducted by both teachers and LLMs.
Additionally, the variations observed in Table 4
are noteworthy. While the LLaMA model demon-
strated average scores comparable to those of the
teachers, its variance was significantly smaller, with
scores clustered around the midpoint. The Mixtral
model followed a similar pattern, also showing re-
duced variance. On the other hand, GPT-3.5, o1,
and the teachers displayed higher variances, suggest-
ing a greater differentiation in their assessments. The
low ICC values recorded for the LLaMA and Mixtral
models corroborate these findings, highlighting lim-
ited agreement among their evaluations, resulting in
median scores and reduced variability.
Table 4 also presents the p-values from the Mann-
Whitney U test, comparing the score distributions
assigned by teachers and LLMs for each criterion.
No significant differences were observed between
teacher evaluations and those of GPT-4 for criteria
such as textual structure and grammatical structure,
all of which are language-related. Similarly, the o1
model showed no significant differences in grammat-
ical structure and textual structure, also language-
related criteria. Since LLMs are trained on large vol-
umes of textual data encompassing various writing
styles and formalities, they are optimized to identify
patterns and stylistic elements. Consequently, super-
ficial aspects such as grammar and sentence organi-
zation can be analyzed in a manner comparable to
human evaluators. Notably, LLMs demonstrated the
ability to evaluate candidate texts accurately, despite
limited exposure to this type of content during train-
ing, highlighting their efficient generalization capa-
However, discrepancies between teacher evalua-
tions and those of the GPT-4 and o1 models were
significant in criteria such as theme, text type, argu-
mentative strength and coherence, and cohesion, all
of which are content-related categories. These differ-
ences may be attributed to several factors. Although
LLMs are capable of producing coherent texts, they
still lack the deep semantic understanding that hu-
mans possess. This limitation manifests in logical
reasoning errors, particularly regarding contextual de-
tails and maintaining logical consistency. Addition-
ally, during training, the models may acquire and per-
petuate biases, resulting in more lenient evaluations.
It is important to note the variations among model ver-
sions, as evidenced earlier in Table 4. This is surpris-
ing, given that newer versions typically outperform
their predecessors in complex tasks, aligning more
closely with human evaluative standards. These find-
ings underscore the ongoing challenges in aligning
LLM assessments with human judgments, especially
in criteria with a strong emphasis on content.
As future work, it is proposed to enhance prompt en-
gineering with techniques such as Chain-of-Thought
(CoT) and Few-Shot Learning, aiming to improve the
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Spearman correlation coefficients (r) and the corresponding p-values comparing teacher ratings with those of the five
LLM-models. Significant correlations are highlighted in bold.
GPT-3.5 GPT-4 GPT-o1 LLaMA Mistral
r p r p r p r p r p
Theme -0.005 0.984 0.159 0.504 0.699 0.001 0.131 0.581 0.252 0.284
Text Type 0.313 0.179 0.325 0.162 0.127 0.594 0.014 0.953 0.348 0.133
Presentation 0.418 0.067 0.575 0.008 0.742 0.000 0.091 0.703 0.311 0.182
Text Structure 0.520 0.019 0.626 0.003 0.675 0.001 0.177 0.455 0.211 0.372
Argumentative Strength
and Coherence
0.279 0.234 0.386 0.092 0.466 0.038 -0.094 0.694 0.376 0.103
Cohesion 0.425 0.062 0.585 0.007 0.608 0.004 -0.032 0.893 0.442 0.051
Grammatical Structure 0.728 0.000 0.846 0.000 0.814 0.000 0.406 0.076 0.005 0.984
Table 4: Criteria-based evaluation of all essays, including p-values from the Mann-Whitney U test comparing the distribution
of the LLM scores to teacher scores for each individual category. Significant differences are indicated in bold.
Category Teacher GPT-3.5 p GPT-4 p GPT-o1 p LLaMA p Mixtral p
Theme 3.61±1.16 4.10±0.82 0.10 4.40±0.60 0.00 4.96±1.12 0.00 3.89±0.45 0.75 4.19±0.59 0.09
Text Type 3.85±0.79 4.34±0.91 0.07 4.45±0.47 0.01 4.87±0.55 0.00 3.77±0.43 0.39 4.53±0.53 0.00
Presentation 3.65±0.86 3.85±0.81 0.30 4.34±0.66 0.02 4.41±0.68 0.01 3.55±0.41 0.97 4.60±0.41 0.00
Text Structure 3.74±0.97 3.72±0.98 0.92 4.01±0.68 0.34 4.11±0.86 0.24 3.69±0.45 0.96 4.45±0.50 0.01
Argumentative Strength
and Coherence
3.77±0.94 4.24±1.14 0.17 4.38±0.57 0.01 4.78±0.53 0.00 3.82±0.51 0.53 4.33±0.51 0.02
Cohesion 3.93±0.88 4.13±1.17 0.66 4.81±0.59 0.00 5.19±0.68 0.00 3.85±0.51 0.83 4.57±0.47 0.01
Grammatical Structure 3.43±1.16 3.80±1.05 0.36 3.35±0.91 0.83 2.91±0.86 0.14 3.62±0.72 0.66 4.40±0.47 0.00
models’ interpretation of subjective and contextual
criteria. Additionally, plans include expanding train-
ing with diverse data, incorporating essays from dif-
ferent academic levels, writing styles, and texts with
intentional errors, which will increase the models’
ability to generalize and provide accurate corrections.
Other approaches involve integrating closed and
open models into a hybrid solution, balancing costs
and performance, and applying statistical normaliza-
tion techniques to reduce variability in evaluations.
Priority will also be given to adapting the models to
the cultural and linguistic context of Brazilian Por-
tuguese, ensuring greater precision in analyses. Fi-
nally, complementary metrics combining qualitative
and quantitative analyses will be developed, enabling
a more comprehensive evaluation of criteria such as
coherence, style, and originality.
This study assessed the performance of both open-
source and closed-source LLMs in evaluating essays
from candidates participating in the IME selection
process, comparing their outcomes with teacher eval-
uations. The analysis aimed to identify the strengths
and limitations of these models in essay assessment.
Among the models evaluated, the o1 model demon-
strated notable reliability and strong alignment with
teacher evaluations, particularly in language-related
criteria. However, it exhibited a consistent tendency
to assign higher overall scores than human raters. In
contrast, open-source models like LLaMA and Mix-
tral displayed low variance and weak correlations
with teacher assessments, which limited their effec-
tiveness in accurately evaluating essays.
The study also underscores several limitations and
potential directions for future research in the use of
LLMs for automated essay evaluation. One key limi-
tation was the absence of prompt engineering, which
could improve the performance of open-source mod-
els by incorporating advanced techniques such as
Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Engineering, already inte-
grated into the o1 series. Additionally, the research
focused on a narrow set of models (GPT-3.5, GPT-4,
o1, LLaMA, and Mixtral), suggesting that future stud-
ies should include alternative models like Claude or
Gemini to enable a more comprehensive evaluation of
LLM performance across different architectures. The
study’s scope was further limited to a single essay for-
mat, highlighting the need for more diverse datasets
and essay types, such as argumentative essays, to en-
hance the generalizability and robustness of findings.
Another significant challenge identified was the
inherent variability in LLM evaluations, especially
among open-source models. This highlights the ne-
cessity of employing mechanisms to aggregate multi-
ple scores to reduce the impact of outliers. Further-
more, the variability observed among human raters
points to the absence of a definitive gold standard, em-
phasizing the importance of incorporating this subjec-
tive nature into LLM training and evaluation frame-
Analysis of the Effectiveness of LLMs in Handwritten Essay Recognition and Assessment
Despite these challenges, the study revealed a con-
sistent trend of improvement in OpenAI’s closed-
source models, with newer iterations demonstrating
increased reliability and closer alignment with human
assessments. These findings, combined with ongoing
advancements in the field, indicate that LLMs are be-
coming increasingly viable tools for automated essay
evaluation, offering valuable support in educational
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Analysis of the Effectiveness of LLMs in Handwritten Essay Recognition and Assessment