Multi-Agent System for AI-Assisted Extraction of Narrative Arcs in TV
Roberto Balestri
and Guglielmo Pescatore
Department of the Arts, Universit
a di Bologna, Italy
Multi-Agent Systems, Narrative Analysis, TV Series, Computational Narratology, LLM.
Serialized TV shows are built on complex storylines that can be hard to track and evolve in ways that defy
straightforward analysis. This paper introduces a multi-agent system designed to extract and analyze these
narrative arcs. Tested on the first season of Grey’s Anatomy (ABC 2005-), the system identifies three types
of arcs: Anthology (self-contained), Soap (relationship-focused), and Genre-Specific (strictly related to the
series’ genre). Episodic progressions of these arcs are stored in both relational and semantic (vectorial)
databases, enabling structured analysis and comparison. To bridge the gap between automation and criti-
cal interpretation, the system is paired with a graphical interface that allows for human refinement using tools
to enhance and visualize the data. The system performed strongly in identifying Anthology Arcs and character
entities, but its reliance on textual paratexts (such as episode summaries) revealed limitations in recognizing
overlapping arcs and subtler dynamics. This approach highlights the potential of combining computational
and human expertise in narrative analysis. Beyond television, it offers promise for serialized written formats,
where the narrative resides entirely in the text. Future work will explore the integration of multimodal inputs,
such as dialogue and visuals, and expand testing across a wider range of genres to refine the system further.
The analysis of narrative structure has long been a fo-
cus of inquiry in both literary studies and media anal-
ysis. From Formalism and Structuralism to the more
contemporary methodologies of Classical and Post-
Classical Narratology, the study of narrative has cen-
tered on understanding the underlying relationships
and components that constitute storytelling (Ionescu,
2019). The process of narrative understanding mir-
rors other forms of comprehension: it involves iden-
tifying constituent elements and integrating them into
a coherent whole.
Television series pose unique challenges, with sto-
rylines interweaving over seasons, resisting straight-
forward categorization (Mittell, 2015). These ”nar-
rative arcs” are not singular or linear but distributed
across episodes and interconnected with other story-
lines. Some arcs conclude within an episode, while
others develop gradually, spanning seasons. Under-
standing these patterns requires approaches that can
identify connections and developments across diverse
temporal scales.
This paper introduces a multi-agent system de-
signed to assist in the extraction and mapping of nar-
rative arcs from serialized television content. The
system parses episode summaries to identify arcs and
their progressions, categorizing them into types such
as self-contained, interpersonal, or genre-specific
arcs. These arcs are stored in a relational database
and enriched with semantic embeddings in a vector
database. To test the system, we analyzed the first sea-
son of Grey’s Anatomy (ABC 2005-), comparing the
extracted arcs to those identified by a human scholar
familiar with the series.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 situates this study within the broader
context of narrative analysis and computational meth-
ods. Section 3 introduces the conceptual framework
for modeling and storing narrative arcs. Section 4
describes the technical infrastructure supporting the
system. Section 5 outlines the data collection and
preprocessing pipeline of the episodes’ plots. Sec-
tion 6 presents the multi-agent framework for extract-
ing and organizing narrative arcs. Section 7 explores
the graphical interface designed to facilitate human
oversight and refinement of the system’s outputs. Sec-
tion 8 evaluates the system’s performance, discusses
Balestri, R. and Pescatore, G.
Multi-Agent System for AI-Assisted Extraction of Narrative Arcs in TV Series.
DOI: 10.5220/0013369600003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 1, pages 663-670
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
its strengths and limitations, while 9 closes the paper
identifying potential improvement.
The GitHub repository containing the code and
the instructions to run the software are avail-
able at:
Assisted-Narrative-Arcs-Extraction-TV-Series .
The study of narrative structures and their evolution
has been a foundational area of research across disci-
plines, from literary theory to computational linguis-
tics. Movements such as Formalism and Structural-
ism in the 20th century explored the mechanics of sto-
rytelling, emphasizing recurring patterns and struc-
tures. Pioneering works like Propp’s analysis of Rus-
sian folktales (Propp, 2012) and Todorov’s structural
analysis (Todorov and Weinstein, 1969) established
frameworks that continue to inform both theoretical
and computational methods for narrative understand-
ing. In recent years, advances in natural language pro-
cessing (NLP) and machine learning have expanded
the scope of computational narrative studies (Piper
et al., 2021).
2.1 Advances in Computational
Narrative Analysis
Early computational methods, including Support Vec-
tor Machines (Hearst et al., 1998) and logistic regres-
sion (Vimal, 2020), struggled to capture the complex
relationships and temporal dynamics inherent in nar-
ratives (Young et al., 2018). The advent of deep learn-
ing, particularly recurrent neural networks (RNNs)
and convolutional neural networks (CNNs), marked
significant progress by enabling the modeling of se-
quential and local features in text (Yin et al., 2017).
Transformer-based models, such as GPT (Rad-
ford, 2018) and BERT (Vaswani, 2017), further rev-
olutionized the field with self-attention mechanisms
that capture long-range text dependencies. These
models leverage embeddings to represent semantic
relationships mathematically, enabling deeper narra-
tive understanding and generation (Haywood et al.,
2024). More recently, Retrieval-Augmented Genera-
tion (RAG) has improved narrative interpretation by
integrating external knowledge sources (Lewis et al.,
2.2 Temporal and Structural Analysis
of Narratives
Methods like sentiment analysis and topic model-
ing have been used to identify emotional arcs and
thematic progressions in narratives (Reagan et al.,
2016; Schmidt, 2015). However, advanced models
are needed to address non-linear temporal dynamics
and complex story turning points (Piper and Toubia,
2023). Concepts such as narrative flow, suspense, and
causality remain underexplored despite their impor-
tance for audience engagement (Wilmot and Keller,
Television series, with their layered and evolving
storylines, pose unique challenges for narrative analy-
sis. Unlike standalone stories, TV series often feature
arcs spanning multiple episodes or seasons, requir-
ing robust methods to identify and track these con-
nections (Mittell, 2015). While NLP techniques have
been employed to extract narrative elements and char-
acter interactions (Dalla Torre et al., 2023; Janosov,
2021; Bost et al., 2016), these methods often rely
on significant manual effort (Rocchi and Pescatore,
2.3 Multi-Agent Systems in Narrative
Large language models (LLMs) have shown poten-
tial in narrative generation and analysis (Zhao et al.,
2023). Multi-agent systems (MAS) further enhance
these capabilities by enabling collaborative task pro-
cessing. MAS have been used to advance fields such
as legal reasoning (Yuan et al., 2024) and scien-
tific theory development (Ghafarollahi and Buehler,
2024), as well as narrative generation (Aoki et al.,
By assigning specialized tasks to individual
agents, MAS facilitate the extraction of narrative arcs
and the tracking of their progression across episodes,
making them well-suited for analyzing serialized nar-
2.4 Narrative Arcs (Plotlines)
TV series diverge significantly from the classical nar-
ration model, relying on networks of interconnected
storylines rather than single linear plots (P
erez and
Ortiz, 2021). Serialized narratives operate through a
multi-layered structure that evolves across episodes
and seasons, creating a unique sense of depth and
continuity (Pescatore and Rocchi, 2019; Rocchi and
Pescatore, 2022; Degli Esposti and Pescatore, 2023).
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Narrative arcs in TV series can be categorized
into Anthology Plots, which resolve within a sin-
gle episode, and Running Plots, which span multi-
ple episodes or seasons. Running Plots include Soap
Plots, focusing on character relationships, and Genre-
Specific Plots, tied to the show’s thematic or profes-
sional elements, such as survival challenges in a zom-
bie series.
These categories build on the framework outlined
in (Pescatore and Rocchi, 2019), which uses the con-
cept of isotopy to ensure textual coherence (Greimas
et al., 1982). Episodic isotopies define Anthology
Plots, interpersonal and intrapersonal isotopies sus-
tain Soap Plots, and thematic isotopies characterize
Genre-Specific Plots.
To generalize this framework beyond medical dra-
mas, where Running Plots were initially defined as
Sentimental and Professional Plots (Pescatore and
Rocchi, 2019), we propose broader definitions appli-
cable to other serialized genres.
To analyze and document these arcs effectively, we
conceptualized a model that captures their key at-
tributes and episodic progressions in a structured for-
mat. Each arc is categorized into one of three types
based on its nature and scope:
Anthology Arcs, which are self-contained stories
resolved within a single episode, often centered
on genre-specific events or cases.
Genre-Specific Arcs, focusing on professional or
thematic elements tied to the series, such as work-
place dynamics or medical conflicts.
Soap Arcs, which explore interpersonal relation-
ships, personal growth, and emotional conflicts.
Each arc is defined by a title and description that
encapsulates its central theme or conflict. The main
characters driving the arc are identified, along with
the arc type, which provides context for its role within
the series. To track how arcs evolve over time, we
document their progressions, which capture episodic
developments relevant to each storyline. A progres-
sion specifies the episode and season where it occurs,
the interfering characters influencing the arc in that
context, and a concise description of the events ad-
vancing the storyline.
Summarizing, in our system, the object Narrative
Arc includes several fields. Each arc is assigned a
unique identifier (arc
id), along with a title and de-
scription encapsulating its central theme or conflict.
The arcs also contain progressions, which are a list of
Progression objects representing their developments
across episodes. Additionally, each arc identifies the
main characters driving the storyline, specifies the arc
type (Anthology, Soap, or Genre-Specific), and indi-
cates the series to which it belongs.
Each Progression is similarly structured with key
attributes. It is assigned a unique identifier (progres-
sion id) and is linked to its corresponding narrative
arc through the arc id. The progression includes a
description of the events related to the arc in the spe-
cific episode (Content), as well as information about
the series, season, and episode in which it occurs.
In this paper, ”LLM” refers specifically to the Ope-
nAI GPT-4o model, accessed via API. Data storage
was implemented using an SQLite database, while
embeddings were generated with the Cohere-embed-
english-v3.0 model and stored in a Chroma vector
database. The backend was developed in Python (ver-
sion 3.11), with FastAPI facilitating communication
between the backend and frontend, which was built
using the React JavaScript framework. Character en-
tities were extracted from episode plots using the
Spacy NLP model en core web trf.
Our software was designed to be generalizable across
various TV series genres. For testing, we focused on
the first season of Grey’s Anatomy, a choice motivated
by our team’s prior research on medical dramas. This
familiarity provided a solid foundation for evaluating
the software’s performance. The system requires only
episode summaries of a season to function effectively.
5.1 Episodes’ Plots Gathering
To develop and test the software, we sourced episode
summaries from the fan-maintained Grey’s Anatomy
Wiki (, which op-
erates under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike License (CC BY-SA). This license permits re-
search and commercial use with proper attribution.
The raw data was preprocessed to ensure standard-
ization and usability for analysis.
Multi-Agent System for AI-Assisted Extraction of Narrative Arcs in TV Series
5.2 Data Cleaning and Simplification
The preprocessing began with cleaning and simpli-
fying the episode summaries. Using the LLM, sen-
tences were rewritten in simpler, more structured
forms, emphasizing clarity by focusing on a single
character or event per sentence. Direct quotations
were avoided, and complex sentence structures were
replaced with concise descriptions. This process en-
sured the plots were easily interpretable and consis-
5.3 Character Entity Normalization
Character name variability was addressed by replac-
ing pronouns with corresponding character names,
guided by contextual analysis within a fifteen-
sentence window. The spaCy Transformer model was
used to extract character entities, and the LLM further
refined this output by resolving similar names and al-
ternative appellations. A character database was cre-
ated, containing unique identifiers, preferred names,
and alternative names for each character. The plots
were then standardized by replacing all character ref-
erences with their preferred names.
5.4 Season Plot Generation
To create a cohesive season-level summary, individ-
ual episode plots were first summarized using the
LLM. These summaries were then concatenated and
further summarized to produce a streamlined narra-
tive overview of the season. This two-step process
ensured the essential details of the narrative were re-
tained while providing a comprehensive summary.
This preprocessing pipeline transformed raw tex-
tual data into a structured format, enabling detailed
narrative analysis and ensuring the software’s appli-
cability across various TV series genres.
The narrative arc extraction process utilizes a multi-
agent system to analyze the episode plots. It iden-
tifies, categorizes, and refines narrative arcs, inte-
grating episodic storylines into a cohesive seasonal
framework. The workflow is sequential, with spe-
cialized agents performing tasks. The resulting arcs
and their progressions are stored in both a relational
database and a vector database, as detailed in Section
6.2. Figure 1 provides a visual representation of the
Figure 1: Narrative Arc Extraction Process.
6.1 Workflow Design
The extraction workflow is divided into stages, with
each stage handled by an autonomous agent. Each
agent focuses on a specific aspect of narrative analy-
sis, ensuring arcs are both episode-specific and sea-
sonally coherent. Results from prior episodes are in-
corporated to maintain continuity and account for the
evolving nature of serialized storytelling.
6.1.1 Agent 1 - Existing Season Arcs Identifier
This agent evaluates if arcs from previous episodes (if
present) are present in the current episode. If detected,
they are flagged as ”possibly present” and serve as
reference points for subsequent agents.
6.1.2 Agent 2 - Anthology Arc Extractor
This agent identifies self-contained, standalone story-
lines unique to the current episode. These arcs are
processed independently, as they do not contribute to
season-wide continuity.
6.1.3 Agent 3 - Soap and Genre-Specific Arc
This agent analyzes the episode plot to identify new
soap and genre-specific arcs and to validate arcs
flagged by Agent 1.
6.1.4 Agent 4 - Seasonal Arc Optimizer
This agent minimizes redundancy by analyzing soap
and genre-specific arcs for overlaps. It performs
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
stricter checks on ”possibly present” season arcs and
newly identified arcs, merging or refining them as
needed to maintain distinct scopes.
6.1.5 Agent 5 - Arc Deduplicator
All arcs extracted from the episode, including Anthol-
ogy Arcs, are reviewed for similarity. Overlapping
arcs are resolved through a disambiguation process.
For example, arcs identified as both Anthology and
Genre-Specific by separate agents are clarified by this
6.1.6 Agent 6 - Detail Enhancer
This agent enriches each arc with detailed contextual
information, including: main characters driving the
arc, supporting or interfering characters influencing
the arc in the episode, a concise description of the
arc’s episodic events (the ”progression”).
6.1.7 Agent 7 - Progression Verifier
The progressions of each arc are reviewed to ensure
specificity and relevance. This step ensures that sig-
nificant developments are captured without overlap-
ping with unrelated narratives.
6.1.8 Agent 8 - Character Role Verifier
This agent verifies and, if necessary, corrects the clas-
sification of characters as either main or interfering.
6.1.9 Agent 9 - Final Reviewer
A final verification ensures narrative consistency. Val-
idated arcs are stored in the database for future
episodes’ analysis.
6.2 Semantic Comparison and Arc
After analyzing each episode, embeddings are gener-
ated for the arcs. The embeddings represent the ”Ti-
tle” and ”Description” of each arc, while the ”Con-
tent” of the progression provides additional context.
These embeddings are compared against the vec-
tor database to identify semantically similar arcs. If
similarities are detected, an LLM determines whether
the arcs represent the same storyline or not. Based on
this determination, the system either stores them as
new arcs or links them as continuations of overarch-
ing plotlines.
Human input remains essential for refining the out-
puts of the multi-agent system. The graphical inter-
face is designed to facilitate this oversight and correc-
tion, balancing simplicity with advanced features. It
enables users to visualize, edit, regenerate, and ana-
lyze narrative arcs effectively.
7.1 Interface Overview
The interface is divided into three main sections:
Narrative Arc Timeline: Provides a visual repre-
sentation of how storylines evolve across episodes
in a season. Users can apply filters based on arc
type (Anthology, Genre-Specific, Soap) or associ-
ated characters.
Vector Store Explorer: Includes tools for visual-
izing arc embeddings using 3D PCA and displays
clusters of similar arcs.
Character Section: Allows users to explore ex-
tracted character entities, manage appellations, or
merge similar characters.
7.2 Key Features and Functionalities
7.2.1 Arc and Progression Visualization
Users can navigate narrative arcs through a tabular in-
terface, where rows represent arcs, and columns cor-
respond to episodes. Each cell displays the arc’s pro-
gression within a specific episode (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: The main view of the graphical interface.
Multi-Agent System for AI-Assisted Extraction of Narrative Arcs in TV Series
Figure 3: Form to add a new arc.
7.2.2 Arc Creation and Editing
Arcs can be created or edited via a dialog box (see
Figure 3). Users specify attributes such as title, de-
scription, and arc type, as well as main characters and
episodic progressions. Progressions can also be auto-
generated using AI for efficiency.
7.2.3 Arc Merging and Deduplication
For overlapping or semantically similar arcs, users
can compare them side-by-side and merge duplicates
to maintain consistency.
7.2.4 Progression Management
Users can manually create or edit episodic progres-
sions, which include episode-specific descriptions
and interfering characters. Alternatively, progressions
can be auto-generated and refined as needed.
7.2.5 Clustering and Semantic Analysis
Clustering tools group arcs based on semantic em-
beddings and display them in both tabular and 3D
PCA formats (see Figure 4). This feature helps users
identify thematic connections and detect arcs that the
multi-agent system incorrectly treated as distinct.
7.2.6 Character Management
The character panel enables users to view, edit, and
merge characters to ensure consistency across arcs. A
similarity threshold based on the Jaccard index (Ni-
Figure 4: 3D PCA visualizer for clustering arcs based on
semantic similarity.
Figure 5: Jaccard Index indicating potential duplicated
characters. In this example, the suggestion is a false pos-
wattanakul et al., 2013) highlights potential duplicate
characters for resolution. For example, Figure 5 illus-
trates a false positive where two different characters
with the same surname are identified as similar by the
8.1 Test Setup
The system’s performance was evaluated by com-
paring its extracted narrative arcs, based solely on
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
episode summaries (paratexts), with arcs identified
by a human scholar who analyzed the first season of
Grey’s Anatomy after watching each episode at least
Paratexts (Genette, 1997), such as episode plots,
fan fiction, plot maps, and similar materials, have
gained increasing significance in the Internet era
(Laukkanen, 2024). While these materials do not, by
their intrinsic nature, constitute the primary text it-
self, they provide scholars like us with valuable sup-
plementary resources for research and analysis.
The test was conducted across the entire season,
and the results were analyzed to assess both the sys-
tem’s capabilities and its limitations.
8.2 Results
The system demonstrated notable strength in its abil-
ity to perform LLM-aided character entity recognition
and linking. It successfully identified 62 character
entities within the test dataset, with 61 of these be-
ing correct. The single duplicate entry (”Frost” and
”Jerry Frost”) resulted from inconsistent naming in
the source material. Implementing a two-agent ver-
ification system could resolve such errors but would
increase computational costs.
In arc extraction, the system excelled in identify-
ing Anthology Arcs, achieving a precision of 89.3%
(25 out of 28 arcs correctly extracted).
However, challenges were observed with other arc
types. The system occasionally duplicated arcs or
failed to merge arcs representing the same storyline.
For example, the arcs:
”Izzie Stevens: Overcoming Past and Professional
”Izzie Stevens: Balancing Personal Life and Pro-
fessional Ambitions”
were treated as separate, whereas human analysis
considered them part of a unified storyline.
Conversely, the system overlooked the shared arc
of Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd’s relationship.
Instead, it identified only individual character arcs
for Meredith and Derek, effectively ”diluting” their
shared storyline within the personal arcs of each char-
Additionally, the system misclassified the ”Room-
mates Dynamics” arc, which involves Meredith, Izzie,
and George becoming roommates in the second
episode. This storyline was grouped under a broader
arc, ”Intern Dynamics: Friendship And Rivalry,
though human analysis deemed them distinct.
Progressions within arcs were generally consis-
tent with their titles and descriptions. However, they
were not always fully captured for specific episodes,
as episode summaries often omit minor developments
that a viewer might identify.
8.3 Impact of the Graphic Interface
The graphical interface proved highly effective in re-
fining the system’s outputs. It enabled human ana-
lysts to review, correct, and enhance extracted arcs
efficiently, with the assistance of LLM tools stream-
lining the correction process.
This project tackled the challenge of analyzing the in-
terwoven narrative arcs of serialized television. The
multi-agent system introduced represents a step to-
ward automating the traditionally manual process of
identifying and organizing narrative arcs for deeper
While the results are promising, they also reveal
limitations, particularly the reliance on textual para-
texts, such as episode summaries, as the primary in-
put. Summaries focus on major plot-driving events,
neglecting subtle details found in visuals, dialogue,
or other storytelling layers. Consequently, the system
occasionally misses overlapping arcs or blends dis-
tinct storylines.
However, this limitation also presents an oppor-
tunity. The system is particularly well-suited for se-
rialized written narratives, where all story elements
are text-based. Serialized novels, episodic web fic-
tion, and other text-driven storytelling formats elim-
inate the multimodal challenges of TV series, offer-
ing a clearer field for arc extraction and progression
mapping. With minor adjustments, the workflow can
be adapted to handle chapters, segments, or seman-
tic chunks of text (Qu et al., 2024), treating them as
”episodes” to track storylines over an extended series.
Future work will enhance the system by integrat-
ing richer inputs such as subtitles, scene descriptions,
and multimodal data. Refinements to the multi-agent
system are also needed to improve reliability, particu-
larly in managing overlapping arcs and deduplication.
Expanding testing across diverse genres will further
refine the system’s versatility and applicability.
Ultimately, the combination of automation and
human oversight remains indispensable. While ma-
chines excel at processing and organizing large
datasets, human interpretation continues to provide
the understanding required for meaningful narrative
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence