Protocol Design for in-Class Projects: Comparative Analysis of
EEG Signals Among Sexes
Shujauddin Syed
, Sifat Redwan Wahid
, Ted Pedersen
, Jack Quigley
and Arshia Khan
Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota Duluth, 1114 Kirby Drive, Duluth, MN, U.S.A.
Keywords: Project-Based Learning, Protocol Design, Pedagogy, Cognitive Performance, Signal Processing,
Abstract: This paper focuses on the development of a structured protocol to support undergraduate students in conduct-
ing in-class projects. Project-Based Learning (PBL) has gained recognition as an effective educational ap-
proach, offering students practical, hands-on experience and fostering a deeper understanding of the applica-
tion of theoretical concepts. Despite its advantages, undergraduate students often face challenges in success-
fully completing in-class projects due to the lack of well-defined protocols to guide their efforts. To address
this gap, we, a team of graduate students serving as teaching assistants (TAs), designed this protocol based
on their close interaction with undergraduates and an understanding of the challenges they face. This protocol
aims to enhance the ability of undergraduate students to complete their project in a systematic and structured
way. To demonstrate the implementation, we provide a step-by-step guide based on an in-class project
conducted as part of the “Sensors and IoT” course (CS4432/5432) at the University of Minnesota Duluth.
PBL is an educational approach where students en-
gage in an extended learning process by investigat-
ing and solving real-world problems or challenges
(Brundiers and Wiek, 2013; Krajcik, 2006). PBL is
one of the modern technologies that universities in
many parts of the world are adopting to develop en-
gineering graduates capable of being the practical ap-
plication oriented engineers needed in industry. This
pedagogical approach is well established and has
been reviewed extensively (Bell, 2010; Helle et al.,
2006; Thomas, 2010).
In PBL, students collaborate in teams over an ex-
tended period, applying critical thinking, problem-
solving, and research skills to produce tangible out-
comes or products.
Our research was motivated by the critical need to de-
velop a comprehensive, adaptable methodology for
undergraduate research that addresses the persistent
challenges in experiential learning. Traditional ed-
ucational approaches have increasingly struggled to
prepare students for the complex, interdisciplinary
de-mands of modern professional environments. By
uti-lizing neurological assessment techniques, we
aimed to create a robust protocol that not only
facilitates effective project-based learning but also
pro- vides insights into cognitive engagement across
different tasks and potential sex-based cognitive
Teaching assistants (TAs) work closely with un-
dergraduates and maintain a deep understanding of
the specific challenges they face while working on
projects. This close involvement allows TAs to de-
velop solutions that effectively address these needs.
Syed, S., Wahid, S. R., Pedersen, T., Quigley, J. and Khan, A.
Protocol Design for in-Class Projects: Comparative Analysis of EEG Signals Among Sexes.
DOI: 10.5220/0013369100003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 898-905
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Therefore, the protocol we have developed is de-
signed to be highly effective for undergraduate stu-
2.1 Neurological Foundations
The human brain’s remarkable plasticity allows for
diverse cognitive responses across different neural re-
gions. Our study specifically focused on four key
brain wave channels that correspond to distinct cog-
nitive states:
Alpha Waves: Associated with relaxation and
mental coordination, primarily observed in the
oc-cipital and parietal regions
Beta Waves: Linked to active thinking,
problem-solving, and focused mental activity,
predomi-nantly observed in the frontal and
temporal lobes
Theta Waves: Connected to creativity,
emotional processing, and memory formation,
primarily ac-tive in the limbic system
Delta Waves: Characteristic of deep sleep and
unconscious processing, typically associated
with the default mode network
2.1.1 Sex-Based Neurological Variations
Emerging research has increasingly highlighted po-
tential differences in neural signal activity between
males and females. A seminal study by Ingalhalikar et
al. (Ingalhalikar et al., 2013) demonstrated signifi-cant
structural and functional connectivity differences in
male and female brains. Specifically, their research
revealed that male brains tend to show more intra-
hemispheric connectivity, while female brains exhibit
greater inter-hemispheric connectivity, suggesting nu-
anced differences in cognitive processing.
We hypothesized that females might demonstrate
heightened neural responses in certain cognitive tasks,
particularly those involving:
Complex social cognition
Multi-tasking scenarios
Emotional intelligence-related activities
Fine motor skill coordination
This hypothesis builds upon previous research by
Cahill (Cahill, 2006), which suggested that hormonal
and structural differences can lead to varied cog-nitive
processing strategies between males and fe-males.
However, we approached this hypothesis with
methodological rigor, acknowledging the potential for
individual variability and the dangers of overgeneral-
In the context of the current academic and pro-
fessional landscape, traditional teaching methods of-
ten fall short in equipping students with the practi-cal
skills and hands-on experience that are required in the
current job market or graduate school. PBL has
emerged as an effective pedagogical approach to
bridge this gap, offering students valuable opportuni-
ties for experiential learning.
While graduate students commonly participate in
projects, undergraduate students often face
difficulties due to limited time, resource constraints,
unclear ex-pectations, and inadequate support.
Further, under-graduate students often lack the
experience required to effectively collaborate in
teams, leading to chal-lenges in communication,
coordination, and delega-tion of tasks. To address
these limitations, we de-signed a simplified yet
effective protocol for under-graduate students that
can help them in producing a successful project.
To address these limitations we design a
simplified yet effective protocol for undergraduate
students that can help them in producing a successful
Philip et al. (Sanger and Ziyatdinova, 2014) outlined
three common approaches for integrating projects
into Project-Based Learning (PBL) curricula. These
Demonstration-Type Competitive Projects:
These projects are designed primarily for
pedagogical purposes and are not typically
industry-based. Their objective is to teach and
practice project-related skills through
competitive yet instructional activities.
Focused Single-Discipline Projects: These are
embedded within specific courses and
concentrate on a particular academic discipline.
Multidisciplinary Capstone Projects: These are
typically senior-year projects that involve
tackling complex, open-ended problems, often
in collabo-ration with industry.
Zhang et al. (Zhang and Ma, 2023) conducted a
meta-analysis of 66 studies spanning two decades,
demonstrating that project-based learning signifi-
cantly enhances students’ academic performance, af-
fective attitudes, and critical thinking skills when
compared to traditional teaching methods.
Protocol Design for in-Class Projects: Comparative Analysis of EEG Signals Among Sexes
Vogler et al. (Vogler et al., 2018) conducted a
two-year qualitative study examining the learning
pro-cesses and outcomes of an interdisciplinary
project-based learning (PjBL) task involving
undergraduate students from three courses. The
findings highlighted the development of soft skills
(e.g., communication, collaboration) and hard skills
(e.g., programming, de-sign, market research) while
emphasizing the impor-tance of course design
improvements to fully achieve interdisciplinary
Cujba et al. (Cujba and Pifarre,´ 2024) per-formed
a quasi-experimental study involving 174 sec-ondary
students to examine the impact of innovative,
technology-enhanced, collaborative, and data-driven
project-based learning on attitudes toward statistics.
The experimental group showed reduced anxiety, in-
creased affect, and more positive attitudes toward us-
ing technology for learning statistics, while the con-
trol group exhibited no positive changes. The findings
highlight the potential of this instructional approach
to improve both statistical problem-solving skills and
students’ attitudes, emphasizing its educational sig-
Wurdinger et al. (Wurdinger and Rudolph, 2009)
conducted a study at a student-centered charter school
in Minnesota to explore definitions of success and the
teaching of life skills by surveying 147 alumni,
students, teachers, and parents. The results showed
that life skills such as creativity (94%) and the abil-
ity to find information (92%) were highly valued,
while academic skills like test taking (33%) and note
taking (39%) ranked lower. Despite this, 50% of
alumni graduated from college, above the national av-
erage. The study suggests that project-based learning
schools should integrate academic skill development
to better prepare students for college.
Rehman et al. (Rehman, 2023) highlight that PBL
enhances critical thinking, engagement, and practical
skills in computer science and engineering but faces
barriers like faculty resistance, resource constraints,
and assessment challenges. They propose addressing
these issues with training, resources, and evaluation
This study adopts a mixed-methods exploratory re-
search design within the Project-Based Learning
(PBL) paradigm, integrating both procedural inno-
vation and empirical investigation. We propose a
comprehensive protocol that goes beyond traditional
project management approaches by emphasizing sys-
tematic rigor, methodological transparency, and scal-
able educational intervention strategies.
5.1 Protocol Architecture
1. Preparatory Phase: Conceptualization and Design
Problem Identification:
Critical survey of research domain: Comprehen-
sive examination of existing literature, identifying
key theories, methodological approaches, and cur-
rent research gaps in neurocognitive performance
Identification of knowledge gaps:
Systematically analyzing unexplored intersections
between cog-nitive task performance, neural signal
variations, and interdisciplinary research
Articulating precise research questions: Devel-
oping focused, measurable inquiries that address
specific cognitive engagement and neural signal
correlations across diverse experimental tasks.
Comprehensive literature review: Conducting
an exhaustive review of peer-reviewed sources, syn-
thesizing theoretical frameworks, and establishing a
robust conceptual foundation for the study.
Methodological Calibration:
Systematic research design assessment: Critically
evaluating potential research methodologies, en-suring
alignment with research objectives and maximizing
scientific rigor and reproducibility.
Instrument selection and validation:
Meticulously selecting measurement tools and
validation pro-tocols to ensure precise, reliable data
collection across multiple cognitive engagement
Preliminary feasibility analysis: Conducting a
comprehensive assessment of resource require-
ments, technological capabilities, and potential
methodological constraints.
Epistemological alignment verification:
Ensuring theoretical consistency and methodological
coher-ence across experimental design, data
collection, and analytical frameworks.
2. Operational Framework Sampling Methodology:
Purposive, stratified sampling approach: Imple-
menting a carefully designed sampling strategy that
ensures representative participant selection based on
predefined cognitive and demographic criteria.
Demographic representativeness: Ensuring par-
ticipant diversity and balanced representation across
gender, age, and potential cognitive vari-ation
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Minimization of selection bias: Developing
rigor-ous recruitment protocols that mitigate potential
systemic biases in participant selection and data
5.2 Sensor Setup Design
Our approach utilizes advanced sensor fusion tech-
niques, strategically integrating multiple physiologi-
cal measurement modalities to enhance data compre-
hensiveness and interpretative depth. The BIOPAC
MP36 multi-modal sensor suite provided sophis-
ticated capabilities for high-resolution Electroen-
cephalographic (EEG) signal acquisition. Figure 2
represents the BIOPAC MP36 that we used for data
Figure 1: BIOPAC MP36 Data Acquisition Unit.
Figure 2: Eilik Robot for Sensor Fusion.
Analytical Strategy
Paired t-test statistical inference: Employing
comparative statistical techniques to assess sig-
nificant differences in neural signal characteristics
across experimental conditions.
95% confidence interval framework: Establish-
ing robust statistical confidence boundaries to val-
idate research findings and minimize Type I error
Degrees of freedom: Implementing a three-
parameter model specifically calibrated to the four-
channel EEG signal acquisition system, en-suring
precise statistical modeling.
Dimensional Analysis Approach
Our analysis diverge from traditional univariate
approaches by:
Examining multiple neuro-physiological dimen-
sions: Simultaneously investigating intercon-nected
neural signal characteristics to provide comprehensive
cognitive performance insights.
Investigating variations in signals from different
individuals: Analyzing inter-individual neural re-
sponse variability to understand cognitive pro-
cessing heterogeneity.
Mapping neural activity across specialized brain
regions: Developing detailed neural activation maps
to correlate specific cognitive tasks with lo-calized
brain function.
Correlating task-specific cognitive engagement:
Establishing nuanced relationships between ex-
perimental tasks and corresponding neural signal
5.3 Experimental Parameters
Sample Characteristics:
The research cohort consisted of four carefully se-
lected individuals, ensuring a controlled and focused
study. The group maintained a balanced gender repre-
sentation, with two male and two female participants,
to mitigate potential biases arising from gender-based
cognitive variations.
Experimental Tasks:
Strategic cognitive engagement (chess): Assess-
ing complex decision-making processes, strate-gic
planning, and cognitive resource allocation through
chess-based challenges.
Interactive robotic interface interaction with
Eilik: Exploring human-machine interaction
dynamics and adaptive cognitive responses in
technological engagement scenarios.
Physical motor performance tasks, pushups,
squats: Investigating neural signal variations dur-ing
structured physical exertion and motor skill
Memory and cognitive processing challenges:
Evaluating working memory capacity, informa-tion
processing speed, and cognitive flexibility by making
participants play a memory game.
Fine motor skill coordination assessment:
Ex-amining precise neuromuscular control, and
cognitive-motor integration by balancing a pencil.
This methodology is a conceptual blueprint for
optimizing educational research practices, by closing
the gap between theoretical understanding and practi-
cal implementation.
Protocol Design for in-Class Projects: Comparative Analysis of EEG Signals Among Sexes
Figure 3: Sample image from our data collection sessions.
Project Implementation Strategies.
6.1 Simplified Project Setup
The simplest way to establish an in-class project in-
Defining clear, measurable learning objectives:
Articulating specific, quantifiable goals that align
with course learning outcomes and provide a con-
crete framework for student research engagement.
Selecting a focused, achievable research
question: Identifying a narrow, manageable research
inquiry that balances academic rigor with practical
con-straints of in-class project limitations.
Establishing minimal viable technological
infras-tructure: Selecting cost-effective, accessible
tech-nological tools that support research objectives
without overwhelming student resources.
Creating a flexible yet structured project time-
line: Developing a comprehensive project sched-ule
that allows for iterative progress while main-taining
clear milestone achievements.
Providing clear guidelines for collaborative
work: Establishing transparent expectations,
communi-cation protocols, and collaborative
framework to maximize team productivity and
individual ac-countability.
6.2 Dealing with Small Sample Sizes
Handling small sample sizes requires careful strate-
gies to ensure reliable and meaningful results. One
approach is to use statistical techniques like boot-
strapping, which involves creating multiple simulated
datasets from the original data to estimate patterns
and variability. Another method is to focus on clear
and transparent reporting, explicitly outlining the lim-
itations of the study so that conclusions are inter-
preted with caution. Small studies can also be framed
as exploratory, aiming to generate ideas or
hypotheses for future research. Finally, researchers
can minimize bias by carefully designing the study,
controlling for key variables like age, gender, or other
relevant fac-tors to reduce noise in the results.
6.3 Navigating Inconclusive Research
Handling inconclusive results in academic projects
Recognizing negative results as scientifically
valuable: Repositioning inconclusive findings as
critical contributions to methodological under-
standing and future research design.
Documenting methodological insights:
Compre-hensively cataloging research challenges,
limita-tions, and unexpected outcomes to enhance
future investigative approaches.
Articulating limitations transparently: Providing
detailed, honest assessments of research constraints to
maintain academic credibility and re-search integrity.
Proposing future research directions:
Developing constructive recommendations for
subsequent in-vestigations based on current study’s
limitations and insights.
Maintaining academic integrity in reporting:
En-suring honest, comprehensive reporting of re-
search outcomes regardless of initial hypothetical
6.4 Data Collection Without Formal
Ethical strategies for preliminary human-subject data
Obtaining verbal or written informed consent:
Developing comprehensive participant informa-tion
protocols that prioritize individual autonomy and
voluntary participation.
Anonymizing participant data: Implementing
ro-bust data anonymization techniques to protect in-
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
dividual privacy and research participant confi-
Minimizing potential participant risks:
Conducting thorough risk assessments and
implementing protective measures to prevent
physical or psychological harm.
Limiting data collection to non-invasive
methods: Restricting research methodologies to
minimally intrusive data collection techniques that
prioritize participant well-being.
Providing clear opt-out mechanisms:
Establishing transparent participant withdrawal
protocols that respect individual autonomy
throughout the research process.
Maintaining strict confidentiality protocols:
Developing comprehensive data management
strategies that protect participant privacy and adhere
to ethical research standards.
6.5 Rapid Data Analysis Techniques
Efficient data processing involves utilizing pre-
configured data analysis scripts, using automated
cleaning protocols, and using machine learning pre-
processing techniques to streamline workflows and
improve accuracy. Modular frameworks enhance
flexibility and scalability, while advanced visualiza-
tion techniques enable rapid pattern recognition and
intuitive analysis. Together, these strategies ensure
re-liable, adaptable, and efficient data handling.
6.6 Neurological Task-Region
Correlation Rationale
Our activity selection for specific brain regions was
predicated on:
Established neuroscientific literature: Grounding
experimental design in comprehensive review of peer-
reviewed neurological research and established
cognitive mapping methodologies.
Neuroplasticity and cognitive engagement
principles: Incorporating contemporary understanding
of brain adaptability and task-specific neural net-work
Maximizing signal-to-noise ratio in neural
recordings: Strategically selecting experimental tasks
to optimize neural signal clarity and minimize po-
tential measurement artifacts.
Targeting regions with known functional
specialization: Focusing on brain regions with well-
documented correlations to specific cognitive pro-
cesses and performance metrics.
By integrating these practical considerations, we
enhance the methodological robustness and pedagog-
ical value of our research approach, transforming po-
tential challenges into opportunities for methodologi-
cal innovation.
7.1 EEG Signal Analysis Methodology
Our protocol for analyzing EEG signals involved a
comprehensive multi-channel approach using the
Biopac MP36 sensor system. We focused on four
distinct brain wave channels (Channels 40-43) cor-
responding to different neural activity states: Al-pha
(relaxation), Beta (active thinking), Delta (deep
sleep/unconscious), and Theta (creativity/emotional
processing) waves.
7.2 Data Analysis Mechanism
To ensure robust statistical analysis, we employed a
systematic data processing methodology:
Recorded EEG signals across five distinct
cognitive and physical tasks: chess, interaction with
Eilik robot, physical exercise, memory games, and
pencil balancing.
Calculated average frequency values for each
wave channel separately for male and female
represents the mean frequency for channel 𝑖
𝑛 is the number of measurements
represents the j-th measurement in channel 𝑖
Utilized a paired t-test at a 95% confidence
interval with three degrees of freedom to validate
potential gender-based neurological differences.
is the mean difference between paired observations
is the standard deviation of the differences
𝑛 is the sample size
Protocol Design for in-Class Projects: Comparative Analysis of EEG Signals Among Sexes
Figure 4: Our designed protocol for in-class projects of undergraduate students.
The paired t-test formula expanded:
7.3 Statistical Interpretation
Critically, our paired t-test results demonstrated that
the observed variations did not constitute statistically
significant differences. This finding is mathematically
represented by:
|  𝑡
represents the computed t-statistic
from our experimental data.
represents the threshold value at the
95% confidence interval.
Degrees of freedom (n = four channels):
𝑑𝑓 𝑛  1 3
Significance criteria:
𝑝 0.05
This suggests that while individual task
performances exhibited unique neurological
signatures, aggregate brain wave patterns remained
remarkably consistent across genders, with no
statistically significant neurological differentiation
7.4 Ethical Component
Throughout the research, we maintained stringent
ethical standards. We obtained formal consent from
the participants before conducting the experiments.
We ensured inclusivity and equal treatment of all
participants. We were attentive to minimizing
participant discomfort and remained sensitive to
gender-related considerations.
In this study, we have determined that the best way to
start and finish an in-class project within a span of a
short time is to implement a structured, yet flexible
project-based learning (PBL) approach that balances
systematic rigor with adaptive methodological
8.1 Key Findings and Insights
Our research yielded several critical insights into
undergraduate project management and cognitive
performance assessment:
The proposed protocol shows significant potential
for standardizing undergraduate research method-
ologies across disciplinary contexts.
Sensor fusion techniques provide a nuanced ap-
proach to understanding cognitive performance,
revealing subtle variations in neural signal pat-terns
that traditional methods might overlook.
8.2 Limitations and Future Research
While our study provides valuable insights, several
limitations warrant acknowledgment. The number of
small sample size (4 participants) really limits the
generalizability of the experiment. Increasing the
sample size and including participants from a diverse
age group can improve the effectiveness of the
results. But as our experiment was limited to the
classroom and we did not have IRB training to
experiment with human subjects we could not include
more training samples. Expanding this experiment
outside of the classroom can be a future-work for this
experiment. Furthermore, our experiments focused
on a specific set of cognitive tasks. Including a
diverse set of cog-nitive tasks can capture the brain
parts better.
Our research represents a significant step towards
developing a more systematic, technologically inte-
grated approach to undergraduate project-based
learn-ing. By combining rigorous methodological
frame-works with innovative technological tools, we
demon-strate the potential to transform traditional
educa-tional practices.
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
The proposed protocol is not just a procedural
guideline but a conceptual blueprint for optimizing
educational research practices. It bridges the critical
gap between theoretical understanding and practical
implementation, offering a scalable model for inter-
disciplinary project management.
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Protocol Design for in-Class Projects: Comparative Analysis of EEG Signals Among Sexes