EDEN: Towards a Computational Framework
to Align Incentives in Healthy Aging
Wasu Mekniran
1,2 a
and Tobias Kowatsch
3,4 b
Centre for Digital Health Interventions (CDHI), Department of Management, Technology, and Economics,
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
CDHI, Institute of Technology Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich, Switzerland
School of Medicine, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Keywords: Healthy Aging, Incentive, Natural Language Processing, Retrieval-Augmented Generation, Large-Language
Models, Network Analysis.
Abstract: Incentive misalignment among healthcare stakeholders poses significant barriers to promoting healthy aging,
hindering efforts to mitigate the burden of long-term care. Despite extensive research in public health,
incentive gaps persist, as static implementation guidelines often fail to accommodate dynamic and conflicting
incentives. This study introduces and evaluates EDEN (eden.ethz.ch), a computational framework designed
to dynamically map stakeholder incentives using a Retrieval-Augmented Generation pipeline. A comparative
study using a health insurer use case evaluates alternative incentive analyses; qualitative content analysis,
large language models, and EDEN. The evaluation assesses their ability to identify and address incentive gaps.
Preliminary findings demonstrate the EDEN's ability to map incentives and highlight misalignment compared
to alternative approaches. These findings demonstrate how EDEN can offer evidence-based strategies for key
healthcare stakeholders, such as health insurers, based on retrieval features to align incentives in healthy aging.
The healthy aging initiatives face significant
challenges in fostering collaboration among diverse
stakeholders, including health insurers, government
agencies, healthcare providers, and local
communities (WHO, 2020). These stakeholders often
operate with distinct and sometimes conflicting goals,
leading to fragmented efforts that undermine the
scalability and effectiveness of long-term initiatives
(Mekniran et al., 2024; Fried et al., 2022). For
instance, health insurers' focus on short-term cost
containment often conflicts with healthcare providers'
long-term goal of improving population health
outcomes. Such misaligned incentives, coupled with
limited mechanisms for coordination and macro-
system integration, impede the development of
cohesive and sustainable healthcare strategies.
Despite the recognized importance of
collaboration and alignment, significant gaps remain
in understanding how stakeholder incentives align
and integrate within the ecosystem (Berwick et al.,
2008). Current efforts, such as static best-practice
checklists, often fail to account for the dynamic and
evolving nature of stakeholder priorities. For health
insurers, these gaps are particularly evident in their
regulated care provision (Mekniran, Kramer, et al.,
2024). Furthermore, the lack of systematic tools to
identify value propositions, analyze alignment
patterns, and generate actionable insights leaves
unexplored potential collaborations and unaddressed
incentive gaps.
This workshop paper introduces EDEN, a
computational framework that augments the Cross-
Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-
DM) framework (Chapman, 2000) by integrating
artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, including
Natural Language Processing (NLP), Large
Language Models (LLMs) along with Retrieval-
Augmented Generation (RAG). EDEN adapts
Mekniran, W. and Kowatsch, T.
EDEN: Towards a Computational Framework to Align Incentives in Healthy Aging.
DOI: 10.5220/0013359800003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 1067-1076
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
CRISP-DM to the dynamic complexities of
healthcare ecosystems, making it capable of
systematically mapping stakeholder incentives,
identifying misalignments, and uncovering
actionable collaboration opportunities. Through the
analysis of unstructured data, such as value
propositions from health insurers and healthcare
providers, EDEN dynamically generates user-
specific evidence-based recommendations. To this
end, the study addresses the following research
1. How effectively does EDEN identify thematic
clusters in value propositions?
2. How effectively does EDEN generate
recommendations for collaboration?
Next, we present the theoretical foundation of EDEN,
outline its approach, discuss the results of
comparative analysis, and conclude with implications
for the proposed tool and its potential development.
2.1 Collaboration for Healthy Aging
Promoting healthy aging relies on multi-stakeholder
collaboration, as highlighted by frameworks such as
the World Health Organization's Decade of Healthy
Ageing, which prioritizes fostering age-positive
attitudes, empowering older adults in supportive
communities, delivering person-centered care, and
ensuring access to long-term care (WHO, 2020). The
Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity advocates for
inclusive social infrastructure to combat ageism,
improve digital access, and integrate health and
lifelong learning to support equitable care and active
participation for older adults (Dzau & Jenkins, 2019;
Fried et al., 2022; National Academy of Medicine,
2022; Wong et al., 2023). Similarly, Cox and
Faragher emphasize prioritizing aging biology,
fostering interdisciplinary research networks, and
scaling aging initiatives through targeted funding and
awareness campaigns (Cox & Faragher, 2022).
Although these frameworks highlight the
importance of collaboration, they often rely on static
principles that do not account for dynamic
stakeholder incentives. Altpeter et al. emphasize the
participation of non-traditional partners,
strengthening healthcare linkages, and adapting local
programs to better serve vulnerable populations
(Altpeter et al., 2014). Bonnes et al. advocate for
longevity clinics that integrate public health with
research collaborations, offering early detection and
lifestyle interventions to improve clinical outcomes
(Bonnes et al., 2024).
2.2 Iterative Analytics Process
EDEN, an acronym for Emerging Business Models in
Digital Health for Healthy Longevity, adopts the
CRISP-DM framework to address the complexities of
stakeholder analysis in healthcare. CRISP-DM,
recognized for its iterative and cyclical structure, is
widely adopted for developing data-driven solutions
due to its flexibility and domain-agnostic design,
making it particularly suited to dynamic and complex
healthcare systems such as healthy aging ecosystems
(Larose, 2015). EDEN enhances the CRISP-DM
framework by integrating NLP using the Natural
Language Tool Kit (NLTK) package (Bird et al.,
2009), LLMs, and RAG. These techniques enable
EDEN to derive actionable insights by modelling and
contextualizing stakeholder value propositions. The
adapted phases of CRISP-DM within EDEN are
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: EDEN's iterative analytics process, extends the
CRISP-DM framework (Chapman, 2000) by integrating
NLP, LLMs, and RAG, making CRISP-DM more suited to
evolving priorities of healthcare stakeholders.
(1) Business Understanding phase identifies and
analyzes stakeholder incentives in preventive care
through qualitative methods, including systematic
literature reviews, market research, and expert
interviews. These inputs establish a foundational
understanding of stakeholder goals and challenges
(Giger et al., 2024; Mekniran, Giger, et al., 2024;
Mekniran, Kramer, et al., 2024; Mekniran &
Kowatsch, 2023).
(2) Data Understanding phase explores structured
and unstructured datasets, including organizational
metrics from financial database, to identify value
Scale-IT-up 2025 - Workshop on Scaling Up Care for Older Adults
propositions and stakeholder priorities in a healthy
aging ecosystem (Mekniran, Giger, et al., 2024).
(3) Data Preparation phase involves text
preprocessing steps such as tokenization,
lemmatization, and vectorization, enabling thematic
and relational analyses of stakeholder information
(Bird et al., 2009).
(4) The Modeling phase applies topic modeling to
uncover thematic clusters and cosine similarity to
measure alignment. LLMs contextualize stakeholder
propositions, with RAG enhancing organizational
data integration and network analysis to uncover
evidence-based collaboration patterns (Silge &
Robinson, 2017).
(5) Evaluation phase assesses the model's
accuracy and utility using metrics such as similarity
scores and network centrality, ensuring robust
representation of stakeholder relationships.
(6) Deployment phase presents computational
results through interactive network graphs,
highlighting collaboration opportunities and enabling
users to input value propositions for real-time
alignment assessments. Cloud computing ensures
scalability and real-time accessibility, supporting
larger datasets and complex stakeholder ecosystems.
This study uses a comparative analysis to assess the
effectiveness of EDEN in generating actionable
recommendations within the healthy aging ecosystem
(Sharma & Kaur, 2017; Verma et al., 2016). Using
value propositions from user input and from previous
longevity landscape study (Mekniran, Giger, et al.,
2024), our comparative analysis compares (A)
qualitative content analysis conducted by an author
W.M. based on existing guidelines to code
organization segment, target customers, and products
and services (Fried et al., 2022; Hsieh & Shannon,
2005; WHO, 2020), (B) standalone LLM using GPT-
4o model (OpenAI et al., 2024), and (C) proposed
EDEN's CRISP-DM methodology, which integrates
LLMs GPT-3.5-turbo with NLP techniques such as
topic modeling and similarity computation, see Figure
2. The study examines the contextual relevance,
granularity, and actionability of the insights generated,
providing an initial requirement of EDEN's capability
in addressing incentive misalignments.
EDEN integrates NLP with an adapted RAG
framework to analyze unstructured stakeholder value
propositions and provide actionable
recommendations. NLP techniques, such as topic
modeling and Term Frequency-Inverse Document
Frequency (TF-IDF) vectorization, are employed to
identify thematic clusters, extract key incentives, and
map similarities among stakeholders (Jelodar et al.,
2019; Valdez et al., 2018). These foundational
processes enable a structured analysis of the value
proposition and collaboration opportunities within
the healthy aging ecosystem, supporting strategic
decision-making (Frow & Payne, 2011; Murtaza &
Ikram, 2010).
The integration of RAG in EDEN addresses key
limitations of traditional generative AI systems, such
as hallucinations (Béchard & Ayala, 2024; Gao et al.,
2023; Huang & Huang, 2024), by dynamically
retrieving context-specific data, including thematic
clusters and similarity scores derived from network
analysis, and incorporating it into the prompt context
for LLMs. This bridging of retrieval and generation
ensures that output is evidence-based, actionable, and
aligned with domain-specific knowledge (Li et al.,
2024). RAG further enhances contextualization,
scales to dynamic datasets, and adapts to the complex
dynamics of the healthy aging ecosystem. Figure 2.
illustrates the EDEN workflow and integration of
these components.
Figure 2: A comparative analysis evaluates (A) content
analysis, (B) standalone LLM, and (C) EDEN.
3.1 Data Preprocessing
The dataset, comprising stakeholders' value
propositions (e.g., diagnostics, wellness, monitoring)
and organizational details (e.g., funding amount,
location, founded year), was sourced from a previous
study (Mekniran, Giger, et al., 2024). Using Python's
Pandas package (McKinney, 2010), this dataset was
structured into a data frame for further analysis.
EDEN: Towards a Computational Framework to Align Incentives in Healthy Aging
Preprocessing steps were applied to standardize and
clean the textual data, ensuring its suitability for
downstream analyses:
1. Stopword Removal: Eliminating commonly used
words with minimal semantic value.
2. Lemmatization: Reducing words to their root
forms to ensure linguistic consistency.
3. Tokenization: Splitting text into individual
words to facilitate granular analysis.
Next, the preprocessed data was vectorized using the
NLTK package (Bird et al., 2009), creating numerical
representations that could be analyzed using thematic
clustering and network analysis. Clean data plays a
crucial role in this step, as its high quality ensures that
relevant relationships are effectively captured and
modeled (Bird et al., 2009), see Code Snippet 1S.
3.2 Topic Modeling
To analyze textual data, we employed Term
Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) to
construct a document-term matrix. This numerical
representation assigned weights to terms based on
their contextual importance, balancing term
frequency within individual documents and term
rarity across the entire dataset (Bengfort et al., 2018).
This approach ensured that the matrix emphasized the
most relevant phrases for specific stakeholders,
capturing contextually significant terms.
Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) was
applied to the document-term matrix using the Scikit-
learn package (Pedregosa et al., 2011), following
Code Snippet 1S. NMF decomposed the high-
dimensional document-term matrix into two non-
negative, lower-dimensional matrices, identifying
thematic clusters such as "digital innovation" and
"community engagement." Its non-negativity
constraint ensured that the resulting clusters were
concise, interpretable, and suitable for the smaller
datasets used in this study, see Code Snippet 1S. This
decomposition is mathematically represented as (1):
V: Original document-term matrix
W: Basis matrix representing the thematic clusters
H: Coefficient matrix indicating the document-topic
Using the nmf.fit() function, the algorithm
iteratively adjusted W and H to learn patterns within
the data, forming a basis for identifying alignment
patterns and collaboration opportunities among
stakeholders. These thematic clusters served as a
foundation to measure stakeholder alignment.
3.3 Network Analysis
To assess thematic alignment, cosine similarity was
calculated for NMF-transformed topic vectors,
quantifying the degree of alignment between
stakeholder value prepositions (Bengfort et al., 2018),
following Code Snippet 2S. The nodes in the resulting
network graph represented stakeholders, while the
edges constructed an undirected network connecting
stakeholders whose similarity scores exceeded a
predefined threshold (e.g., the 50th percentile).
Cosine similarity, a widely used metric in text
analysis, quantifies thematic alignment by measuring
the cosine of the angle between two vectors and
as in (2) (Silge & Robinson, 2017).
 
3.4 Adapted RAG for
Recommendations Engine
Within EDEN, the RAG framework retrieves curated
data and network analysis outputs, which are integrated
into LLM prompts that include the user's input value
proposition, identified similar organizations, and
suggestions for collaboration and strategy refinement
(OpenAI et al., 2024). By combining retrieval with
thematic analysis and LLM-driven recommendations,
EDEN provides a systematic, data-driven approach to
address incentive misalignments and foster
partnerships, see Code Snippet 2S. Furthermore,
cloud-based deployment enhances scalability and
accessibility, enabling EDEN to process larger datasets
and adapt to more intricate stakeholder ecosystems
while supporting real-time, iterative strategy
refinement (Khurana, 2014).
This section evaluates the effectiveness of EDEN in
addressing research questions by comparing its
ability to identify thematic clusters (RQ1) and
generate actionable collaboration recommendations
(RQ2) with alternative approaches: qualitative
content analysis and standalone LLM. The evaluation
is based on a given health insurer's value proposition;
see user input in Code Snippet 3S.
Scale-IT-up 2025 - Workshop on Scaling Up Care for Older Adults
4.1 How Effectively Does EDEN
Identify Thematic Clusters in Value
Propositions? (RQ1)
Thematic clusters were identified using (A)
qualitative content analysis, (B) standalone LLM, and
(C) EDEN topic modeling. The qualitative content
analysis based on existing guidelines (Fried et al.,
2022) and manually coding each sentence of the user-
provided text. In contrast, the standalone LLM
generated thematic clusters based on its contextual
interpretation of the user's input. EDEN employed a
topic modeling technique, independent of external
contextual information, to categorize the user's input
(A) Content Analysis
1. Guidelines for the well-being of older adults: 'A
companion for the next stage of your life' At our
health insurance, we understand that the transition to
retirement requires more than just financial
2. Coordination of care delivery: 'Our digital platform
is all about helping you make the new phase of your
life healthy and enriching.'
3. Evidence-based personalized healthcare: 'Advice
from experts Benefit from personalised advice from
our health coaches tailored to your needs as a retiree.'
'We offer comprehensive support for a fulfilling life
in retirement. We combine content and offers on
health topics that are specifically designed to meet the
interests of those approaching retirement.'
(B) Standalone LLM
1. Holistic support for retirement transition:
emphasize the need for preparation and support
during the transition to retirement life, addressing
physical, mental, and social health needs.
2. Health and wellness focus, personalized guidance:
enabling a fulfilling and enriching lifestyle by
offering tools and resources that cater to retirees'
interests and aspirations.
3. Expert-driven services: providing expert guidance
and advice customized to individual needs for healthy
1. Care, health, patient, insurance, platform, virtual,
support, academic, service, management
2. Research, aging, funding, innovation, foster,
community, institute, collaboration, program, public
3. Skin, data, tool, app, recommendation, acne,
therapy, analysis, personalized, artificial
4. Cell, cellular, therapy, disease, human, medicine,
allogeneic, mogrify, technology, type
5. Test, age, blood, dna, epigenetic, based, epiage, kit,
insight, methylation
6. Healthcare, network, health, within, management,
medical, developing, online, provider, behvavioral
7. Longevity, fund, company, offer, series, venture,
medicine, investment, disease, therapeutic
8. Life, science, health, healthy, people, digital,
solution, integrating, capability, goal
EDEN's topic modeling generated 8 clusters,
each containing 10 topics derived from the user input,
demonstrating comparable performance to alternative
methods by identifying similar overarching themes.
4.2 How Effectively Does EDEN
Generate Recommendations for
Collaboration? (RQ2)
Recommendations were generated respectively to
alternative approaches: Manual content analysis still
relied on identified guidelines and qualitative coding,
while recommendations from standalone LLM were
generated based on the model's contextual
understanding of the user's input and given dataset
(Mekniran, Giger, et al., 2024). At this stage, EDEN
coupled LLM with the computed results of network
analysis. EDEN for collaboration suggestions is
based on network insights built on similarity
(A) Content Analysis
The following recommendations reflect value
propositions derived from user-provided text, aligned
with the principles outlined in the WHO's Decade of
Healthy Ageing baseline report (WHO, 2020) and the
Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity (Fried et al.,
EDEN: Towards a Computational Framework to Align Incentives in Healthy Aging
1. Collaborate with governmental agencies: establish
partnerships to develop practical, measurable
indicators that focus on successful retirement,
including access and availability of equitable long-
term care.
2. Engage multilayered organizations: strengthen care
delivery for the aging population that consolidates
resources and expertise of retirement planning.
3. Partner with research centers: accelerate integrated
care for retirees by using clinical trials to introduce
novel interventions that address common age-related
(B) Standalone LLM
The standalone LLM generated recommendations by
synthesizing several actionable collaboration areas
tailored to stakeholder groups (e.g., governmental
agencies, private platforms, digital health
companies); the following are extracted key points
from LLM responses that focused on collaboration.
1. Promote Age-Positive Attitudes and Combat
Ageism: Foster partnerships between advocacy
groups and NGOs to develop campaigns challenging
aging stereotypes and promoting inclusive narratives.
For example, AGE-WELL can work with age-tech
startups to develop assistive technologies for aging
2. Deliver Person-Centered and Preventive Care:
Collaborate with healthcare providers and digital
health companies to implement tailored health
interventions integrated into existing systems. For
example, InsideTracker can integrate with clinical
research networks (e.g., Max Planck Institute) to
validate their solutions.
3. Scale Digital Health Solutions: Partner with
research institutions and private platforms to adopt
AI-driven tools, wearable technology, and biomarker
insights for chronic disease prevention and
management. For example, Cedars Sinai to expand
their reach into underserved populations.
EDEN computed a similarity score between user
input "Your Idea," and government agencies was
53%, while the similarity with insurers was 52%, see
Figure 3. These scores indicate alignment with
thematic priorities such as public health and
preventive care, offering quantitative nuanced
1. Co-creating educational resources: Addressing
shared challenges in stakeholder education and
2. Integrating health data from life science platforms:
Enabling data-driven personalization of health
3. Bundling health and retirement planning services:
Combining offerings to enhance scalability and
address broader user needs.
This paper contributes to the Scale-IT-up 2025
workshop by providing a concrete example of how
advanced computational tools can address complex
systemic challenges in care implementation. Building
on literature that emphasizes the importance of multi-
stakeholder collaboration in healthy aging initiatives
(Cox & Faragher, 2022; National Academy of
Medicine, 2022; WHO, 2020), EDEN advances these
efforts by introducing a scalable framework capable
of dynamically mapping stakeholder incentives
beyond alternative approaches. A comparative
analysis with manual content analysis and standalone
LLM approaches underscores the advantages of
EDEN in identifying thematic groups (RQ1) and
generating personalized collaboration
recommendations (RQ2).
The evaluation demonstrates that EDEN
surpasses manual and standalone LLM approaches in
both granularity of value proposition analysis and
specificity of its similarity. For instance, it could
identify overarching themes beyond healthy aging,
such as preventive care and personalized health
services, and link actionable recommendations to
specific stakeholders with numerical ranking. By
coupling network analysis with similarity metrics,
EDEN highlights high-centrality stakeholders as
ecosystem integrators while uncovering hidden
collaboration opportunities with isolated nodes.
Unlike static frameworks or generic guidelines,
EDEN provides actionable strategies, such as co-
creating educational resources with government
agencies and bundling health and retirement services
with health insurers, tailored to stakeholder
interrelations and thematic overlaps.
Scale-IT-up 2025 - Workshop on Scaling Up Care for Older Adults
Figure 3: Visualization of stakeholders as a node and collaboration as an edge between nodes.
Although EDEN demonstrates clear advantages,
limitations remain. Reliance on curated datasets and
NMF-based topic modeling may restrict scalability
and semantic depth. Furthermore, the lack of broader
user studies limits the generalizability of its findings.
Future iterations should extend calculation to publicly
available datasets and integrate a dynamic temporal
network analysis to improve adaptability and
scalability. Testing EDEN performance in various
healthcare systems with user studies will also validate
its practical utility and usability in varied financial
and operational scenarios, such as direct to consumer
model, licensing, and subscription model.
This study introduces EDEN as a computational
framework to align stakeholder incentives and
advance healthy aging strategies. By integrating
network analysis and RAG-powered LLMs, EDEN
provides granular, user-specific recommendations,
surpassing manual and standalone LLM approaches
in generating actionable collaboration insights.
Future work should focus on scaling EDEN's
application to larger datasets, incorporating advanced
techniques like contextual embeddings and financial
database analysis, and validating its adaptability
across diverse healthcare ecosystems.
WM and TK are affiliated with the Centre for Digital
Health Interventions (CDHI), a joint initiative of the
Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care,
University of Zurich; the Department of
Management, Technology, and Economics at the
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich; and
the Institute of Technology Management and School
of Medicine at the University of St Gallen. CDHI is
funded in part by CSS, a Swiss health insurer,
MavieNext, an Austrian healthcare provider, and
MTIP, an equity firm investing in European
Healthtech companies. TK is a co-founder of
Pathmate Technologies, a university spin-off
company that creates and delivers digital clinical
pathways, he is no longer a shareholder since 2024.
However, neither Pathmate Technologies, MTIP nor
MavieNext were involved in this research.
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Scale-IT-up 2025 - Workshop on Scaling Up Care for Older Adults
Code Snippet 1S: Text preprocessing and topic modeling
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem.wordnet import
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
def preprocess(text):
tokens =
tokens =
for token in tokens if token.isalpha()
and token not in
return ' '.join(tokens)
# Topic modeling with TF-IDF and
training NMF
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text
import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
# Vectorize the text data
doc_term_matrix =
# Apply NMF for topic modeling
nmf = NMF(n_components=8,
Code Snippet 2S: Similarity computation and
recommendations engine.
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import
# Calculate cosine similarity
org_topic_matrix =
cosine_sim =
# Build the graph
G = nx.Graph()
for i, seg1 in
for j, seg2 in
if i < j and cosine_sim[i][j] >
np.percentile(cosine_sim, 50):
G.add_edge(seg1, seg2,
# Recommendations engine with RAG
import openai
# Define the prompt
collaboration_prompt = (
"Based on the identified similar
organizations and their value
propositions, provide succinct
suggestions in bullet points on how to
design a value proposition and
collaborate with these organizations. "
"Consider the following aspects: 1. Key
elements to include in the value
proposition. 2. Potential areas of
collaboration. 3. Benefits of
collaboration for both parties."
response =
{"role": "system", "content": "You
are an AI that helps identify how to
collaborate with other stakeholders to
enable healthy longevity." },
{"role": "user", "content":
collaboration_prompt + "Your value
proposition now: "+ user_input + "Your
identified similar organizations: "+
similar_scores }
Code Snippet 3S. User input prompt (151 words)
"A companion for the next stage of your
At our health insurance, we understand
that the transition to retirement
requires more than just financial
preparation. Our digital platform is
all about helping you to make the new
phase of your life healthy and
Our service in a nutshell
Holistic preparation and health
We offer comprehensive support for a
fulfilling life in retirement. We
combine content and offers on health
topics that are specifically designed
to meet the interests of those
approaching retirement.
Advice from experts
Benefit from personalised advice from
our health coaches tailored to your
needs as a retiree.
Pilot phase and availability
Your health partner at any age
EDEN: Towards a Computational Framework to Align Incentives in Healthy Aging
As your healthcare partner, we go
beyond the role of a health insurer and
is actively committed to healthy
ageing. Our service is an expression of
this commitment, with the aim of
supporting you in all phases of life."
Figure 4S: EDEN's user interface (eden.ethz.ch), users can input value propositions within 'incentivise' module to generate
network map and suggestion for collaboration. 'target' and 'scale' modules are under development to further EDEN's
computational capabilities, accessed on 12 December 2024.
Scale-IT-up 2025 - Workshop on Scaling Up Care for Older Adults