Table 5: Comparison of FDB-BEHO versus other optimization algorithms in terms of average selected number of features.
CLL SUB 111 2837,16 8502,69 5627,75 3042,80 5626,82 5638,17 2898,14 5645,71
colon 102,41 1008,31 943,96 446,08 944,82 943,82 269,14 962,33
leukemia 189,06 3473,45 3402,10 1184,12 3364,12 3391,89 450,22 3440,25
lung 130,45 1605,61 1561,96 626,45 1536,14 1558,65 366,61 1589,00
lung discrete 13,02 153,67 138,33 62,55 134,08 137,07 45,53 142,86
lymphoma 96,43 92,48 1850,75 636,55 1820,10 1879,19 84,02 1908,35
nci9 2172,55 2167,76 4797,90 2561,59 4800,18 4799,96 1876,92 4806,20
Prostate GE 387,94 2952,61 2890,92 1231,06 2878,24 2885,34 900,16 2919,59
SMK CAN 187 5522,69 15338,35 9969,24 5502,22 9944,98 9964,37 5124,49 10021,29
Table 6: p-values of the Wilcoxson test of FDB-BEHO-V versus other optimization algorithms (p ≥ 0.05 are underlined).
CLL SUB 111 1,83E-06 6,15E-10 2,80E-09 1,77E-09 8,27E-10 1,05E-09 5,14E-10
colon 5,14E-10 5,13E-10 5,14E-10 5,14E-10 5,13E-10 5,46E-10 5,14E-10
leukemia 5,14E-10 5,13E-10 5,14E-10 5,14E-10 5,14E-10 6,53E-10 5,14E-10
lung 5,14E-10 5,14E-10 5,14E-10 5,14E-10 5,13E-10 5,14E-10 5,13E-10
lung discrete 5,04E-10 5,00E-10 5,07E-10 5,09E-10 4,98E-10 5,09E-10 5,08E-10
lymphoma 0,0608 5,14E-10 5,14E-10 5,13E-10 5,13E-10 4,17E-08 5,14E-10
nci9 0,0608 8,77E-10 6,92E-09 5,15E-10 5,15E-10 2,44E-08 5,15E-10
Prostate GE 5,14E-10 5,14E-10 5,14E-10 5,14E-10 5,14E-10 5,79E-10 5,14E-10
SMK CAN 187 6,08E-02 5,15E-10 2,23E-09 5,15E-10 1,05E-09 4,42E-09 6,93E-10
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence