Analytical Evaluation of Time-Based Cryptography
Mohammed Ramadan, Pranit Gadekar, Veit Hagenmeyer and Ghada Elbez
Institute of Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI), KASTEL Security Research Labs,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, 76344, Germany
{mohammed.ramadan, pranit.gadekar9, veit.hagenmeyer, ghada.elbez}
Cryptography, Time-Based Cryptography, Time-Lock Puzzle, Verifiable Delay Function.
Recent requirements for secure and timely applications have allowed considerable improvements in time-based
cryptographic approaches (TBC) to represent the most critical step toward considering time as an essential
factor in modern cryptographic protocols. This paper analyzes the performance and security of TLPs and
VDFs, highlighting their trade-offs in efficiency and verifiability, focusing on time-lock puzzles (TLPs) and
verifiable delay functions (VDFs). Among all TBC approaches, TLP and VDF are relevant in enforcing
timed access and verifiable delay in secure systems due to their resistance against parallel computation and
predictable delay. Additionally, we present the security analysis, computational efficiency, and implementation
of TLP and VDF basic schemes with practical applications, showing that TLPs are simple but suffer from
computation delays. In contrast, VDFs are computationally intensive to be evaluated but efficiently verifiable.
Subsequently, we deliver recommendations, analysis, and prospective trend scenarios for assessing security
analysis and complexity requirements.
The information system employs essential crypto-
graphic techniques to ensure data confidentiality, in-
tegrity, and authenticity. With the advancement of
technology, there is a growing necessity to develop
time-based cryptographic methods that address tim-
ing considerations. This paper investigates two funda-
mental concepts: time-lock puzzles and verifiable de-
lay functions. Each idea provides unique advantages
that apply to various scenarios (Parno et al., 2012).
Time-based cryptography involves diverse ad-
vanced techniques that incorporate temporal elements
into cryptographic protocols. These methodologies
address critical challenges, such as ensuring fairness
in digital transactions, mitigating the risk of prema-
ture access to sensitive information, and facilitating
time-based access control mechanisms. By integrat-
ing time as a variable, these protocols enhance se-
curity and manage the temporal constraints of digi-
tal interactions effectively. (Dwork and Naor, 1992).
A good example is that time-based cryptography in
digital rights management will impose restrictions on
the usage of digital content for a certain period of
time and hence provide a robust method for control-
ling content distribution (Boneh et al., 2004). Simi-
larly, time-based cryptographic protocols are essential
for synchronizing operations within different nodes
in distributed systems to make time-dependent pro-
cesses occur correctly. As modern digital systems
grow in complexity and interconnectivity, the im-
portance of developing and understanding time-based
cryptographic solutions has become increasingly rec-
ognized (Pietrzak, 2019).
Time-lock puzzles, first proposed in (Rivest et al.,
1996), prevent information access for a particular
time, meaning no one can decrypt the data before this
time elapses. It is helpful in many applications, in-
cluding sealed bid auctions in which all bids must re-
main secret until a specific time.
Although VDFs are a more recent development in
the field of cryptography, whose primary objective is
to generate outputs that require a fixed amount of time
for computation while allowing for efficient verifica-
tion, since VDFs can provide predictable delays and
proofs of elapsed time (Pietrzak, 2019), there are very
substantial prospects for using VDFs in blockchain
technology, decentralized systems, and secure time
stamping. Their unique properties make them suit-
able for scenarios where the integrity and verifiabil-
ity of delayed outputs are imperative. Some other
techniques related to time-based cryptography, which
were not fully considered within this broad study due
to their greater generality or extending beyond the
mainstream of time-based cryptography methods, are
Ramadan, M., Gadekar, P., Hagenmeyer, V. and Elbez, G.
Analytical Evaluation of Time-Based Cryptography.
DOI: 10.5220/0013367400003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 2, pages 624-634
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: TBC conceptual framework.
listed below (Pietrzak, 2019) (Schneier, 2007).
Delay Encryption: Encrypts data with a built-in
time delay before it can be accessed.
Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Time Delays: Uses
time delays in zero-knowledge proofs for added
security in multi-party computations.
Blockchain Time-locks: Prevents blockchain ac-
tions until a specified time through script-based
Proof of Work (PoW) with Delays: Requires com-
pletion of work and an enforced delay for certain
Time-Based One-Time Passwords (TOTP): Gen-
erates a short-lived password based on the current
time for authentication.
Timed Commitment Schemes: Binds a value with
a time-based release for later disclosure.
Timed-Release Encryption: Encrypts data to be
unlocked only after a specific time, influenced by
external factors.
Time-Based Access Control: Grants or restricts
access based on time-specific conditions.
1.1 Related Work
Time-based cryptography (TBC) was first proposed
by Timothy et al. (Massias and Quisquater, 1997).
This research aimed to discuss the importance of
sending encrypted messages in the future and the po-
tential benefits of doing so. This time delay enhances
trust by eliminating the need for a trusted third party
(TTP) and increasing fairness. Methods for creating
the delay include repeated squaring and reducing to
modulo in RSA, hash-based techniques, and directed
cyclic graphs (DAC). The delay in computation is un-
avoidable and cannot be bypassed through parallelism
mechanisms such as concurrency or multiprocessing
power, as the delay construction is based on the con-
cept of sequentiality.
Ronald L. Rivest and Adi Shamir coined the time-
lock puzzle (TLP) in (Rivest et al., 1996). The pa-
per states that solving the puzzle to recover the hid-
den key to decrypt the message should enforce certain
time-bound relating it to clock time, not CPU time,
through repeated squaring in RSA. The recent idea of
batching time lock puzzles delineated in (Abadi and
Kiayias, 2021) highlights the importance of opening
many puzzles while solving one at any instance by
eliminating redundancy and leveraging shared opera-
tions among multiple puzzles. The article by Abadi
et al. (Abadi et al., 2023) proposed the idea of del-
egated TLP (DTLP) that allows both the client and
the server to delegate their resources and tasks to a
helper function, facilitating real-time verification and
handling multiple puzzles encompassing the desired
variable time. Another vital pragmatic study con-
ducted in (Dujmovic et al., 2024) talks about the
multi-instance TLP’s where a server is provided with
various instances of the puzzle at once; this scheme
does not solve all the submitted puzzles immediately
but unlocks them at different points of time by chain-
ing them, satisfying the properties of being sequential,
restricting parallelism to reduce overhead, and also in-
cludes lightweight public verifiable algorithm.
The idea of verifiable delay functions (VDFs) was
first formalized by Dan Boneh in (Boneh et al., 2018)
based on the idea that it takes several sequential steps
Analytical Evaluation of Time-Based Cryptography
for evaluation, but the result can be efficiently veri-
fied. The VDF here is constructed using incremen-
tal verifiable computation (IVC). In the evaluation
phase, the output is produced sequentially. However,
the proof is computed to efficiently verify the out-
put by leveraging the power of parallelism in poly-
nomial time. Another prominent idea proposed by
Wesolowski (Wesolowski, 2019) adopts the concept
of trapdoor VDF, and it can be evaluated by the par-
ties who know the secret. The idea is to keep the trap-
door unknown, and there is no need for a third party
to define the setup. The practical study in (Wu et al.,
2022) outlines the use cases for VDFs in blockchain
applications. It briefly discusses different types of
VDFs and their main applications, including time-
stamping, blockchain technology, randomness bea-
cons, and permission-less mechanisms.
Some critical research works have been proposed
in the field of time-based cryptography (Pietrzak,
2019) (Pietrzak, 2019). These approaches have
mainly focused on TBCs and their applications from
a high-level perspective. However, there is a critical
need for formal verification of security proofs to en-
sure robustness against new attack vectors (Meadows,
2024). Addressing these gaps is crucial for improv-
ing time-based cryptographic techniques’ efficiency,
security, and functionality in real-world scenarios.
1.2 Contributions
This paper presents a comprehensive analytical com-
parative study of two prominent time-based crypto-
graphic mechanisms, mainly time-lock puzzle (TLP)
and verifiable delay function (VDF). The main contri-
butions are stated as follows.
We provide an in-depth analysis of TLP and VDF,
highlighting their underlying principles, construc-
tion methods, and operational mechanisms.
We offer implementation details for TLP and
VDF, including pseudocode snippets and perfor-
mance evaluations.
We present a comparative performance analysis
based on computational complexity, providing in-
sights into the efficiency and feasibility of deploy-
ing these mechanisms in real-world scenarios.
We discuss the security properties of TLP and
VDF, analyzing their resistance to various attacks
and potential vulnerabilities.
We explore various application domains for time-
based cryptographic systems, emphasizing their
relevance and advantages in specific use cases.
Paper Organization. The structure of this paper is
as follows: Section 2 delves into the foundational
concepts and constructions of basic time-based cryp-
tosystems for both time-lock puzzles (TLP) and ver-
ifiable delay functions (VDF). Section 3 details the
implementation of TLP and VDF, covering the under-
lying algorithms and practical considerations. Sec-
tion 4 offers a comparative performance analysis of
TLP and VDF, provides a security analysis, evaluates
the strengths and vulnerabilities of both TBC cryp-
tographic approaches, and examines computational
complexity. Section 5 presents the results and dis-
cussions, highlighting the main findings through com-
parative analysis, relevant use cases, and future direc-
tions. Lastly, Section 6 concludes the paper.
2.1 Time-Lock Puzzle Construction
The implementation of TLP approach is based on
repeated squaring modulo an RSA modulus (Rivest
et al., 1996). In such schemes, there are three func-
tions: Setup, PuzGen, and PuzSol. The Setup accepts
the security parameter λ and the desired time T and
generates RSA params and calculates the time diffi-
culty t. PuzGen requires t, message m, and generates
a random key k fulfilling security requirements and
then uses that k to encrypt m with the AES algorithm,
and then encrypt k, using repeated squaring modulo
an RSA modulus, feasibly and optimally through Eu-
ler’s totient function. The approach of PuzGen must
be faster than solving the puzzle; the details of how
this is achieved will be highlighted in the definition
of PuzGen. In PuzSol, there is a lower bound on t
to compute the result, as φ(n) is not efficiently com-
putable in polynomial time, even if n is public, com-
puting φ(n) from n is as hard as finding factors of n.
The hardness of this problem states that there is no
easy and efficient way to solve the puzzle other than
solving iterative computations of repeated squaring.
However, the number of iterations of squaring can be
made dynamic and controlled (Dujmovic et al., 2024).
1. Setup (λ, T ): This function inputs the security pa-
rameter λ and the Time T , and it generates the
RSA params for the later puzzle solving.
Choose large primes p and q, where n = p · q
and φ(n) = (p 1) · (q 1)
Compute time difficulty t = T.S, and S is the
squarings modulo n per sec.
2. PuzGen (m, t, n): This algorithm generates a puz-
zle. A sender runs this process :
Generate key k and hash it to 256 bits using,
e.g., SHA-3.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Message encryption with AES C
Key encryption C
= k + a
mod n, where a is
random number
To do this, sender can efficiently compute C
mod φ(n)
Then compute C
= a
mod n
Output encrypted key C
= (k +C
) mod n
The sender output (n, a, t, C
, C
) as a puzzle.
3. PuzSol (n, t, a, C
, C
): to solve the puzzle, the
receiver computes the following steps.
To recover the key k directly is not feasible; the
fastest way known is:
b = a
mod n
Key k is recovered as k = (C
b) mod n
Message decryption: M
Puzzle is solved, or timeout leads to abort.
2.2 Verifiable Delay Functions
Implementation of VDF, another delay-based prim-
itive, is based on iterated sequential function (ISF)
and repeated squaring modulo in RSA (Wesolowski,
2019). The principle behind VDF is sequential, which
states that performing t iterations of the computation
should be related to clock time, bounding iterations
to a time parameter. The VDF defines the key prop-
erties of being sequential, efficiently verifiable, and
unique. The evaluation takes t iterations of compu-
tation, and even with parallelism, there is no possi-
bility of obtaining the result in t-1 iterations. The
VDF algorithm has three steps: Setup, which accepts
desired time t, security param λ and generates n as
composite modulus and hash functions H and H
public parameters. Eval accepts n and message m,
t and outputs x, y and proof π. The Verify accepts
x,t, and π and verifies that the result is valid or in-
valid. The implementation of VDF is based on effi-
ciently verifying delay functions by using π, and the
same π is used for verification rather than computing
the y again by the verification algorithm. In this im-
plementation, we adopt Wesolowski’s construction of
VDF (Wesolowski, 2019).
1. Setup (λ, T ): This algorithm inputs the security
parameters and the time T .
Choose large primes p and q, where n = p · q
A hash function H : {0,1}
{0, 1}
Function H
(m) = next prime(H(m))
Challenge difficulty t = T · S, where S is the
squaring modulo n per sec.
The Setup output params.
2. Eval (m, t, n): The algorithm inputs n, m
, t and outputs y and π; as follows.
Compute x = H(m) and assign y = x
For i = 1 .. t, iteratively compute y = y
mod n
l = H
Compute π = x
mod n
The Eval returns y and π
3. Verify (x, l, t, n): The algorithm computes the fol-
lowing and verifies the result as valid/invalid.
Compute r = 2
mod l
Compute y = π
· x
mod n
If l = H
(x + y); return Valid, else Invalid.
The TBC algorithms are efficiently implemented us-
ing Python language and the pycryptodome library.
This library provides essential functions for generat-
ing large prime numbers, AES encryption and decryp-
tion, RSA components, and hashing. See the com-
plete code and implementation results with time re-
quirements as well as some screenshots results and
appendix data here Github. The setup functions for
both approaches are also abstracted from pseudocode.
3.1 TLP Implementation
The implementation of time-lock puzzle (TLP) algo-
rithms is divided into three functions. In Setup, RSA
params and the puzzle difficulty t are defined based
on the number of iterations corresponding to the de-
sired time. During PuzGen, a secret key k is gen-
erated randomly. The message m is first encrypted
with AES, followed by the efficient encryption of k
using the repeated squaring method. The third func-
tion, PuzSol, involves decrypting k using the repeated
squaring method. The puzzle solver must compute
t sequential iterations to recover k, highlighting the
inherent property that even with multiprocessing ca-
pabilities, it is not feasible to decrypt the key in less
than T iterations and with t 1 iterations. Finally,
the decrypted k is used to decrypt the message m us-
ing AES. See the result of the TLP implementation in
Analytical Evaluation of Time-Based Cryptography
TLP - Pseudo-code:
INPUT : m (message), T (Time), λ (security parameter)
(encrypted message), C
(puzzle-encrypted key), a (random number), t (iterations)
puzzle gen time, decrypted message, puzzle sol time
// PuzzleGen
START timer
a Random number in range [2,n 1]
k Generate random 160-bit key
AES Encrypt(k,m) // Encrypt the message using AES with key k
b Modular Exponentiation(a, 2
, n) // Compute b = a
mod n
(k + b) mod n // Generate the puzzle-encrypted key
ST OP timer
puzzle gen time End timer - Start timer
// PuzzleSol
START timer
b a // Initialize b with the random value a
b (b
) mod n // Perform modular squaring t times
k (C
b) mod n // Recover the key
decrypted message AES Decrypt(k,C
) // Decrypt the message using AES
ST OP timer
puzzle sol time End timer - Start timer
,a,puzzle gen time, decrypted message, puzzle sol time
VDF - Pseudo-code:
INPUT: λ (security parameter), T (delay factor), m (message)
OUTPUT: n (RSA modulus), t (challenge difficulty), y (result), h
(hashed next prime), π (proof), x (hashed input)
eval time, veri f y time
// Eval Phase
START timer
x Cryptographic hash of (m,k)
y x
FOR i 1 T O t DO
y (y
) mod n
Next prime of (x + y)
π (x
) mod n
ST OP timer
eval time End timer - Start timer
,π,x, eval time
// Verify Phase
START timer
r 2
mod h
) mod n
) mod n
· y
) mod n
ST OP timer
veri f y time End timer - Start timer
== Next prime of (x + y
),veri f y time
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
3.2 VDF Implementation
The verifiable delay function (VDF) is also effi-
ciently implemented using Python pycryptodome li-
brary. The implementation includes a Setup func-
tion that generates security parameters and defines
hash functions. Within the Eval algorithm, the mes-
sage m is processed through the hash function, fol-
lowed by the application of repeated squaring to the
hashed value to produce y. Concurrently, π is gener-
ated—despite being resource-intensive, this task can
be optimized through parallelism. The calculation
of y adheres to the predetermined temporal require-
ments, while π is calculated efficiently and concur-
rently. The derivation of π is pivotal to the efficacy of
VDF, serving as a proof to validate the correctness of
the computed result, thus avoiding the need to calcu-
late the inverse of the function Eval. See the result of
the VDF implementation in Github.
4.1 Complexity Analysis
The experiments were run on an Intel I3 processor
with 512GB hard disk drive and 4GB of RAM. The
security parameter λ is designated as 2048 bits, ensur-
ing a 112-bit security level, also tested with 3072 bits,
providing 128-bit security. The analysis’s target du-
ration is 5 seconds (adaptable). Tables 1, 2, and Fig-
ure 2 show a detailed evaluation and comparison of
the computation complexity of TLP and VDF. In Ta-
ble 1, R represents the number of runs, and R
is the
average of 8 runs, and T is the computational time ref-
erencing R
. Since these computational comparisons
are among two TBC schemes, VDF and TLP, eight
runs are sufficient for an accurate evaluation analysis.
An essential aspect of benchmarking the TBC
schemes is the assessment of communication and
storage complexities. We evaluated storage and trans-
mission overheads, as detailed in Table 3. In this ta-
ble, |params| signifies the security parameters, which
include |Z
| as the size of n, while |Z
| and |Z
| de-
note the sizes of the primes p and q, respectively. C
is cipher text, t is difficulty/iterations parameter, k is
key for TLP. In the case of VDF, π is proof, x is hash
function output, and l is a factor for verification. The
source code employed for the analysis of communi-
cation overhead is available in Github.
4.2 Security Analysis
The security of both time-locked puzzles and verifi-
able delay functions is fundamentally based on the
difficulty of sequential computations that cannot be
parallelized. Both constructs enforce a computational
delay resistant to brute-force and parallelization at-
tacks using the RSA assumption and sequential squar-
ing operations. These properties make TLP and VDF
robust tools for applications requiring timed release of
information or verifiable computational delays. Refer
to (Boneh et al., 2018) (Abram et al., 2024) (Baum
et al., 2024) for more details on the security proof and
analysis of TBC under various security models and
definitions such as one-way, indistinguishability, cir-
cuit classes, linearly homomorphic, programmability,
and efficiency.
Definition 1. The security of TLPs relies primarily
on the infeasibility of parallelizing the puzzle-solving
1. Assumptions
RSA Assumption: The security of TLP relies
on the difficulty of factoring the product of two
large prime numbers, n = pq.
Sequential Squaring: The time-lock puzzle re-
lies on the difficulty of performing a large num-
ber of sequential squaring, which is inherently
sequential and cannot be parallelized.
2. Analysis
Puzzle Generation:
The puzzle generation process involves choos-
ing large primes p and q, computing n and
The difficulty parameter t is determined by the
desired time delay T and the squaring speed S.
Hardness of Puzzle:
The core of the TLP is based on the modular
exponentiation C
= k + a
mod n.
Solving this puzzle requires computing a
mod n, which takes approximately t sequen-
tial squarings.
Without knowing φ(n), an adversary cannot
speed up this computation, ensuring the delay.
3. Resistance to Attacks
Brute Force: Due to the sequential nature of the
squaring, brute-forcing the solution within the
given time frame is computationally infeasible.
Parallelization: The sequential squaring opera-
tion cannot be parallelized, ensuring the delay
is enforced even with multiple processors.
Analytical Evaluation of Time-Based Cryptography
Definition 2. The security of VDF squarings is fun-
damentally based on the guarantee that evaluating
the function requires a specific, non-parallelizable se-
quence of operations.
1. Assumptions
Strong RSA Assumption: Similar to TLP, the
VDF’s security relies on the hardness of fac-
toring large composite numbers.
Sequential Work: The security of VDF relies
on the sequential nature of the delay function,
which involves repeated squaring or other non-
parallelized operations.
2. Analysis
Function Evaluation:
The evaluation function involves computing
y = x
mod n for a given input x, which takes
t sequential steps.
The proof π generated as part of the VDF en-
sures that the computation was performed cor-
Hardness of Evaluation:
The evaluation process requires t sequential
operations, similar to the squarings in TLP.
The hash function H and the next-prime func-
tion H
add complexity to the evaluation, en-
suring the delay is enforced.
3. Resistance to Attacks
Parallelization: Like TLP, the VDF is resistant
to parallel attacks due to the inherently sequen-
tial nature of the delay function.
Verification: The output y and proof π can be
efficiently verified, ensuring that the delay was
correctly applied without needing to repeat the
entire computation.
The experimental results show the practical feasibil-
ity and efficiency of both TLP and VDF implementa-
tions concerning their computational overhead, secu-
rity parameters, and the functionality of these crypto-
graphic primitives. The results also show that TLP is
relatively easy to deploy and introduces high compu-
tational delays since the functions it needs to perform
are primarily sequential. VDF allows for efficient ver-
ification mechanisms but is resource-intensive during
the evaluation phase. TLP ensures resistance to paral-
lelization attacks, while VDF guarantees uniqueness
and verifiable delays. In summary, whether to apply
TLP or VDF depends on the specific application re-
quirements and resource constraints.
The concept of TLPs described earlier states that a
puzzle can be easily constructed, but solving a puzzle
takes t sequential steps, and puzzles cannot be solved
with the help of multiprocessing or concurrency. The
TLP is helpful in applications where the messages
can only be recovered after the desired time, such as
bit-commitment protocols, auctions, and seal-bid pro-
cesses. Some application areas where TLP has been
deployed and used include time-release TRD, time-
release cryptography, and time commitment schemes.
Since VDF is inherently sequential, the evaluation
phase cannot be parallelized. However, verification
is done effectively with the help of proof. This helps
reduce trust by using delay-based cryptography and
increases fairness. VDFs are based on deterministic
delays, which are predictable and unavoidable. Re-
peated squaring in RSA is the fundamental element
used in the security of VDFs. VDF has broad appli-
cations in blockchain technology and distributed envi-
ronments, wherever decision-making applications are
concerned. VDF implementations are made by gen-
erating a challenge that is hard to verify but easy to
verify using the proof-of-work system.
5.1 Complexity Analysis
The computation analysis of TLP and VDF reveals
notable differences in efficiency across various stages.
Based on the complexity evaluation and comparisons
in Table 2 and Figure 2, we notice that TLP is more
straightforward to implement but suffers substantial
computational delays attributable to sequential oper-
ations. The setup time for both TLP and VDF was
measured at 1051 ms. Generation and evaluation of
TLP puzzles required an additional 353 ms, and the
puzzle solving and verification phase took 5469 ms,
resulting in a total time of 6873 ms. In contrast, the
evaluation phase of VDF lasted 5584 ms, but its ver-
ification process required only 153 ms, resulting in a
total time of 6788 ms.
Based on Figure 2 and the implementation in
Github, the complexity analysis (running time) of
TLP and VDF highlights key differences. TLPs re-
quire minimal generation time but are computation-
ally intensive to solve, as evidenced by a 5.66-second
solution time for repeated squaring operations. VDFs,
while taking a similar amount of time for the initial
evaluation of 5.49 seconds, excel with a much faster
verification process, taking only 0.05 seconds. This
difference makes VDFs more practical for scenarios
where swift verification is essential, whereas TLPs
are better suited for applications where delayed de-
cryption is prioritized.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Notations of operations computation complexity (ms).
Notations Operations R
Setup 423 437 451 421 467 444 458 417 447
: Enc
(m) 121 137 135 149 118 154 161 148 141
: Enc(k) 211 198 207 218 196 223 217 198 212
F : (T, n) S 1000 1001 981 1002 991 1003 1021 1011 1004
k : Dec(C
) 5139 5224 5371 5234 5452 5542 5378 5451 5318
m : Dec
) 134 156 145 149 153 137 158 161 151
H1 : (0, 1)
23 31 27 19 24 27 32 22 26
H2 : (0, 1)
14 16 11 18 14 16 11 11 14
Eval(n,t,m) y,π 5623 5387 5678 5765 5421 5345 5339 5678 5544
Veri f y(π,t,l,n) V /IV 151 142 137 154 165 152 161 141 153
Table 2: TBC computation efficiency comparisons (ms).
Algorithms T LP V DF
Setup T
+ T
= 1051 T
+ T
= 1051
Gen/Eval T
+ T
= 353 T
+ T
+ T
= 5584
Sol/Veri f y T
+ T
= 5469 T
= 153
Total 6873 6788
Table 3: TBC communication efficiency comparisons (bits).
Approach Storage Transmission Total
T LP |params| + 2|C| + |a| + |t| + |k| =
2|C| + |a|+ |t| = 7568 22560
V DF |params| + |π| + |y| + |x| + |l| +
|t| = 18112
|π| + |x| + |l| = 6976 25088
Gen/Eval Sol/Veri f y
Computation (ms)
Figure 2: TBC computation efficiency comparisons (ms).
Analytical Evaluation of Time-Based Cryptography
Table 4: Comparison of time-based cryptography techniques.
Aspect TLP VDF
Purpose Time-delayed data access Predictable delay with quick ver-
Key Features Sequential, non-parallelizable Sequential, efficient verification
Complexity Moderate computational demand High during evaluation, low in
Use Cases Auctions, time-release encryp-
Blockchain, randomness beacons
Advantages Simple, effective for delays Fast verification, suitable for de-
centralized systems
Disadvantages Vulnerable to parallel attacks Resource-intensive evaluation
Security Vulnerable if not implemented
More secure, but requires careful
For the communication and storage overhead, the
analysis in Table 3, reveals that the adopted TLP and
VDF exhibit minor differences in terms of overhead
complexity. TLP consists of a total of 22,560 bits,
with a transmission requirement of 7,568 bits. In con-
trast, VDF encompasses 25,088 bits in total. How-
ever, VDFs incur a transmission cost of only 6,976
bits, which enhances their bandwidth efficiency as
they primarily transmit proofs instead of complete en-
crypted data. While TLPs are characterized by a less
complex structure, VDFs demonstrate some minor su-
perior efficacy in specific scenarios.
According to the above comparisons, TLP is an ef-
ficient algorithm in setup and evaluation but requires
longer solving and verification due to its sequential
processing nature. VDF, in turn, provides higher ver-
ification speed against a longer evaluation phase and
is, therefore, suitable for applications requiring a ver-
ifiable delay with fast proof verification.
5.2 Use-Case Scenarios
TLPs are mainly applicable for scenarios that require
time-bound, such as sealed-bid auctions and time-
release encryption. In blockchain and distributed sys-
tems where predictable delay and efficient verification
are involved, VDFs find their vital applications (Mah-
moody et al., 2011). Despite significant advance-
ments in time-based cryptography, notable research
gaps persist, particularly in scalability, quantum resis-
tance, and real-world integration. Current implemen-
tations of TLPs and VDFs often require substantial
computational resources, limiting their scalability and
performance in large-scale deployments (Ephraim
et al., 2020). Furthermore, with the imminent threat
of quantum computing, developing quantum-resistant
alternatives to RSA-based schemes is crucial (Baseri
et al., 2024). In addition, practical deployment on, for
example, blockchain platforms also poses challenges
concerning usability and integration with existing in-
frastructure (Xue et al., 2024). Table 4 summarizes
some comparisons between TLP and VDF.
TBC practically permits the implementation of
precision time synchronization and packet delivery
guarantees for critical infrastructures. A use-case sce-
nario of TBC could be reducing the configuration
complexity in time-sensitive networks (TSNs) that
provide deterministic communications and synchro-
nization where the time/latency is a storage require-
ment, e.g., in some high-performance communication
systems, TSN will enable ultra-reliable low-latency
communication (URLCC) that is essential for appli-
cations such as remote surgery, augmented reality, 5G
networks, and smart grids (Xue et al., 2024). Also,
TSN is specially tailored for Industry 4.0 and the In-
dustrial Internet of Things (IIoT), where machines,
robots, and sensors must coordinate their actions with
millisecond-level accuracy. Deterministic communi-
cation ensures control commands reach machines and
sensors without delay, making automated production
lines efficient (Ramadan et al., 2016).
A more practical application lies in securely com-
bining TBCs with zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) to
securely hold specific confidential parameters for a
predetermined timeframe. This hybrid method effec-
tively counters emerging threats such as forward and
backward secrecy and replay attacks, thereby bolster-
ing session security in various applications, includ-
ing payment systems (Xue et al., 2024). Moreover,
long-duration time-lock puzzles, which can span sev-
eral days, face rising computational costs and the po-
tential obsolescence of cryptographic primitives. To
address these challenges, a scalable solution is pro-
posed through hierarchical time-lock puzzles that cre-
ate shorter puzzles in a layered approach. Alterna-
tively, consistently re-encrypting data with new cryp-
tographic keys can help maintain robust security over
prolonged periods (Medley, 2023).
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 3: TBC-based auction system - use case.
5.3 Future Directions
The potential future directions of TBC may con-
sider some scenarios that focus on applications related
to distributed and decentralized systems that require
real-time execution and operations (Pietrzak, 2019).
Future directions for TBC may include parallelization
of the algorithm for VDF to reduce computational
overhead high-security level. This may also be further
investigated with partial parallelization and develop-
ing special hardware such as ASIC / FPGA for better
performance (Ramadan and Raza, 2023). Therefore,
integration with blockchain can open up a new hori-
zon for applications in smart contracts and consensus
mechanisms. Energy efficiency is another important
consideration driving green cryptographic techniques
and efficient resource management strategies. Dif-
ferent adversarial model security analyses and formal
verification of TBC methods are essential advances
that need to be performed to discover vulnerabilities
and harden the security of the TBCs.
Recent research regarding post-quantum security
has increasingly focused on some alternatives to tra-
ditional time-based cryptography. For instance, TBC-
based lattice-based constructions that provide secure
short signature signatures and guarantee long-term se-
curity requirements are being developed alongside the
support of industrial standards and other regulations
that will allow for broader functionality and interoper-
ability for TBCs (Faleiro et al., 2024). This may also
provide viable quantum-resistant solutions for timed-
release protocols (TRPs) and verifiable delay func-
tions (VDFs). Nonetheless, such schemes are likely
to incur higher time costs. Further investigation is
necessary to validate the scalability and practicality
of these post-quantum techniques (Shim, 2021).
To address the disadvantages and challenges in
TLP and VDF, first, the computation delay in TLP
can be avoided by adapting partial parallelization
in noncritical parts, optimization of several phases
of the sequential squaring process so that efficiency
can be improved without compromising the inher-
ent time-lock properties (Rivest et al., 1996). Sec-
ondly, resource-intensive VDFs need to adopt spe-
cialized hardware that has so far shown great promise
in reducing computational resources associated with
VDF evaluation (Boneh et al., 2018). Finally, com-
bining VDFs with other TBC techniques, such as
zero-knowledge proofs or timed-release encryption,
will improve these constructions’ security and effi-
ciency. This would allow such a combination to take
full advantage of various cryptographic techniques,
thereby providing serious machinery for rooting out
all the vulnerabilities related to classical and quan-
tum threats. These approaches show the need for fur-
ther research into post-quantum cryptography and ef-
fective formal verification methods to keep TLP and
VDF secure and scalable in future cryptographic ap-
plications (Medley, 2023).
In the present paper, we provide an analytically in-
depth review of time-based cryptographic mecha-
nisms, namely time-lock puzzles (TLP) and verifi-
able delay functions (VDFs), regarding their theo-
retical explanations, implementation details, perfor-
mance metrics, and security considerations. These
results will be helpful as guidance to help future re-
search on the optimization of cryptographic systems
and to encourage secure time-bound applications re-
lated to blockchain, secure time-stamping, and dis-
tributed systems. TLP and VDF have different appli-
cations in cryptography, enjoying certain advantages
and limitations. TLP is most suitable in cases where
the encryption needs to be time-bound. At the same
time, VDF is ideal for applications for which verifi-
able delays and efficient proof mechanisms are neces-
sary. As discussed, future research will focus on an-
alyzing the optimization of computational efficiency
in TLP and VDF implementations and exploring new
application domains. Improvement in security prop-
erty analysis and resource reduction overhead remain
further areas for investigation.
Analytical Evaluation of Time-Based Cryptography
This work was supported by funding from the topic
Engineering Secure Systems of the Helmholtz As-
sociation (HGF) and by KASTEL Security Research
Labs (structure 46.23.02).
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