Comparison of Different User Interfaces for 360-Degree Videos in
VR-Based Healthcare Education
Yan Hu
1 a
, Jessica Berner
2 b
, Veronica Sundstedt
1 c
and Ivan Perlesi
Department of Computer Science, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden
Department of Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Virotea AB, Malmö, Sweden
Virtual Reality, Education, Healthcare, Interface Design, 360-Degree Videos, Older Adults.
Extended reality (XR) technology has been increasingly used in many areas, one being healthcare. This paper
presents a pilot study comparing two 360-degree virtual reality (VR) healthcare applications. The applica-
tions were evaluated by eight nursing students who evaluated both interfaces based on the User Experience
Questionnaire (UEQ), the System Usability Scale (SUS), and the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ).
Results show that both applications could provide a positive user experience and high usability, with some im-
provements shown in the second version of the application. The SSQ scores also showed that minimal motion
sickness occurred. Overall, all participants thought the VR-based education provided an innovative alternative
to traditional education scenarios.
An ageing population is a relatively new problem
from a historical point of view; the population aged
65 years and over is estimated to be around 40% in
2050, but mainly, the ratio of older adults compared
to adolescents will be on the increase (Rudnicka et al.,
2020). One priority will be to support healthy age-
ing through age-friendly environments that enable the
person to continue living independently for as long as
possible and doing things they value. Furthermore,
combatting ageism is a priority, and actions from the
World Health Organization (WHO) have been taken
to change how people feel and think toward older
adults (DESA, 2020).
Providing good health care for the ageing popula-
tion is essential. Many older adults require a compre-
hensive set of services to maintain health and prevent
or slow down both physical and mental decline. Tech-
nology in the home and/or health care facility (for
those in long-term care) is a solution that is already in
place, where health care professionals can support the
older person much better. For example, in long-term
care, often a team of specialized care professionals,
such as dieticians, geriatricians, nurses, and physical
therapists, is now only available through the help of
technology. Information and communication technol-
ogy (ICT) helps maintain patient communication, and
technology can help manage chronic conditions such
as diabetes, help manage taking medicine, and also,
through regular contact, improve physical and cogni-
tive function (Choi et al., 2024).
Much needs to go into the carers’ and healthcare
professionals’ education/view on aligning health sys-
tems with healthy ageing. A general lack of dementia
training and education is often reported by healthcare
providers (Zhao et al., 2021). Poor staff skills, knowl-
edge and attitudes are reported to contribute to the low
standard of care for persons with dementia (Hutch
et al., 2023). Often, smaller workshops or educa-
tional programs can increase understanding of the ill-
ness or give basic tools to care for an older adult. It
is noted that the nurses’ confidence usually increases
after such learning sessions, which is needed.
Information on older people’s health status and
functioning is lacking. Some known aspects, such
as lack of social support and socioeconomic status,
often affect long-term health. Underlying healthcare
conditions, impairments, and contextual factors (such
as socio-economic status) affect health. Furthermore,
there is less available data on older adults than other
people and many countries (in Europe alone) differ
Hu, Y., Berner, J., Sundstedt, V. and Perlesi, I.
Comparison of Different User Interfaces for 360-Degree Videos in VR-Based Healthcare Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0013366900003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 890-897
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
in how people age. Identifying the needs of older
adults can be difficult; for example, screening meth-
ods of defining and measuring frailty and pre-frailty
are not consistent (Lagiewka, 2012). Social charac-
teristics are even scarcer, yet are considered part of
health today.
1.1 Education in Health Providers in
Older Adults
The competence of healthcare providers influences
the quality of care for older adults with demen-
tia. Nurses are key in maintaining respect and dig-
nity for their patients and recognizing their inherent
worth (Holmberg et al., 2020). Additionally, it is cru-
cial to respect patients’ autonomy, involving them in
decisions about their care as much as possible. De-
mentia care prioritizes well-being, considering the pa-
tient holistically alongside the needs of their family
and care providers. Addressing care providers’ men-
tal health, for instance, can reduce costs by preventing
depression and anxiety among them. Physical activity
and regular exercise help cognitive function across the
lifespan (Jean and Dotson, 2024). Physical exercise
has been shown to help protect against Alzheimer’s
disease, and nurses support this by encouraging activ-
ity and providing additional guidance on health topics
like nutrition and smoking cessation.
Professionals often benefit from education in
the workplace, but continuing education must allow
for flexible schedules and the ability to deliver re-
motely (Scerbe et al., 2019). Nurses must be famil-
iar with technology to guide patients using digital ap-
plications supporting health and autonomy. Health-
care digitization aims to provide more personalized
care by offering tailored solutions. Many healthcare
leaders are implementing digital tools to drive im-
provements, often with government support, such as
in Sweden, which has promoted artificial intelligence
(AI) in healthcare since 2018 (OECD, 2018).
New technologies, including remote monitoring
and digital patient records, enable patients to be more
involved in their care and foster collaboration among
healthcare professionals. However, for digital solu-
tions to be effective, they must be accessible, easy
to use, and inclusive, ensuring that all patient groups
benefit from advancements.
Many education programs work with mannequins
that are more or less advanced. Mainly, “high fidelity”
mannequins increase learning outcomes (Sherwood
and Francis, 2018). They have features such as voice,
skin, and other installations that recreate a person.
Nursing students learn to put on a catheter, take blood
samples, talk to the doll, administer transfusion and
perform evaluation for acute care. The idea is to in-
crease learning outcomes by being able to touch and
practice on the doll/mannequin. However, there is
still a lack of practice in attitude, reality, and han-
dling patients in specific situations, which increases
the nurses’ readiness to enter working life. Personal,
clinical, organisational and relational characteristics
all come into play. With older adults with dementia,
the relational aspect can be challenging, especially as
it can take years to understand the illness and be able
to handle the patient properly. The aim often is to
move the student from novice to critical thinking and
behavioural response (Munjas, 1985).
1.2 Virtual Reality
VR technology creates a simulated experience, pro-
viding an alternative to the real world. This immersive
environment is typically displayed through a head-
mounted device (HMD), allowing users to interact in
a virtual space (Kardong-Edgren et al., 2019). VR has
been utilized in various fields, including gaming, ed-
ucation, manufacturing, and tourism. Among these,
healthcare has rapidly developed as a significant ap-
plication area. The primary uses of VR in healthcare
include prevention, treatment, medical education, and
training (Fu et al., 2022).
VR has been proven to support healthcare profes-
sionals and help them advance in understanding sit-
uations and people better through simulation videos.
Nursing programmes often gain experience through
both practical and theoretical moments. A well-
thought-through academic programme is usually one
side of the degree. Meeting people is also key in the
nursing profession, so scenarios and simulations are
extremely helpful in gaining confidence and prepar-
ing students for various situations.
1.3 Paper Overview
This study presents a pilot case of a VR-based edu-
cational application for healthcare education in older
adults. The main aim is to assess two versions of
the VR-based educational application interface and
discover the nursing students’ learning experience
through immersive VR. The evaluation focuses on us-
ability, user experience, simulator sickness, and par-
ticipants’ feedback to open-ended questions.
Section 2 describes the related work in healthcare
education in VR and user interface design in VR ap-
plications. Section 3 is about the method on how we
conduct our pilot study. The results are presented in
Section 4 and discussed in Section 5. Section 6 con-
cludes the study and proposes future work.
Comparison of Different User Interfaces for 360-Degree Videos in VR-Based Healthcare Education
2.1 Healthcare Education in VR
Gorman et al. early on proposed using VR for medi-
cal professionals to provide training and education be-
fore entering the real patient scenario (Gorman et al.,
2000). Peng et al. also allowed nursing students to
watch a movie about dementia and take part in a vir-
tual detention tour in which they got to experience a
scenario more closely to a person with the condition,
which was shown to increase their empathy toward
demented elders (Peng et al., 2020).
The described related work below focuses on VR
healthcare education and training for nurses or care
providers, particularly for older people. A previ-
ous scoping review has explored opportunities and
challenges for using VR/AR in aged care and pro-
poses, based on the literature, that these new tech-
nologies can have several health benefits, like over-
all well-being, decreased loneliness, increased relax-
ation, alertness and balance (To-Miles et al., 2022).
Another review focuses on using MR technology for
fall prevention among older adults with a positive ef-
fect on their physical health (Nishchyk et al., 2021).
In (Bauer and Andringa, 2020), VR has been used to
train cognitive functions for the elderly.
XR has recently been suggested to allow medi-
cal staff to sense how it is to be sick (Shaikh et al.,
2022). VR technology has also recently been used for
training empathy for elderly care staff (McCalla et al.,
2023; Zhang, 2024). In another study, VR was used to
educate healthcare practitioners about different med-
ical conditions like diabetes, disabilities, and elderly
abuse and neglect (Beverly et al., 2023). VR has also
been used to train nursing students in human anatomy
courses to improve students’ learning (Jallad, 2024).
Oral health can be a problem for the elderly, and a
VR simulation was proposed to train care providers
to brush their teeth more effectively with an improved
result in brushing skills (Mouri et al., 2023).
Previous work has also explored how VR can ed-
ucate medical students on the 4Ms in geriatric care:
What Matters, Medication, Mentation, and Mobility
as part of the Age-Friendly Health System (AFHS)
framework (Tewary et al., 2024). In this VR sce-
nario, the students learned about triaging a hip frac-
ture and treating patients from admission to discharge,
showing experience in AFHS. Overall, this study also
showed potential for using VR technology, highlight-
ing the importance of further clinical trials.
2.2 User Interface Design in VR
There are standard guidelines for traditional user in-
terface design. One of the most well-known is the
ten usability heuristics proposed by Nielsen (Nielsen,
2005). However, when it comes to VR applications,
the focus shifts to 3D user interface design rather than
2D user interface design. The development of 3D
user interface design principles is not as advanced
as that of standard 2D user interfaces. There is no
standard for 3D user interfaces (3D UIs) until now.
Developing such standards is difficult due to various
input devices, display technologies and interactions.
At the same time, human-computer interaction princi-
ples, such as Nielsen’s heuristics, continue to be rel-
evant in 3D user interface design (LaViola Jr et al.,
3D UIs enable users to interact with virtual ob-
jects, environments, or information through direct
3D input within physical and virtual spaces (Bow-
man et al., 2008). The field of 3D UI design offers
a variety of interaction techniques for tasks like se-
lection, manipulation, and spatial navigation (Riecke
et al., 2018). Many existing techniques can be easily
adapted for new applications. While many techniques
in 3D UI design have been established, there is still
room for innovation. New technologies, like the Leap
Motion device and biosignal interface, offer fresh in-
teraction possibilities. Additionally, techniques can
be tailored for specific tasks across different applica-
tion domains.
Bowman et al. proposed eight guidelines for user-
friendly 3D interaction techniques. These include
floating objects as exceptions, ensuring objects do
not interpenetrate, and requiring interaction only with
visible objects (Bowman et al., 2008). Additionally,
Alves et al. identified a set of guidelines for graph-
ical user interfaces in VR games. Among them, of-
fering depth cues, maintaining a comfortable distance
for displayed content, ensuring text is easily readable,
and avoiding issues related to scale and spacing in the
interactive elements of the VR game UI are the most
common ones (Alves et al., 2020).
Recently, another study also proposed some rec-
ommendations for 3D UI design for VR. First, match-
ing devices to interactions and tasks in 3D environ-
ments is essential. This means ensuring the input
methods’ dimensionality corresponds with the vir-
tual outcomes. Second, reducing degrees of freedom
(DoFs) and imposing constraints when possible is bet-
ter. This can be accomplished using input devices
with fewer DOFs, ignoring some input DOFs, or ap-
plying physical or virtual constraints. Finally, there
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: The screenshot of the older version V1.
is no single best interaction technique. The effective-
ness of VR interaction techniques depends on the na-
ture of the tasks. Since there is no one-size-fits-all so-
lution, it’s suggested to evaluate the dimensional char-
acteristics of each task and choose the most suitable
interaction method or a combination of techniques ac-
cordingly (Yeo et al., 2024).
A health tech company in Malmö, Sweden, developed
the VR application used in this study. It is specifically
for training care workers in caring for older adults and
supporting individuals with certain functional impair-
ments (referred to as LSS in Swedish). The training
program utilizes the Pico Neo 3 headset, an affordable
choice. By wearing the VR headset, care providers
can immerse themselves in everyday situations from
the perspective of the care recipients, allowing them
to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges these
individuals face. This study used two versions (V1
and V2) for user evaluation. V1 is the version with
simpler interfaces and 360-degree videos, while V2
has updated graphic user interfaces (GUIs), sum-
marising each scenario’s theoretical knowledge after
the videos and adding more scenarios. In addition,
there have also been improvements to the video res-
olution and text rendering, which make the interface
more legible and aim to reduce eye strain. The size of
the components has also been adjusted, allowing the
user to fit the entire menu inside the viewport com-
fortably. The new version also allows the user to move
closer or back away from the interface to view it com-
fortably. The screenshots from V1 and V2 are shown
in Figure 1 and 2.
As a pilot study, we recruited eight nursing stu-
dents from our university to test two different ver-
sions, V1 and V2. The participants came on the same
day. Before the study started, the instructions were
provided in both written and oral format. Next, the
Figure 2: The screenshot of the improved version V2.
participants signed consent forms. Each participant
began by reading various scenarios related to health-
care for older adults, which were presented in paper-
based descriptions. After the reading, the participants
began the VR education program. Before they wore
the HMD, they completed a pre-survey that gathered
information on their age, gender, previous experience
with extended reality (XR), and their responses to the
Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ). The SSQ is
a widely recognized tool used to assess symptoms of
simulator sickness across various dimensions, includ-
ing nausea, oculomotor and disorientation.
The VR-based education program contains a se-
ries of short 360
videos that present various sim-
ulation scenarios related to everyday care for older
adults. Each scenario is divided into two parts: the
first describes the situation, while the second offers
suggested approaches for addressing it.
Participants began with V1. Upon completing V1,
they were asked to fill out several questionnaires, in-
cluding the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ),
the System Usability Scale (SUS), and the Simula-
tor Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ). The UEQ ques-
tionnaire gathers user feedback on their experiences
with a product, service, or system, focusing on as-
pects like usability, satisfaction, and overall user ex-
perience (Laugwitz et al., 2008). The SUS is a widely
recognized tool for evaluating system usability, com-
prising ten statements that participants respond to us-
ing a 5-point scale ranging from "Strongly Disagree"
to "Strongly Agree" (Brooke et al., 1996). After com-
pleting these questionnaires, the participants took a
brief break before setting up the headset to test V2.
They were asked to fill out the same questionnaires
again after finishing V2.
After completing both versions, the participants
were required to answer the final five open-ended
questions. These questions addressed other educa-
tional methods they had experienced in their educa-
tion, their preferred teaching-learning methods, their
perspective on using VR-based videos for group edu-
cation, their preferences between V1 and V2, and any
Comparison of Different User Interfaces for 360-Degree Videos in VR-Based Healthcare Education
Figure 3: The UEQ score from different versions with dif-
ferent aspects.
additional feedback regarding the VR application.
We recruited eight current nursing students at our uni-
versity for our pilot study. The participants range
in age from 20 to 44, with an average age of 27.75.
There are five female participants and three male par-
ticipants. Regarding their previous experience with
XR, five out of the eight participants have used VR
applications occasionally.
4.1 UEQ
The UEQ questionnaire consists of 26 items cate-
gorized into six distinct aspects of user experience:
Attractiveness, Perspicuity, Efficiency, Dependability,
Stimulation, and Novelty. Attractiveness is the over-
all impression of the product, indicating if the user
likes or does not like the product. Perspicuity evalu-
ates if it is easy to get familiar with the product. Ef-
ficiency means how efficiently the user can solve his
or her tasks. Dependability is the feeling of control
of the interaction. Stimulation measures how users
are motivated to use the product. Novelty is about
the innovation and creativity of the product. Each
item is rated on a scale from -3 to +3. Scores within
the range of -0.8 to 0.8 represent a neutral evaluation,
while scores exceeding 0.8 indicate a positive evalua-
tion. Conversely, scores below -0.8 suggest a negative
evaluation. Figure 3 shows that both versions have
high scores, and all the aspects are above 1.5. V1 has
higher perspicuity and dependability, while V2 has a
higher score in attractiveness, efficiency, stimulation,
and novelty. However, the differences are not signif-
icant due to the small sample size. Furthermore, the
perspicuity of V2 is a bit lower than that of V1, but
it still gets the highest score (2.56) among all six as-
Figure 4: The SUS score from different versions.
4.2 SUS
The System Usability Scale (SUS) is a questionnaire
consisting of 10 items, where each question is scored
between 0 (strongly disagree) and 4 (strongly agree).
The overall score is calculated by multiplying the sum
of the scores from the ten questions by 2.5, resulting
in a final score that ranges from 0 to 100. According
to Bangor et al. (Bangor et al., 2009), the adjective
ratings of SUS classified above 85 are associated with
“Excellent”, “Good” is just above average at 71, and
“OK” scores at 51. In this pilot study, the SUS score
for V1 is 80.6, while the SUS score for V2 is 85.0.
Both versions have relatively high SUS scores. Based
on the adjective ratings, the usability of V1 is rated as
good, whereas the usability of V2 is rated as excellent,
shown in Figure 5.
4.3 SSQ
The SSQ included 16 symptoms, organized into three
distinct categories: Nausea (N), Oculomotor (O), and
Disorientation (D). Participants assessed the severity
of each symptom using a scale ranging from 0 (none)
to 3 (severe). These individual scores were then
aggregated to create scores for each symptom clus-
ter. The cluster scores were subsequently weighted
to yield a total score (TS). Figure 5 indicates that all
three symptom clusters (N, O, D) and the total score
(TS) are relatively low. Moreover, all the scores af-
ter V1 are lower than those before it. There is only
a slight increase when comparing the scores after V2
to those after V1, leading to a minor rise in the total
score. The SSQ score from this study shows that ex-
posure to both versions of our VR training application
has a very limited effect on motion sickness.
4.4 Free Text Answers
The free text questions explore five different aspects:
(1) the educational methods typically used to teach
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 5: The SSQ score before, after V1 and after V2.
students about various health conditions; (2) pref-
erences for learning methods, including VR-based
videos, paper-based reading, and current health ed-
ucation, along with the reasons for these preferences;
(3) options of VR-based videos as a tool for group
training among healthcare providers; (4) preferences
between V1 and V2, including the rationale behind
their choices; and (5) any additional comments related
to the VR application.
The typical methods currently used in nursing ed-
ucation include lectures, literature, watching videos,
and practising with puppets. All participants liked
the VR-based videos; some reasons mentioned were
exciting and more interactive and could help prevent
confusion during learning. Some also empathise that
VR-based videos enhance their understanding of pa-
tient’s behaviours and experiences. One participant
also appreciated that the three learning options could
be combined, allowing nursing students to get a bet-
ter picture of what they are learning by allowing them
to learn from different perspectives. Another partic-
ipant mentioned that VR could effectively serve as a
valuable complement to traditional methods.
When considering the VR-based video on group
training for healthcare providers, all participants
agreed it is a practical educational approach. They
found it instructive, innovative, and an interesting way
to train many healthcare providers. Three participants
preferred V2 due to its aesthetic design, fun, and use-
fulness, as people could see from different perspec-
tives and situations. The rest prefer V1. This could
potentially be because it returns to the menu automat-
ically when the video is over, while V2 needs to click
an extra button.
The participants of this pilot study hope the VR-
based video method could be implemented soon in
nursing education because they think it is very inno-
vative for the basic training of healthcare providers.
Additionally, one user reported that it provides a safe
learning environment and improves accessibility. Fur-
thermore, to improve the user experience, it is sug-
gested that interactions in VR-based training be in-
Although the number of participants in this pilot study
is small, some interesting findings still exist. V2 in
this study had improved the GUIs, which aligned with
some guidelines, such as a comfortable distance and
making texts easy to read. However, 3D UIs can
be pretty expressive and facilitate complex tasks; not
every task in a 3D UI requires advanced interaction
methods. When users have straightforward goals, de-
signers must focus on offering simple and intuitive
techniques. From this study, we also found when as-
signing physical buttons to commands, it is essential
to resist the urge to create a new button for each com-
mand (McKay, 2013). Users often struggle to recall
numerous buttons, and it can become challenging to
remember the relationships between buttons and func-
tions. In this case, only one extra button made users
feel less control over the interaction, and it took work
to get familiar with the application, which directly af-
fected the user experience.
Empathy is considered a critical component in re-
lationships. It enables healthcare professionals to im-
prove patient health, which makes it essential to in-
corporate it into the curriculum to teach health profes-
sionals to be more responsive to patient needs (Wen
et al., 2024). It also helps healthcare professionals
to focus on patient-centered care. Therefore, it is es-
sential to develop empathy, a key element of patient-
centered care. It includes cognitive and affective as-
pects which allow a person to respond to verbal and
non-verbal cues. It has also been shown to deliver
better care: less anxiety and distress, fewer med-
ical errors and better patient adherence to medica-
tion (Peng et al., 2020). To reach this goal, one way is
to improve communication skills; experimental learn-
ing and simulation-based education are appropriate
for teaching empathy (Cho and Kim, 2024). This
study found that VR could increase the motivation for
learning and understanding due to its dependability
and perspicuity. The SUS indicated high scores in
both versions, supporting the development of empa-
thy. The participants expressed that VR made learn-
ing exciting and interactive, with less room for error,
which was also mentioned by Jallad (Jallad, 2024).
Building confidence through virtual videos offers care
providers a rare opportunity to experience older adults
hands-on, improving the care providers’ understand-
ing of demented persons. As the population of older
Comparison of Different User Interfaces for 360-Degree Videos in VR-Based Healthcare Education
adults increases globally, VR could serve as an ef-
fective tool for understanding and providing care for
individuals with dementia.
The applications we used in this study, V1 and
V2, involve minimal interaction. The only interac-
tion required is clicking buttons to control the menu.
Some participants suggested that more interactive el-
ements could be added in the future, bringing poten-
tial trends in VR-based education. In addition to us-
ing 360-degree videos in VR, interacting with virtual
avatars could be another effective method for training
healthcare providers to engage in various situations.
This study demonstrates that all participants have a
favourable view of VR-based education in healthcare,
even with group training. However, traditional health-
care education methods remain significant in nursing
education. In the future, the most effective approach
will likely involve a combination of VR-based meth-
ods and other educational methods.
This pilot study evaluates two different interfaces of
360-degree VR-based healthcare education applica-
tions. V1 is the initial interface, while V2 incorpo-
rates improvements to certain interface features based
on design principles. The study involved eight partic-
ipants, all currently nursing students at the university.
The results indicate that both versions provide a pos-
itive user experience and high usability. The system
usability of V1 was rated as good and for V2 it was
rated as excellent. Additionally, the SSQ scores post-
testing reveal that both versions cause minimal mo-
tion sickness, indicating that the side effects of motion
sickness do not significantly impact this VR-based ap-
plication. All the participants in this study think VR-
based video is an interactive and innovative health-
care education method. Some users also indicate that
it could complement traditional methods like lectures
and readings. All participants reported that it could
also be an effective method for group training. The
simplicity of the design could be one of the main fac-
tors influencing the user experience; in this case, it is
an extra button. However, the number of evaluators in
this study was low, and more users are needed to draw
statistical conclusions. In the future, more interaction
in VR-based education applications is expected. Per-
sonalization will be another emerging direction in the
future development of these applications. It would
be interesting to explore how tailoring the education
experience to individual learners can enhance engage-
ment and improve learning outcomes.
This research was funded partly by the Knowledge
Foundation, Sweden, through the Human-Centered
Intelligent Realities (HINTS) Profile Project (con-
tract 20220068). This study has ethical approval by
the Swedish Ethical Review Authority (Dnr: 2023-
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