plementary perspectives of both the raw time series
and the spectrogram.
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of associating a robust classifier after extracting fea-
tures from EEG signals for classification into sleep
stages, as well as leveraging the different perspec-
tives these data provide. Indeed, this approach holds
promise for further exploration in a variety of prob-
lems involving biological signals in general, such as
the detection of anomalies in electrocardiograms, for
J. B. Florindo gratefully acknowledges the finan-
cial support of the S
ao Paulo Research Foundation
(FAPESP) (Grants #2024/01245-1 and #2020/09838-
0) and from National Council for Scientific and
Technological Development, Brazil (CNPq) (Grant
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Sleep-Stage Efficient Classification Using a Lightweight Self-Supervised Model