mAP@0.50. Among the methods evaluated, image
compositing stood out as the most effective in terms
of performance, achieving the highest precision and
recall scores, as well as the best mAP.
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mentation can significantly enhance the performance
of object detection models, even in the presence of
complex and imbalanced datasets. Moving forward,
we plan to further refine and optimize the augmen-
tation strategies, combining them with cutting-edge
techniques such as generative adversarial networks
and semi-supervised learning methods. Additionally,
extending our approach to larger datasets and applying
it across other domains, such as autonomous vehicles
and medical imaging, presents an exciting direction for
future work. Our ultimate goal is to continue advanc-
ing the state-of-the-art in object detection, improving
both model accuracy and computational efficiency.
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications