ASP solver and also its explainable extension are de-
fined depending on specific input data and expected
output. Therefore, for different datasets with seper-
ated targets, compatible rule sets have to be recon-
structed. In general, this work still demands on the
control of human and has not yet been automated.
Perspectives. Further research is needed to address
the above limitations comprehensively varying from
applying optimization techniques to handle the us-
age of computational resources to building generative
rules system. Moreover, based on the proposal of this
study, new development in solving logical reasoning
tasks in natural language can be conversed. One pos-
sible work is to eliminate errors in verbal context with
the advancements of LLMs and ASP.
This study introduces an innovative methodology
for detecting misleading information by integrating
Large Language Models (LLMs) with explainable
Answer Set Programming (ASP). The synergy be-
tween the contextual understanding capabilities of
LLMs and the reasoning and explanatory potential of
explainable ASP has demonstrated the effectiveness
in identifying misleading information that can cause
confusion and significantly affect the accuracy of re-
sponses. It makes a substantial contribution to the
advancement and refinement of reliable AI question-
answering systems.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence