Management of Customized Privacy Policies
Jens Leicht
and Maritta Heisel
Paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
{jens.leicht, maritta.heisel}
Privacy Policy Management, Consent Management, Privacy Policy Customization, Privacy Policy Storage,
Data Value Chain, Data Protection Legislation, Data Accountability.
While privacy policies are well established to express data processing practices, customizable privacy policies
are a researched but not established practice to empower data subjects. One of the hurdles, hindering the
acceptance of customizable policies, is the management of large amounts of privacy policies, when each
data subject has their own policy. We propose a Privacy Policy Management (PPM) system, which handles
customized policies and distributes them to all data processors. In addition, our PPM keeps track of where
and why data are being transferred. This information can be provided to the data subjects, so that they can see
that the data controller complies to the policy agreed upon. The log of data transfers can also be used by data
protection authorities, to check the GDPR-compliance of the data controller or for investigations in case of a
data breach. We discuss the architecture of our PPM, how it operates, and integrate it into the Privacy Policy
Compliance Guidance framework.
Privacy policies are an important tool for service
providers to be able to comply with data protection
legislation, like the General Data Protection Regula-
tion (GDPR) of the European Union (European Par-
liament and Council of the European Union, 2016).
These policies inform the data subjects about the data
processing practices of the data controller and are
used to collect data subjects’ consent. While there has
been development towards customizable privacy poli-
cies with, e.g., the Platform for Privacy Preferences
(P3P) or the PriPoCoG-framework, it remains open
how data controllers shall handle the large amount of
different customized privacy policies (Cranor et al.,
2006; Leicht et al., 2022). From this gap, we derived
the following research questions:
RQ1. How can data controllers and data processors
be supported, when using customizable privacy
RQ2. How can data flows be made more transparent
towards the data subjects?
To address the research questions, we propose a
Privacy Policy Management (PPM) system, that sup-
ports data controllers and processors in handling cus-
tomized privacy policies. We consider not only the
data controllers’ storage of customized privacy poli-
cies, but also the different stages of the distribution
of the policies. The privacy policies are transferred
along the data value chain, so that all data processors
know the agreed upon privacy policy and can adhere
to customized policies. Our PPM manages policy cus-
tomization by the data subject, as well as policy up-
dates by the data controller itself. We integrate our
PPM into the PriPoCoG-framework. Future work is
needed to implement and evaluate the proposed PPM.
In addition to the main purpose of policy manage-
ment, our approach also increases the transparency to-
wards the data subjects. This is achieved by providing
data transfer logs, which clearly state where data is
transferred to. Providing these logs to data subjects,
in addition to the privacy policy, may increase their
trust into the data controller. Furthermore, these logs
can be used by data protection authorities to check the
GDPR-compliance of the data controller, as well as in
investigations in case of a data breach. The logs pro-
vide accountability of which data processor received
data from which data subject.
Before we explain our privacy policy manage-
ment system in detail, we provide a concise back-
ground in Section 2, introducing all necessary con-
cepts. Next, we place the management system inside
the PriPoCoG-framework in Section 3. In Section
Leicht, J. and Heisel, M.
Management of Customized Privacy Policies.
DOI: 10.5220/0013365300003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 2, pages 385-396
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
4 we present our management concept, followed by
related work in Section 5. Finally, we close with a
conclusion and future work in Section 6.
In this section, we provide the necessary background
information for a better understanding of our privacy
policy management system.
2.1 General Data Protection Regulation
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is
a regulation of the European Union (EU) (Euro-
pean Parliament and Council of the European Union,
2016). It was enacted to protect the privacy of Eu-
ropean citizens from unwanted data processing. The
GDPR not only applies to businesses inside the EU,
but also to anybody outside the EU who processes
personal data of EU citizens. Hence, it is important
for businesses, called data controllers in the GDPR,
to be able to prove their GDPR-compliance by keep-
ing track of consent provided by the end-users (data
Data minimization is one of the concepts of the
GDPR. It aims to protect privacy by only allowing the
minimum data collection and processing necessary to
provide a service. The customizable privacy policies
of the PriPoCoG-framework (Leicht et al., 2022) en-
able data controllers and data subjects to practice data
minimization, while allowing them to include addi-
tional data processing if explicitly enabled by the data
subjects (cf. Section 3).
Informed consent is one of the legal bases for data
collection and processing, according to the GDPR.
Data controllers need to collect this informed consent
and need to be able to prove it towards data protection
authorities. Our PPM helps data controllers to man-
age customized privacy policies and informed consent
in a unified system.
2.2 Privacy Policy Life Cycle
The privacy policy life cycle presented in Figure 1
depicts the different phases of a privacy policy. The
life cycle starts with the creation of the privacy pol-
icy. The second step is the visualization of the pol-
icy towards the data subjects, followed by the col-
lection and management of data subjects’ consent.
When customizability is provided, we need to be able
to visualize and customize the policy again, even af-
ter the initial consent has been collected. Hence, the
Policy Creation Consent ManagementPolicy Visualization
Data Value ChainData Retention
Figure 1: Privacy Policy Life Cycle, with steps relevant to
our PPM highlighted in bold.
arrow from consent management to policy visualiza-
tion. Once the consent has been collected, the policy
needs to be available along the data value chain, so
that anybody handling the data can adhere to the pri-
vacy policy. The data value chain describes where
data are transferred to and who may process it. In
terms of the GDPR, it describes all data processors
that handle the data on behalf of the data controller.
The final step that the privacy policy has to manage
is data retention, making sure that the data is not kept
longer than is stated in the privacy policy. We high-
light the phases Consent Management and Data Value
Chain in bold, as these are the phases where our PPM
comes into action.
The Privacy Policy Compliance Guidance
(PriPoCoG) framework was developed to sup-
port the GDPR-compliance of data controllers by
augmenting the privacy policy definition process
with automated compliance checks (Leicht et al.,
2022). Furthermore, the framework empowers data
subjects in their privacy choices by making privacy
policies customizable, similar to the options provided
by cookie banners. Not only does the framework
check compliance of the privacy policies created
within it, but also supports policy authors in reusing
information from the software development process
for the definition of detailed and transparent privacy
policies (Leicht et al., 2023).
Our Privacy Policy Management (PPM) embeds
into the PriPoCoG-framework, as depicted in Figure
2. The PPM is highlighted in orange, and it con-
nects with each of the other four components of the
framework. Additionally, data subjects, as well as
data protection authorities, can interact with the PPM.
The other parties (policy authors and data processors)
interact, via existing components of the framework,
with the PPM.
In PriPoCoG, privacy policies are created using
the Privacy Policy Editor (Leicht and Heisel, 2024).
Using the DFD-Editor, the policy authors can im-
port information regarding data flows from data-flow
diagrams (DFDs) (Leicht et al., 2023). The policy,
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
PriPoCoG - framework
Privacy Policy
Policy Enforcement
Policy Authors
Data Subject
Privacy Policy
DFD - Editor
Privacy Policy Editor
Figure 2: Overview of the PriPoCoG-framework with the PPM and its connections highlighted in orange; unpublished and
open research highlighted in pink; based on (Leicht and Heisel, 2024, Figure 2).
when defined by the data controller, is stored in the
PPM as a basis for the customized policies of the
data subjects. Compliance checks are performed by
P-LPL (Leicht et al., 2022), the Prolog - Layered Pri-
vacy Language, which is a formalized and extended
version of the Layered Privacy Language by Gerl
(Gerl, 2020) and the GDPR (European Parliament and
Council of the European Union, 2016).
Since there is no publication regarding the Pri-
vacy Policy Interface, we assume that it collects the
customized policies and consent from the data sub-
jects. We connect the PPM to the interface to be able
to process the customized policies. The PPM initially
provides the original policy of the data controller to
the data subject via the privacy policy interface. Af-
ter the data subject customized the policy and pro-
vided at least partial consent, the customized policy is
saved in the PPM. This actively customized policy is
a proof of consent that can be provided to data pro-
tection authorities. The interface between the Data
Subject and the PPM allows data subjects to retrieve
information about which data processor received their
data. This interface can for example be embedded in
the privacy settings on the account settings page of the
service. By providing this information to the data sub-
ject, the overall transparency is improved. The PPM
can use the P-LPL backend to check privacy policies
for GDPR-compliance and check the compatibility of
customized policies with the original policy of the
data controller. The customized privacy policies are
enforced at the data controller and data processor side
using Privacy Policy Based Access Control (P2BAC)
(Leicht and Heisel, 2023). Data are collected from
the data subject via the PPM, ensuring that policy en-
forcement is always used before accessing data. Data
Protection Authorities can use the PPM to retrieve
logs of data transfers, which can be used to further
check the GDPR-compliance of the data controller.
Additionally, these logs may be helpful in the event
of a data breach, providing accountability of who re-
ceived data from which data subject.
In this section, we first describe the running exam-
ple, which we use to explain our Privacy Policy Man-
agement (PPM). Next, we present the PPM features,
followed by a more detailed look at the architecture
and interaction between the different stakeholders and
components involved in the PPM.
4.1 Running Example
Figure 3 shows an abstract data-flow diagram of our
running example, an online shop. We do not detail
which data are transferred or processed for the differ-
ent sub-services.
The diagram is split into three trust boundaries:
The Online Shop is the data controller; hence we
highlight the trust boundary in red. The second trust
boundary (to the left) represents a data processor, the
Shipping company, which delivers the online shop-
ping orders. Finally, the third trust boundary (to the
right) represents a Marketing company, which pro-
cesses the interests of the customer (data subject), to
provide personalized advertisements. We use the two
processes Shopping and Advertising to represent dif-
Management of Customized Privacy Policies
Online Shop
place order
see advertisement
ship order
Figure 3: Abstract data-flow diagram of our running example “Online Shop”.
ferent parts of the service provided by the online shop.
The customer can place orders in the shopping
process, which requires customer data and produces
order information, which are managed in the corre-
sponding data storage (Customers & Orders). When
the order is shipped, information like the delivery ad-
dress is shared with the external data processor Ship-
ping, who stores Shipping Information.
The second service provided by our online shop
is personalized Advertising, which selects interest-
based advertisements (ads) to be shown to the cus-
tomer. The controller uses an external Marketing
company for ad selection, which processes the inter-
ests of the customer.
Customers can prohibit the processing of their in-
terests by customizing the privacy policy of the on-
line shop. When they dissent the processing of their
interests, no information will be forwarded to the mar-
keting company. Instead, they will be prompted with
randomly selected advertisements.
4.2 Features
Our proposed Privacy Policy Management (PPM)
provides the following features:
F1 - Manage customized privacy policies.
F2 - Distribute customized privacy policies to data
F3 - Manage policy updates by data controllers.
F4 - Manage policy customization by data subjects.
F5 - Collect data subjects’ data according to the
customized privacy policy.
F6 - Keep track of data processors.
The features F1 and F2 build the basis for the ap-
plication of customized privacy policies in complex
systems. F3 improves the process of updating pri-
vacy policies. Currently, a new legal document has
to be defined and changes and corrections are bun-
dled, before a new version of a policy is published.
With our PPM, small corrections and changes to the
policy can easily be deployed. Reacting to dynamic
policy customization is an important feature (F4), es-
pecially (partial) withdrawal of consent. We propose
that our PPM not only manages the policies, but also
collects data from the data subjects (F5). This better
protects data subjects from data misuse, as the data
cannot be processed by bypassing the policy enforce-
ment system. Finally, feature F6 provides account-
ability regarding data processors. The information
tracked can increase transparency towards data sub-
jects, if made accessible. Furthermore, data protec-
tion authorities can use this information for GDPR-
compliance checks as well as data breach investiga-
4.3 Architecture
In this section we first discuss the privacy policy man-
agement architecture in general, before applying it to
our running example.
4.3.1 General Explanation
Figure 4 shows the architecture of our Privacy Pol-
icy Management (PPM), explaining how it integrates
with already existing systems of data controllers and
data processors. The bold rectangles outline the
boundaries of the PPM on the data controller’s (left)
and data processors’ (right) side. The PPM consists of
three components: the Privacy Manager, Policy Stor-
age, and Logging. Both parties run their own instance
of the PPM with similar functionalities. This ensures
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Privacy Policy Management (Data Processor)
Privacy Policy Management (Data Controller)
Policy Storage
Privacy Manager
Policy Storage
Privacy Manager
Data Processor
Data Controller
Data Subject
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Data Protection
Privacy Policy Based
Access Control (P2BAC)
Data Controller
Privacy Policy Based
Access Control (P2BAC)
compliance logs
data processors + compliance logs
privacy policy
privacy policy
Figure 4: Architectural overview of the privacy policy management.
that all parties are able to manage customized policies
locally. It also reduces the overhead and decision time
of access requests, which would cause network traffic
with a centralized PPM. Confidentiality would also be
at risk, when using a more centralized PPM architec-
ture. Only the data controller side directly interacts
with the Data Subject (DS). Existing systems of the
data controllers and data processors are visualized as
white, and other PriPoCoG components as light gray
rectangles. In the following, we reference interfaces
from the architecture using their corresponding let-
ters, e.g., (a).
The Data Controller (DC) uses the Privacy Policy
Editor (a), which provides the defined privacy policy
to the Privacy Manager (PM) via interface (e). The
DS customizes the privacy policy via the Privacy Pol-
icy Interface (o), which forwards the resulting pol-
icy to the PM (g). Data subject’s data are collected
via the User Interface (q) and forwarded to the PM
via interface (i). This separation of interfaces is nec-
essary, as the privacy policy interface is not able to
collect data from the DS, instead data are collected
in various ways through the user interface of the ser-
vice. The PM stores privacy policies and data in their
corresponding databases (m
) and (k
). The DS inter-
acts with the PM, retrieving a list of data processors,
via the user interface of the service (q), which is con-
nected to the service via interface (r).
The PM is responsible for transferring privacy
policies and data to the data processors via (f) and (h);
not only initially, but also once a privacy policy is up-
dated. This provides reliable intervenability, where all
parties involved in processing data are informed about
any withdrawn consent. The PM informs the Privacy
Policy Based Access Control (P2BAC) about changes
in the customized policy, via interface (l
), which in
turn can interrupt current data processing if consent
has been withdrawn. We explain how policy updates
are performed, in more detail in Section 4.4.
When the service requires some personal data, it
requests access from the P2BAC system (s
). P2BAC
retrieves the corresponding policy from policy storage
) and decides whether access will be granted. If the
decision is positive, P2BAC grants the service access
to the data (p
) and (s
). When the service derives
new data concerning the DS, it provides this data to
the PM via interface (j
). The PM stores this new data
according to the privacy policy in the corresponding
data storage (k
Similar to the service (DC), the task (Data Proces-
sor, DP) interacts with P2BAC and the PM (s
), (n
), and (j
). Interface (j
) is also used to trigger
tasks, when data processing is requested via the PM
(cf. Section 4.4.2).
The PM keeps track of the data transfers it per-
forms. It logs all data processors that received
data from each DS and provides this information to
the Logging component (c
). On the DP side, the
PM keeps track of the data controllers that provided
data to the data processor (c
). Logs are stored in
databases for efficient access and exportability. The
information from the logs is used, in case of a policy
change by the DS, to inform all data processors about
the updated policy. Additionally, this logging im-
proves transparency towards the DS by allowing them
to request a list of data processors (i) and (q). The DS
Management of Customized Privacy Policies
can clearly see where their data are transferred and
can compare the data transfers to the privacy policy
they consented to. The logs can also be accessed by
Data Protection Authorities (b
) when examining the
GDPR-compliance of a data controller or in case of
a data breach. Keeping track of data processors also
provides accountability regarding who is processing a
data subject’s data.
The PM can use P-LPL, via interface (d
) to check
privacy policies for GDPR-compliance and check the
compatibility of customized policies with the original
base policy of the data controller.
The interfaces (f) and (h) between data controller
and data processor are many-to-many connections. A
controller can have none, one, or many data proces-
sors, and a processor works for at least one controller.
The policies only flow in one direction (f) from the
controller to the processor. Since the processor may
produce derived data, when performing its task, the
data connection is bidirectional (h).
4.3.2 Example
Applying this architecture to our example, we get the
following instantiation. The Online Shop constitutes
the data controller, and the Shipping company and the
Marketing company are data processors. Each com-
pany has their own instance of the privacy policy man-
agement as well as a local instance of the Privacy Pol-
icy Based Access Control (P2BAC).
The service on the controller side is divided into
the two sub-services: Shopping and Advertising.
Each of these sub-services interact with P2BAC and
the Privacy Manager (PM) to get access to data or
store newly derived data. If the data subject (DS), for
example, places an order, the service provides order
details to the PM of our online shop, to be stored in
the data storage.
If the DS consents to data processing by the ship-
ping company, the PM will inform the shipping com-
pany for which purpose the DS allows the process-
ing of their data. When an order is placed and ready
to ship, the PM will provide the necessary and con-
sented delivery details to the shipping company. The
P2BAC of the shipping company ensures that data are
only used for the consented purpose of delivering the
order. Further processing by the shipping company,
for example for marketing purposes, will be prohib-
ited by P2BAC.
If the DS does not consent to personalized adver-
tisements, the PM will not forward their privacy pol-
icy to the marketing company. It will also not forward
any information regarding the DS to the marketing
company. When the DS decides to enable personal-
ized advertisements later on, the new privacy policy is
provided to the marketing company by the PM of the
online shop. Afterward, information about the inter-
ests can be forwarded and collected by the marketing
4.4 Modus Operandi
In the following we explain the modus operandi of the
Privacy Policy Management in the two phases Con-
sent Management and Data Value Chain. To be read-
able, the diagrams in this section abstract away some
detailed operations.
4.4.1 Consent Management
Consent Collection. The interaction visualized in
Figure 5 describes the initial collection of consent.
The Data Subject (DS) uses the Privacy Policy In-
terface, which requests the privacy policy, defined by
the policy authors, from the Privacy Manager (PM)
on the Data Controller (DC) side. The interface then
presents the returned privacy policy to the DS, who
customizes the policy. When the DS submits the cus-
tomized policy, representing their informed consent,
the policy interface transmits the policy to the privacy
manager (DC). The privacy manager (DC) stores the
Privacy Manager
(Data Controller)
Privacy Policy
request original policy
original policy
customized policy + consent
Privacy Manager
(Data Processor)
Policy Storage
(Data Controller)
customized policy + consent
policy receipt
open interface
present original policy
customize policy
submit consent
download receipt
customized policy + consent
Figure 5: Sequence diagram describing the collection of consent.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
policy, and hence the consent, in the Policy Storage
(DC). The policy can now be used to prove explicit
consent to data protection authorities and is also avail-
able for policy enforcement via P2BAC. All data pro-
cessors, that are involved in processing data for the
consented purposes, receive a copy of the customized
privacy policy. The PM (DC) transmits the policy to
the PM of each individual data processor. To com-
plete the consent collection, the PM (DC) sends a re-
ceipt to the privacy policy interface, confirming the
successful storing of the policy. The policy interface
then downloads the receipt to the device of the DS.
Applied to our example, the procedure can be de-
scribed as follows. The Data Subject (DS) wants to
place an order in our online shop. Therefore, they
open the website and are presented with the privacy
policy interface. The interface loads the privacy pol-
icy of our online shop and allows the DS to customize
it. The DS allows processing of their data for shop-
ping and for advertising. The customized policy is
transferred to the Privacy Manager (PM) of our on-
line shop and stored in our policy storage. Since
the DS allows external processing for advertising and
shipping, the policy is forwarded to the PMs of the
marketing company and the shipping company. To
confirm the customized policy, the PM returns a pol-
icy receipt to the policy interface, which the DS can
store as a copy of the agreed privacy policy.
Policy Customization. When the Data Subject
(DS) wants to customize their privacy policy or wants
to withdraw consent for an already accepted purpose,
they open the privacy policy interface (cf. Figure 6).
The interface loads the stored policy via the Privacy
Manager (PM) of the Data Controller (DC). After the
DS further customized the policy to their preferences,
the interface sends the updated policy, and thus the
updated consent, to the PM (DC). The PM (DC) up-
dates the policy in the policy storage, keeping a copy
of the previous version of the policy. Each Data Pro-
cessor (PD), that had previously received a copy of
the policy, is also informed about the updated policy.
Additionally, any new DPs, which the DS may con-
sent to, will also be informed about the current pri-
vacy policy.
The PMs on both sides (DC and DP) inform their
corresponding P2BAC about the policy change. This
is important when the DS withdraws consent for a
purpose, for which data have already been accessed.
P2BAC can then prohibit further access to the data
for the withdrawn purpose. It can also inform the ser-
vice, which is processing the data, to stop processing.
When the service confirms the successful adaptation
to the new policy, P2BAC can confirm adaptation to
the PM (DC). Finally, the PM (DC) confirms the pol-
icy update to the privacy policy interface, providing a
receipt of the newly enforced policy to the DS.
When the Data Subject (DS) decides to withdraw
consent for data processing for advertising purposes,
after using the online shop for some time, they re-open
the privacy policy interface. The interface loads the
previously customized policy from our Privacy Man-
ager (PM). After the DS adjusts the policy, withdraw-
ing consent for advertising purposes, the interface
submits the new version of the customized policy to
our PM. Our PM puts the new policy into the storage
and informs the PM of the marketing company about
the withdrawn consent. The marketing company stops
processing, analogously to the way it is described for
internal processing in Figure 6: P2BAC of the mar-
keting company is informed and informs the processes
performing the task of interest processing about the
withdrawn consent. The process stops processing the
data of our DS and confirms this to P2BAC, which
Privacy Manager
(Data Controller)
updated policy + consent
update policy + consent
policy changed
[for all data processors]
(Data Controller)
(Data Controller)
Privacy Policy
Privacy Manager
(Data Processor)
Policy Storage
(Data Controller)
load stored policy
stored policy
stored policy
request stored policy
customize policy
open interface
present customized policy
submit updated consent
data processing
policy receipt
download receipt
update policy + consent
stop processing
stop processing
Figure 6: Sequence diagram describing the customization of the policy (partial withdrawal of consent) by the data subject
while using the service.
Management of Customized Privacy Policies
Privacy Policy
Privacy Manager
(Data Controller)
change policy
updated policy
Policy Storage
(Data Controller)
Privacy Policy
updated policy
[for all
customized policies]
load customized policy
customized policy
schedule consent collection
present updated policy
[consent required]
schedule policy presentation
present updated policy
Figure 7: Sequence diagram showing how data subjects are informed when the data controller updates the policy, continued
in Figure 8.
confirms policy enforcement to the local PM of the
marketing company. Finally, our PM confirms the
new policy towards the privacy policy interface, by
providing the policy receipt.
Policy Update. A privacy policy update by the Data
Controller (DC) is also managed by the privacy policy
management. We split this process into two sequence
diagrams, Figures 7 and 8.
After the DC makes changes to the policy (cf. Fig-
ure 7), using the privacy policy editor, the updated
policy is handed to the Privacy Manager (PM) of the
DC. The PM (DC) pushes the policy to the policy stor-
age. Next, the PM (DC) checks all the customized
policies from the storage and updates them to the new
base policy (loop). When the changes require the col-
lection of consent by the Data Subject (DS), the PM
(DC) queues the privacy policy interface for the next
login of the DS. Else, when no new consent is re-
quired, e.g., when corrections are made, or processing
is removed from the policy, the privacy policy inter-
face is queued to inform the DS about the updated
policy. By default, the updated policies deny access
to data, for all new processing purposes that have not
been consented, yet.
In Figure 8 we show the rest of the policy update,
which happens after the DS is informed about the pol-
icy update, or provides consent to the updated pol-
icy. The DS can customize the updated policy, pro-
vide consent for the new purposes, or dissent them.
If no new consent is required, the update process au-
tomatically continues after the opt-frame. Regardless
of the need for consent described above, the PM (DC)
stores the updated policy in the policy storage. Next,
the PM (DC) distributes the updated policy to all data
processors. Afterward, the PM (DC) informs P2BAC
about the updated policy, which informs the service
about any adjustments that need to be made concern-
ing data processing.
In our example, we update the privacy policy for
our online shop. We add another purpose processing
our customers’ interests for the creation of customer-
specific mail marketing. Our Privacy Manager (PM)
saves the new policy in our policy storage. For all
our customers, our PM loads their customized poli-
cies and compares these with our updated base pol-
icy. Since we added a new purpose, requiring consent
collection, the PM schedules consent collection by the
privacy policy interface. When a customer signs in to
our online shop, the privacy policy interface opens
Privacy Manager
(Data Controller)
Policy Storage
(Data Controller)
update policy + consent
(Data Controller)
(Data Controller)
Privacy Manager
(Data Processor)
Privacy Policy
[consent required]
customize updated policy
submit updated consent
customized updated policy
[for all
data processor]
update policy + consent
policy changed
adjust processing
Figure 8: Sequence diagram showing the continuation of the policy update (cf. Figure 7).
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
automatically. Our customer dissents the new pur-
pose and submits their policy. The policy interface
forwards the policy to our PM, which stores the up-
dated policy in storage. Our PM provides the updated
policy of the customer to the PMs of the shipping
company and the marketing company. The marketing
company will only process this customer’s data for
interest-based advertisement selection, not for mail
If our policy change would only include correc-
tions or removal of a purpose, we would not need to
wait for our customers’ consent. The policy interface
would be scheduled, to inform our customers about
the updated policy. Our PM would store the updated
customized policies, which it updated itself according
to our base policy (cf. Figure 7), and inform the data
processors and P2BAC immediately, without waiting
for updated consent.
4.4.2 Data Value Chain
Usage of the Service. The behavior in Figure 9 rep-
resents the normal usage of the service. Data, neces-
sary to provide the service, are assumed to be avail-
able in the data storage of the Data Controller (DC).
In Figure 9, P2BAC provides requested data to the
service, when access is granted. This is the case, as
the policy enforcement point of P2BAC would pro-
vide the requested data, which is not a separate com-
ponent in our diagram.
When the Data Subject (DS) wants to use the ser-
vice of the DC, the service requests the necessary
data from P2BAC. The policy enforcement system
requests the current privacy policy for this DS from
policy storage. Based on the loaded policy, P2BAC
makes an access decision and either grants access
to the data or denies access, preventing data misuse.
When access is granted, P2BAC returns the requested
data to the service. The service then starts processing
the data.
If a data processor is involved in service provi-
sion, the service requests the external processing of
data from P2BAC. External processing is only trig-
gered, when access to the resulting data is granted.
After the access decision, analogously to the one de-
scribed above, P2BAC requests the data processing at
the PM (DC). The PM (DC) forwards the request to
the privacy manager of the data processor (DP).
Detailed actions on the DP side are not visualized
in Figure 9. However, the PM (DP) triggers the task,
which requests necessary data from the correspond-
ing P2BAC. After completing, the task returns any
derived data to the PM (DP), similar to the service
on the DC’s side.
The PM (DP) returns the derived data to the PM
(DC), which stores the derived data in storage. After-
ward, the PM (DC) informs P2BAC, which then loads
the derived data. Finally, P2BAC provides the data to
the service. When the service derives new data from
the processing of data (by itself or by a data proces-
sor), it provides the data to the PM (DC), responsible
for storing the data in the database.
When the Data Subject (DS) places an order,
the order details are pushed to our Privacy Manager
(PM), which stores it in the database. This data col-
Privacy Manager
(Data Controller)
(Data Controller)
store derived data
(Data Controller)
Privacy Manager
(Data Processor)
Policy Storage
(Data Controller)
use service
request access
request policy
access denied
[access denied]
requested data
[access granted]
data processing
request external processing
request policy
[access denied]
access denied
forward request
derived data
derived data
request data processing
requested derived data
[access granted]
provide service
Figure 9: Sequence diagram describing the regular usage of the service.
Management of Customized Privacy Policies
lection is not shown in Figure 9. Our service needs
access to customer data, e.g., the shipping address,
to be able to fulfill the order. The shopping process
requests this information from our P2BAC instance.
Since the DS provided consent for shopping as well
as advertising purposes, access is granted and the
necessary data are provided to the service. To show
interest-based advertisements in the shopping cart,
the service requests interest processing by the mar-
keting company. Our P2BAC forwards the request to
our PM, which requests the interest processing at the
PM of the marketing company. The interests are re-
turned to our PM, which places the information in our
database. Finally, P2BAC grants the service access
to the information, which then rolls out the best fitting
interest-based advertisements.
4.4.3 Transparency
The logs created by the privacy managers support the
data controllers in increasing transparency towards
their data subjects. We do not visualize interactions
with the logs in this paper, but we describe them be-
Data subjects can request a list of data processors
from the privacy manager. This request is done via a
part of the user interface of the service, e.g., a website.
Compared to a state-of-the-art privacy policy, this log
provides transparency about the actual data proces-
sors of the data, not just about the potential processing
of data.
In our online shop example, the data subject will
receive a list of all shipping companies, which have
transported their orders. Additionally, all marketing
companies, that our online shop cooperates with, will
be listed.
4.4.4 Accountability
The data transfer logs provide accountability regard-
ing who is processing a data subject’s data. This ac-
countability can be used by data protection authorities
and police when investigating data breaches. Data
protection authorities can also use them to check a
controllers GDPR-compliance.
Enterprise Privacy Authorization Language
(EPAL). is a complementary concept to the Plat-
form for Privacy Preferences (P3P) system (Cranor
et al., 2006). It was proposed by Ashley, et al.,
to make privacy enforceable (Ashley et al., 2003).
The enforcement concept of EPAL combines two
concepts of the PriPoCoG-framework into a single
component, while splitting other components apart.
Instead of having an access control system and
separate policy management, EPAL uses a single
enforcement and management component, which
accesses a Privacy Management Server (Schunter
and Ashley, 2002, Figure 1). Logging is not part
of EPALs management, but instead separated into
another component.
Our approach benefits from the separation of the
enforcement and management, as our Privacy Policy
Management (PPM) can take on additional tasks like
keeping track of data transfers and providing com-
pliance logs towards data protection authorities. The
PPM can also provide the current privacy policy to
all data processors. This support along the data value
chain is not available in EPAL.
eXtensible Access Control Markup Language
(XACML). is a standardized access control policy
language and comes with an enforcement and man-
agement architecture (OASIS, 2013). XACML uses
a Policy Administration Point (PAP) for management
of different policies, which retrieves the policies from
a Policy Retrieval Point (database or file system).
Compared to our PPM, the PAP is limited to load-
ing and storing the policies, it does not transfer the
policies to other XACML systems, nor does it per-
form logging. Access control logs in XACML are
written by the Policy Enforcement Points. How these
logs operate for external data processing is unclear.
Sticky Policies. With the sticky policies approach
by Pearson and Casassa-Mont “Users can directly
control how their data should be processed, handled,
and shared by explicitly expressing their preferences
and data handling policies. (Pearson and Casassa-
Mont, 2011) The user-specific privacy policy is at-
tached directly to the data and transferred as a bundle
to all data processors. Based on the attached policy,
the data processors know how they have to handle the
We make use of the basic concept of transferring
a policy together with the data. However, we do not
attach the policy directly to the data. Instead, we have
a system and database which manage the policies sep-
arately from the normal data management of the data
handling entities. This allows a decoupling of the type
of policy and enforcement, from the general policy
management approach. Although we explain our ap-
proach using the PriPoCoG-framework it can also be
used with different privacy policy systems. Data pro-
cessors and data controllers may even use different
policy languages and systems, as the privacy policy
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
management could integrate policy converters, trans-
lating privacy policies from one policy language to
We presented our Privacy Policy Management (PPM)
approach, which integrates into the PriPoCoG-
framework (Leicht et al., 2022). The PPM works for
the data controller and data processors, and stores and
manages the customized policies of the data subjects.
It distributes the policies to all data processors, ensur-
ing that every party handling a data subject’s data is
informed about the agreed upon privacy policy. Up-
dates to the policy by the data controller are compared
to already customized policies and data subjects are
informed about changes. In case explicit consent is
required, the PPM requests this consent from the af-
fected data subjects. When a data subject customizes
their privacy policy after submitting initial consent,
the PPM takes care of enforcing the withdrawal of
consent. The PPM in cooperation with P2BAC (Le-
icht and Heisel, 2023) ensures that data are only pro-
cessed according to the customized privacy policy,
which is achieved by collecting data via the PPM. Fi-
nally, the PPM logs all data processors, keeping track
of where data have been transferred.
Looking back at the research questions, stated in
Section 1, we conclude that
RQ1. How can data controllers and data processors
be supported, when using customizable privacy
policies?: Our PPM manages customizable pri-
vacy policies and data subjects’ (partial) consent.
The policies are propagated along the data value
chain, and all parties involved in data handling
and processing work with the latest version of a
data subject’s privacy policy. Updated policies
and consent withdrawal are propagated to all par-
ties that received some data from the data subject.
RQ2. How can data flows be made more transpar-
ent towards the data subjects?: The logs created
by the PPM can be presented to the data subject,
so that they can transparently see where their data
have been transferred.
Using our PPM data controllers can demonstrate
their GDPR-compliance, regarding consent collec-
tion, to the data protection authorities. Compared to
regular consent mechanisms, we empower the data
subjects by allowing them to customize privacy poli-
cies; state-of-the-art privacy policies only allow a
take-it-or-leave-it approach. This customization is,
however, not achieved by the PPM alone, but rather
by the complete PriPoCoG-framework, which it inte-
grates into (Leicht et al., 2022).
Although we present our PPM tightly integrated
into the PriPoCoG-framework, it can easily be
adapted and used with other policy languages and
systems. It could for example be integrated into the
EPAL or XACML systems.
In the future, we plan to implement a prototype of
the proposed PPM and evaluate its applicability. Fur-
ther work around the PriPoCoG-framework should be
put into the privacy policy interface. The policy defi-
nition process should also be further improved, to bet-
ter support data controllers in their work. Improve-
ments towards the data controllers may increase in-
dustry acceptance of the framework.
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy