Secure Opportunistic Routing Protocol in VANETs
Eqbal Darraji
, Iain Phillips
2 a
and Asma Adnane
Department of Computing, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq
Department of Computing, Loughborough University, U.K., {i.w.phillips, a.adnane}
Security, Trust, Opportunistic Routing, VANETs.
In this paper, we introduce a new trusted opportunistic routing protocol called Trusted Context-aware Op-
portunistic Routing (TCOR) which produces a secured routing for VANET and it is incorporated with a rec-
ommendation mechanism (TCOR-Rec). The proposed secure routing protocol aims to address the inherent
limitations in VANET routing, particularly the challenges associated with mobility metrics and the incorpora-
tion of trust metrics. By leveraging a comprehensive trust framework that integrates both direct and indirect
observation-based reputation systems, the protocol enhances the robustness and reliability of the routing pro-
cess. In addition, a similarity-based evaluation method is employed to assess the validity of recommendation
messages, facilitating the selection of the most trusted and reliable path. OMNET++ is used to implement
and simulate TCOR, which has proved its efficiency in comparison with other routing protocols (COR oppor-
tunistic protocol, AODV and trusted AODV). To simulate an adequate VANET environment and evaluate the
protocols under realistic conditions, different metrics and network parameters such as the network traffic pat-
tern, mobility pattern, and the fading propagation model have been used. The results have shown that TCOR
and TCOR-Rec outperform traditional routing protocols by approximately 9% and 15%, respectively, in terms
of packet delivery when the attacker nodes are involved in the network.
Secure routing in wireless communications has been
considered a challenging task, particularly in Mo-
bile Ad hoc Network (MANET) due to its character-
istics such as limited resources, open medium, and
distributed cooperation (Chandramouli et al., 2018).
Although applying cryptography and authentication
mechanisms achieves security that provides integrity
and confidentiality, it is impractical to implement
them in Ad hoc networks since it does not solve
the issue of cooperation and internal attacks. In re-
cent years, many researchers have been redirected to
achieve MANET routing security based on trust ap-
proaches to detect internal attacks and motivate nodes
to cooperate (Smriti Jain, 2017). Comparison studies
of cryptographic and trust-based mechanisms used in
secure routing protocols show that the former requires
more computation overhead (Kumar and Banerjee,
2017) and (Jhanjhi et al., 2022). In general, the neces-
sity of trust appears only in an environment with un-
certainty characteristic, such as e-commerce. In wire-
less communications, this feature is dominant among
network nodes due to their inability to collect in-
formation about nodes that are outside their sensing
range. There are many reasons that motivate the use
of reputation and trust-based systems as a security so-
lution for wireless networks, for example, individual-
ity of the node in MANETs, the lowest cost of pro-
ducing nodes in WSNs and cryptography failure in
the face of internal attacks (Luo and Lu, 2008).
In MANETs, there is no centralised control, and,
as a result, nodes are responsible for performing all
network operations. Since there is no shared atten-
tions and individuality of nodes, these nodes may
prefer to not cooperate. This misbehaviour (non-
cooperation) is either for selfish goals such as to save
resources, or malicious ones, for instance, denial of
services. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are
a subset of traditional MANETs in which nodes are
mobile and cooperate with each other to route and
relay packets. However, these nodes act indepen-
dently without central network management support,
increasing their chance of being malicious, leading to
high risks to safety applications. The importance of
routing in VANET and MANET environments for the
successful delivery of data packets and efficient sup-
Darraji, E., Phillips, I. and Adnane, A.
Secure Opportunistic Routing Protocol in VANETs.
DOI: 10.5220/0013371500003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 397-404
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
port for applications make security for routing proto-
cols the first crucial step to support VANET applica-
tions’ security.
In opportunistic routing (OR) protocols, there are rel-
atively few studies in the area that suggest trust mod-
els to improve the reliability of communication and
achieve security.
Wu et al. (Wu et al., 2017) proposed a Trust-based
Routing Protocol (TRP) to mitigate the impact of ma-
licious nodes in opportunistic networks. The proto-
col addresses black hole attacks by monitoring pre-
vious hop behavior and updating trust values, mini-
mizing the influence of older transactions. Recom-
mendations are based on direct trust from the recom-
mending node, but periodically exchanging opinions
from multiple nodes could improve the effectiveness
of the protocol. Bo et al. (Bo et al., 2011) suggested
an opportunistic routing protocol for MANETs. Hy-
brid observation (direct and indirect trust) is used to
compute the trust on the forwarding node. The cost
of the trusted route is calculated according to the
node’s proximity to the destination and its trust value.
In addition, the formulation of a trusted minimum-
cost routing algorithm (MCOR) is formally produced.
The same idea of MCOR was applied by Zhizhong
et al. (Zhizhong et al., 2012) to secure routing in
VANETs and devised Trust opportunity forwarding
mechanism(TMCOR). hizhong et al. (Zhizhong et al.,
2013) proposed a protocol where each node evaluates
the trustworthiness of its neighbors based on collected
data. Trusted neighbors are ranked by routing cost,
trust value, and distance to the destination to prevent
black-hole and grey-hole attacks. The protocol was
compared to the EXoR protocol (Biswas and Morris,
2004), which relies on link quality and distance met-
rics. However, comparing with an untrusted proto-
col like EXoR may not accurately reflect real perfor-
mance, particularly in terms of throughput and packet
delivery ratio.
Chuanhe et al. (Huangchuanhe, 2010) intro-
duced the Trust Opportunistic Routing (TOR) proto-
col, combining expected transmission count (ETX)
and trust metrics. ETX estimates link quality via
probe packets, while trust is based on the ratio of
received to forwarded messages. Candidates are se-
lected for the highest trust and lowest transmission
count, with RTS/CTS packets for coordination. TOR
excludes malicious nodes and is compared to the
ExOR protocol (Biswas and Morris, 2004). Li and
Das (Li and Das, 2013) developed a comprehensive
trust model to predict node behaviour, using posi-
tive feedback messages as evidence of forwarding be-
haviour. Trust and message delivery ability inform
forwarding decisions, with comparisons made with
the Prophet protocol. Elakkiya et al. (Elakkiya et al.,
2014) aimed to assess the information obtained, re-
lying on trust metrics and speed for the selection of
opportunistic hops. Direct information is collected
based on immediate acknowledgements, while rec-
ommendations are evaluated using a proposed for-
mula. Trusted Prophet (T-prophet) and AODV pro-
tocols were used for evaluation.
Salehi and Boukerche (Salehi and Boukerche,
2014) proposed combining trust and link delivery
probability into a single metric to enhance wireless
network security. Candidate nodes are selected based
on this metric, with a watchdog mechanism for mon-
itoring direct neighbors. Source nodes update trust
values and detect misbehaving nodes by monitor-
ing candidate behavior, while time-based coordina-
tion among candidates is utilized. An extension of
this work (Salehi et al., 2015) introduced a trust model
that incorporates geographical location, link quality,
and trust value as local metrics for hop selection, aim-
ing at a balanced selection that prioritises historical
data. The reputation model proposed in (Salehi and
Boukerche, 2014) was extended to incorporate rec-
ommendations from other nodes in evaluating trust
values (Salehi and Boukerche, 2015). The observa-
tion mechanism relies on ideal coordination among
the candidate nodes, where each node receives an
acknowledgement message when the candidate for-
warder transmits the packet and when the sender re-
ceives this acknowledgement.
Thorat et al. (Thorat and Kulkarni, 2015) pro-
pose a trust mechanism for the CORMAN opportunis-
tic routing protocol, relying on first-hand observation.
The top two candidates are selected by evaluating
all intermediate nodes toward the destination, using
global information to calculate a metric that combines
trust value and node proximity. Node reliability is as-
sessed using Bayesian derivation through promiscu-
ous packet forwarding monitoring, while ETX evalu-
ates the node’s closeness to the destination.
Trusted Context-aware Opportunistic Routing
(TCOR) is based on the previously suggested
Context-aware Opportunistic Routing (COR) (Zhao
et al., 2014a) (Zhao et al., 2014b). To enhance the
security of routing and stop malicious attacks, a trust
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
mechanism has been incorporated into opportunistic
routing to produce TCOR. TCOR uses the trust
metric in addition to the other context metrics such
as link quality, geographical location, and mobility
to make the routing decision. Trusted-Clear-To-
Broadcast (TCOR) follows the same steps as COR
with Data packets broadcast, trusted-CTB packet
generation, Trust-based Next-hop selection, and extra
elements added to the design.
The following steps are the key modules of the
TCOR protocol.
Data Packet Broadcast:
In this step, the source node starts broadcasting
a data packet when it is needed, location and the
destination are included. When a neighbour re-
ceives this packet, it will calculate the DFD, in-
clude it in the CTB packet and reply immediately
(which will be called Trusted CTB ”TCTB” in
TCOR). The source node will set a timer, which is
called a CTB timer, in order to get as many CTB
packets as possible from all the neighbours.
Trusted CTB Packet Generation:
A Trusted Clear-To-Broadcast (TCTB) control
packet is generated by the neighbour that receives
the broadcast data packet. Each neighbour receiv-
ing a data packet from a source node will imme-
diately reply with a TCTB packet without setting
a DFD timer, the TCTB includes the DFD value.
At the source node, all the TCTB packets received
within the CTB timer period will be saved in a
list (TCTB senders list) in order to select the best
next hop among TCTB senders after CTB timer
expires. This process will be repeated by each in-
termediate node that is selected as the best can-
didate (best next hop) until getting the generated
TCTB packet by the destination. The DFD is cal-
culated very similarly to COR protocol but the en-
ergy parameter was excluded due to no limitations
on energy consumption in VANET. The following
equation explains how the DFD is computed:
DFD = (α × LinkQuality+
β × Progress + δ×LIV E) × DFD
Trust-Based Next Hop Selection:
When the CTB timer expires, the source node will
select the best candidate from its TCTB senders
list, in terms of trust and quality of services, as
the next hop forwarder. The TCTB sender that
has the highest trust value will be selected as the
best next hop. When multiple TCTB senders have
the same trust value, the one with the lowest DFD
value will be selected as the best next hop.
Tear Down Timer:
A tear-down timer is used to maintain the stabil-
ity of connections for the selected route and se-
lect the more trusted route after a certain period.
The value of this period/timer can be determined
based on the network status (e.g. network con-
gestion and nodes’ mobility). This timer plays a
very important role in establishing a reliable and
trusted route as it helps a node rediscover a route
after a certain time based on trust and other con-
text parameters, such as link quality, progress, and
mobility. This timer will be started for each des-
tination, and when it expires, the (intermediate)
node will tear down all the information that has
about this destination: route, next-hop trust value
and other related buffers. Figure 1 describes the
process steps of Tear down timer.
Figure 1: Process steps of Tear down timer.
To accelerate the setup process of the trust system,
the first-hand trust information shared with other net-
work nodes periodically and according to a condi-
tion to avoid overhead communication and time de-
lay. The period of information sharing is selected
based on the CTB timer and updating the trust value.
However, this approach exposes the system to false
report attacks, making effective mitigation measures
essential. A common method to evaluate the trust-
worthiness of a recommending node is similarity (Bo
et al., 2011; Zhizhong et al., 2013), which measures
the alignment of opinions and recommendations from
multiple nodes regarding the observed node.
In this section, we will introduce the simulation de-
tails, as well as Trusted AODV (TAODV) which we
used as a comparison protocol with our proposed trust
routing TCOR.
Secure Opportunistic Routing Protocol in VANETs
4.1 Trusted AODV Routing
TAODV Routing Protocol was proposed by Kamel et
al.(Kamel et al., 2017) to detect black hole attack.
This trusted routing protocol uses the destination se-
quence number to detect the malicious node as the
attacker node tries to attract the source node by send-
ing a fake RREP message. The proposed mechanism
examined the safety status for each RREP message
received. Figure 2 illustrates the steps of the RREP
Each participating node in the network has a trust
level (TL) and malicious node tables (MN). TL de-
termines the level of trust for each node that partic-
ipates in the network routing activities. All partici-
pating nodes are at a trusted level in the initial stage
exactly 60. This level is updated during the simula-
tion on the basis of the safety status for each incoming
RREP message. To verify the validity of the incom-
ing RREP and its safety status, a threshold needs to
be defined. The threshold is calculated using formula
T h =
) (2)
Where N is the number of nodes in the routing
table of node (p). rpSeqNo is the dst sq no of the
destination node (i), rtSeqNo is the current sequence
number for destination node (i) in the routing table of
node (p).
In the AODV routing mechanism, routes are se-
lected based on the sequence number and hop count
to the destination. Upon receiving an RREP message,
the MN table is checked. If the originator node is
listed, the message is discarded; otherwise, its safety
status is evaluated using the formula 4 (Kamel et al.,
Seq = rpSeqNo
S = Seq α × T h (4)
Here α is the distance from the threshold that se-
cures the information. Based on the value S calculated
using formula 4, the incoming information will be de-
fined as safe or unsafe according to formula 5(Kamel
et al., 2017):
SecurityStatus =
I f S 0 Sa f e RREP
I f S > 0 unsa f e RREP
When an unsafe RREP message is detected, the
TL of the originating node will decrease by one. The
originating node will be inserted in the MT table when
its TL becomes negative.
Figure 2: RREP process steps of Trusted AODV (Kamel
et al., 2017).
4.2 Attacks Simulation
To evaluate the proposed trusted routing protocol,
misbehaving / attacker nodes must be added to the
network. There are many attackers that perpetrate
the network layer; however, only the most popular
attacks were implemented and taken part in the net-
work: Black hole and grey hole attacks. The attacks
were implemented in a sophisticated way, where the
attacker nodes behave normally in terms of route dis-
covery (exchanging control packets), for instance in
COR and AODV, they will reply with CTB and RREP,
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
respectively, in order to take part in the established
path. However, when they are involved in a selected
routing path, they will drop all data packets that pass
throw them. The grey hole attack was carried out to
drop 50 % of the data packets in a fluctuating manner.
Thus, the attacker nodes have the opportunity to be
selected as a router in order to be able to execute the
4.3 Simulation Environment
VEINS 4.5 platform has been utilised to configure
simulation experiments. This simulator emulates
the VANET environment by coupling OMNeT++ 5.0
(Varga and Hornig, 2008) and SUMO(Ben Mussa
et al., 2016)(DLR - Institute of Transportation Sys-
tems, 2015) to configure network simulation and road
traffic. The mobility model for the used map (Man-
hattan map) is generated using SUMO with a maxi-
mum speed limit of 14m/s. The packet delivery ra-
tio (PDR) and the end-to-end delay (e2edelay) (Zhao
et al., 2014a) are the metrics that were used to evalu-
ate the proposed protocol. PDR presents the relation-
ship between the data packets delivered to the desti-
nation application layer and the data packets transmit-
ted by sources. However, e2edelay presents the time
taken by the transmitted data packet from the source
to the destination.
The results of the simulation experiments that were
carried out with the routing protocols in an urban en-
vironment (Manhattan map 750×750m
) were evalu-
ated based on PDR and e2edelay. These experiments
were run ten times with 100 nodes randomly deployed
in the network, and each experiment took 120 seconds
to run. Multiple loads (10, 20 and 50 connections)
were tested, and these connections (source and des-
tination) were chosen randomly using the same seed
number on each run. An interval of each connection
was selected in a random manner that differs between
5 and 25 seconds for 10 pps of load 100 bytes to simu-
late the critical safety application. Figure 3 illustrates
the PDR of routing protocols with different load net-
In Figure 3, the COR and TCOR protocols
achieve the highest probability of data packet de-
livery, especially when the number of connections
increases and reaches approximately 13% higher
than the traditional routing protocols (AODV and
TAODV). This is due to the opportunistic feature of
these routing protocols (which confirms the motiva-
Figure 3: PDR of COR, AODV, TCOR and TAODV in
Manhattan map (100 nodes).
tion of this research study (Biswas and Morris, 2004;
Wang et al., 2012; Boukerche, 2009) to establish a
path (as the path is established when data packets
move) and to use multiple contexts of information to
make a route decision. In AODV, the path is estab-
lished before the start of sending data packets (send-
ing RREQ and waiting for RREP), which increases
the number of dropped packets in the network layer
due to the queue fullness and unavailability of routes.
TAODV performs the same way as AODV does, since
the modifications cannot affect its performance with-
out attacks.
Figure 4: Average of e2edelay with number of connections
without attacks.
Figure 4 illustrates the mean of e2edelay for each
tested routing protocol with multiple loads. The mean
of e2edelay was calculated for each run of the ex-
periment, and then the average was computed for all
the runs. As shown in that figure with AODV, the
packets take longer to be delivered in various sce-
narios (10, 20, and 50 connections). This is due to
the route initialisation process that starts route dis-
covery (start broadcasting a RREQ message and wait
until the RREP message is received) to establish a
path to the destination. As TAODV performs the
same way as AODV without attacks, it consumes
the same time delivering the packets. COR shows
Secure Opportunistic Routing Protocol in VANETs
the shortest e2edelay due to its dependence on mul-
tiple forwarders (multiple next hop) and uses multi-
ple items of context of information to select the next
hop. TCOR and COR are different because TCOR
sets a CTB timer to receive multiple replies from the
sender’s neighbours. In general, COR and TCOR out-
perform AODV and TAODV in terms of the packet
delivery ratio and the time it takes to deliver the pack-
ets to the destination. The routing protocol perfor-
mance results are analysed and discussed when the
network is under black hole or grey hole attacks.
The performance of AODV significantly declines
in terms of packet delivery ratio (PDR) as the
number of black hole attacks and network connec-
tions increases. The drop in AODV performance
is due to its discovery process and its mechanism
to establish a path and not incorporating any trust
TCOR outperforms the other routing protocols
tested in PDR and e2edelay as seen in figures
5, 6, 7. 11, 12 and 13. It performs bet-
ter than the other tested routing protocols by ap-
proximately 10%, particularly when the number
of connections is equivalent to 50 pairs. This is
due to its mechanism relying on the trust metric
along with contextual parameters, such as mobil-
ity, geographic location, and link quality, to make
the routing decision. It also achieves the shortest
e2edelay as it selects the more trusted neighbour
and the closest one to the destination as a next hop
TCOR incorporating recommendations (TCOR-
Rec) improves TCOR performance in terms of
PDR, as it helps the network nodes share their ex-
periences (direct trust) with their neighbours dur-
ing the path establishment without any further ex-
change messages (as the recommendations were
included in the control packets that are used to
discover a route). That improvement increases
by about 5% in the scenario where 50 pairs of
connections are exchanging data. In TCOR-Rec,
there is a slight increase in e2edelay compared to
TCOR because TCOR-Rec increases the number
of candidates’ neighbours, and thus it will be more
likely to select the more trusted neighbour even
though it is not the closest one.
TCOR defences against the black hole attacks by
detecting and excluding them from taking part in
the path establishment, and this is clear through
the increased amount in the PDR in comparison
with COR in all different urban scenarios (10, 20
and 50 connections) as illustrated in figures: 5, 6
and 7.
Figure 5: PDR of 10 connections with different number of
black hole attacks in Manhattan map.
Figure 6: PDR of 20 connections with different number of
black hole attacks in Manhattan map.
Figure 7: PDR of 50 connections with different number of
black hole attacks in Manhattan map.
The results show that the proposed trusted opportunis-
tic routing protocol (TCOR), which incorporates trust
and recommendations, outperforms COR, AODV, and
TAODV. By integrating trust and recommendation
metrics (TCOR and TCOR-Rec) in route selection,
TCOR improves packet delivery by up to 9% and
14%, respectively. Additionally, TCOR demonstrates
greater resilience to network topology changes and
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 8: PDR of 10 connections with different number of
grey hole attacks in Manhattan map.
Figure 9: PDR of 20 connections with different number of
grey hole attacks in Manhattan map.
Figure 10: PDR of 50 connections with different number of
grey hole attacks in Manhattan map.
routing issues, such as packet drops in black-hole or
grey-hole scenarios.
Experiments indicate that opportunistic routing
protocols outperform traditional AODV and TAODV
by approximately 15% in Packet Delivery Ratio and
end-to-end delay, even in the absence of network at-
tacks. This highlights their efficiency in reliably de-
livering data packets in highly dynamic wireless net-
As future work, VANET routing performance will
be further evaluated using additional metrics, such
Figure 11: E2e delay of 10 connections with different num-
ber of black hole attacks in Manhattan map.
Figure 12: E2e delay of 20 connections with different num-
ber of black hole attacks in Manhattan map.
Figure 13: E2e delay of 50 connections with different num-
ber of black hole attacks in Manhattan map.
as jitter, rejected packets, and dropped packets, to
achieve optimal QoS for time-critical applications.
In conclusion, the proposed TCOR protocol aligns
well with these characteristics and delivers promising
results, even in the presence of network issues, includ-
ing attacks.
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy